All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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  • The blockade of Gaza did not begin after Hamas won elections, which was in 2006. The blockade began after Hamas launched a coup, took over Gaza by force and killed or threw out Fatah-affiliated members of the Palestinian Authority in 2007.
  • Israel does not collectively punish everyone living in Gaza. Despite restrictions, tens of thousands of truckloads of supplies cross into the Gaza Strip while Hamas steals in order to prioritize building weapons and attack tunnels over the welfare of ordinary Gazans. Israel continues to treat Palestinians in need of urgent medical care.
  • As for the simplistic and misleading use of casualty figures, this fails to take into account the real math. How many Israelis would have died were it not for the measures that Israel takes to defend its population e.g. the Iron Dome system and reinforced shelters? Many of the Palestinian civilians killed during IDF operations were a direct result of Hamas employing human shields and operating from within densely populated areas. Alibhai-Brown also fails to note how many of those casualties were active combatants.
  • And as for the charge that Israel has slashed electricity supplies, the Gaza electricity crisis is a direct result of the conflict between Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority after Hamas refused to paythe PA for supplying Israeli electricity. But that would ruin Alibhai-Brown’s framing of Israel as the overwhelming bad guy in her narrative.
(full article online)

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Distortions and Outright Lies | HonestReporting
The blockade began after Hamas launched a coup,
Are you still pimping that Israeli bullshit?

awww... the lying terrorist supporting loser chimes in.

cute. now piss off,
The Spanish High Court of Justice in Madrid last week dealt the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement two legal blows, upholding a lower court's ruling against full boycotts of Israeli institutions, companies, and organizations or those involved in the so-called "occupation," calling such boycotts "discriminatory."

(full article online)
Well isn't this nice.

Is the relevant first world supposed to pity The Islam? It seems the Islamist world is still suffering from an innate and wrenching inferiority complex. The inventor of their politico-religious ideology made grandiose claims of Islamist supremacy over the hated infidels, yet, it’s the infidel who has modernized, become socially and economically advanced while the islamist world has never managed to claw it’s way out of the Dark Ages.

Abbas’ Fatah vows to rebuild terrorist monument in Jenin after Israel dismantled it - PMW Bulletins

Abbas' Fatah vows to rebuild terrorist monument in Jenin

after Israel dismantled it:
"It is our obligation to rebuild it"

Solidarity monument erected in Ramallah:
"This is a monument in memory of Martyr Khaled Nazzal...

established as a challenge to the occupation authorities
The entire purpose of Israel is to provide a safe haven for persecuted Jews to go - but for Dakwar, this is unacceptable. Encouraging Jews to move to the Jewish state is, in his words, "exploit'ing' horrible acts of anti-semitism."

Yes, a person who is supposedly supportive of civil rights wants to take away the right of Jews to choose to move to the Jewish state when they are being attacked. Apparently, he prefers that they stay where they are and suffer.

(full article online)

Anti-Israel bigotry infects the @ACLU ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"Today, the Likud government under Netanyahu is sponsoring a Zionist project via propaganda strategy— under the Temple Movement— to build a third Temple in the Al-Aqsa compound."

You learn something new every day. I'm still unclear on how the Netanyahu government is blocking Jews from praying on the Temple Mount but planning to build a Temple there. But perhaps I'm not as tuned in to the zeitgeist as this Pakistani expert.

Meanwhile, Iranian media makes the normal Palestinian reporting of "fanatic settlers storming the Al Aqsa Mosque" seem tame:

(full article online)

More Temple Mount insanity in Muslim media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hebron (Al Khalil, in Arabic) is the second holiest of Judaism's four holy cities (Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias) and the site of the world's oldest Jewish community. With a few interruptions, Jews have lived and prayed in Hebron since biblical times.

(full article online)

CAMERA: UNESCO and the Jewish Legacy in Hebron
“To defeat the lies spread about our capital city at the UN, nothing is more important than for my fellow ambassadors to learn the truth about Jerusalem and see the beauty of this city first-hand,” Ambassador Danon said of the visit to Jerusalem. “The more UN ambassadors visit Israel, the more they appreciate both the challenges we face and the opportunities that exist in our region. This is why I have visited Israel with over thirty UN ambassadors over the past year alone and will bring more in the months to come,” the Ambassador continued."

(full article online)

UN Ambassadors visit City of David
  • Dahlan will be functioning under the watchful eye of Hamas, which will remain the real de facto and unchallenged ruler of the Gaza Strip. Hamas is willing to allow Dahlan to return to the Palestinian political scene through the Gaza Strip window. But he will be on a very short leash.

  • Dahlan's presence in the Gaza Strip will not deter Hamas from continuing with its preparations for another war with Israel.

  • Dahlan will find himself playing the role of fundraiser for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip while Hamas hides behind his formidable political shoulders.

    (full article online)

Palestinians: Mohammad Dahlan, the New Mayor of the Gaza Strip?
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