All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Today, the "greater jihad" is invariably described as an "inner struggle." Yet according to WikiIslam, the hadith that defines "greater jihad" as an inner struggle is considered suspect by Islamic scholars altogether. This source explicitly defines "greater jihad" as more violent than "lesser jihad."

All three of these descriptions of jihad were written by Muslims trying to make Islam look as positive as possible for a Western audience. Not one of them mentioned Jihad in any context outside religious war.

While the etymology of "jihad" does mean "struggle," etymology does not indicate meaning. It is as if someone would describe suicide bombings as "terrific" and, when pressed, would say the word "terrific" comes from the same root as the word "terror" and often meant "terrifying" in the 17th century, which is technically accurate but fundamentally false.

(full article online)

Jihad ("Jehad") in 19th century scholarly books by Muslims ALWAYS means war ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An article in Ma'an by Dr. Ali Awar says that the Jewish connection to the Western Wall is a relatively recent phenomenon. He claims that in fact the Kotel is meaningless to Jews and Judaism, and uses (as proof!) that Yassir Arafat denied that there was any Temple in Jerusalem during Camp David talks, saying that maybe it was in Nablus.

He admits that the Ottomans allowed Jews to worship there (because they were so kind!) but that Muslims always knew that it was a Muslim shrine, the Buraq Wall. (The site of the Kotel was never identified with the story of Mohammed's magic steed until the 20th century.)

Awar says "The Wailing Wall is exploited by Israeli politicians to extinguish the status of religious legitimacy on this holy place for Muslims."

He also claims that the deadly 1929 pogroms against Jews broke out because the Jews wanted to put up a partition at the Kotel to separate Jews from Muslims! (The temporary partition was meant to create separate men's and women's sections for Yom Kippur prayers.)

This is the quality of Arab scholarship as seen in media that is funded by foreign governments and NGOs.

For "quality" journalism.

Projection alert: "Jews exploit Kotel to deny Muslim history" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
BDS campaign costs Israeli bus company $216m

July 3, 2017 at 12:38 pm

A few weeks ago Egged Bus Systems, Israel’s largest public transportation company, lost a tender worth €190 million ($216 million) to the public transport department in northern Holland. Activists from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement launched a campaign against the company because of its involvement in the Israeli apartheid regime against the Palestinian people and its occupation, colonisation and settlement of their lands.

Egged was supposed to sign a 10-year contract to manage public bus routes in the northern region of the Netherlands and the capital Amsterdam with the Dutch district Government worth €19.1 million ($22.6 million) a year."

BDS campaign costs Israeli bus company $216m
We'll live.

I bought tickets for Radiohead. Heard it's going to be a blast.

Another sucess for BDS, lol.
We'll live.

I bought tickets for Radiohead. Heard it's going to be a blast.

Another sucess for BDS, lol.

It may be cancelled, hope you can get a refund. Radiohead will face a boycott if they go through with the concert so Yorke is rethinking his decision.

Interrogation of Palestinian terrorist proves:
PA payments motivate terror

Palestinian terrorist: "I've accumulated large debts... if my son wants a shekel, I have nothing to give him... I decided to do something serious, such as committing murder, something in which I will both kill and die, and then my family will get money (i.e., from the PA) and will live comfortably... If I'm not able to kill soldiers, I'll try settlers, guards - in other words any Israeli target - the important thing is that I will die and they will kill me, so that my children will receive a [PA] allowance and live happily"
[From transcript of Israeli Police interrogation of Palestinian terrorist]

(full article online)

Interrogation of Palestinian terrorist proves: PA payments motivate terror - PMW Bulletins
We'll live.

I bought tickets for Radiohead. Heard it's going to be a blast.

Another sucess for BDS, lol.

It may be cancelled, hope you can get a refund. Radiohead will face a boycott if they go through with the concert so Yorke is rethinking his decision.


Most comments on facebook regarding the concert were sane and supportive of Yorke's flip off to BDS. If anything, this will gain Radiohead more popularity. BDS and demented crazy people like Walters are so Passe.
Good expo, thanks.

PALEXPO - Professor Tariq Ramadan - Democratic Engagement & Justice for Palestinians - 08/07/2017

So now Tariq Ramadan represents Palestinian nationalism...
The grandson of Hassan al Banna that established the Muslim Brotherhood??

I told You it was all about Arab Muslim colonialism and subjagation, these people are not looking for a separate Palestinian state.

Muslim Brotherhood stated goals:

"The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Quran and the Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".[13] Its mottos include "Believers are but Brothers", "Islam is the Solution", and "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish".[14][15][16][17"
Good expo, thanks.

PALEXPO - Professor Tariq Ramadan - Democratic Engagement & Justice for Palestinians - 08/07/2017

So now Tariq Ramadan represents Palestinian nationalism...
The grandson of Hassan al Banna that established the Muslim Brotherhood??

I told You it was all about Arab Muslim colonialism and subjagation, these people are not looking for a separate Palestinian state.

Muslim Brotherhood stated goals:

"The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Quran and the Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".[13] Its mottos include "Believers are but Brothers", "Islam is the Solution", and "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish".[14][15][16][17"

This is not a religious conflict.
Using music for wars is ugly. BDS has no respect for musicians and art.



Why do you post stuff that has nothing to do with Palestine?

The PR for the Islamist rule is a blast!...
Supporters of Islamism think people are blind to the clear connection between the different organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and PA.

Different names, same ideology. One goal.

Good expo, thanks.

PALEXPO - Professor Tariq Ramadan - Democratic Engagement & Justice for Palestinians - 08/07/2017

So now Tariq Ramadan represents Palestinian nationalism...
The grandson of Hassan al Banna that established the Muslim Brotherhood??

I told You it was all about Arab Muslim colonialism and subjagation, these people are not looking for a separate Palestinian state.

Muslim Brotherhood stated goals:

"The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Quran and the Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".[13] Its mottos include "Believers are but Brothers", "Islam is the Solution", and "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish".[14][15][16][17"

This is not a religious conflict.

Maybe not to you. You're an American. Everything concerning the Middle East contains a religious element to it.
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