All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Arab-islamist mantra "I blame the Jooooos", is taken to a new level of absurdity.

It's as though the Islamist psyche is forever addled by an utter inability to accept a reality based worldview. It really is like dealing with angry juveniles suffering from dissociative disorders, or otherwise known as "Islamic ideology".

When a Palestinian man hits his wife, is Israel responsible? PMW responds to UN report - PMW Bulletins

When a Palestinian man hits his wife,
is Israel responsible?

PMW's response to "Report on Violence Against Women"
U.N. Human Rights Council, June 12, 2017

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
During a recent UN Human Rights Council meeting, Israel was blamed for causing Palestinian men's violence against Palestinian women. It was claimed that there is a "clear linkage between the prolonged occupation and violence against women." However, Palestinian Media Watch has documented that Palestinian Authority TV teaches Palestinian men how to beat their wives according to Islam. At the UN session, UN Watch director Hillel Neuer responded to the claims by citing a PMW video, which exposes a Palestinian religious official describing on PA TV the conditions under which a man may hit his wife. (See below)
34 House Dems condemn Israeli charges against Issa Amro — follower of civil rights movement and Gandhi

Dear Secretary Tillerson:

We write to request that you urgently pursue all diplomatic tools at your disposal to encourage the appropriate Israeli authorities to reconsider the charges against Issa Amro, a community leader, nonviolent activist and previous recipient of the United Nations’ “Human Rights Defender of the Year in Palestine” award. He faces charges described by Amnesty International as “baseless” and “politically motivated” within Israel’s military court system, which could result in years of imprisonment. United Nations human rights experts expressed concern that Mr. Amro is “being unfairly targeted due to his legitimate and peaceful human rights work.”

34 House Dems condemn Israeli charges against Issa Amro — follower of civil rights movement and Gandhi
For some reason, alone among all the collaborators with the Nazis, the mufti and his cause have not been tarred by his actions. In the aftermath of the Second World War, he was greeted as a hero in the Arab world. In Cairo and Damascus he led efforts to encourage an attack on Israel when it declared independence in 1948.

He was only sidelined because other leaders, such as Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt, tired of him. He continued to lead an “all Palestine” government first in Gaza, then Cairo, and then moved to exile in Lebanon where he died in 1974. He wasn’t some marginal character, but a center of Palestinian Arab affairs and one whose views were praised by Palestinian leaders.
Every other religion and state in the world is accepted, no other symbol is thus conflated. They can tell the difference between 1,000 other symbols and flags, except for one. This is today’s tragic intersection.

Just as in 1942 the mufti found willing collaborators throughout Europe, hatred of Jews and Israel finds willing collaborators today.

(full article online)

TERRA INCOGNITA - The Palestinian mufti’s intersectionality with the Nazis
Back in 1976, the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) started production on a documentary series on Zionism, motivated by the Yom Kippur War and the notorious 1975 UN General Assembly Resolution that compared Zionism to Racism. It took five years to make, with the supervision of five historians. The result? Pillars of Fire, one of the biggest productions ever undertaken on Israeli Television.

Pillars of Fire first aired in 1981 and ran for five months. The English version (which first aired in 1988) is narrated by famed actor Ian McKellen.

Here is part one of the English version of the series: The Jew Returns – The Arab Awakens (1896-1920).

WATCH: Pillar Of Fire – The Jew Returns, The Arab Awakens (1896-1920)
  • The last (worst) rankings of the Global Gender Gap Index of the World Economic Forum, from 128th to 144th, are without exception overwhelmingly Muslim countries, including Turkey at the 130th place.

  • A 2016 study by Turkey's Family and Social Policies Ministry revealed that no fewer than 86% of Turkish women have suffered physical or psychological violence at the hands of their partners or family.

  • So, tell us, Ms. Simonovic: Do Turkish men beat and sometimes kill their wives because of Israeli occupation? Is there "a clear link" between Turkey's rising numbers indicating violence against women and "Israel's prolonged occupation?"

    (full article online)

Violence against Women: Some Inconvenient Data for the Corrupt UN
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
[An Arab first and foremost, a Christian second]

"Every grain of Palestine's sand is worth the entire world," Musallam said, adding that Israel is "the enemy of the Palestinian nation" and warning that "selling Church lands endangers the stability and harms the good name of Palestine's Christians and their connection to their homeland."

Musallam also said that no church had the right - even if it legally owns the land - to sell land to any Jewish or Zionist entity. If a church does not need its land, he explained, it can transfer the land to the Palestinian Authority, to be used for a hospital or residential buildings.

The Palestinian Authority sentences any Muslim who sells land to Israelis to the death penalty.

(full article online)

'Churches may not sell land to Jews or Zionists'
Reservists on Duty (RoD) is an Israeli NGO established by IDF reserve combat soldiers and officers in order to expose and counter “anti-Israel agitators” who “intimidate Jewish students, glorify terrorism, [and] shut down the debate about Israel,” the group explains on its Facebook page.

Profound anti-Semitism and Israel-bashing is “just normal life on US campuses” today, RoD says.

An RoD delegation, including Jewish and Muslim-Arab representatives, went to Irvine University during Israel Apartheid week at the request of pro-Israel campus group Students Supporting Israel. See what an amazing job they did in exposing the lies, hate and hypocrisy of the anti-Israel activists.

(vide video online)

WATCH: IDF Veterans Destroy Anti-Israel Activists on Campus
The Palestinian Authority will reportedly once again allow patients from the Gaza Strip to be treated in Israel after three babies died on Tuesday in the enclave controlled by the Hamas terror group.

Following an international outcry over the deaths, the Palestinian Health Ministry will on Sunday increase the number of permits it issues for Gaza residents to receive medical care in Israel, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Friday.

(full article online)

PA to again allow Gazan patients to be treated in Israeli hospitals
I just went through a long article at Al Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network, talking about what strategy Palestinians need to use to achieve their goals. It was written by Nadia Hijab and Ingrid Jaradat Gassner.

Hijab is a senior fellow at the Institute for Palestine Studies and Gassner is one of the founders of BDS.

The actual goals are not spelled out, but it becomes pretty clear what they are - destroying Israel, on both sides of the Green Line.

(full article online)

"Moderate" Palestinian intellectuals admit that the goal has always been destroying Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thirty years ago, Shaul Goldstein took a walk with his friend David Be’eri among neglected stone heaps in the ancient City of David, just outside the Old City of Jerusalem. Be’eri shared his dream that one day the historic site would be restored, both structurally and to the hearts and souls of the Jewish people.

(full article online)

Futuristic tech dramatically illuminates the City of David’s past
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.
Last edited:
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

Indeed, I don't think your conspiracy theories are a valid excuse for Arab-Moslem incompetence.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

Indeed, I don't think your conspiracy theories are a valid excuse for Arab-Moslem incompetence.
Oh jeese, another slime post.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

Indeed, I don't think your conspiracy theories are a valid excuse for Arab-Moslem incompetence.
Oh jeese, another slime post.

Oh jeese, is deflection all you have?
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

Indeed, I don't think your conspiracy theories are a valid excuse for Arab-Moslem incompetence.
Oh jeese, another slime post.

Oh jeese, is deflection all you have?
Sliming does not add to the debate.
[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

Indeed, I don't think your conspiracy theories are a valid excuse for Arab-Moslem incompetence.
Oh jeese, another slime post.

Oh jeese, is deflection all you have?
Sliming does not add to the debate.

Deflection on your part does not add to the debate.
One of the unfortunate consequences that results from apologetics for Islamic calls for murderous jihad attacks against the kuffar is that attacks continue. Islam's gee-had is accorded an allowance because there are those who will defend the gee-had as not being connected to a Cult-addled religious perspectives. As we see with regularity, Islamics and their apologists for mass murder will seek to disassociate the proscriptions of the ideology from the ideology.

What we're left with is a bit of an odd dynamic where Arabs-Moslems seek to make their Allah god as an accomplice to their acts of mass murder.

Palestinian cleric calls on Allah to help us ‘slaughter Americans, Europeans’

Palestinian cleric calls on Allah to help us ‘slaughter Americans, Europeans’

In sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa, Sheikh Nidhal Siam also denounces Saudis, Qataris as ‘collaborators’ of Western powers.

Well, hell. I suppose the only thing to do is continue the UN funded welfare program for these degenerates.

[Time to separate Gaza from the PA. Time for each to be autonomous. ]

  • Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.

  • In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.

  • That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
(full article online)

Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Indeed, 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign. He only stays in power with US/Israeli support.

If he is an Israeli puppet (which I wish he was), why does he incite the ppl to violence? Why doesn't he agree with Israel's terms for a peace agreement? Why does he continue to call for Jerusalem to be the capital of Palestine? Why doesn't he condemn Palestinian terror? Why doesn't he look Bibi in the eye when they shake hands, on the rare occasions when they meet?
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