All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israel to American Jews: You Just Don’t Matter
JULY 12, 2017

"Look again. In fact, the foundations of Israel’s long-term national security are cracking.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Israel is overstretching itself by simultaneously erasing the line between itself and the Palestinians — essentially absorbing 2.5 million Palestinians, which could turn Israel into a de facto Jewish-Arab binational state — and drawing a line between itself and the Jewish diaspora, particularly the U.S. Jewish community that has been so vital for Israel’s security, diplomatic standing and remarkable economic growth.

Netanyahu is setting himself up to be a pivotal figure in Jewish history — the leader who burned the bridges to a two-state solution and to the Jewish diaspora at the same time................"

No, that's not what has been said at all.
What has been said is that Israel would keep the separation of men and women at the Western wall.
Jews who are not Israeli citizens can't buy votes to Knesset. Israel acts on behalf of Israelis, not American Jews.
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Spanish judges scrapped motions favoring a boycott of Israel that were passed last year by two city councils.

The rulings last week by separate tribunals in two of Spain’s autonomous regions bring to 20 the number of municipalities that over the past three years have either reversed their motions of support for an Israel boycott or had them nullified by the judiciary.

(full article online)

Spanish judges void 2 municipal BDS motions, calling them racist


JANUARY 7, 2017 11:16

“Today the Provincial Council of Valencia declared itself a free space from Israeli apartheid.”

Spain's Valencia region adopts official BDS policy
UAE newspapers have compared Israeli actions to the Holocaust and accused Israel's founders of imitating Hitler.

As recently as this year, editorial cartoons in UAE media depict Israelis as hook-nosed stereotypical Jews.

The UAE is not as antsemitic as other Arab countries but it has never fought antisemitism in its own borders. But suddenly, it finds it convenient to pretend to love the Jews when it is politically expedient.

To the UN, another institution that promotes antisemitism under the guise of being "pro-Palestinian."

We truly live in interesting times.

(full article online)

United Arab Emirates - defender of the Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

FEBRUARY 12, 2017 11:24

The singer, known for her famous hit "Torn," announced Sunday that she was cancelling the concert slated for March 1.

Pop singer Natalie Imbruglia nixes Israel concert

[ FACTS are important. Israel and Jew haters will appropriate anything and everything ]

Australian pop star Natalie Imbruglia canceled her planned March 1 concert in Israel, but not due to BDS pressure, a promoter said.

Ticket sales were good, said Georges Cohen, a senior promoter at 3A Productions, which was handling Imbruglia’s show in Israel, but “she just couldn’t make it.”

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement “just used it and tried to appropriate the credit of this cancellation,” he said.

BDS didn’t scuttle Imbruglia’s TA concert — promoter
From the Knesset podium, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely recommended that UNESCO and Israeli-Arab MKs read and familiarize themselves with two books. The first is the Bible, which describes the Jewish people’s history in Hebron and Israel.

The second book is Assaf A. Voll’s “A History of the Palestinian People – From Ancient Times to the Modern Era” (Hebrew edition).

One can only hope they would read and learn something.

But I won’t hold my breath waiting.

P.S. There’s a crowdfunding campaign to send copies of the book to UNESCO.
In what appears to be a new low in fake news, Greenblatt told a press conference in Jerusalem that the “US-mediated deal” will give the “parched Palestinian territories” a whopping 32 million cubic meters of water per year, which Israel would provide at a reduced rate, the AP reported.

But the fact is that well before Donald Trump even descended the Trump Tower escalator to announce his run for the presidency, Israel was already working on those plans, thank you very much.

(full article online)

Fake News: Greenblatt Announces Israel Will Include PA in Water Project It Is Already OnThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 20 Tammuz 5777 – July 13, 2017 |
At one point in the book, when discussing antisemitism in the late Ottoman period, Lewis mentions an antisemitic piece by an antisemitic Maronite Christian called Negib Azoury. Azoury is described as “one of the first to see in Zionism a serious threat to the emergent Arab nation.”

Two important phenomena, of the same nature but opposed, which have still not drawn anyone’s attention, are emerging at this moment in Asiatic Turkey. They are the awakening of the Arab nation, and the latent effort of the Jews to reconstitute on a very large-scale the ancient kingdom of Israel. Both these movements are destined to fight continually until one of them wins. The fate of the entire world will depend on the final result between these two peoples representing two contrary principles”

Note how despite being an antisemite and anti-Zionist, Azoury is acknowledging an ancient kingdom of Israel. He does not write “supposed” or “mythical.”

But even more interesting, in my mind, is Farid Kassab, a Greek Orthodox Arab from Beirut, who responded to Azoury’s piece with a pamphlet that supported the Ottoman Empire and Jewish settlement in Palestine while rejecting Azoury’s idea of an Arab nation. As Lewis writes:

He had some words of praise for the Jewish settlers in Palestine, whom he described as peaceful and inoffensive, and as having brought benefit to the country and to the Empire in general through their revival of industry and agriculture.

A further fascinating footnote: elsewhere, I have discovered that Farid Kassab is thought to be the first Arab to use the term”Palestinian”!

Based on hundreds of manuscripts, Islamic court records, books, magazines, and newspapers from the Ottoman period (1516–1918), it seems that the first Arab to use the term “Palestinian” was Farid Georges Kassab, a Beirut-based Orthodox Christian who espoused hostility toward the Orthodox clerical establishment but sympathy for Zionism. Kassab’s 1909 book Palestine, Hellenism, and Clericalism focused on the status of Greek Orthodox Christianity in Palestine, but noted in passing that “the Orthodox Palestinian Ottomans call themselves Arabs, and are in fact Arabs,” despite describing the Arabic speakers of Palestine as Palestinians throughout the rest of the book.

Know Your History: Farid Kassab, First Arab To Use Term “Palestinian”, Praised Zionists
One of the sticking points of the Middle East Conflict is the so-called palestinian right of return. Yet before those words took on the meaning they have today, palestinians returning home meant something else entirely.

From the February 21, 1919 edition of The Sentinel.

Back in 1919, shortly after WWI where there was much talk about re-establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine, The Sentinel (a newspaper for Chicago Jewry) included this report from Palestine on March 21.

Firstly, note how these Arabs referred to themselves: The Musselman-Christian Committee of Jaffa.” Not “The Palestinians.” That is because the Arabs in then Palestine were not referring to themselves as such, nor was anyone else. In fact, the previous month, the Congress of which they were part adopted the following resolution:

“We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.”

Palestinian Arab nationalism started forming later, after the failure of Faisal to establish the Kingdom of Greater Syria.

Secondly, note their statement that the Jews came to Palestine “in the last twelve hundred years.” This constitutes an acknowledgement that there was a continuous Jewish presence from at least the 8th century – rather than the now established palestinian narrative that we showed up in the 20th century or slightly before.

And how did they decide there was a Jewish presence since the 8th century? After all, we have had a continuous presence in the land since at least the year 70, after the destruction of the second Temple.
(Sixties Fan correction - there would have been a continuous Jewish presence since before the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel by King David 3000 years ago - The Philistines' history establishes that there were Jews in the area at the time they were there)

I believe it is no coincidence they chose this number, given the Muslim presence started after the Muslim conquest of the land in the 7th century. By stating we had been here since the 8th century only, they could posit their claim trumps ours.

Know Your History: Palestinian Arab Identity And Jewish Presence In Palestine (The Sentinel March 21, 1919)
Back in 1919, shortly after WWI where there was much talk about re-establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine, The Sentinel (a newspaper for Chicago Jewry) included this report from Palestine on March 21.

Firstly, note how these Arabs referred to themselves: The Musselman-Christian Committee of Jaffa.” Not “The Palestinians.” That is because the Arabs in then Palestine were not referring to themselves as such, nor was anyone else. In fact, the previous month, the Congress of which they were part adopted the following resolution:

“We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.”

Palestinian Arab nationalism started forming later, after the failure of Faisal to establish the Kingdom of Greater Syria.

Secondly, note their statement that the Jews came to Palestine “in the last twelve hundred years.” This constitutes an acknowledgement that there was a continuous Jewish presence from at least the 8th century – rather than the now established palestinian narrative that we showed up in the 20th century or slightly before.

And how did they decide there was a Jewish presence since the 8th century? After all, we have had a continuous presence in the land since at least the year 70, after the destruction of the second Temple.
(Sixties Fan correction - there would have been a continuous Jewish presence since before the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel by King David 3000 years ago - The Philistines' history establishes that there were Jews in the area at the time they were there)

I believe it is no coincidence they chose this number, given the Muslim presence started after the Muslim conquest of the land in the 7th century. By stating we had been here since the 8th century only, they could posit their claim trumps ours.

Know Your History: Palestinian Arab Identity And Jewish Presence In Palestine (The Sentinel March 21, 1919)
LMAO at you "correcting" your own hasbara sources.

Good one, man.
Back in 1919, shortly after WWI where there was much talk about re-establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine, The Sentinel (a newspaper for Chicago Jewry) included this report from Palestine on March 21.

Firstly, note how these Arabs referred to themselves: The Musselman-Christian Committee of Jaffa.” Not “The Palestinians.” That is because the Arabs in then Palestine were not referring to themselves as such, nor was anyone else. In fact, the previous month, the Congress of which they were part adopted the following resolution:

“We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.”

Palestinian Arab nationalism started forming later, after the failure of Faisal to establish the Kingdom of Greater Syria.

Secondly, note their statement that the Jews came to Palestine “in the last twelve hundred years.” This constitutes an acknowledgement that there was a continuous Jewish presence from at least the 8th century – rather than the now established palestinian narrative that we showed up in the 20th century or slightly before.

And how did they decide there was a Jewish presence since the 8th century? After all, we have had a continuous presence in the land since at least the year 70, after the destruction of the second Temple.
(Sixties Fan correction - there would have been a continuous Jewish presence since before the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel by King David 3000 years ago - The Philistines' history establishes that there were Jews in the area at the time they were there)

I believe it is no coincidence they chose this number, given the Muslim presence started after the Muslim conquest of the land in the 7th century. By stating we had been here since the 8th century only, they could posit their claim trumps ours.

Know Your History: Palestinian Arab Identity And Jewish Presence In Palestine (The Sentinel March 21, 1919)
LMAO at you "correcting" your own hasbara sources.

Good one, man.

Exactly which point in the article are you referring to, oh Nazi hogwash!
The term “West Bank” to describe the biblical area known as Judea and Samaria, really only came in to use after the Six Day War of 1967 (see this previous post of mine). This New York Times article from November 23, 1917 is just one example of how back in the day, the area was referred to in this way.

Not “West Bank” or even any Arabic name.

Note: I cannot provide a link to the full article since it is only available to those who have purchased a NY Times subscription. But I have provided a screenshot below. As usual, click on the screenshots to enlarge.

Know Your History: Judea (NY Times Nov 23, 1917)
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