All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Palestine as a region, as it has always been referred to since the Philistines, and not a Country with a people who called themselves Palestinians ]

The book is further proof of a Jewish presence in the land before the First Aliyah which began in 1882, the desolation of the land, the Muslim inhabitants not being indigenous to the land, as well as evidence of the strong Jewish connection to the land and its holy places. For instance:

  • Preface – Finn talks about passing by “desolated villages” and the land being cursed “in its want of population”
  • Page 9 – mentioning that the Arabs “buy slaves to sow and reap for them” (he meets one of the slaves on page 155, and mentions “slave-traffic in Gaza” on page 174)
  • Page 107 – speaking about numerous Jews residing in Safed
  • Page 144 – mentioning that the name “Palestine” came from the ancient Romans
  • Page 227 – mentioning that the “population fluctuates according to the invasions or retiring of tyrannical strangers”
  • Page 231 – speaking about the Turkomans living in a part of the land, “a race of people not to be mistaken for Arabs”
  • Page 243 – mention of a small Jewish community in Shefa ‘Amer, nowadays an Arab city in the North District of Israel, consisting of 30 families but “their numbers had formerly been more considerable”
  • Page 244 – mention of the Jews “whiling away the time by recitation of their evening prayers on horseback, and conversing in the Hebrew language about their warrior forefathers of Galilee.”
(full article online)

Know Your History: James Finn’s Observations In The Holy Land 1846-1856
[ Did the Ottomans call the area Palestine? ]

Back then, Syria was split into two provinces called Eyalets. Each Eyalet was in turn split into Sanjaks. The Eyalet of Damascus included the Sanjaks of Acre, Safad, Nablus, Jerusalem and Gaza. In 1872, the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem was formed, and only towards the end of that century did the idea that this region (“Palestine”) formed a separate political entity became a thing among the area’s educated Arab classes.

(full article and maps online)

Know Your History: A Map Of Palestine, 1855
Back in March 1972, almost 5 years after the Six Day War, the New York Times reported about an offer by Jordan’s King Hussein to unify the “west bank” with Jordan again. Note in particular the following:

  • The NY Times very clearly starting with the name of the area as “the Biblical provinces of Judea and Samaria”
  • Israel had allowed for freedom of movement of Arabs and goods between the “west bank” and Jordan, as well as into Israel
  • An acknowledgement of the fact that Jordan occupied this area before Israel took over, and how Israel’s “occupation” was no worse and in fact “in some ways better.”
  • The concept of these Arabs living in a federation with Jordan (instead of a separate “palestinian” state) was a popular concept among these Arabs, but failed for other reasons
  • The Arab intellectuals said they were ready to accept Israel as a neighbor
(Vide NYT article online)

Know Your History: King Hussein’s Plan & The Reaction Of “West Bank” Arabs (NY Times March 19, 1972)
On Sept 24th, 1922, the New York Times featured an article on Palestine as a land of promise. It describes the positive impact of the Jewish pioneers on the land and economy, an impact also felt by the Arabs living there (even though they did not trust the Jews). The Jews are said to be cultivating an arid land, raising the standard of living for all inhabitants.

Clearly not the narrative the haters would have you believe – that we somehow came and plundered the land.

Also of particular note: the reverence with which the Jews hold the land, despite having limited access to Jewish holy places (even paying money to “insert a hand” into the supposed location of the Cave of Machpelah – yes, the “custodians” charged Jews for the benefit). There is also an acknowledgment that the Jewish holy places were there first, being subsequently taken over by other religions. Because back then, they admitted we were the indigenous people of the Holy land.

(NYT Screenshot online)

Know Your History: Palestine, The Land Of Promise (NY Times Sept 24, 1922)
[As the saying goes.....there were no Jews in the Land of Israel before the Muslims came. They had all converted to Christianity. is a 1600 year old Synagogue to make that saying all true]

An ongoing excavation of a 1,600 year old synagogue in the Galilee area has uncovered unique mosaics depicting Biblical scenes in ways never seen before.

Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) led by Professor Jodi Magness have been excavating the 1,600-year old synagogue at Huqoq, about eight miles north of Tiberias, since 2011. Their interest was piqued early on when they began to uncover mosaics dating back to the fifth century CE, a feature never encountered before in similar remains of synagogues.

Read more at First Mosaics of Jonah and the Whale Unearthed
The propaganda is debunked again, by the facts:

"What is more, the Porte decided to oppose Jewish settlement in Palestine in autumn 1881, some months before the increased flow of Jews in that direction got under way. ('Palestine', for the purpose of this article, is used to mean the area referred to in contemporary Ottoman parlance and documents as 'Arzi Filistin', which at the end of the nineteenth century was not a single administrative unit but was made up of the Mutasarriflik of Jerusalem to the south and the Sancaks of Nablus and Acre in the north; these Sancaks were part of the Vilayet of Sam ('Syria') until 1888, whereafter they were incorporated into the new Vilayet of Beirut).", Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf
From London to Dumbarton, we have to stop the spread of antisemitism.

The Barbara Stanwyck smoking advert is probably from the late 1940’s or early 50’s. When I was growing up in the 1970’s, despite a growing understanding of the dangers, you would still see images of the connection between status and smoking. It was still seen as ‘cool’. Non-smokers who avoided the intense peer pressure, could still be ridiculed. Have you seen a cigarette advert recently? One on a sports car? Watching a movie? No, thought not.

Why am I talking about cigarettes? Let me look at antisemitism in the UK in the summer of 2017.

As those who follow my blog know, just a few weeks ago I was walking with Islamic radicals who were waving Hezbollah flags as they marched through London. Last weekend, my family was thrown out of an event in a large public building just a few hundred meters from the Houses of Parliament. On the same day in Glasgow, a group gathered to protest against Radiohead’s upcoming gig in Israel. In a group of about 20 people, at least four spread material on Holocaust denial. You simply cannot have a demonstration against Israel today without significant hard-core antisemitism being present.

(full article online)

Scottish antisemites in Dumbarton get to throw a public party
Statement on Tunisian Liberal Party's Facebook page, July 9, 2017

"Termed a Zionist, Boujenah, a great defender of his homeland Tunisia, is not liked by all his compatriots. Some were even outraged when he was scheduled to perform at the Carthage Festival, and called to boycott him. The international campaign for boycotting Zionism sent a letter to the Minister of Cultural Affairs and the director of the Carthage Festival asking them to cancel the show. In the letter, Boujenah’s opponents quoted his words of support for Israel and its army, as he expressed them in the media.

"On the other hand, many Tunisians defended the comedian, such as Yamina Thabet, president of the Tunisian Association for the Support of Minorities (TASM), who said that this call to boycott him amounts to antisemitism. 'I am not here to defend a person who does not need defending, nor am I here to utter sugary words about nostalgia and the bond to one’s homeland, as if being non-Muslim requires one to prove [one's patriotism]! What I denounce is the cowardly behavior of those who do not have the guts to acknowledge their hatred and therefore hide the under guise of some general excuse,' [Thabet] wrote on her Facebook page, while recalling that Michel Boujenah is a Tunisian who always declared out loud his attachment to the homeland [Tunisia]. And as such, [she said,] he has the right to perform in Tunisia and meet his fans in our country, and there are many of them."[8]

(full article online)

Tunisian Human Rights Association, Liberal Party Denounce Call To Ban Jewish Comedian Michel Boujenah From Tunisian Arts Festival For Being A Zionist: 'Leave Art And Artists Out Of Political Controversies'
UGTT Executive Bureau demands cancellation of Michel Boujenah’s show
July 4, 2017 Education

The Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) Executive Committee, called in a press release Tuesday for the cancellation of a show by Tunisian-born French Jewish comedian Michel Boujenah scheduled in Carthage Festival and on other stages.

This call was motivated by his pro-Zionist positions, his support to the racist fascist entity and defence to criminal Sharon and not over his Jewish religion since the Jewish community is one of the cultural and historic component of Tunisia, it stressed.

In this regard, the executive committee called on the Culture Ministry to assume its responsibilities and carefully select shows, by providing a greater share to Tunisian shows, especially in this difficult economic situation.

The bureau recalled in this regard, that the Palestinian cause has always enjoyed a special place in the heart of Tunisian people who have always rejected all forms of normalisation with Israel, including cultural normalisation.

Boujehan is scheduled to perform on July 19 at the Carthage Archeological Museum as part of the 53rd edition of the Carthage International Festival as part of the Beyond Walls programme (July 3-August 19).

Source: TAP News Agency

UGTT Executive Bureau demands cancellation of Michel Boujenah’s show | Tunisia News Gazette
[ The Temple Mount is the Third Holiest Site for Islam? Someone should remind the Muslims of that ]

Culture Minister Miri Regev called for the Temple Mount to be open to all, without time or area limits.

According to Regev, “the Wakf should only manage the mosque and not the entire Mount, which is under Israeli sovereignty and responsibility. That’s the only way quiet and security will be returned to the Mount and the Old City.”

The Wakf, or Jordanian Islamic Trust, manages the Temple Mount, and matters related to the holy site are coordinated via the Prime Minister’s Office.

Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan said that there is a direct connection between recent UNESCO decisions leaving out Israeli and Jewish connections to holy sites and today's terror attack.

“The Cave of the Patriarchs, Temple Mount and Nablus are three places that our Sages said were bought with money in the Land of Israel, and there is no denying their belonging to the Jewish People,” Ben-Dahan, who is a rabbi, said. “We see that in the last week there is a major Palestinian effort to erase the connection of these places to the Jewish People. It started with the UNESCO decision that the Cave of the Patriarchs is a Palestinian heritage site and continues today with the terrorist attack on the Temple Mount.”

(full article online)

Israeli officials question Temple Mount status quo after terror attack
Here's a very visual and moving response to the issues we raised in yesterday's post "11-Jul-17: Incitement to terror: Sometimes it really is all about the money"

There's an especially clear background article about this we recommend highly: "The Department of Pay-for-Slay | How the Palestinian Authority not only incites terrorist murder—but supports it with U.S. tax dollars" [Feith and Gerber, Commentary Magazine, March 15, 2017]

Every cent of the money wasted on inciting young Palestinian Arabs to more and more acts of terror is money provided as foreign aid by Western governments to the perennially insolvent Mahmoud Abbas regime. This is a morality tale with catastrophic dimensions to it.

And continuing daily.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 12-Jul-17: Palestinian Arab incitement to terror: hundreds of millions of wasted dollars and what they might have achieved
Interesting thread. I travel to Israel on holiday regularly. I love the open nature of the society. Anti-israeli propanada is revealed as being without substance.
UGTT Executive Bureau demands cancellation of Michel Boujenah’s show
July 4, 2017 Education

The Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) Executive Committee, called in a press release Tuesday for the cancellation of a show by Tunisian-born French Jewish comedian Michel Boujenah scheduled in Carthage Festival and on other stages.

This call was motivated by his pro-Zionist positions, his support to the racist fascist entity and defence to criminal Sharon and not over his Jewish religion since the Jewish community is one of the cultural and historic component of Tunisia, it stressed.

In this regard, the executive committee called on the Culture Ministry to assume its responsibilities and carefully select shows, by providing a greater share to Tunisian shows, especially in this difficult economic situation.

The bureau recalled in this regard, that the Palestinian cause has always enjoyed a special place in the heart of Tunisian people who have always rejected all forms of normalisation with Israel, including cultural normalisation.

Boujehan is scheduled to perform on July 19 at the Carthage Archeological Museum as part of the 53rd edition of the Carthage International Festival as part of the Beyond Walls programme (July 3-August 19).

Source: TAP News Agency

UGTT Executive Bureau demands cancellation of Michel Boujenah’s show | Tunisia News Gazette

Maybe the cultural Mecca of Tunisia is worth avoiding.

Concerts in Israel

Top musicians come from around the world to give concerts in Israel, mostly to give concerts in Tel Aviv, and every year the number is increasing! The likes of Madonna, Leonard Cohen, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and Paul McCartney, are just some of the big names who have given concerts in Israel in recent years, and there are a number of other top international musicians who have upcoming Israel concerts. Below you’ll find the latest announcements – if you are waiting for a specific artist to announce a concert, sign up for our newsletter and we’ll email you when it’s announced.
Over the course of the last century, the globe has seen the rise and fall of many totalitarian / authoritarian regimes, and many still remain. We've seen dystopian nightmares from ISIS, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others. Today we have religious fascism in such places as Iran, across North Africa, Malaysia and most states in the Middle East.

What is just as disturbing are the Death Cult enclaves of Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan which embody all of the ills that afflict the totalitarian / authoritarian regimes and dystopian nightmare noted above.

Palestinian Authority Holds Military Funeral For Terrorist

Palestinian Authority Holds Military Funeral For Terrorist

Muhammad Jibrin[1] from the village of Taqua was killed on July 10, 2017 after wounding a soldier in a ramming attack and then attempting to stab other soldiers near the Israeli settlement of Teqoa. The PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam reported that he had been shot by Israeli forces "on the pretext" that he had tried to perpetrate an attack,[2] whereas Palestinian news websites, such as the Hamas website, stated explicitly that he had "carried out a ramming attack."[3]
Whether Mahmoud Abbas will walk the walk of peace rather than merely talk the talk has been a subject of debate since his assumption of the presidency of the Palestinian Authority (PA) after the death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004.

The answer is clearly no. The evidence is in the list of meetings with the president of the US, the meeting most coveted by heads of state.

Abbas currently meets US presidents with almost the same frequency as the prime minister of Great Britain, the most trusted ally of the US, with a population at least twenty times that of the PA and which carries nearly 400 times its economic weight. British GDP stands at $2.8 trillion; the PA’s is
$7 billion (including Gaza, which Abbas does not control).

But thanks to his struggle against Israel, Abbas is a political superstar many heads of NATO states can only dream of being.

From the end of 2004 through this summer, the heads of state (king or prime minister) of Spain – a medium-sized European state, NATO member, and home to US military installations, which has had warm ties with the US since the Cold War – have had fewer official one-on-one meetings with US presidents than Mahmoud Abbas (11 to the PA; 9 to Spain). Only one of the three most recent US presidents, Obama, visited Spain (in 2016), and eight of the meetings between the heads of state were in the US on working or official visits. By contrast, Abbas met all three presidents on his own home ground. He didn’t even have to make the trip to Washington.

So far, the numbers have shown it is worthwhile to avoid making peace with Israel. But how do we know making peace will dent Abbas’s superstar status? Isn’t it possible he will meet the US president even more after making peace than he did in the pre-peace era?

No, it isn’t. Two sets of evidence demonstrate that making peace with Israel is bad for one’s international visibility.

The first is what happened to the King of Jordan after making peace in 2004 compared to the same period before making peace. Between 1991 and 2004, Kings Hussein and Abdullah met the US president 15 times. That number dropped to three over the same length of time after King Abdullah signed the peace treaty.

Tunisia provides another case for comparison. The last US president to visit Tunisia was in 1959! Tunisian strongman Zein Abidin Bin Ali met the US president only twice during his thirty years of dictatorship. The individuals who catapulted Tunisia to democracy have fared better – three Tunisian heads of state have met the president of the US in the past six years – but despite Tunisia’s uniqueness as the only democracy in the Arab world, those meetings have occurred at only slightly more than half the rate of Abbas’s meetings.

Abbas, who relishes his place in the sun, has rightly concluded that as far as he is concerned, it is better to talk the talk than walk the walk of peace.

Abbas Will Never Walk the Walk of Peace
[Let us see the "Palestinians" (Not the Philistines) find Archeological evidence of their presence 3000 years ago]

Ten ancient jugs unearthed at the site of the ancient city of Shiloh in Samaria could lead researchers to new discoveries about the Jewish tabernacle that existed there before the First Temple was built in Jerusalem.

The jugs, only some of which were broken, were unearthed approximately half a meter (20 inches) underground in a large room that is part of an ongoing archaeological excavation.

The Bible attributes the tabernacle at Shiloh to the time of the High Priest Eli and the Prophet Samuel.

(full article online)

10 Ancient Jugs Used for Tabernacle Unearthed in Shiloh
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