All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Noor declared in December that Jerusalem was non-negotiable for Muslims because it houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Israeli settlers are engaged in “genocide” against the Palestinians.

CAIR California’s Zahra Billoo joined Noor to lobby Congress. Billoo spread a conspiracy theory last summer that the Trump administration planned to round up American Muslims and send them to internment camps.

“And we know from our experience that unless we have laws in place … and we [know they have done this] with other communities, that they’re going to send us to concentration camps,” she said.

Billoo previously encouraged Muslims to “build a wall of resistance” against the FBI and compared the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to ISIS. Like Noor, she accuses Israel of genocide. She also defended Hamas, noting in a 2013 tweet that it was democratically elected by the Palestinians. She also compared Israel defending itself from the Palestinians with “Nazi Germany defending itself from Jewish uprising” in a May 2014 tweet.

Just last week, she complained that, while she and her fellow Islamists engaged in democracy, supporters of Israel had the nerve to do so, too:

(full article online)

Antisemites, Terror Apologists Hide Behind Civil Rights Rhetoric on Capitol Hill
With adherents of Islam observing a month-long festival called Ramadan, Israelis in Jerusalem took time to send them holiday greetings.

Since Ramadan involves fasting during daylight hours, many of the Israelis in this video wish their Muslim brothers and sisters an “easy fast” and a “blessed celebration.”

Ramadan Kareem From Israel
In an unexpected departure from the international consensus in support of UNRWA — the UN body that sustains the descendants of the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 War of Independence — Switzerland’s foreign minister has stated that continued funding for the agency without the reform of its mandate is perpetuating the Palestinian conflict with Israel.

“Today [UNRWA] has become part of the problem,” Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis told a group of Swiss journalists as he flew home from an official visit to Jordan on Thursday. “It provides the ammunition to continue the conflict. For as long as Palestinians live in refugee camps, they want to return to their homeland.”

(full article online)

‘By Supporting UNRWA, We Keep The Conflict Alive,’ Swiss Foreign Minister Declares After Visit to Jordan
In an unexpected departure from the international consensus in support of UNRWA — the UN body that sustains the descendants of the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 War of Independence — Switzerland’s foreign minister has stated that continued funding for the agency without the reform of its mandate is perpetuating the Palestinian conflict with Israel.

“Today [UNRWA] has become part of the problem,” Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis told a group of Swiss journalists as he flew home from an official visit to Jordan on Thursday. “It provides the ammunition to continue the conflict. For as long as Palestinians live in refugee camps, they want to return to their homeland.”

(full article online)

‘By Supporting UNRWA, We Keep The Conflict Alive,’ Swiss Foreign Minister Declares After Visit to Jordan
The UNRWA is only an aid agency. It has no authority. The UNCCP is charged with solutions.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I simply do not know where you get this infomation.

The UNRWA is only an aid agency. It has no authority. The UNCCP is charged with solutions.

I hope you are not suggesting that the UN has this responsibility relative to the Gaza Strip or West Bank?

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I simply do not know where you get this infomation.

The UNRWA is only an aid agency. It has no authority. The UNCCP is charged with solutions.

I hope you are not suggesting that the UN has this responsibility relative to the Gaza Strip or West Bank?

Most Respectfully,

Have you sent them an email?
For as long as Abbas and Hamas can continue to perpetrate the fraud of “refugees”, they can continue the fraud that is UNRWA.

PA to kids: Remain Refugees

PA to kids: Remain Refugees - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus

To mark the Palestinian "Nakba Day" - the "catastrophe" of the creation of Israel 70 years ago - PA TV and PA TV Live have been broadcasting special fillers between programs and have also created a new logo for all their broadcasts.

One striking message to children is that they should remain refugees. In the words of one filler:
"From generation to generation, there is no alternative to the return and Jerusalem"
[Official PA TV, numerous times daily since May 10, 2018]

Click to view video

The PA TV filler shows an old man passing a key to a child. The message to the Palestinian children who are classified by the PA as refugees is clear: Although you live within the Palestinian Authority areas you should not be satisfied with your current residence and must see yourself forever as waiting to "return" - i.e., as a refugee. Instead of telling children to be build a life in the PA areas and to embrace a future there, the PA tells them to see themselves "from generation to generation" - never satisfied, always seeking to "return," meaning to live somewhere in Israel,
which, according to the PA internal messaging, would then be called "Palestine."
The islamic terrorist version of Peaceful Tire Burning Riots.

Bring a knife, dagger, or handgun,"
kidnap Israeli civilians,
and murder soldiers and settlers

- Instructions on Facebook to Gazans
for "March of Return"

“Bring a knife, dagger, or handgun,” kidnap Israeli civilians, and murder soldiers and settlers - Instructions on Facebook to Gazans for “March of Return” - PMW Bulletins
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Two Palestinian Facebook pages and a forum directing rioters in Gaza gave explicit instructions to murder and kidnap Israelis on May 14, the day the US embassy opened in Jerusalem, as well as suggestions on how to accomplish this goal. It is not clear if Hamas itself was the group sending these messages. What is critical is that Gazans were encouraged to bring weapons to the demonstrations and use these weapons to either murder or capture Israelis. Israeli soldiers may have been facing Palestinians who were using the cover of demonstrating civilians to attempt to break through the border with the goal of murdering and kidnapping Israelis.
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