All of the CLEAR cheating pisses me off but what can you do?

Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
Why is it so hard for you people to just wait until the count is over to start bitching? Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing. You don’t care about what’s fair. You care about winning. That’s it. As the counts are still going, what possible insight do you expect to get? You know a judge in PA ruled that the Trump campaign can watch the PA vote directly now. To that I say, I don’t give a fuck. As long as they don’t hinder the counting process I don’t care. Afterwards if there is fraud, they could easily make the case to the courts.
If this election was fair with no funny business going on...we'd know who won by now.
Uh no mail in voting takes more time to process. You should be happy they take their time on them. If they were cheating they’d just blow through them.
They are trying to get mobs of Trumpbots to surround places where the votes are still being counted to intimidate the counters. Doesn't matter if any rumor is true or not, they just want you to reject the democratic process itself.
You mean the legal poll observers that were turned away in the cheater states??
No I mean the actual mobs of Trumpbots showing up to fuck with the counters. Tonight they will redouble their efforts.
Oh, sorry.....I am just concerned with allowing the legal ones in to observe.
Every counting place is full of observers from across the political spectrum. Quit falling for rumors so easy. It's OK to be a conservative but there is no requirement to be stupid about it.
Every place? Really? Perhaps now but actual stories out there from early on where that wasn't the case. But I suppose most of the ballots have been "counted" now so what damage can an observer do?
If you stay calm and wait for the smoke to clear you'll see a lot of those "actual stories" are just part of the smokescreen. The only one trying to steal the election is Trump with his baseless accusations and groundless legal challenges. you're saying that this is just Trump.
He's got this massive election fraud organization.....and he's trying to steal the election.
That must be why he did 15 rallies in 3 days....because he had this whole thing in the fucking bag already.
After the election he has no further reason to hold a rally unless he wins. It's the only part of the job he likes.
That's your opinion.....which is fucking useless because you rarely get a chance to see him at work....unless it's thru the filter of some TDS having asshole trashing the man.
Poor little Trumpy-bear. No one understands him. He lies because he loves us.
Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing.
Its because we know you are cheating
You keep using that word
I do not think you know what it means
Remember, kids, an honest election is where the Democrat wins. When the Republican wins, it's a dishonest election.

Right, rightwinger?

Burden of proof is on you
If there is it.
No proof is sufficient for you.
Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing.
Its because we know you are cheating
You keep using that word
I do not think you know what it means
Remember, kids, an honest election is where the Democrat wins. When the Republican wins, it's a dishonest election.

Right, rightwinger?

Burden of proof is on you
If there is it.
No proof is sufficient for you.
Lol you just don’t have any.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
We've got to go to war and fight for our independence all over again. It's a second Revolutionary War, not just a second Civil War.
Story after story on the news about nefarious shit. Some of which I'm sure is inaccurate but there's so much of it, it can't all be false.
I just turn off the TV and the radio because it's so damn depressing.
We've got to go to war and fight for our independence all over again. It's a second Revolutionary War, not just a second Civil War.
Lol you’re all such emotional drama queen snowflakes.
Simply put, it’s because you know you’re losing.
Its because we know you are cheating
How? Be specific. This shouldn’t be hard. Don’t speculate on what could be happening. We could do that all day long about anything. Tell us specifically what you KNOW is happening.

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