All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The case of Hamas is yet another marker of the complexity of this crisis. In recent years, the group has struck an uneasy balance between Saudi Arabia and Iran. While the latter was once Hamas’s biggest patron, supplying it with money and weapons, the two sides parted ways in 2012 when the Palestinians backed the uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. Soon, Tehran, which backs the Assad regime, cut off military aid to Hamas. The former leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, was forced to leave his longtime base in Damascus, decamping for Doha, where the group received an enthusiastic welcome.

Since then, Meshaal has tried to steer Hamas closer to the Gulf states. He met with King Salman on a rare visit to Saudi Arabia in 2015, and pushed back against the leaders of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, who wanted to pivot back to Iran. He thought such a move would empower the comparatively moderate political wing of Hamas, and perhaps win the group a measure of international recognition. Now, though, the Saudis and their allies are demanding that Qatar cut ties with Hamas and expel its leaders from Doha—quite possibly pushing it back towards Iran.

This tension is no mere academic matter. Gaza has been devastated by three wars over the past decade. Even hawkish Israeli politicians agree that the only way to prevent a fourth flare-up is to improve living conditions in the strip. But that won’t happen if Hamas is pushed away from the Gulf and back towards Iran—a shift that would be welcomed by the group’s hardliners, who have advocated it for years. “The Arab states have been abusing the Palestinian cause since the creation of Israel in 1948,” Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas, told me. “This is a fixed policy.”

(full article online)

The Qatar Crisis Is Pushing Hamas Back to Iran
Do they donate cash?

UNWRA does not do infrastructure.

Go and tell them that:

Our programme was established in Gaza to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees through the planning, design and construction of UNRWA facilities, shelters, schools and health centres, as well as through comprehensive planning for the environmental health sector. Our programme also works on the restoration of sewerage and drainage works, water wells and wastewater treatment in Palestine refugee camps and surrounding areas.

After establishing a coordination mechanism for the entry of construction materials into Gaza in 2010, UNRWA initiated a recovery and reconstruction plan. Since then, 34 schools and 3 health centres have been constructed, along with a large-scale project to build 752 housing units in Rafah, funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Other initiatives include rehousing projects funded by Japan, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, which built a total of 650 units in Khan Younis.

Infrastructure & Camp Improvement in the Gaza Strip | UNRWA

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed more than $5 billion in bilateral economic and non-lethal security assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of (1) promoting the prevention or mitigation of terrorism against Israel; (2) fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that may aid Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic prospects; and (3) meeting humanitarian needs. The long-term utility of U.S. aid in encouraging regional stability and Palestinian economic and political self- sufficiency might depend to some extent on progress toward a political solution that addresses Palestinian national aspirations and Israeli security demands.

EU and others are tired of helping the charity known as the Palestinians:

What EU shift in financial support policy means for Gaza
How much cash does Hamas get? How much aid goes to improve Palestine's economy and how much is just subsistence? How much goes to benefit Israel?

How does money to Gaza benefit Israel? And you mean financially, don't you?

All of the cash that Hamas gets is under the table. Palestine is a captive market both Gaza and the Wast Bank. All of the money they get has to be spent in Israel. So the money goes to the Palestinians then straight to Israel.

How do all of the supplies by the truckloads, which go into Gaza from Israel, benefit Israel as well?
That aid is purchased from Israel then Israel charges a duty to send it Gaza.

How do you think Hamas gets all the money and material it gets to build the tunnels and anything else it wants for themselves?
Beg, borrow, and steal outside Israel's official channels.

There are answers to these questions but you will not like any one of them.

UNRWA. Look it up.
Do they donate cash?

UNWRA does not do infrastructure.

Go and tell them that:

Our programme was established in Gaza to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees through the planning, design and construction of UNRWA facilities, shelters, schools and health centres, as well as through comprehensive planning for the environmental health sector. Our programme also works on the restoration of sewerage and drainage works, water wells and wastewater treatment in Palestine refugee camps and surrounding areas.

After establishing a coordination mechanism for the entry of construction materials into Gaza in 2010, UNRWA initiated a recovery and reconstruction plan. Since then, 34 schools and 3 health centres have been constructed, along with a large-scale project to build 752 housing units in Rafah, funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Other initiatives include rehousing projects funded by Japan, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, which built a total of 650 units in Khan Younis.

Infrastructure & Camp Improvement in the Gaza Strip | UNRWA

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed more than $5 billion in bilateral economic and non-lethal security assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of (1) promoting the prevention or mitigation of terrorism against Israel; (2) fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that may aid Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic prospects; and (3) meeting humanitarian needs. The long-term utility of U.S. aid in encouraging regional stability and Palestinian economic and political self- sufficiency might depend to some extent on progress toward a political solution that addresses Palestinian national aspirations and Israeli security demands.

EU and others are tired of helping the charity known as the Palestinians:

What EU shift in financial support policy means for Gaza
How much cash does Hamas get? How much aid goes to improve Palestine's economy and how much is just subsistence? How much goes to benefit Israel?

How does money to Gaza benefit Israel? And you mean financially, don't you?

All of the cash that Hamas gets is under the table. Palestine is a captive market both Gaza and the Wast Bank. All of the money they get has to be spent in Israel. So the money goes to the Palestinians then straight to Israel.

How do all of the supplies by the truckloads, which go into Gaza from Israel, benefit Israel as well?
That aid is purchased from Israel then Israel charges a duty to send it Gaza.

How do you think Hamas gets all the money and material it gets to build the tunnels and anything else it wants for themselves?
Beg, borrow, and steal outside Israel's official channels.

There are answers to these questions but you will not like any one of them.

It's curious how the Hamas terrorists find military uniforms for their goofy Islamic terrorist fashion shows. Strange how those uniforms are not to be found when they're committing acts of war.
UNRWA. Look it up.
Do they donate cash?

UNWRA does not do infrastructure.

Go and tell them that:

Our programme was established in Gaza to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees through the planning, design and construction of UNRWA facilities, shelters, schools and health centres, as well as through comprehensive planning for the environmental health sector. Our programme also works on the restoration of sewerage and drainage works, water wells and wastewater treatment in Palestine refugee camps and surrounding areas.

After establishing a coordination mechanism for the entry of construction materials into Gaza in 2010, UNRWA initiated a recovery and reconstruction plan. Since then, 34 schools and 3 health centres have been constructed, along with a large-scale project to build 752 housing units in Rafah, funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Other initiatives include rehousing projects funded by Japan, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, which built a total of 650 units in Khan Younis.

Infrastructure & Camp Improvement in the Gaza Strip | UNRWA

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed more than $5 billion in bilateral economic and non-lethal security assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of (1) promoting the prevention or mitigation of terrorism against Israel; (2) fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that may aid Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic prospects; and (3) meeting humanitarian needs. The long-term utility of U.S. aid in encouraging regional stability and Palestinian economic and political self- sufficiency might depend to some extent on progress toward a political solution that addresses Palestinian national aspirations and Israeli security demands.

EU and others are tired of helping the charity known as the Palestinians:

What EU shift in financial support policy means for Gaza
How much cash does Hamas get? How much aid goes to improve Palestine's economy and how much is just subsistence? How much goes to benefit Israel?

How does money to Gaza benefit Israel? And you mean financially, don't you?

All of the cash that Hamas gets is under the table. Palestine is a captive market both Gaza and the Wast Bank. All of the money they get has to be spent in Israel. So the money goes to the Palestinians then straight to Israel.

How do all of the supplies by the truckloads, which go into Gaza from Israel, benefit Israel as well?
That aid is purchased from Israel then Israel charges a duty to send it Gaza.

How do you think Hamas gets all the money and material it gets to build the tunnels and anything else it wants for themselves?
Beg, borrow, and steal outside Israel's official channels.

There are answers to these questions but you will not like any one of them.

Do they donate cash?

UNWRA does not do infrastructure.

Go and tell them that:

Our programme was established in Gaza to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees through the planning, design and construction of UNRWA facilities, shelters, schools and health centres, as well as through comprehensive planning for the environmental health sector. Our programme also works on the restoration of sewerage and drainage works, water wells and wastewater treatment in Palestine refugee camps and surrounding areas.

After establishing a coordination mechanism for the entry of construction materials into Gaza in 2010, UNRWA initiated a recovery and reconstruction plan. Since then, 34 schools and 3 health centres have been constructed, along with a large-scale project to build 752 housing units in Rafah, funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Other initiatives include rehousing projects funded by Japan, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, which built a total of 650 units in Khan Younis.

Infrastructure & Camp Improvement in the Gaza Strip | UNRWA

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed more than $5 billion in bilateral economic and non-lethal security assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of (1) promoting the prevention or mitigation of terrorism against Israel; (2) fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that may aid Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic prospects; and (3) meeting humanitarian needs. The long-term utility of U.S. aid in encouraging regional stability and Palestinian economic and political self- sufficiency might depend to some extent on progress toward a political solution that addresses Palestinian national aspirations and Israeli security demands.

EU and others are tired of helping the charity known as the Palestinians:

What EU shift in financial support policy means for Gaza
How much cash does Hamas get? How much aid goes to improve Palestine's economy and how much is just subsistence? How much goes to benefit Israel?

How does money to Gaza benefit Israel? And you mean financially, don't you?

All of the cash that Hamas gets is under the table. Palestine is a captive market both Gaza and the Wast Bank. All of the money they get has to be spent in Israel. So the money goes to the Palestinians then straight to Israel.

How do all of the supplies by the truckloads, which go into Gaza from Israel, benefit Israel as well?
That aid is purchased from Israel then Israel charges a duty to send it Gaza.

How do you think Hamas gets all the money and material it gets to build the tunnels and anything else it wants for themselves?
Beg, borrow, and steal outside Israel's official channels.

There are answers to these questions but you will not like any one of them.


Go and tell them that:

Our programme was established in Gaza to improve the living conditions of Palestine refugees through the planning, design and construction of UNRWA facilities, shelters, schools and health centres, as well as through comprehensive planning for the environmental health sector. Our programme also works on the restoration of sewerage and drainage works, water wells and wastewater treatment in Palestine refugee camps and surrounding areas.

After establishing a coordination mechanism for the entry of construction materials into Gaza in 2010, UNRWA initiated a recovery and reconstruction plan. Since then, 34 schools and 3 health centres have been constructed, along with a large-scale project to build 752 housing units in Rafah, funded by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Other initiatives include rehousing projects funded by Japan, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, which built a total of 650 units in Khan Younis.

Infrastructure & Camp Improvement in the Gaza Strip | UNRWA

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed more than $5 billion in bilateral economic and non-lethal security assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians in apparent support of (1) promoting the prevention or mitigation of terrorism against Israel; (2) fostering stability, prosperity, and self-governance in the West Bank that may aid Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic prospects; and (3) meeting humanitarian needs. The long-term utility of U.S. aid in encouraging regional stability and Palestinian economic and political self- sufficiency might depend to some extent on progress toward a political solution that addresses Palestinian national aspirations and Israeli security demands.

EU and others are tired of helping the charity known as the Palestinians:

What EU shift in financial support policy means for Gaza
How much cash does Hamas get? How much aid goes to improve Palestine's economy and how much is just subsistence? How much goes to benefit Israel?

How does money to Gaza benefit Israel? And you mean financially, don't you?

All of the cash that Hamas gets is under the table. Palestine is a captive market both Gaza and the Wast Bank. All of the money they get has to be spent in Israel. So the money goes to the Palestinians then straight to Israel.

How do all of the supplies by the truckloads, which go into Gaza from Israel, benefit Israel as well?
That aid is purchased from Israel then Israel charges a duty to send it Gaza.

How do you think Hamas gets all the money and material it gets to build the tunnels and anything else it wants for themselves?
Beg, borrow, and steal outside Israel's official channels.

There are answers to these questions but you will not like any one of them.


No links to support your silly tirades.

No surprise.
Arab violence against Jews is often alleged to have begun with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 or as a result of Israel's capture in 1967 of territories occupied by Jordan. But even before the Mandate for Palestine was assigned to Great Britain by the Allies at the San Remo Conference (April 1920) and endorsed by the League of Nations (July 1922), Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine. Systematic violence began in early 1920 with murderous assaults by groups of local Arabs against settlements in the north and by Muslim pilgrims against Jerusalem's Jews. Again in 1921, Arab rioters attacked Jews in Jaffa and its environs. The primary agitator behind these attacks was Haj Amin al Husseini, who marshalled Arab discontent over Jewish immigration into violent riots.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres
In his dystopian novel 1984, the British author George Orwell famously wrote: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

In a similar vein, a recent USA Today report that details anti-Jewish violence is headlined “Palestinians give peaceful protest a chance.”

In reality, the August 3, 2017, dispatch, by special correspondent Noga Tarnoplsky, reported the complete opposite.

The article covered Palestinian Arab objections to Israeli efforts to increase security measures at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which sits on the Temple Mount — Judaism’s holiest site.

(full article online)

USA Today’s Orwellian Report on Anti-Jewish Violence
Arab violence against Jews is often alleged to have begun with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 or as a result of Israel's capture in 1967 of territories occupied by Jordan. But even before the Mandate for Palestine was assigned to Great Britain by the Allies at the San Remo Conference (April 1920) and endorsed by the League of Nations (July 1922), Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine. Systematic violence began in early 1920 with murderous assaults by groups of local Arabs against settlements in the north and by Muslim pilgrims against Jerusalem's Jews. Again in 1921, Arab rioters attacked Jews in Jaffa and its environs. The primary agitator behind these attacks was Haj Amin al Husseini, who marshalled Arab discontent over Jewish immigration into violent riots.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres
What the lying sacks of shit at CAMERA don't mention (CAMERA is an Israeli Propaganda organization.) is that the Zionist colonial project officially started when Britain landed in Palestine with the Balfour Declaration in its pocket in 1917.
Arab violence against Jews is often alleged to have begun with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 or as a result of Israel's capture in 1967 of territories occupied by Jordan. But even before the Mandate for Palestine was assigned to Great Britain by the Allies at the San Remo Conference (April 1920) and endorsed by the League of Nations (July 1922), Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine. Systematic violence began in early 1920 with murderous assaults by groups of local Arabs against settlements in the north and by Muslim pilgrims against Jerusalem's Jews. Again in 1921, Arab rioters attacked Jews in Jaffa and its environs. The primary agitator behind these attacks was Haj Amin al Husseini, who marshalled Arab discontent over Jewish immigration into violent riots.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres

Dear me, native people resistng European invasion and colonization, how evil. You people are insane. What do you think native people do when colonists invade with the intention of subjugating them. Offer them cake? Cognizant dissonance at its best.
Arab violence against Jews is often alleged to have begun with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 or as a result of Israel's capture in 1967 of territories occupied by Jordan. But even before the Mandate for Palestine was assigned to Great Britain by the Allies at the San Remo Conference (April 1920) and endorsed by the League of Nations (July 1922), Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine. Systematic violence began in early 1920 with murderous assaults by groups of local Arabs against settlements in the north and by Muslim pilgrims against Jerusalem's Jews. Again in 1921, Arab rioters attacked Jews in Jaffa and its environs. The primary agitator behind these attacks was Haj Amin al Husseini, who marshalled Arab discontent over Jewish immigration into violent riots.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres

Dear me, native people resistng European invasion and colonization, how evil. You people are insane. What do you think native people do when colonists invade with the intention of subjugating them. Offer them cake? Cognizant dissonance at its best.

Oh my. Turk invaders, Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese land grabbers, including European Christian Crusaders are "native people"?

The Monty will be here all week. Make sure to tip the waitresses.
Failing once again to clarify that the status of Area C is subject to negotiations and hence cannot accurately be described as “their land”, Pollard concluded with a repeat of his signposting:

Pollard: “You’re not going to be holding your breath by the sound of it. Diana Buttu; many thanks indeed for her take on the prospects of some breakthrough courtesy of Jared Kushner and the US team in the Middle East. Diana is a former legal advisor for the Palestinian negotiating team in Ramallah.”

Clearly BBC World Service audiences listening to this item did not benefit from accurate and impartial information that would enhance their understanding of the current situation regarding US efforts to restart negotiations between Israel and the PLO or the full range of issues to be tackled in such talks.

What they did hear, however, was unchallenged, politically motivated messaging from an inadequately introduced professional activist intent on persuading BBC audiences that the main – if not sole – factor of any importance in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is ‘settlements’.

A later edition of ‘Newsday’ also led with the same story – but did listeners hear anything to balance this item? That question will be answered in part two of this post.

(full article online)

BBC WS Newsday’s one-sided ‘peace process’ reporting – part one
Over the past two months, a number of PA Arab youths were arrested after attempting to carry out stone-throwing and Molotov cocktail attacks on Israeli vehicles, according to a Channel 20 report published Sunday. Now it turns out that the Palestinian Education Ministry has granted every student who was arrested as a result of such an attack on a graduation test day automatically received a passing grade.

(full article online)
After a few months in which the residents of Itamar, predominantly Orthodox Jewish community located in the Samarian mountains, three miles southeast of Shechem, could breathe a sigh of relief, by the end of last week they saw the return to action of a nearby pirate Arab garbage dump specializing in burning hazardous materials. Due to the proximity of the Samaria Brigade base to the site, the soldiers serving in the area are also within the range of smoke particles that rise from the fires.

(full article online)
Regarding the European Union, The Independent, while happy to quote enraged European diplomats and the politicized Israeli human rights organization B’tselem, is less interested in including another perspective such as the one uncovered by investigative reporter Jake Wallis Simons in 2015 when he investigated EU-funded building in Area C:

Alan Baker, an international lawyer who took part in drafting the Oslo Accords in the Nineties, said that the EU’s actions were illegal.

‘The EU is a signatory to the Oslo Accords, so they cannot pick and choose when they recognise it,’ he said.

‘According to international law, all building in Area C must have permission from Israel, whether it is temporary or permanent.

‘The same principle applies anywhere in the world. If you want to build, you need planning permission.

‘The EU is ignoring international law and taking concrete steps to influence the facts on the ground.’

Professor Eugene Kontorovich, an international lawyer from the Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago, said: ‘There’s no question, the EU is openly in violation of international law.’

(full article online)

Demolition Job: Balance and Relevant Facts Go Missing | HonestReporting
Over the past two months, a number of PA Arab youths were arrested after attempting to carry out stone-throwing and Molotov cocktail attacks on Israeli vehicles, according to a Channel 20 report published Sunday. Now it turns out that the Palestinian Education Ministry has granted every student who was arrested as a result of such an attack on a graduation test day automatically received a passing grade.

(full article online)

Report: PA Education Ministry Awards Passing Grades to Students Arrested in Riots | The Jewish Press | David Israel | 6 Elul 5777 – August 27, 2017 |

It's called Palestinian mentality.
Depraved? Yes, it's the Death Cult of Islamism. Such a sickness emerges from a pathology that may be an ineradicable aspect of a Cult psychology. The Cult of Islamism shares much with similar retrograde ideologies that are unable to cope with a modern worldview.

Plane hijacking and murder are “wonderful acts of heroism,” says Palestinian psychologist - PMW Bulletins

Plane hijacking and murder
are “wonderful acts of heroism,”
says Palestinian psychologist

Women hijacking planes and murdering Israeli civilians are “wonderful acts of heroism,” according to a Palestinian psychologist interviewed on the official PA TV program Our Ethics. Citing the female “heroes” she felt were examples for other Palestinian women, psychologist Jultan Hijazi mentioned Laila Khaled, who participated in 2 plane hijackings, Dalal Mughrabi who led a bus hijacking and the murder of 37, Fatima Barnawi who placed a bomb in a cinema, and the “mother of Martyr Muhammad Farahat,” who led her son to his terror attack that murdered five young students (for more information about these terrorists, see below).
Avi Shlaim, Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford University. writes in Middle East Eye that the Balfour Declaration is an example of British duplicity:

Palestine controlled the British Empire's lines of communications to the Far East. France, Britain's main ally in the war against Germany, was also a rival for influence in Palestine.
Under the secret Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, the two countries divided up the Middle East into zones of influence but compromised on an international administration for Palestine. By helping the Zionists to take over Palestine, the British hoped to secure a dominant presence in the area and to exclude the French. The French called the British "Perfidious Albion". The Balfour Declaration was a prime example of this perennial perfidy.What Shlaim doesn't say is that the French officially blessed the idea of a Jewish national home in Palestine before the Balfour Declaration! As Martin Kramer wrote recently in atour de force of scholarship about how the Zionists managed to get the entire civilized world to support the Zionist goals in the 1910s:

(full article online)

Anti-Israel historian Avi Shlaim is not being honest ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Muslim and Christian clerics.....Well..... ]

Senior Muslim and Christian clerics in Jerusalem issued a statement attacking the "extreme right" Israeli government for its decision to allow Knesset members to "break into" the Temple Mount compound.

(full article online)

'The Temple Mount belongs only to Muslims'
  • "Why Gaza does not have bomb shelter? Hamas took control of Gaza Strip in 2005 following Israeli withdrawal. However, hostilities never ended... Had Hamas built bomb shelters, the causalities would have been reduced. It seems Hamas does not pay much attention to the number of dead Palestinians." — Abdulateef Al-Mulhim, journalist, Arab News, 2014.

    [*]Israeli soldiers do not set out to kill Palestinian children. Palestinian terrorists, however, knowingly and with malice aforethought, shoot, blow up, and slit the throats of Israeli children. You come from a Christian community, yet you appear to show compassion only for Palestinian children. If you do have feelings for Jewish children, I have never heard you say so.

    [*]Israeli children are never taught to hate and kill Palestinians. Their schools inculcate peace-making and the Jewish ethic of tikkun olam, "repairing the world," making it a better place. No international body has ever shown otherwise. But there is a vast body of evidence showing that Palestinian teachers and leaders do the exact opposite. British and other foreign aid money paid to the Palestinian Authority goes "into Palestinian schools named after mass murderers and Islamist militants, which openly promote terrorism and encourage pupils to see child killers as role models."

    [*]You have close connections to the Palestinian people and ought to have influence on them, to preach a Christian message of love and brotherhood. Are you willing to tackle them on their destructive use of children as cannon fodder and their educational system that turns little boys and girls into Jew-hating fanatics? Will you have the humility to apologize to the Jews of Israel for your unjustified accusations, to speak with them, to meet senior officers in their military, and to learn at first-hand how they work for eventual peace, however many times their efforts to bring it are thwarted by Palestinian rejection? I think you owe them that.

(full article online)

Christians Who Libel Israel: The Iona Community
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