All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The late French writer and philosopher André Glucksmann, the late historian of anti-Semitism, Robert S. Wistrich, and the eminent historian Walter Laqueur, who left his native Breslau for Palestine on the day before Kristallnacht 1938 and is one of the inspirations behind the production, are among the film’s pre-eminent on-screen commentators. Arnold Roth, whose daughter was murdered in the Hamas attack on the Jerusalem Sbarro in 2001, and Dan Alon, one of the surviving Israeli athletes from the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, are important voices in the film.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 05-Nov-17: "Watching the Moon at Night", the documentary film Swedish TV has suppressed, is being screened in Israel
Against Avnery, I would say that Zionism is an international movement to oppose the forces arrayed against the Jewish state, something both meaningful and useful – even essential. It did not end when the state was declared; thanks to our enemies, Zionism is a continuing struggle.

It therefore makes perfect sense that someone living in Los Angeles can be a Zionist even if he doesn’t choose to live in Eretz Israel.

(full article online)
It therefore makes perfect sense that someone living in Los Angeles can be a Zionist even if he doesn’t choose to live in Eretz Israel.
Huh? This confuses me. Can you explain what you mean here?
Chapter 458 in the shameless hypocrisy of Jewish Voice for Peace.

NYU 's Jewish Voice for Peace branch is recruiting using a poster with the tagline "Wherever we live that's our homeland."

Its meant, of course to deny the Jewish people's deep cultural and spiritual ties with Israel, our ancient homeland.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: The shameless hypocrisy of Jewish Voice for Peace.
Britain handed the Mandate over to the UNPC in 1948.

And wait, wait, what?! Britain, remember, had no authority to hand over land. It wasn't theirs. So suddenly its the UNs because Britain handed it over? Dude, sometimes you do not make any sense even in your own head.
Britain handed the Mandate over to the UNPC in 1948.

And wait, wait, what?! Britain, remember, had no authority to hand over land. It wasn't theirs. So suddenly its the UNs because Britain handed it over? Dude, sometimes you do not make any sense even in your own head.
The land was still Palestine but the UNPC became the trustee over Palestine.
The Government of the United Kingdom, in a memorandum on the "Legal Meaning of the Termination of the Mandate", has advised the United Nations Palestine Commission that so far the Mandatory Power is concerned the United Nations Commission will be the Government of Palestine after 15 May 1948.​

Future government of Palestine - UN Palestine Commission as successor Government of Palestine/UK memorandum (excerpts) - Press release (27 February 1948)
Why do you post her when you know so little?
Rioters over the summer, the Waqf and the Palestinian Authority insisted that even cameras were not acceptable to them, and they celebrated when Israel backed down and removed them.

Lion's Gate, where most of the protests were centered in the summer, is the only remaining Muslim entrance to the Mount without the cameras at this time.

The Waqf says that they were not told about these new cameras. Which is hardly surprising.

Now the question is whether the Waqf can whip up the frenzy of antisemitic hate that they managed to incite over the summer, even though it is obvious that the cameras will not impeded anyone from going to the Al Aqsa mosque - unless they have weapons.

(full article online)

Three months after riots, Israel quietly reinstalls cameras at entrances to Temple Mount ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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