All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Ashrawi called Haley's opinions a "crusade." Three times she used that term, which is meant ti inflame Muslim passions more than to illuminate the truth.

But perhaps the funniest part of this diatribe is not just the PLO's panic, but Ashrawi's consistent referral to Haley as "Miss Haley." Five times Ashrawi refers to her with that title, rather than calling her "Ambassador Haley" as would be appropriate. In fact, she didn't refer to Haley as an ambassador once.

(full article online)

Does Hanan Ashrawi think Nikki Haley is unmarried? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Miss Haley is a shill not an ambassador.
It's a disease that afflicts arabs-moslems.

It is not just mere coincidence that the gee-had Death Cultists in the islamist middle east have religious sur-names for their murderous boys clubs? Hezbollah, Fatah Al Islam, Islamic Brotherhood, etc., are just a few of these armed fascists.

Murdering 22 children is heroic, says PA TV - PMW Bulletins

PMW Bulletins
Murdering 22 children is heroic, says PA TV

PA TV glorifies Ma'alot massacre terrorists

who murdered 22 children and 4 adults
- "their souls float as Martyrs above the skies of Palestine"

Jenin district names street
after Ma'alot attack planner Khaled Nazzal
in response to Israel's removal
of monument honoring him in Jenin
Ashrawi called Haley's opinions a "crusade." Three times she used that term, which is meant ti inflame Muslim passions more than to illuminate the truth.

But perhaps the funniest part of this diatribe is not just the PLO's panic, but Ashrawi's consistent referral to Haley as "Miss Haley." Five times Ashrawi refers to her with that title, rather than calling her "Ambassador Haley" as would be appropriate. In fact, she didn't refer to Haley as an ambassador once.

(full article online)

Does Hanan Ashrawi think Nikki Haley is unmarried? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Miss Haley is a shill not an ambassador.

Ashrawi called Haley's opinions a "crusade." Three times she used that term, which is meant ti inflame Muslim passions more than to illuminate the truth.

But perhaps the funniest part of this diatribe is not just the PLO's panic, but Ashrawi's consistent referral to Haley as "Miss Haley." Five times Ashrawi refers to her with that title, rather than calling her "Ambassador Haley" as would be appropriate. In fact, she didn't refer to Haley as an ambassador once.

(full article online)

Does Hanan Ashrawi think Nikki Haley is unmarried? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Miss Haley is a shill not an ambassador.

Watch any of her videos.
Ashrawi called Haley's opinions a "crusade." Three times she used that term, which is meant ti inflame Muslim passions more than to illuminate the truth.

But perhaps the funniest part of this diatribe is not just the PLO's panic, but Ashrawi's consistent referral to Haley as "Miss Haley." Five times Ashrawi refers to her with that title, rather than calling her "Ambassador Haley" as would be appropriate. In fact, she didn't refer to Haley as an ambassador once.

(full article online)

Does Hanan Ashrawi think Nikki Haley is unmarried? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Miss Haley is a shill not an ambassador.

Watch any of her videos.

Your Joooo hating agenda makes you a poor candidate for assessing such things.
(There are no fewer than 22 UN agencies that work in the territories, not including another agency that is meant to coordinate the activities of the 22. )

Most of the document, predictably, blames the "occupation" for every problem. But when you dig into it, there are some interesting findings that are never publicized. And buried on page 101 we find this out:

Children suffer a relatively high degree of violence from parents and teachers in the form of corporal punishment. Palestine has one of the highest incidences of reported violent punishment in the Arab region: in 2014, 91.5% of 10-14 year olds reported experiencing psychological aggression or physical punishment during the previous month. In Gaza, 94.5% of children reported having experienced such aggression and punishment.

The footnote says, "In comparison, 79% of children in Iraq (2011), 64% of children in Sudan (2014), 86% of children in Algeria (2012-2013), and 93% of children in Tunisia (2011-2012) had experienced similar violence."

Palestinian children live with constant violence by their parents and teachers, the two sets of people who are supposed to protect them.

(full article online)

Where do Palestinian kids learn about violence? From their parents and teachers! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Former Mideast envoys whose lives are dedicated to creating a Palestinian state may not like to acknowledge it, but 26 of Israel’s 27 checkpoints are not in “Palestinian territory,” restricting the “movement” of Palestinians—they are at the border between Israel and PA-controlled territory. The purpose of Israel’s checkpoints is the same as the checkpoints that are located at every airport in the world—to make sure that passengers aren’t carrying any bombs, guns or other weapons with them. Briefly “controlling the movement” of people passing through a checkpoint does not make Israel an “occupier.”

(full article online)

‘Restricted’ Palestinians manage to reach their Israeli targets
  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!
[I am still waiting for the Israel Tennis Open to happen for the first time, after it got derailed by the 2014 Gaza war. Will it ever happen? ]

In fact, Sanders informs me, as the third-largest sporting event in the world, housing 10,000 athletes and attracting over 20,000 additional fans, the 20th Maccabiah Games is nothing short of a logistical masterpiece.

“You need to understand,” he says. “For example, the largest touring delegation in the world of sports is the US Summer Olympic delegation. What is that, 600 people, including athletes, coaches? This [Maccabiah US delegation] is 1,200. Logistically, it doesn’t make any difference what you’re moving, man. These are by far the largest delegations in the history of sports.”

Opening Thursday, the ‘Jewish Olympics’ is now world’s third largest sporting event
  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.
  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.

  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.

  • At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project – have enumerated the many and varied ways in which [Jibril] Rajoub – the secretary-general of the central committee of PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, the chairman of the Palestinian Olympic Committee and the head of the Supreme Council for Sport and Youth -- has violated FIFA's own Code of Ethics, "by promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of football in order to build a bridge for peace."

  • In July 2012, while addressing the launch of the first Forum for Arab women sports journalists, Rajoub referred to Jews and Israelis as "Satans" and "Zionist sons of bitches," adding, "Normalization with the occupation is impossible, impossible, impossible, with no exceptions..."

  • Rajoub is a serial violator and must be expelled from the organization. Swift action needs to be taken to oust Rajoub, and pressure should be put on the PA to replace him with a chairman whose passion for sports and sportsmanship is greater than his thirst for blood.
(full article online)

FIFA Supporting Terrorism?
At least five highly regarded non-governmental organizations -- Palestinian Media Watch, NGO Monitor, the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, UK Lawyers for Israel and the New York-based Lawfare Project
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.


Israel defending itself from Islamic terrorist attacks (Islamic terrorist acts of war), is what any other nations would do.

You still have this odd notion that those who share your muhammedan ideology have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terror.

As your video shows, there are consequences to acts of Islamist terrorism.
All of these Israeli propaganda organizations are complaining about Palestinians.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.


Israel defending itself from Islamic terrorist attacks (Islamic terrorist acts of war), is what any other nations would do.

You still have this odd notion that those who share your muhammedan ideology have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terror.

As your video shows, there are consequences to acts of Islamist terrorism.

Israel is defending itself from the people they are stealing from and killing.
Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.


Israel defending itself from Islamic terrorist attacks (Islamic terrorist acts of war), is what any other nations would do.

You still have this odd notion that those who share your muhammedan ideology have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terror.

As your video shows, there are consequences to acts of Islamist terrorism.

Israel is defending itself from the people they are stealing from and killing.

History, History, History is begging you to LEARN it, tin man.

Arabs have been the thieves of every land outside of Arabia for the past 1400 years, including the JEWISH ANCIENT HOMELAND, the Arabs have absolutely NO CLAIM TO.

No claim to:

Southern Spain
North Africa
Mesopotamia (Iraq)
Lebanon (ancient Phonecia)
The Land of Israel ( Ancient Canaan)

Go help the Arabs get out of most of the above places where they oppress and abuse, still, the indigenous people of those lands.

When Arabs steal and kill, you rejoice.

When the Arabs are kicked out of where they stole land and killed the indigenous people, you cry and lose your mind.

A tin man, by any definition.
Surprise, surprise, surprise !!!!

You have nothing but bellyaching to do.

By all means tin man

NEVER, EVER.....address the issue brought up in the article.

OK, with Israel's record they have no place to talk about Palestinian so called terrorism.


Israel defending itself from Islamic terrorist attacks (Islamic terrorist acts of war), is what any other nations would do.

You still have this odd notion that those who share your muhammedan ideology have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terror.

As your video shows, there are consequences to acts of Islamist terrorism.

Israel is defending itself from the people they are stealing from and killing.

Israel is defending itself from Islamist terrorism.

Your earlier video is an example of a consequence Arab-Moslem terrorists face for the choices they make.

How cool is it that you can parade around islamo-bodies as a way to promote your Joooooo hatreds?
Al Alam, Iran's state run Arabic media outlet, published an article today saying that the Saudi royal family is Jewish.

If you are interested in the stupid details, here's a Facebook page that describes the theory in English.

Iran, which strenuously pretends not to be antisemtiic, finds that the most effective way to insult its enemies is to call them Jewish.

Of course, the Al Saud family wants to do the same to those it is unhappy with as well. A Saudi prince named Badr Bin Saud, who is also a journalist, tweeted this picture of Turkish president Erdogan along with ISIS members last week.

(full article online)

Muslims continue to accuse their Muslim enemies of being Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Many of the Arabian tribes had converted from animism to both Judaism and Christianity. In fatc, there were Christian Arabian tribes, like the Ghassanids, that fought against the newly converted Muslim Arabians.
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