All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[Hamas leaders are elected, but they do not want to live in Gaza.
[Wallah, wallah, wallah ]

Haniyeh was elected to replace exiled Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal in early May. Shortly before his election, Hamas officials had been making preparations for Haniyeh’s transfer to Qatar, where Mashaal had been based since his ouster from Syria in 2011. But a few days before his relocation, the Qatari government told senior Hamas officials to leave the country immediately.

(full article online)

Hamas Leader Reportedly Stranded in Gaza as Arab Countries Refuse Entry
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror?
Why doesn't Nutandyahoo condemn Israeli terror?
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror?
Why doesn't Nutandyahoo condemn Israeli terror?

The point I was making, though, was that he would condemn such acts if he was in Bibi's pocket, as you say he is.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

Is that the Abbas who still reigns as King (and a primary beneficiary of the dedicated, UN funded Arab-Iaslamist welfare fraud), of West Bank'istan?

[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror?
Why doesn't Nutandyahoo condemn Israeli terror?

The point I was making, though, was that he would condemn such acts if he was in Bibi's pocket, as you say he is.
Abbas is not allowed to do much of anything without Israel's approval. Most of the money going to the PA is under the condition that he maintains security coordination with Israel.

This security coordination requires Abbas to violates the rights of the Palestinians, violates their constitution, and violates international law.

The Goldstone Report noted some of these violations by the PA.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

Is that the Abbas who still reigns as King (and a primary beneficiary of the dedicated, UN funded Arab-Iaslamist welfare fraud), of West Bank'istan?

It is interesting that after Fatah lost the elections they still rule the West Bank.
Is this due to Israeli pressure? Or US persuasion?

Perish the thought!

The decision to stop paying the 277 former prisoners falls within the context of the Palestinian division (Fatah-Hamas) and comes as part of the PA’s pressure on Hamas to cede power in Gaza to the consensus government. Issa Qaraqe, the chairman of the Palestinian Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs (formerly the Ministry of Prisoners), told Al-Monitor, “The PA is still paying the stipends of the families of prisoners and martyrs and will continue to do so. This issue is considered a red line.” As for the salaries of the 277 former prisoners that were cut off, Qaraqe said, “This decision was taken by the PA amid the ongoing dispute with Hamas. The decision is part of the [PA’s] pressure on the movement and has nothing to do with the United States and Israel calling on the PA to stop paying the Palestinian prisoners [currently in Israeli jails]...” Meanwhile, the PA has yet to comment or explain the decision it took.... [Al Monitor]

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 02-Jul-17: PA, vowing it will never, ever cut Rewards for Terror payments, is cutting hundreds of them
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Is that the Abbas who left the government in 2007?
One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

Is that the Abbas who still reigns as King (and a primary beneficiary of the dedicated, UN funded Arab-Iaslamist welfare fraud), of West Bank'istan?

It is interesting that after Fatah lost the elections they still rule the West Bank.

Not interesting. Arabs-Moslems are accustomed to dictators ruling over them. They will even elect those dictators on those rare circumstances when given the opportunity to vote.

Haven't you noticed that rigid, authoritarian religious whack-jobs are the norm as rulers of Islamics?
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror?
Why doesn't Nutandyahoo condemn Israeli terror?

The point I was making, though, was that he would condemn such acts if he was in Bibi's pocket, as you say he is.
Abbas is not allowed to do much of anything without Israel's approval. Most of the money going to the PA is under the condition that he maintains security coordination with Israel.

This security coordination requires Abbas to violates the rights of the Palestinians, violates their constitution, and violates international law.

The Goldstone Report noted some of these violations by the PA.

Always a handy conspiracy theory as a way to deflect from Arab-Moslem incompetence and ineptitude.
Since the PLO started to join world bodies, it has consistently used its position to do only one thing: bash Israel.

It has used UNESCO for years to deny Jewish heritage and history in the Middle East. It has tried to hijack refugee conferences, conferences on children, Human Rights Day, and conferences on women - all to pursue an anti-Israel agenda.

It gets farcical. The "State of Palestine" has used its position to bash Israel at climate conferences and even a recent conference dedicated to saving the world's oceans. It has nothing positive to add to these venues - they are merely excuses to find more ammunition against Israel.

As far as I can tell, this is 100% consistent. The entire point of gaining recognition as a state in international forums is to add new platforms to attack Israel.

(full article online)

J-Street supports Palestinians usurping all international forums ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror?
Why doesn't Nutandyahoo condemn Israeli terror?

The point I was making, though, was that he would condemn such acts if he was in Bibi's pocket, as you say he is.
Abbas is not allowed to do much of anything without Israel's approval. Most of the money going to the PA is under the condition that he maintains security coordination with Israel.

This security coordination requires Abbas to violates the rights of the Palestinians, violates their constitution, and violates international law.

The Goldstone Report noted some of these violations by the PA.

So, there shouldn't be any security coordination at all? Just violence, mayhem and more and more terror. More housewives answering their doors, only to get stabbed to death. Gotcha.
I just went through J-Street's site. Unless I missed something, I cannot find a single J-Street-sponsored mission to Israel that is intended to strengthen the ties between American Jews and Israel.

I cannot find any J-Street sponsored events to raise money for Israeli poor or handicapped or terror victims.

I cannot find any J-Street events that celebrate Israeli or Jewish culture.

I cannot find any J-Street -sponsored college lectures by Israelis on any topic besides criticizing Israel's policies.

It is difficult to find any articles that praise the Israeli government. For anything. (I found one that commends Netanyahu for supporting an Egyptian cease-fire proposal in the 2014 Gaza war, and another that supports his attempts to restore ties with Turkey. In contrast, there are hundreds of articles that attack the democratically elected Israeli government.)

(full article online)

Jeremy Ben-Ami laughably claims that J-Street tries to strengthen ties between US Jews and Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Jerusalem District Attorney’s Office has filed a preliminary damages claim against the estate of a terrorist in District Court for financial damages caused to the state by the departed terrorist’s attack, Ha’aretz reported Sunday. This is the first in a series of similar suits to be filed against the estates of terrorists.

The first lawsuit was filed a week and a half ago against the estate of Fadi Al-Qanbar, who, in early January 2017, killed four IDF soldiers in a ramming attack at Armon Hanatziv. The state demands that the estate pay out compensations for damages caused by the terrorist murderer, including the construction of four tombstones for his victims and payments to the bereaved families. According to the lawsuit, the estimated cost for each victim is roughly half a million dollars.

(full article online)
  • The blockade of Gaza did not begin after Hamas won elections, which was in 2006. The blockade began after Hamas launched a coup, took over Gaza by force and killed or threw out Fatah-affiliated members of the Palestinian Authority in 2007.
  • Israel does not collectively punish everyone living in Gaza. Despite restrictions, tens of thousands of truckloads of supplies cross into the Gaza Strip while Hamas steals in order to prioritize building weapons and attack tunnels over the welfare of ordinary Gazans. Israel continues to treat Palestinians in need of urgent medical care.
  • As for the simplistic and misleading use of casualty figures, this fails to take into account the real math. How many Israelis would have died were it not for the measures that Israel takes to defend its population e.g. the Iron Dome system and reinforced shelters? Many of the Palestinian civilians killed during IDF operations were a direct result of Hamas employing human shields and operating from within densely populated areas. Alibhai-Brown also fails to note how many of those casualties were active combatants.
  • And as for the charge that Israel has slashed electricity supplies, the Gaza electricity crisis is a direct result of the conflict between Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority after Hamas refused to paythe PA for supplying Israeli electricity. But that would ruin Alibhai-Brown’s framing of Israel as the overwhelming bad guy in her narrative.
(full article online)

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Distortions and Outright Lies | HonestReporting
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror?
Why doesn't Nutandyahoo condemn Israeli terror?

The point I was making, though, was that he would condemn such acts if he was in Bibi's pocket, as you say he is.
Abbas is not allowed to do much of anything without Israel's approval. Most of the money going to the PA is under the condition that he maintains security coordination with Israel.

This security coordination requires Abbas to violates the rights of the Palestinians, violates their constitution, and violates international law.

The Goldstone Report noted some of these violations by the PA.

Always a handy conspiracy theory as a way to deflect from Arab-Moslem incompetence and ineptitude.
Now you are just shoveling.

You don't know anything about this stuff.
  • The blockade of Gaza did not begin after Hamas won elections, which was in 2006. The blockade began after Hamas launched a coup, took over Gaza by force and killed or threw out Fatah-affiliated members of the Palestinian Authority in 2007.
  • Israel does not collectively punish everyone living in Gaza. Despite restrictions, tens of thousands of truckloads of supplies cross into the Gaza Strip while Hamas steals in order to prioritize building weapons and attack tunnels over the welfare of ordinary Gazans. Israel continues to treat Palestinians in need of urgent medical care.
  • As for the simplistic and misleading use of casualty figures, this fails to take into account the real math. How many Israelis would have died were it not for the measures that Israel takes to defend its population e.g. the Iron Dome system and reinforced shelters? Many of the Palestinian civilians killed during IDF operations were a direct result of Hamas employing human shields and operating from within densely populated areas. Alibhai-Brown also fails to note how many of those casualties were active combatants.
  • And as for the charge that Israel has slashed electricity supplies, the Gaza electricity crisis is a direct result of the conflict between Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority after Hamas refused to paythe PA for supplying Israeli electricity. But that would ruin Alibhai-Brown’s framing of Israel as the overwhelming bad guy in her narrative.
(full article online)

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Distortions and Outright Lies | HonestReporting
The blockade began after Hamas launched a coup,
Are you still pimping that Israeli bullshit?
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