All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A religious conflict that mysteriously only began after the Zionist movement started colonizing Palestine despite the Old Yishuv living in the region for centuries with Jews occupying high posts in the government.

What a fantastic coincidence.
A religious conflict that mysteriously only began after the Zionist movement started colonizing Palestine despite the Old Yishuv living in the region for centuries with Jews occupying high posts in the government.

What a fantastic coincidence.
It's not a coincidence at all.
It only began with Zionism? talk about ignorant being bliss.

Should we forget the old Muslim cryout- "Khaibar, Khaibar, Ya Yahud!"?
The Yellow Star originated during the Arab Muslim rule, Europeans weren't the first to use it.
Numbers 15:37-23:23

Tassels on Garments
The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a blue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the Lord,
Jews and Christians livng under Sharia Law were considered “People of the Book,” whose belief in the God of Abraham predated the founding of Islam. As such they were accorded the right to freely practice their faith in private and to receive state protection. In turn, they paid a special tax called jizya ("tribute") and were often compelled to wear an identifying mark to indicate their status.

The design and style of badges for Jews varied. Under Caliph Haroun al-Rashid (807 CE), Jews in Baghdad had to wear yellow belts or fringes. Under Caliph al-Mutawakkil, (847-61) Jews wore a patch in the shape of a donkey, while Christians wore a figure in the shape of swine. In 1005, Jews in Egypt were ordered to wear bells on their clothes.

It should be noted that under the caliphate these marks of identification were not necessarily intended to be punitive. They were meant to both reinforce the dhimmi (protected religion) status of Jews and Christians which gave them certain rights and protections, while at the same time publicly branding them as socially inferior to Muslims.
Jewish Badge: Origins
Jews and Christians livng under Sharia Law were considered “People of the Book,” whose belief in the God of Abraham predated the founding of Islam. As such they were accorded the right to freely practice their faith in private and to receive state protection. In turn, they paid a special tax called jizya ("tribute") and were often compelled to wear an identifying mark to indicate their status.

The design and style of badges for Jews varied. Under Caliph Haroun al-Rashid (807 CE), Jews in Baghdad had to wear yellow belts or fringes. Under Caliph al-Mutawakkil, (847-61) Jews wore a patch in the shape of a donkey, while Christians wore a figure in the shape of swine. In 1005, Jews in Egypt were ordered to wear bells on their clothes.

It should be noted that under the caliphate these marks of identification were not necessarily intended to be punitive. They were meant to both reinforce the dhimmi (protected religion) status of Jews and Christians which gave them certain rights and protections, while at the same time publicly branding them as socially inferior to Muslims.
Jewish Badge: Origins

You wanna sell this as a peace symbol? That paying recketeers for 'protection' is promotion of liberal rights?
All the 'RELIGION OF PEACE' bs - go to Your mosque where You won't be laughed at.


You wanna live as a dhimmi under Sharia You're welcome.
But don't sell me that dhimmis and Sharia actually ptotected Jews or other infidels, the only right they had was to keep breathing as long as they pay protection.
It looks a lot like the israeli flag, as for paying much does the US Taxpayer offer up to israel on a daily basis $3 million?
This is a symbol of inferiority, of being despised:


And this is a symbol of hope and restoration:


Now, go sell me Sharia law, I'm listening...
They were meant to both reinforce the dhimmi (protected religion) status of Jews and Christians which gave them certain rights and protections, while at the same time publicly branding them as socially inferior to Muslims.

Here's an idea. Why don't we stop branding people as being socially inferior to others.
For a look into the gaping maw of Arab-Moslem terrorism, sites such as MEMRI and palwatch are valuable sources. In the linked article, we're getting confirmation of what we see as a pattern of behavior taking place in the Islamic terrorist enclave of fatah'istan.

Not surprisingly, these Islamic mass murderers for hire are the children of the Madrassas' and the Arab-Moslem society that indoctrinates children with hate / self hate. .

Interrogation of Palestinian terrorist proves: PA payments motivate terror - PMW Bulletins

Interrogation of Palestinian terrorist proves:
PA payments motivate terror

Palestinian terrorist: "I've accumulated large debts... if my son wants a shekel, I have nothing to give him... I decided to do something serious, such as committing murder, something in which I will both kill and die, and then my family will get money (i.e., from the PA) and will live comfortably... If I'm not able to kill soldiers, I'll try settlers, guards - in other words any Israeli target - the important thing is that I will die and they will kill me, so that my children will receive a [PA] allowance and live happily"
But in their counter-letter, the CCFP brings up an interesting point:

As we know, government support is crucial for the arts. Just this month, in fact, there are at least three other events at Lincoln Center that include support from governments around the world:
The film “Birdshot” — funded by the Doha Film Institute, a Qatari organization headed by the ruling Al Thani family — was screened there on July 6.
From July 3-8, the American Ballet Theatre — funded by the US federal government together with the governments of New York City and New York State — is performing its “Tchaikovsky Spectacular.”
And from July 26-30, the Bolshoi Ballet — which lists as its partners two Russian government news agencies — will perform “The Taming of the Shrew.”
While some of us at CCFP (and perhaps even at Lincoln Center) may disagree with various actions of these governments, we can all agree that punishing artists from these countries by shunning them for receiving crucial funding from their governments is not the answer. Depriving audiences of their work, their perspectives, and their contributions to culture around the world is imprudent.
Punishing artists from Only One of these countries — as the signatories of open letter are attempting with Israel — is both imprudent and discriminatory.

(full article online)

Just some more BDS hypocrisy about Lincoln Center ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Really? Palestinians wear gas masks all day because of random Israeli tear gas that happens to land where they live, nothing at all to do with the proud "resisters" hurling rocks and firebombs that she is celebrating?

It is sickening that this "artists' who glorifies the deaths of Jews is being funded by Canadian tax dollars in the name of "art."
Her previous exhibit was discussed here.

(full article online)

Canadian federal agency funds anti-Israel, pro-violence "art" exhibit ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But she received a letter from an editor at her publishing house, nVersos, demanding that she add criticism of Israel in her novel. The note said, "At first glance, the work is not meant to be political, and therefore does not defend Zionism or Israel. For those who follow the conflict, however, the absence of critical commentary on Israel's actions toward Palestine is obvious. While extolling a way of life that is disappearing - the collectivism of kibbutz - it ends up defending Israel."

Another editor's note suggested that she consult "an expert on the Middle East" to make her book more in line with the publishing house's idea of political correctness. Another note asked her explicitly if she would change the novel.

Abreu says, "They suggested that my approach would be naïve because it does not address the Palestinian issue, something that does not influence people's daily lives there."

The publishing house claims that she agreed to the changes to add an anti-Israel element to the book. However, she changed publishers, and the book is being released by Simonsen.

(full article online)
– Rwandan President Paul Kagame arrived in Israel on Monday for a two-day state visit to further boost ties between the Jewish state and the emerging African nation.

“We are two nations who understand the horror of genocide, and we must show what humanity can achieve with cooperation and understanding,” Israeli President Reuven Rivlin told Kagame at the presidential residence in Jerusalem on Monday.

(full article online)

Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame Visits Israel, Seeks to Boost Cooperation
This is an almost complete list of UN agencies that work in the Palestinian territories.

Name Full
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
ILO International Labour Organization
ITC International Trade Center
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN Habitat UN Habitat
UN Women UN Women
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP UN Development Program
UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety & Security
UNEP UN environment
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization

There are so many UN agencies in the territories that another organization, UNDAF (United Nations Development Assistance Framework) is needed to coordinate the other 20-odd agencies.

As a result of this infantilizing of Palestinian Arabs, they have no idea how to do anything themselves.

(full article online)

How many UN agencies does it take to screw in a Palestinian light bulb? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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