All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Druze consider themselves to be and act as loyal Israelis in every respect, so Jewish Israelis consider themselves bound to show equal loyalty to the Druze. Therefore, when Israeli Druze (some of whom even have relatives in Khader) were concerned about what might happen to their Syrian brethren if the extremist militias succeeded in capturing the town, Israeli Jews–who can readily understand concern for the fate of one’s coreligionists in another country–fully agreed that something had to be done. Hence the army, as it has twice before, warned the extremists that if they didn’t retreat, they would be attacked by Israeli planes and artillery. And the extremists, as they have twice before, got the message and abandoned their attack.

(full article online)

For Middle East Arabs, Kinship with Israel Is a Two-Way Street
Aww, those UNRWA welfare fraud cheats are so cute when they’re blustering on and trying to impress each other.

Fatah glorifies the second Intifada, promises more terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Bulletins
Fatah glorifies the second Intifada, promises more terror
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Nov. 7, 2017 " valign="middle" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

Fatah glorifies the second Intifada
in which over 1,000 Israelis were murdered
and promises more terror
  • "The only way to freedom and liberation is resistance to the occupier... There is no honor for the weak." [Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor, Sultan Abu Al-Einein]
  • "Resistance until the return [of the refugees], the state, and self determination.'
    [Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi]
Aww, those UNRWA welfare fraud cheats are so cute when they’re blustering on and trying to impress each other.

Fatah glorifies the second Intifada, promises more terror - PMW Bulletins

PMW Bulletins
Fatah glorifies the second Intifada, promises more terror
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Nov. 7, 2017 " valign="middle" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

Fatah glorifies the second Intifada
in which over 1,000 Israelis were murdered
and promises more terror

  • "The only way to freedom and liberation is resistance to the occupier... There is no honor for the weak." [Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor, Sultan Abu Al-Einein]
  • "Resistance until the return [of the refugees], the state, and self determination.'
    [Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi]
There it is folks. And still some people wonder why there can be no peace between Israel & the Palestinians. It's called Palestinian mentality.
Where is the evidence that Palestinians would be kind to their minority Jewish population? Besides the rampant antisemitism in Palestinian media every day, all one need to look at is what has happened to Christians under Palestinian rule since Oslo - they have been fleeing.

But that is exactly what Power wants Jews to do, too:
The Jews would not be driven into the sea. But those who want to return to Europe, America or even Russia would be more than welcome.
Both Germany and Russia, the great centres of anti-Semitism in the past, have seemed to have flushed that horror away and treat their Jews well.Power in one breath says that Palestinians would treat the Jews just fine, but in the next recommends that Jews go back to the places where their great-grandparents were massacred because things aren't so bad there now.

Now, why would they want to move to countries that have nothing but bad memories - unless life under Arab rule would be worse?

(full article online)

Fact-free British columnist looks forward to Israel's destruction ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
She starts off with something that no one would argue with:
While we work to challenge ill-informed criticism of Israel and Zionism on our campuses, we believe that such criticisms can and must be treated as constitutionally-protected free speech – not banned and suppressed by an act of Congress.And no one says that criticism of Israel should be banned - this is a straw-man argument.

But then she eases into what she really wants to allow on college campuses:

Anti-Semitism is a real and serious problem on some of our college campuses and in communities across our country. Yet applying the label of “anti-Semite” to all those who oppose the existence of the State of Israel is unfair and unhelpful overreach that ignores the nuances and sensitivities of a complicated political debate.Calling for the end of the world's only Jewish state, and saying that Jews are the only nation who do not have the right of self-determination, is "nuanced" and "complicated political debate"?

No, Zoe. it is modern antisemitism. It invokes age-old antisemitic tropes in a slightly newer package. Most of the modern antisemites claim that the Jewish people are not a people to begin with, in order to justify that they don't have the same human rights of other peoples.

(full article online)

J-Street U says being against the Jewish State's existence is "nuanced debate" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This was The Guardian’s headline:

“UK international development secretary wanted to send aid money to Israeli army, No 10 confirms”

Writing in The Independent, columnist Matthew Norman summed up those feelings:

“…she suddenly advocated giving foreign aid to — wait for it, wait for it; it’s worth the wait — the Israeli army.

Nowhere did Norman bother to mention what the foreign aid to Israel was actually for; and it was only in the sixth paragraph that Guardian readers learned that any proposed aid money would have gone to the IDF’s incredible field hospital on the Golan Heights, which is treating thousands of injured Syrians.

And that’s not all.

Would you be horrified if you found out that a politician was seeking ways to assist humanitarian efforts on behalf of victims of Syria’s civil war?

(full article online)

How the UK Media Recently Smeared Israel
Last December, Daniel Pipes described A New Strategy for Israeli Victory, based on the continued failure of the peace process in its many manifestations and iterations. On the one hand, deterrence could not be maintained indefinitely because of its unpopularity internationally and the way it wore Israelis down. On the other hand, diplomacy became the new way to go -- and seems to be prepared to keep going, indefinitely, with no success.

The solution, according to Pipes, is victory -- The Israel Victory Project:
the key concept of my approach, which is victory, or imposing one’s will on the enemy, compelling him through loss to give up his war ambitions. Wars end, the historical record shows, not through goodwill but through defeat. He who does not win loses. Wars usually end when failure causes one side to despair, when that side has abandoned its war aims and accepted defeat, and when that defeat has exhausted the will to fight. Conversely, so long as both combatants still hope to achieve their war objectives, fighting either goes on or it potentially will resume.

Despite the fact that he Arabs lost every war with Israel, in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982, they never saw their defeat as the end. Instead, they looked ahead for another opportunity to make war against Israel.

This is how Pipes described his solution to this problem back in July:

(full article/video online)

The Israel Victory Project: Time To Let Palestinian Arabs Know They Lost The War ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The land of Israel has been conquered but the areas of kedushah that remain in Arab hands will have to be bought out the same way Abraham and King David did. Most people don't realize that much of the north of Israel including the Galilee was purchased from the Syrians for pennies through the efforts of the Tagger family. My work for the past 32 years with Ateret Cohanim utilizes this principle. Ateret Cohanim has brought tremendous kedushah to Jerusalem.

(full article online)

Why did Abraham have to buy the Cave of Machpela?
Every time the Pali's start a conflict with Israel, the Pali's lose. And then they & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israeli's. It's called Palestinian mentality.
Last December, Daniel Pipes described A New Strategy for Israeli Victory, based on the continued failure of the peace process in its many manifestations and iterations. On the one hand, deterrence could not be maintained indefinitely because of its unpopularity internationally and the way it wore Israelis down. On the other hand, diplomacy became the new way to go -- and seems to be prepared to keep going, indefinitely, with no success.

The solution, according to Pipes, is victory -- The Israel Victory Project:
the key concept of my approach, which is victory, or imposing one’s will on the enemy, compelling him through loss to give up his war ambitions. Wars end, the historical record shows, not through goodwill but through defeat. He who does not win loses. Wars usually end when failure causes one side to despair, when that side has abandoned its war aims and accepted defeat, and when that defeat has exhausted the will to fight. Conversely, so long as both combatants still hope to achieve their war objectives, fighting either goes on or it potentially will resume.

Despite the fact that he Arabs lost every war with Israel, in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982, they never saw their defeat as the end. Instead, they looked ahead for another opportunity to make war against Israel.

This is how Pipes described his solution to this problem back in July:

(full article/video online)

The Israel Victory Project: Time To Let Palestinian Arabs Know They Lost The War ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Daniel Pipes :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

The low hanging fruit is Israel's lackeys in congress. Now all this clown has to do is convince Palestinians and a few of their supporters that they have lost.

Last December, Daniel Pipes described A New Strategy for Israeli Victory, based on the continued failure of the peace process in its many manifestations and iterations. On the one hand, deterrence could not be maintained indefinitely because of its unpopularity internationally and the way it wore Israelis down. On the other hand, diplomacy became the new way to go -- and seems to be prepared to keep going, indefinitely, with no success.

The solution, according to Pipes, is victory -- The Israel Victory Project:
the key concept of my approach, which is victory, or imposing one’s will on the enemy, compelling him through loss to give up his war ambitions. Wars end, the historical record shows, not through goodwill but through defeat. He who does not win loses. Wars usually end when failure causes one side to despair, when that side has abandoned its war aims and accepted defeat, and when that defeat has exhausted the will to fight. Conversely, so long as both combatants still hope to achieve their war objectives, fighting either goes on or it potentially will resume.

Despite the fact that he Arabs lost every war with Israel, in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982, they never saw their defeat as the end. Instead, they looked ahead for another opportunity to make war against Israel.

This is how Pipes described his solution to this problem back in July:

(full article/video online)

The Israel Victory Project: Time To Let Palestinian Arabs Know They Lost The War ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Daniel Pipes :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

The low hanging fruit is Israel's lackeys in congress. Now all this clown has to do is convince Palestinians and a few of their supporters that they have lost.

Wow. A pro-islamic terrorist rally in an area occupied by a franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.

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