All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[Mr. Abbas, you have a Billion Dollars stashed away. Help the people of Gaza. You are their President (cough, cough) ]

He said 6,150 Gaza-based employees of the Palestinian Authority would be affected.

After Hamas seized the territory in a near civil war in 2007, the PA continued to pay its former civil servants regular salaries but earlier this year reduced them.

Analysts say such moves are designed to create animosity towards Hamas in Gaza while slightly easing the PA's financial woes.

PA to force 6,000  Gaza employees to retire
[When murdering unarmed civilians is considered to be an act of bravery and courage ]

A newly released video shows Mayor Abu Sneineh on the hill overlooking the Jewish neighborhoods describing how he and three other Fatah members carried out the terrorist attack. He states:
"We looked for a large group of settlers so that there would be a big political response. We found this place and started deciding when we would carry out the operation. We chose the moment when Mustafa Khalil, prime minister of Egypt, would be holding political discussions in Herzliya. We decided that the terrorist attack would be carried out that night. We followed them and planned the attack for eight months. There were days when there were a lot of settlers, and others when there were less. I told my friends [other members of the terrorist group] that if there were less than 50 we would wait for the following week. We climbed down the steps. 100 or 50 meters... At this point, we threw four bombs on them. We shot at the first target and exchanged our ammunition with a machine gun and decided that we should conserve the ammunition. We were very enthusiastic... We had made our presence felt."

(full article online)

Hebron's New Mayor Brags About Terrorist Past
Qatari officials have reportedly apologized for having to expel Hamas officials, but said it came as a result of “external pressures.”
["Top Hamas commander, booted from Qatar, said hiding with Hezbollah", Times of Israel, July 3, 2017]Those last words got us boiling.

Qatar, a family-owned business operation camouflaged as a country, expects to be - and for the most part is - treated as a regular sovereign entity. Its royalty is received as your average noble rulers. But the bottom-line reality is that Qatar operates just like a thuggish Mob family and its Mafia culture does.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 04-Jul-17: Guess whose forgiveness Qatar is seeking for its latest steps on Islamist terror
In other words, Abu Diyab observed the normal everyday digs in the area - archaeological excavations that are under the strictest supervision of the Israel Antiquities Authority - and they moved rocks to get to their goal.

Everything else is from Abu Diyab's fevered imagination, which is enough to get him stories in not only the Gulf News but other Muslim media. And he gets paid to make up these stories as the head of a local committee to "defend Jerusalem," no doubt on the PA's payroll.

The idea that Jews are forging their history is a popular one among Arabs. Jordanians are particularly fond of that fantasy.

But isn't it precious when he invokes international conventions against desecrating holy places when thousands of priceless artifacts were destroyed when the Waqf removed tons of material from the Temple Mount, and the international community was silent?

(full article online)

Arabs uncover a new Talmudic plot to inject Jewish history in Islamic holy sites! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is an oft repeated poem that begins ‘first they came for the socialists’. It was refined over several years by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemölle as he described the general cowardice of German intellectuals during the rise to power of the Nazis. The central message is clear and it can be adapted easily to suit the person who wishes to use it. Given the background, Jews are always one of those they came for.

So what would happen if they did ‘come for the Jews’?

(full article online)

What if they were 'coming for the Jews'. What would you do?
The expectation of equal treatment goes back to the Oslo Accords' signing in September 1993, when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, representing his government, shook hands with Yasser Arafat, the much-despised chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, on the White House lawn. No one found that strange or inappropriate then, but things look different nearly a quarter-century later.

As the elected head of a democratic and sovereign government, Rabin never should have consented to Arafat, the henchman of an unofficial, dictatorial, murderous organization, being given equal status with himself.

Rather, he should have stayed aloof. Appearing together created a dysfunctional illusion of equivalence that over subsequent decades has became assumed, ingrained and unquestioned. This false equivalence has became even more inaccurate with time, as Israel has gone from one success to another and the Palestinian Authority has brought on a reign of ever-deeper anarchy, dependency, and repression.

(full article online)
Some 2.5 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards belonging to Jewish farmers near the community of Esh Kodesh in Benjamin, 25 miles north of Jerusalem, were cut down and vandalized last Saturday by Arabs, whose footsteps lead to the nearby village of Qusra.

(full article online)

Arabs Destroy Jewish Cabernet Sauvignon Vineyards in BenjaminThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 11 Tammuz 5777 – July 5, 2017 |
The article didn't say but is Cabernet Sauvignon an illegal settlement?
Yasser Arafat lied to President George W. Bush when he promised that he was no longer involved in terrorism or importing weapons into PA territories.

In January 2002, the Israeli Navy seized a Lebanese cargo ship — the Karine-A — that was en route to the Palestinian Authority. It contained Katyusha rockets, anti-tank missiles, sniper rifles, mines and 3,000 pounds of C4 explosive — enough to supply 300 suicide bombs. Israeli intelligence agencies provided US officials evidence of Arafat’s direct involvement in the shipment, but Arafat told Bush that he had “no knowledge of the Karine-A.”

“I am disappointed in Yasser Arafat,” President Bush said on January 25, 2002. A National Review article at the time quoted an Arab journalist who loved Bush, “because Arafat told him that he had nothing to do with the Karine-A, and Bush found out it was a lie. Everyone tolerates Arafat’s lies. But not Bush!”

The Karine-A affair triggered the Bush administration’s re-assessment of Arafat. In response, Bush called for Arafat’s removal from power — and refused to invite him to the White House.

But the greatest pack of lies were those heaped on President Bill Clinton. Arafat constantly told Clinton that he wanted “peace” — despite all evidence to the contrary. Former Clinton official Dennis Ross said that Abbas really wanted “a one-state solution…a single Arab state encompassing all of historic Palestine.”

While Arafat claimed to renounce terrorism and support peace with Israel, he was simply lying to Clinton. White House spokesman Jake Siewert summed it up best in January 2001: “In the end, words don’t matter here. Deeds do.”

(full article online)

The Pattern of Palestinian Lies to US Presidents
[Sharia Law, soon coming to a country near you ]

  • "While terrorism's origins have many factors, Islamic terrorists, as heinous as their acts are, they are often merely doing what the scriptures are telling them." — Tanveer Ahmed, Muslim psychiatrist.

  • In Australia, according to judges, women and children must accept sexual assaults because it is part of the "Islamic culture" of their attackers. It would seem that in parts of Australia, this "Islamic culture" has replaced the rule of law. None of the above, however, seems to be enough to appease Muslim sentiments. In March, Anne Aly, Australia's first female Muslim MP, said that racial-discrimination laws should be expanded to cover insults based on religion as well.

  • In March, a teacher at Punchbowl Primary School quit her job after she and her family received death threats from the children in the school, with some of them saying they would behead her. The teacher's complaints to the New South Wales Department of Education were dismissed.

    (full article online)

    Australia: The Madness Continues
[How low can they go? The death of Palestinians due to their leaders decisions to destroy Israel, is equal to what the Jews went through during the Holocaust. According to a Communist country. ]

Labor officials acknowledged Erekat's argument. "It's more or less true," admitted former Labor legislator Dalia Itzik. "Labor has made large strides in the realm of political equality over the decades, including the selection of Golda Meir as chairwoman, who became prime minister in the 1970's, and I served as Acting President of the country for a time. But when it comes to eligibility to vote in the Labor primary, the rules of party exclude those who have not paid membership dues and registered their membership, a requirement that effectively excludes the Palestinians."
She noted that the discriminatory nature of the requirement affects other minority groups. "We don't allow any non-citizens to vote in our elections, and I mean national elections, not just party primaries," she continued. "If you're a Russian citizen, but not an Israeli citizen, you're out of luck when it comes voting here. The same goes for citizens of Japan, Malaysia, Switzerland, Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, and literally hundreds of other countries: if you don't hold Israel citizenship, we don't let you vote here. Of course we discriminate."

Itzik also noted that she, as a non-Palestinian, cannot vote in Palestinian elections, but that fact alone is misleading, as Palestinians cannot vote in Palestinian elections either, having last held them in 2006, and thus Palestinians do not discriminate in that fashion against non-citizens.

(full article online)

Palestinians Cry 'Apartheid' Over Election Of Jew To Lead Israeli Labor (PreOccuped Territory) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ashrawi called Haley's opinions a "crusade." Three times she used that term, which is meant ti inflame Muslim passions more than to illuminate the truth.

But perhaps the funniest part of this diatribe is not just the PLO's panic, but Ashrawi's consistent referral to Haley as "Miss Haley." Five times Ashrawi refers to her with that title, rather than calling her "Ambassador Haley" as would be appropriate. In fact, she didn't refer to Haley as an ambassador once.

(full article online)

Does Hanan Ashrawi think Nikki Haley is unmarried? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yasser Arafat lied to President George W. Bush when he promised that he was no longer involved in terrorism or importing weapons into PA territories.

In January 2002, the Israeli Navy seized a Lebanese cargo ship — the Karine-A — that was en route to the Palestinian Authority. It contained Katyusha rockets, anti-tank missiles, sniper rifles, mines and 3,000 pounds of C4 explosive — enough to supply 300 suicide bombs. Israeli intelligence agencies provided US officials evidence of Arafat’s direct involvement in the shipment, but Arafat told Bush that he had “no knowledge of the Karine-A.”

“I am disappointed in Yasser Arafat,” President Bush said on January 25, 2002. A National Review article at the time quoted an Arab journalist who loved Bush, “because Arafat told him that he had nothing to do with the Karine-A, and Bush found out it was a lie. Everyone tolerates Arafat’s lies. But not Bush!”

The Karine-A affair triggered the Bush administration’s re-assessment of Arafat. In response, Bush called for Arafat’s removal from power — and refused to invite him to the White House.

But the greatest pack of lies were those heaped on President Bill Clinton. Arafat constantly told Clinton that he wanted “peace” — despite all evidence to the contrary. Former Clinton official Dennis Ross said that Abbas really wanted “a one-state solution…a single Arab state encompassing all of historic Palestine.”

While Arafat claimed to renounce terrorism and support peace with Israel, he was simply lying to Clinton. White House spokesman Jake Siewert summed it up best in January 2001: “In the end, words don’t matter here. Deeds do.”

(full article online)

The Pattern of Palestinian Lies to US Presidents
Arafat lies to a bunch of serial liars.


BTW, why should only on one side have to renounce terrorism? Why the double standard?
[How low can they go? The death of Palestinians due to their leaders decisions to destroy Israel, is equal to what the Jews went through during the Holocaust. According to a Communist country. ]

So this ass plays the holocaust card to excuse Israel's crimes.
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