All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Dozens, if not hundreds, of Israelis are trying to get back to Israel from their homes abroad in order to join Operation Iron Swords against the Hamas terrorist organization that invaded the Jewish state Saturday.

Most airlines have canceled their flights to Israel due to the fighting, and these men, many of whom left the country years ago, are using social media and their networking skills to get on a plane – any plane – to fight for their families and friends.

Noy Live, 32, opened a WhatsApp group to aid reservists across the world find flights.

(full article online)

SWC Mourns the Loss of Lives, Prays for the Injured and Kidnapped
Message from the Simon Wiesenthal Center at the conclusion of the Jewish holidays of Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret:
The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) mourns the murder and maiming of hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians and soldiers during an unprovoked, sneak attack on Israeli sovereign territory by Hamas terrorists.

We call for the speedy recovery and the safe return of Israeli and American citizens kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in coordinated attacks unleashed by the Iranians and their Palestinian proxies.

Hamas, and those supporting and training them for this terrorist onslaught, must be charged with crimes against humanity by the international community.

The SWC is grateful to President Biden for his support including additional military assistance. At the same time, it is clear that the US must immediately snapback sanctions on the Iranian regime to choke off the financial backing that was so crucial to the terrorist onslaught.

We also urge UN Secretary-General António Guterres to immediately cancel the ongoing UN Human Rights Council’s open-ended inquiry which is nothing more than a kangaroo court to demonize and delegitimize the State of Israel.

In addition, all social media giants must immediately, carefully review their current rules which are often circumvented by Hamas terrorists and their supporters in pursuit of murdering more Jews.

Finally, it’s past due for the major donor nations to UNWRA to cut off all ”educational funds” to an institution whose facilities and educational program benefit only Hamas and like institutions.
Please share this message with family and friends. We will continue to update you in the days to come.
Agnes Callamard

Oct 7

is deeply alarmed by the mounting civilian death tolls in Gaza, Israel and the occupied West Bank and urgently call on all parties to the conflict to abide by international law and make every effort to avoid further civilian bloodshed.

Agnes Callamard

Oct 7

Under internat'l humanitarian law all sides in a conflict have a clear obligation to protect the lives of civilians caught up in the hostilities. Deliberately targeting civilians, carrying out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks which kill/injure civilians are war crimes

Agnes Callamard

Oct 7

Israel has a horrific track record of committing war crimes with impunity in previous wars on Gaza. Palestinian armed groups from Gaza must refrain from targeting civilians & using indiscriminate weapons as they have done and most intensively now, acts amounting to war crimes

יוסף חדאד - Yoseph Haddad


This is the Secretary General of the so called "human rights" organization Amnesty, just read this sick tweet to understand how biased this organization is against Israel she cant even mention the name of the terrorist organization Hamas and she can't even mention the actual war crimes that Hamas has been committing in the last 24 hr...No mention about the massacre that happened in Israel by HAMAS?No mention about the adults, the mothers, the children, the young men and women who were murdered in cold blood in their homes?No mention about the adults, the mothers, the children, the young men and women who were kidnapped to Gaza by the terrorists?No mention about the thousands of missiles that were fired at cities in Israel?Agnes Callamard, congratulations you are a true hypocrite!

The Israel Defense Forces says it is continuing to strike Palestinian terrorists infiltrating into Israel through the porous Gaza border.

Israel’s security barrier with the Gaza Strip has been heavily damaged since Hamas launched its attack on southern Israel, allowing terrorists to infiltrate.

The IDF publishes footage of several airstrikes against terrorists who were crossing into Israel overnight.

The Israel Defense Forces says it is continuing to strike Palestinian terrorists infiltrating into Israel through the porous Gaza border.

Israel’s security barrier with the Gaza Strip has been heavily damaged since Hamas launched its attack on southern Israel, allowing terrorists to infiltrate.

The IDF publishes footage of several airstrikes against terrorists who were crossing into Israel overnight.

It is not enough to bomb terrorist targets in Gaza. Experience has shown that unless Israel reoccupies Gaza and eliminates the terrorists these attacks will continue and become more serious.
The so-called "Palestinian Center for Human Rights" always tries to list all the casualties of every Gaza conflict - but they slavishly adhere to Hamas' rules not to list any dead terrorists, only people they can credibly claim to be civilians.

Their report for the first day of fighting says that the Gaza Ministry of Health claimed 256 Gazans killed in Israeli airstrikes.

But they list only about 60 deaths - meaning that they know that 200 of those killed were terrorists.

If that was the ratio of terrorists to civilians, it would already be amazing for an urban war. But that is not the whole story.

Because certainly some of the families killed were human shields for terrorist leaders. And Israel did target Hamas leader houses and offices:

At 12:40 [Sunday] : IOF warplanes bombed a densely populated area surrounding the office of Hamas Chief, Yahya Sinwar, and the vicinity of Palestine Stadium in central Gaza City. As a result, the Office was destroyed.

At 04:15: IOF warplanes bombed the 5-storey house of Hamas Leader Fathi Hammad in Beit Lahia housing project. As a result, the house, which sheltered 5 families, was destroyed. At 08:45: IOF warplanes bombed and destroyed another 2-storey house belonging to him in Jabalia.

At 06:55: IOF warplanes launched two missiles at the house of Hamas Leader Ghazi Hamad in Al-Geneina neighborhood in Rafah and destroyed it.

At 07:00: IOF warplanes bombed and destroyed the house of Hamas Leader Nizar ‘Awadallah in Al-Nasr neighborhood in northern Gaza, killing his son Muhammad.

At 07:00: IOF warplanes bombed and destroyed the 3-storey house of Hamas Leader Salah Bardawil in Al-Qarara, north of Khan Yunis. Also, nearby houses sustained damage.

At 07:30: IOF warplanes bombed the house of Hamas Leader Zakaria Abu Muammar in Ma’an area, east of Khan Yunis. As a result, the house was destroyed, and 5 persons sustained minor injuries.

Meanwhile, IOF warplanes fired two missiles at the house of Hamas Leader Isma’il Barhoum in Al-Geneina neighborhood in Rafah. As a result, the house was destroyed, and several minor injuries were reported.

The same intelligence that knows the Hamas leader houses knows what and who were in the other houses. The IDF is not in the business of bombing random civilian houses, no matter what NGOs like PCHR and HRW claim.

Beyond that, at least one Gazan was apparently killed by a Hamas rocket, based on their description:

At 14:30: a bomb fell in the Indonesian Hospital’s yard in Jabalia, killing Yusra Husni Salha (67) after she sustained shrapnel injuries, and causing damage to the hospital’s oxygen station.
When they don't claim that the bomb was dropped by Israel, that means even they know it was a Gaza rocket.

Between the human shields, Gaza groups choosing to place their military equipment in civilian areas, likely terrorists killed with families and the Gaza rockets that fall short, Israel is once again showing that it is adhering to international law in urban fighting far more than any nation that criticizes it ever has.

Watch Jonathan Greenblatt's (ADL) appearance on MSNBC right now telling what is actually going on, and where the failure really comes from.

( I will post it once the video is available)

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