All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender

The Palestinians were defending themselves from a foreign invader. What should have they done, laid down and allowed themselves to be expropriated without resisting? You people are nuts.
This is an almost complete list of UN agencies that work in the Palestinian territories.

Name Full
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
ILO International Labour Organization
ITC International Trade Center
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UN Habitat UN Habitat
UN Women UN Women
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP UN Development Program
UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety & Security
UNEP UN environment
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services
UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organization

There are so many UN agencies in the territories that another organization, UNDAF (United Nations Development Assistance Framework) is needed to coordinate the other 20-odd agencies.

As a result of this infantilizing of Palestinian Arabs, they have no idea how to do anything themselves.

(full article online)

How many UN agencies does it take to screw in a Palestinian light bulb? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Where is the UNCCP?
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender

The Palestinians were defending themselves from a foreign invader. What should have they done, laid down and allowed themselves to be expropriated without resisting? You people are nuts.
Actually, the Jewish people were encouraged to immigrate to the area of Pal'istan. The Arab colonists resisted. What should the Jewish people have done, allow the Arab squatters to deny them what was provided?

You islamist-firsters are a hoot.
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
And yet their own people are going hungry. That sure tells a lot about the zionist character.
The BDS movement recently celebrated their 12th anniversary with a list of 200 "victories."

They include:

June, 2010 – The Pixies cancel concert in wake of Mavi Marmara massacre

The Pixies are playing in Israel later this month.

June, 2011 – Basketball legend and actor Kareem Abdul-Jabbar cancels visit to Israel in response to “Nakba Day violence”

Basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons were among the guests at an event at the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles marking the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

December, 2013 – American Studies Association endorses academic boycott of Israel by sweeping majority membership vote after national council passes unanimously

The ASA reversed itself almost completely a year later.

June, 2010 – Carlos Santana cancels concert in Tel Aviv following boycott calls

Santana played in Israel last summer.

January, 2014 – Hollywood Star Scarlett Johansson resigns as Oxfam International Global Ambassador due to deal with Sodastream

Um, doesn't that mean that she rejects BDS?

June 6, 2014 – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation divests from G4S

This is one of several "victories" they claim for investors selling their stakes in, or not choosing to hire G4S, Veolia and others that had nothing at all to do with Israel.

These guys just can't stop lying.

BDS celebrates "victories" that were reversed (or that never were) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The BDS movement recently celebrated their 12th anniversary with a list of 200 "victories."

They include:

June, 2010 – The Pixies cancel concert in wake of Mavi Marmara massacre

The Pixies are playing in Israel later this month.

June, 2011 – Basketball legend and actor Kareem Abdul-Jabbar cancels visit to Israel in response to “Nakba Day violence”

Basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons were among the guests at an event at the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles marking the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

December, 2013 – American Studies Association endorses academic boycott of Israel by sweeping majority membership vote after national council passes unanimously

The ASA reversed itself almost completely a year later.

June, 2010 – Carlos Santana cancels concert in Tel Aviv following boycott calls

Santana played in Israel last summer.

January, 2014 – Hollywood Star Scarlett Johansson resigns as Oxfam International Global Ambassador due to deal with Sodastream

Um, doesn't that mean that she rejects BDS?

June 6, 2014 – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation divests from G4S

This is one of several "victories" they claim for investors selling their stakes in, or not choosing to hire G4S, Veolia and others that had nothing at all to do with Israel.

These guys just can't stop lying.

BDS celebrates "victories" that were reversed (or that never were) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The BDS movement recently celebrated their 12th anniversary with a list of 200 "victories."

They include:

June, 2010 – The Pixies cancel concert in wake of Mavi Marmara massacre

The Pixies are playing in Israel later this month.

June, 2011 – Basketball legend and actor Kareem Abdul-Jabbar cancels visit to Israel in response to “Nakba Day violence”

Basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons were among the guests at an event at the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles marking the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

December, 2013 – American Studies Association endorses academic boycott of Israel by sweeping majority membership vote after national council passes unanimously

The ASA reversed itself almost completely a year later.

June, 2010 – Carlos Santana cancels concert in Tel Aviv following boycott calls

Santana played in Israel last summer.

January, 2014 – Hollywood Star Scarlett Johansson resigns as Oxfam International Global Ambassador due to deal with Sodastream

Um, doesn't that mean that she rejects BDS?

June 6, 2014 – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation divests from G4S

This is one of several "victories" they claim for investors selling their stakes in, or not choosing to hire G4S, Veolia and others that had nothing at all to do with Israel.

These guys just can't stop lying.

BDS celebrates "victories" that were reversed (or that never were) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I think it's great how most of those 200 are still there. Thanks for posting... uplifting stuff.
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
Look at the legalities Israel has not won one inch of land.
[What should have been done after 1948 and 1967 . Can one imagine Japan and Germany continuing their battles after the defeat in WWII ? ]

At launch event, Israel Victory Caucus urges Palestinians to accept that they failed to destroy the Jewish state

(full article online)

New Knesset lobby unveils plan for peace: Total Palestinian surrender
So, Israel finally admits that it has won nothing yet.

A vibrant country that is a leader in technology and agriculture is "nothing?"
Look at the legalities Israel has not won one inch of land.

Look at the history you are utterly ignorant of.

Israel has a demonstrated history of returning land "won" in exchange for peace.The State of Israel has returned and withdrawn from captured territory greater than the size of Israel itself--Sinai, Egyptian land west of the Nile, land east of the Golan, southern Lebanon, Gaza, etc.

Your Islamic terrorist co-religionists, on the other hand, have less now than before, even with a dedicated UN funded welfare fraud.
Why, yes. It's summer, schools out and it's time for the next generation of The Hitler Youth to attend Islamic terrorist training camp.

How nice that the next generation of young splodeydopes and future dead islamo-yutes are being groomed to be just another Dead Man awakking islamic terrorist.

Some 250,000 Palestinian children attend summer camps run by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups

Over 120,000 Palestinian Children Attend Summer Camps Run By Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Other Terror Groups
U.N. Says Gaza Is 'De-Developing' Even Faster Than Expected
July 11, 20173:56 PM ET

"In a nutshell, Gaza continues to de-develop in front of our eyes," Piper adds. "From health care, to unemployment, to energy, to access to water, across all of these fields, Gaza's 2 million people are seeing faster and faster decline in their living conditions."

Given these "unacceptable" conditions, Piper acknowledges that for some, Gaza would already be deemed unlivable. "For many of us, we'd say that threshold is well and truly passed," he said. "How do you manage in these sorts of conditions?"

U.N. Says Gaza Is 'De-Developing' Even Faster Than Expected
Gaza 'unliveable' ten years after Hamas seized power: U.N.

Gaza 'unliveable' ten years after Hamas seized power: U.N.

A decade after the Islamist group Hamas seized Gaza, the Palestinian enclave is effectively unliveable for its 2 million people, with declining incomes, healthcare, education, electricity and fresh water, the United Nations said.

In a report examining humanitarian conditions in the territory, which Hamas took over in June 2007 after a brief conflict with forces loyal to the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations concludes the situation in Gaza is deteriorating "further and faster" than was forecast only a few years ago.

I think we can expect the usual chorus of "I blame the Joooos" from the Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers.

Of course, most of us understand that the putrid bile being spoon fed to children under the guise of "education" in the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan being the true source of Islamist degeneracy. It is the Arabs-Moslems who hold collective responsibility for aiding and abetting the Islamic terrorists who use them as war material. There is no use expecting reason or rationality to step into the breach when you have made the decision to force your child to be indoctrinated into the ideology of religiously sanctioned murder/suicide.

Sometimes people get what they want. Other times, they get huts what they deserve.
Is it true that the Jahalin settled the open area outside Jerusalem following the 1948 war? In 1994, The Los Angeles Timesreported that (“Risk to Bedouin Campsite Reflects Mideast Land-for-Peace Dilemma,”) Israeli Army Maj. Elise Shazar, then the Civil Administration’s spokesperson, “insisted, however, that authorities have aerial photographs indicating that the Jahaleen have been there only years – not decades.” Likewise, in a 1996 interview with the IMRA news service, Shlomo Dror, then spokesman for COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories), stated: “In 1988, the Jahalin tribe moved near Maaleh Adumim. Many members of the tribe work in Maaleh Adumim. They knew the whole time they were on government land.”

(In the 1994 article, even Lynda Brayer, a lawyer representing some of the Bedouin did not suggest her clients' claim dated back to 1948. Rather, she claimed that most of her clients had lived in the area since the early 1960s.)

What about the history of the Jahalin specifically in Khan Al Ahmar? Aerial photographs (see below) of Khan Al Ahmar, provided by Regavim, an Israeli NGO which opposes illegal Bedouin construction, reveal no encampment of Jahalin in Khan Al Ahmar for years after the 1948 war. Indeed, a photograph of the site in 1967, nearly two decades after Israel’s war of independence, shows that Khan Al Ahmar was virtually empty. It appears that there were approximately four or five buildings there in 1980. By 1999, there were approximately up to two dozen structures at the site. The aerial images reveal that the encampment grew significantly between 2006 and 2012.

(full article and photos online)

CAMERA: The LA Times, the Bedouin of Khan Al Ahmar and 'Their Land'
José's Guide to Israel's Stunning Bitches


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