All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
Look at the legalities Israel has not won one inch of land.

Look at the history you are utterly ignorant of.

Israel has a demonstrated history of returning land "won" in exchange for peace.The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory greater than the size of Israel itself--Sinai, Egyptian land west of the Nile, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc.

Your Islamic terrorist co-religionists, on the other hand, have less now than before, even with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud.
I was just reiterating what was said in the linked post.

The Palestinians have not surrendered.

So Israel has won nothing. Israel occupies territory but it is not theirs.
Israel offers tourists the chance to be soldiers

Ever wanted to try and shoot a Palestinian? Israel has set up a military simulator which allows tourists to do just that.

Israel offers tourists the chance to be soldiers

I have the idea that the link below is the Original article, stolen and changed by Israel haters to make it look like......well, exactly what the article above does try to make it look like.....:)

Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
Look at the legalities Israel has not won one inch of land.

Look at the history you are utterly ignorant of.

Israel has a demonstrated history of returning land "won" in exchange for peace.The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory greater than the size of Israel itself--Sinai, Egyptian land west of the Nile, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc.

Your Islamic terrorist co-religionists, on the other hand, have less now than before, even with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud.

None of that has anything to do with Palestine.
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
Look at the legalities Israel has not won one inch of land.

Look at the history you are utterly ignorant of.

Israel has a demonstrated history of returning land "won" in exchange for peace.The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory greater than the size of Israel itself--Sinai, Egyptian land west of the Nile, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc.

Your Islamic terrorist co-religionists, on the other hand, have less now than before, even with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud.

None of that has anything to do with Palestine.

Deflection. It has everything to do with Arabs-Moslems.
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
Look at the legalities Israel has not won one inch of land.

Look at the history you are utterly ignorant of.

Israel has a demonstrated history of returning land "won" in exchange for peace.The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory greater than the size of Israel itself--Sinai, Egyptian land west of the Nile, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc.

Your Islamic terrorist co-religionists, on the other hand, have less now than before, even with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud.
I was just reiterating what was said in the linked post.

The Palestinians have not surrendered.

So Israel has won nothing. Israel occupies territory but it is not theirs.
The Arabs-Moslems are losing more every day. They are reduced to thieves and beggars, pleading to the kuffar for their welfare fraud.
Finally! A moral Palestinian politician!

Except, in Pallyland, morality means something quite different than it means in the real world.
At the time Issa quit, a persistent wave of stabbing, ramming and shooting attacks by Palestinians against Israelis was at its early peak.

In his Facebook post, the ex-minister criticized the Palestinian government for not backing the wave of violence against Israel at the time, while instead chasing “opportunism.”Ah. So this moral ex-minister doesn't think that the many examples of support of terror in the Palestinian media (and by Mahmoud Abbas himself) during the "knife intifada" was enough. he feels that the PA should have explicitly praised young murderers of Jews.

And this is one of the better Palestinian politicians. Someone who would without a doubt be described as "moderate" by Western media invested in the myth of a peaceful Palestinian leadership.

(full article online)

Such a moral Palestinian! He's against corruption - and wants to kill more Jews! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Wafa reports that 5 people were injured in Gaza from celebratory gunfire after students received their results from secondary school exams.

One victim was 53-year old Asaad al-Zatma who was shot in the head. He is in serious condition. Four of the other injured live in Beit Hanoun.

Keep in mind that this is being reported in pro-PA media to make Hamas look bad. Chances are there was also similar gunfire in the West Bank but the PA and Hamas only report the ugly news from the other side.

Palestinians celebrate passing exams by shooting each other ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Tourism to Israel has reached an all-time high, with 1.74 million tourists arriving in the first six months of 2017, a 26-percent increase from the same time last year.

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics reported that compared with the same period in 2016, there has been a 76-percent increase in tourism from China, a 30-percent increase from Russia and a 20-percent increase from the US.

In June, some 303,000 tourists arrived in Israel, a 28.4-increase from that month a year ago.

(full article online)

Tourism to Israel Hits All-Time High, Including 76% Increase From China
Little by little even American Christians will come around.

"Mennonite Church to divest in protest of Israeli policies
By Associated Press July 6, 2017

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Mennonite Church USA voted Thursday to sell its holdings in companies that profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, the latest American Christian group to do so."

Mennonite Church to divest in protest of Israeli policies
1] The time has come for the West to openly and blatantly tell the Arab world: you have tried to annihilate the Jewish state because of your intolerance, thereby consistently harming your own peoples while the Jewish state has thrived, in spite of all your efforts at genocide. The Arab world must stop this and accept not only de facto but de jure and as a matter of historic fact and morality that the Jews are the owners of the Holy Land and have the inalienable right to sovereignty in their ancient-modern homeland. In short: accept fully and publicly that Israel is the realization of the Jewish right to self-determination to their own sovereign state in their own homeland. This includes accepting that it is immoral and racist to create a “Pale of Settlement” limiting where Jews can live in the Holy Land.

(full article online)
The next step is to dismantle UNRWA and the refugee camps; tell the people living there, the few original refugees, their descendants (the only people in the world who pass on refugee status to their children for all generations to come), and the Arab world in general: the game is over. All other refugees from the upheavals of the 1940’s have long since been resettled in their host countries.

It is also true that the PLO et al. have been in material breach of the agreements they signed with Israel, preferring instead to educate their children to hate Jews, deny Jewish history, and conduct law-fare against Israel in international arenas – all contrary to signed agreements.

(full article online)
Little by little even American Christians will come around.

"Mennonite Church to divest in protest of Israeli policies
By Associated Press July 6, 2017

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Mennonite Church USA voted Thursday to sell its holdings in companies that profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, the latest American Christian group to do so."

Mennonite Church to divest in protest of Israeli policies

[Yes, indeed, the Mennonite Church resolution to divest from Israel
IS antisemitic. Who was whispering in their ears? "
The church, encouraged by Palestinian Christians, voted to divest from Israel. ]
[What else is new in Christendom, and their endless hatred of Jews ?
The Mennonites, 2 Million members and dwindling]

“The resolution of the Mennonite Church USA is confusing and contradictory,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel and president of Christians in Defense of Israel. Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom.

The church’s resolution, voted on last week in Orlando at the biennial national Mennonite convention, calls to speak out against antisemitism, cultivate relationships with Jewish communities in the US and to examine the role that the church played in the Holocaust. But the issue that has made the most noise is the directive to the Mennonite Church USA’s $3-billion Everence church fund to ensure that it avoids giving any economic support for “Israeli policies in the occupied territories.”

The Associated Press reported that the church had previously rejected a divestment proposal at the last national meeting two years ago, “amid fears that the resolution would be considered anti-Jewish.”

Mennonites' resolution is 'antisemitic and unwise,' legal expert says
Little by little even American Christians will come around.

"Mennonite Church to divest in protest of Israeli policies
By Associated Press July 6, 2017

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Mennonite Church USA voted Thursday to sell its holdings in companies that profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, the latest American Christian group to do so."

Mennonite Church to divest in protest of Israeli policies

[Yes, indeed, the Mennonite Church resolution to divest from Israel
IS antisemitic. Who was whispering in their ears? "
The church, encouraged by Palestinian Christians, voted to divest from Israel. ]
[What else is new in Christendom, and their endless hatred of Jews ?
The Mennonites, 2 Million members and dwindling]

“The resolution of the Mennonite Church USA is confusing and contradictory,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel and president of Christians in Defense of Israel. Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom.

The church’s resolution, voted on last week in Orlando at the biennial national Mennonite convention, calls to speak out against antisemitism, cultivate relationships with Jewish communities in the US and to examine the role that the church played in the Holocaust. But the issue that has made the most noise is the directive to the Mennonite Church USA’s $3-billion Everence church fund to ensure that it avoids giving any economic support for “Israeli policies in the occupied territories.”

The Associated Press reported that the church had previously rejected a divestment proposal at the last national meeting two years ago, “amid fears that the resolution would be considered anti-Jewish.”

Mennonites' resolution is 'antisemitic and unwise,' legal expert says

There is nothing antisemitic about the Mennonites supporting fellow Christians being oppressed by Jews.
Israel to American Jews: You Just Don’t Matter
JULY 12, 2017

"Look again. In fact, the foundations of Israel’s long-term national security are cracking.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Israel is overstretching itself by simultaneously erasing the line between itself and the Palestinians — essentially absorbing 2.5 million Palestinians, which could turn Israel into a de facto Jewish-Arab binational state — and drawing a line between itself and the Jewish diaspora, particularly the U.S. Jewish community that has been so vital for Israel’s security, diplomatic standing and remarkable economic growth.

Netanyahu is setting himself up to be a pivotal figure in Jewish history — the leader who burned the bridges to a two-state solution and to the Jewish diaspora at the same time................"
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