All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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From the link:
"One injured as Civil Administration officers attempting to shut down illegal Arab quarries attacked by dozens of rioters hurling stones."

Why is it that "illegal" and "Arab" so often populate a news story?
Because everything "Arab" is illegal to those assholes in Israel.
Name a political party in Palestine that is not "illegal."
Rather than focus on the many silly aspects of the article, I decided, for once, to focus on something worth praising. Describing Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, the Times writes:

"Mr. Rivlin champions the old-school nationalist but liberal democracy envisioned by the right-wing Zionist Revisionist movement of Zeev Jabotinsky and Menachem Begin, who pushed for a greater Israel territorially but were sticklers for defending minority rights and the rule of law."

This made me laugh out loud. The Times now declares that Jabotinsky and Begin were liberal democrats, “sticklers for defending minority rights and the rule of law.” What a change — and a welcome change — this is from how the Times covered Begin and Jabotinsky in years past.

Let’s review the record.

A January 27, 1935 news article in the Times about an appearance by Jabotinsky in Manhattan reported, “As leader of the militant right wing of Zionism and frequently accused of Fascist leanings, Mr. Jabotinsky has been opposed by Socialist and Democratic Zionists.”

In 1948, when Begin was visiting the United States, the Timesgreeted him with a news article reporting on a statement by Albert Einstein and 20 other “scholars and teachers” who denounced Begin and his followers as “terrorists” who “have preached an admixture of ultra-nationalism, religious mysticism and racial superiority.” The statement said that “like other Fascist parties…they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.”

(full article online)

‘Revisionist’ New York Times Suddenly Discovers New Love for Jabotinsky, Begin
How can we pretend that the West will have the cultural and physical strength to defeat radical Islam if its students are not even able to read Shakespeare without trigger warnings? This is an ideological cancer which convinced Western public opinion that Crusades and Jihad are on the same moral level, that Western capitalism savaged the Third World, that there is no difference between Enlightenment and Sharia, that puritans deserve to be censored at Harvard, that “Huckelberry Finn” is more dangerous than the Mein Kampf and that Zionism is a plot to colonize the Arab natives.

It is an unprecedented wave of cultural nihilism, fed by digital socialism and historic sense of guilt, which is tearing apart our civilization and culture more efficiently than Islamic fundamentalism. We created a comfort zone in which the West is committing suicide.

(full article online)

The West cannot even read Shakespeare anymore
This is just terrible. 12 ski masks were martyred, never to experience a winters’ chill.

Death toll rises to 12 in Gaza tunnel Israel blew up: Islamic Jihad

Death toll rises to 12 in Gaza tunnel Israel blew up: Islamic Jihad

November 3, 2017

Islamic Jihad fighters attend the funeral on October 31, 2017 of comrades killed when Israel blew up a tunnel from the Gaza Strip (AFP Photo/MAHMUD HAMS)
Hezbollah is not remotely likely to change its ways following Hariri’s resignation. Indeed, it may do the opposite. The Shiite organization has long abandoned the pretense that it is not heavily influenced by Iran, and does not try to hide the fact that it receives its financial support and its marching orders from Tehran.

The only inconvenience Hezbollah is likely to face is in the case of a renewed escalation between Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah.

With Lebanon/Hezbollah stripped of its Hariri fig leaf, Israel is likely to enjoy a greater degree of international legitimacy to wage an uncompromising campaign in a future conflict against what is, again, now rightly recognized as the Middle East’s strongest terror group. Today’s thoroughly unmasked Hezbollah, after all, is a state-backed (Iran), state-dominating (Lebanon), terrorist army that makes the Islamic State look like a bunch of Boy Scouts.

(full article online)

With Hariri’s resignation, Lebanon now a full on Iranian proxy for all to see
The planned thick forests in southern Lebanon would go a long way to obscure Hezbollah’s arsenal of an estimated 150,000 missiles, including advanced Iranian surface-to-sea and anti-aircraft weapons systems. The environmentally appropriate new trees would also cover the entrances to Hezbollah’s network of underground terror tunnels north of the border with Israel, as well as its complex of underground rocket manufacturing facilities.

(full article online)

Lebanon, Hezbollah, to Plant ‘One Million Trees’ on Southern Border | The Jewish Press - | David Israel | 17 Heshvan 5778 – November 6, 2017 |
The Hamas terror group has held the bodies of two slain IDF soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul, in captivity since 2014, demanding the release of large numbers of jailed Arab terrorists as a goodwill gesture before negotiations for the soldiers’ release even begin. Three Israeli citizens are also believed to be held by Hamas.

“The government has two major goals. The first is to protect the country, and the second is to build up the country. We’re working on both simultaneously. We’re defending our country with a simple rule – we attack whoever attacks us.”

“The second [rule] is that we’re not going to give something for nothing.”

(full article online)

'Gaza won't get terrorists' bodies back for free'
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