All of the CLEAR cheating pisses me off but what can you do?

Sore losing is what this is. Why do right wingers insist on disenfranchised voters being silenced?

These poll workers are VOLUNTEERS not paid shills. They are people of integrity serving their country for FREE and you accuse them of cheating? Shameful.

So glad Biden/Harris will bring class and dignity back to office
Boomers cry election fraud every election. Literally....EVERY one.

And the reason they believe it is because its statistically impossible for there not to be completely randomized pockets of it in an election with 150MILLION FUCKING PEOPLE

Stop whining.
Actually, we believe it is impossible to have more votes than registered voters because we are good at math. But that was before we learned of the latest Dem cheater technique called "same day registration".
Same day registration is allowed in many states.
It has been done for years

Can you show where any same day registrations are fraudulent?
Not sure what you call it when the votes are greater than the registered voters. I believe you called it delayed reporting. I have lived in a number of states and never had same day registration as an option. But I have lived in red states so......
We know President Trump was re-elected. The democrats know they can't attempt to impeach again with Republicans controlling the Senate, so stealing the election is there only choice, and this chaos was planned as Tom Fitton has been mentioning for months.

By the way, does everyone notice TDS folks deny the blatant and obvious evidence of the democrat voter fraud, but were gullible enough to believe the Russia Hoax that had no evidence to support it?
Sore losing is what this is. Why do right wingers insist on disenfranchised voters being silenced?

These poll workers are VOLUNTEERS not paid shills. They are people of integrity serving their country for FREE and you accuse them of cheating? Shameful.

So glad Biden/Harris will bring class and dignity back to office
How could they have integrity if they are Democrats?
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
Why is it so hard for you people to just wait until the count is over to start bitching? Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing. You don’t care about what’s fair. You care about winning. That’s it. As the counts are still going, what possible insight do you expect to get? You know a judge in PA ruled that the Trump campaign can watch the PA vote directly now. To that I say, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t hinder the counting process I don’t care. Afterwards if there is fraud, they could easily make the case to the courts.
If this election was fair with no funny business going on...we'd know who won by now.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.

Be patient, embrace gridlock the next 4 year's, and sabotage out of bounds Dimm governance every chance you get!
Trust me! You'll feel much better!!
Sore losing is what this is. Why do right wingers insist on disenfranchised voters being silenced?

These poll workers are VOLUNTEERS not paid shills. They are people of integrity serving their country for FREE and you accuse them of cheating? Shameful.

So glad Biden/Harris will bring class and dignity back to office

Biden repeatedly urges patience to allow the process to play out.
Trump is demanding more counting in States he is behind and an end to counting in States that he leads.

Who is cheating?
Here's a look at the 3 tumors that gave Illinois to Biden...

Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
there is no evidence of cheating. Stop it
Apparently not if you just don't want to see it. That's how you drooling idiots are controlled. You're told what to say, do and believe. Your ability to think and reason has been obliterated and replaced with blind obedience to your masters.
Btw: where did you hear about trump giving a speech in about 10 minutes now?
Sore losing is what this is. Why do right wingers insist on disenfranchised voters being silenced?

These poll workers are VOLUNTEERS not paid shills. They are people of integrity serving their country for FREE and you accuse them of cheating? Shameful.

So glad Biden/Harris will bring class and dignity back to office
Suuurrre. Must be why they are blocking windows ,not allowing poll watchers in and wheeling in boxes of ballots at 4:00 am when vote counting is “ allegedly” stopped for the night.
Biden even got some votes from the aliens in the Independence Day movie.

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