All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is almost too foolish to answer.

From 1918 - to - 1948, The international under which the citizenship was administered identified the Arab of the territory as a citizen of one phase of the Mandate Government in one Period or another.

• The nationality granted as "Palestinian" was under the Government of Palestine (British Mandate).
The Palestinians already had Palestinian citizenship by international law. That status was merely affirmed by the Palestinian Citizenship Order. The Palestinians were citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law.

It is their territory.

No matter how you want to reshape and reinterpret the law, citizenship - prior to 1948, was to a British Government administered entity under the direction of the Mandate (as approved by the Allied Powers).

The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language. Let there be no mistake. There was no independent sovereign Arab entity to which the Arabs, of the territory (West of the Jordan River) under which the Mandate applied, could make the claim of citizen. The Government of Palestine was an entity under the administration of the British Government. And the type and kind of identity documents made that clear.

To claim otherwise is disingenuous, misleading and dishonest.

Most Respectfully,
The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language.
No it isn't. You believe that the rights of a people are handed out or must be approved by the people in power. International law is designed to eliminate that notion of conquest and foreign domination.

The people have the right to self determination without external interference. Yet you post page after page after page of foreign interference.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference.
Palestine is the poster child of external interference.

Of course it is, the word "Palestine" means - 'land of the invaders'.
It couldn't be more into Your face than that.

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is almost too foolish to answer.

From 1918 - to - 1948, The international under which the citizenship was administered identified the Arab of the territory as a citizen of one phase of the Mandate Government in one Period or another.

• The nationality granted as "Palestinian" was under the Government of Palestine (British Mandate).
The Palestinians already had Palestinian citizenship by international law. That status was merely affirmed by the Palestinian Citizenship Order. The Palestinians were citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law.

It is their territory.

No matter how you want to reshape and reinterpret the law, citizenship - prior to 1948, was to a British Government administered entity under the direction of the Mandate (as approved by the Allied Powers).

The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language. Let there be no mistake. There was no independent sovereign Arab entity to which the Arabs, of the territory (West of the Jordan River) under which the Mandate applied, could make the claim of citizen. The Government of Palestine was an entity under the administration of the British Government. And the type and kind of identity documents made that clear.

To claim otherwise is disingenuous, misleading and dishonest.

Most Respectfully,
The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language.
No it isn't. You believe that the rights of a people are handed out or must be approved by the people in power. International law is designed to eliminate that notion of conquest and foreign domination.

The people have the right to self determination without external interference. Yet you post page after page after page of foreign interference.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference.
The Arabs of Palestine did not have external interference.
The Arabs who lived and moved into the region of Palestine had internal interference for their self determination in the form of the power taken over them by the Husseini clan.

From 1920 on, the Husseini clan became the leader of the Arabs of that region, and they did what Al-Husseini urged them to do...."Defend their 'country' from the Jews "

Something which would never have happened against another Muslim power, as proven by the Hashemites taking TranJordan in 1925 and Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948, and Egypt taking Gaza in 1948.

Let us not forget the 500 years of Turkish Ottoman takeover until the end of WWI.

In other words, ONE Arab clan got in the way of the Arabs having their own second Arab State in the Mandate for Palestine and living peacefully with the Jews, as many other clans wanted to do.

They are living with the consequences of Islamic teachings and those who insist in teaching non Muslims like filth. Especially the Jews on their own Ancient Homeland.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is almost too foolish to answer.

From 1918 - to - 1948, The international under which the citizenship was administered identified the Arab of the territory as a citizen of one phase of the Mandate Government in one Period or another.

• The nationality granted as "Palestinian" was under the Government of Palestine (British Mandate).
The Palestinians already had Palestinian citizenship by international law. That status was merely affirmed by the Palestinian Citizenship Order. The Palestinians were citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law.

It is their territory.

No matter how you want to reshape and reinterpret the law, citizenship - prior to 1948, was to a British Government administered entity under the direction of the Mandate (as approved by the Allied Powers).

The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language. Let there be no mistake. There was no independent sovereign Arab entity to which the Arabs, of the territory (West of the Jordan River) under which the Mandate applied, could make the claim of citizen. The Government of Palestine was an entity under the administration of the British Government. And the type and kind of identity documents made that clear.

To claim otherwise is disingenuous, misleading and dishonest.

Most Respectfully,
The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language.
No it isn't. You believe that the rights of a people are handed out or must be approved by the people in power. International law is designed to eliminate that notion of conquest and foreign domination.

The people have the right to self determination without external interference. Yet you post page after page after page of foreign interference.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference.

Actually, both mini-caliphates of Gaza and the West Bank are poster childs of dysfunctional Islamic societies. What’s not at all surprising is that even benefitting from a dedicated, UN sponsored welfare fraud syndicate that seeks to promote the illusion of “Pal'istanians“ as somehow unique among Arabs-Moslems, the same failures and dysfunction that haunt the Arab-Moslem world are no different than the failures and dysfunction that define the competing Gaza / Fatah tribes.

We have many examples of successes (Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea), where, in spite of foreign interference, those societies managed to flourish and without any dedicated UN welfare fraud agency.

What you want are excuses for failure, incompetence and ineptitude.

Ma'an Arabic reports on the horrible crime of Jews briefly unfurling an Israeli flag during their visit there this morning, on Jerusalem Day.

(full article online)

Israel flag briefly unfurled on Temple Mount, "offenders" removed ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Its interesting that the apartheid thread has come up again, as usual aimed at the wrong people. This is apartheid. When the law requires people of a certain religion or ethnicity to behave differently than others; when the law restricts one people based on their religion, ethnicity or nationality -- that's apartheid.
“We will make a series of decisions to build up and develop Jerusalem, east and west, north and south, in all directions – to both reveal its past and build its future,” Netanyahu said at the start of the meeting. “We dreamed of returning to rebuild it, the city that is joined together – this is exactly what we are doing today.”

(full article online)

Opening tense week, government okays huge East Jerusalem ‘sovereignty plan’
“We will make a series of decisions to build up and develop Jerusalem, east and west, north and south, in all directions – to both reveal its past and build its future,” Netanyahu said at the start of the meeting. “We dreamed of returning to rebuild it, the city that is joined together – this is exactly what we are doing today.”

(full article online)

Opening tense week, government okays huge East Jerusalem ‘sovereignty plan’

Israel's March of Return appears to be somewhat more successful than Hamas'.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is almost too foolish to answer.

From 1918 - to - 1948, The international under which the citizenship was administered identified the Arab of the territory as a citizen of one phase of the Mandate Government in one Period or another.

• The nationality granted as "Palestinian" was under the Government of Palestine (British Mandate).
The Palestinians already had Palestinian citizenship by international law. That status was merely affirmed by the Palestinian Citizenship Order. The Palestinians were citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law.

It is their territory.

No matter how you want to reshape and reinterpret the law, citizenship - prior to 1948, was to a British Government administered entity under the direction of the Mandate (as approved by the Allied Powers).

The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language. Let there be no mistake. There was no independent sovereign Arab entity to which the Arabs, of the territory (West of the Jordan River) under which the Mandate applied, could make the claim of citizen. The Government of Palestine was an entity under the administration of the British Government. And the type and kind of identity documents made that clear.

To claim otherwise is disingenuous, misleading and dishonest.

Most Respectfully,
The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language.
No it isn't. You believe that the rights of a people are handed out or must be approved by the people in power. International law is designed to eliminate that notion of conquest and foreign domination.

The people have the right to self determination without external interference. Yet you post page after page after page of foreign interference.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference.

What do have against Palestinians? Self determination for them would be a blood bath among them without having Israel to provide for them.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is almost too foolish to answer.

From 1918 - to - 1948, The international under which the citizenship was administered identified the Arab of the territory as a citizen of one phase of the Mandate Government in one Period or another.

• The nationality granted as "Palestinian" was under the Government of Palestine (British Mandate).
The Palestinians already had Palestinian citizenship by international law. That status was merely affirmed by the Palestinian Citizenship Order. The Palestinians were citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law.

It is their territory.

No matter how you want to reshape and reinterpret the law, citizenship - prior to 1948, was to a British Government administered entity under the direction of the Mandate (as approved by the Allied Powers).

The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language. Let there be no mistake. There was no independent sovereign Arab entity to which the Arabs, of the territory (West of the Jordan River) under which the Mandate applied, could make the claim of citizen. The Government of Palestine was an entity under the administration of the British Government. And the type and kind of identity documents made that clear.

To claim otherwise is disingenuous, misleading and dishonest.

Most Respectfully,
The meaning of "citizens of Palestine by international and domestic law" is strictly subterfuge; meaningless language.
No it isn't. You believe that the rights of a people are handed out or must be approved by the people in power. International law is designed to eliminate that notion of conquest and foreign domination.

The people have the right to self determination without external interference. Yet you post page after page after page of foreign interference.

Palestine is the poster child of external interference.
Islam is a foreign, external interference in the region of Palestine.
Arabs are a foreign, external interference in the region of Palestine.

Both......come from the foreign region known as the Arabian Peninsula.

They have been interfering in the region of Palestine, better known as the land of Israel, for the past 1400 years.

Before Mohammad, they had no interest whatsoever on that land, its history, its people, the Jewish People/Nation.

May come the day, when the foreign Arabs who keep interfering in the ives of those who are indigenous to the land, come to realize that they cannot keep interfering in their lives, and will accept to live in peace with them, regardless of them not being Muslims or Arabs.
Israel expelled the Turkish consul in Jerusalem Tuesday following the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Turkey.

Israeli Ambassador Eitan Naeh was summonedto the foreign ministry and told to "return to his country for a period of time" following the violent riots at the Gaza border Monday, a Turkish foreign ministry official said.
In response, Israel has temporarily expelled the Turkish consul in Jerusalem.

The expulsion of the emissaries comes as a war of words heats up between the leaders of Israel and Turkey.

(full article online)

Israel expels Turkish consul

The Islamic holy month - of taking one for the gee-had.

Dozens of Bonafide Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

Dozens of Bonafide Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90

Arab terrorist cuts barbed wire during clashes with Israeli forces along the border with the Gaza strip, May 11, 2018.

At least two dozen bonafide Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists were among Gazans killed Monday by IDF soldiers at the southern border, according to the IDF and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) intelligence agents.

They were shot by Israeli military snipers while trying to destroy the security fence along the border to reach Israel and attack nearby towns.
The message in all these cases is clear: Jews are welcome to fight for human rights — as long as they check their Zionism at the door.

(full article online)

Opinion | The Zionist Founders of the Human Rights Movement
Apples & Oranges.

But at the United Nations, there won’t be a celebration. Indeed, Palestinian Authority leaders recently lodged their latest complaint at the U.N. Human Rights Council — accusing Israel of “racial segregation,” “apartheid” and “colonial occupation.”​

How can you refute something that is so obviously in your face?
The message in all these cases is clear: Jews are welcome to fight for human rights — as long as they check their Zionism at the door.

(full article online)

Opinion | The Zionist Founders of the Human Rights Movement
Apples & Oranges.

But at the United Nations, there won’t be a celebration. Indeed, Palestinian Authority leaders recently lodged their latest complaint at the U.N. Human Rights Council — accusing Israel of “racial segregation,” “apartheid” and “colonial occupation.”​

How can you refute something that is so obviously in your face?

Indeed, it’s comical that Islamic terrorists toss around slogans such as “apartheid” and “colonial occupation”, from the confines of their mini-caliphates purged of Jews and nearly Christian free.

The Islamic holy month - of taking one for the gee-had.

Dozens of Bonafide Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

Dozens of Bonafide Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90

Arab terrorist cuts barbed wire during clashes with Israeli forces along the border with the Gaza strip, May 11, 2018.

At least two dozen bonafide Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists were among Gazans killed Monday by IDF soldiers at the southern border, according to the IDF and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) intelligence agents.

They were shot by Israeli military snipers while trying to destroy the security fence along the border to reach Israel and attack nearby towns.

The Islamic holy month - of taking one for the gee-had.

Dozens of Bonafide Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

Dozens of Bonafide Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90

Arab terrorist cuts barbed wire during clashes with Israeli forces along the border with the Gaza strip, May 11, 2018.

At least two dozen bonafide Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists were among Gazans killed Monday by IDF soldiers at the southern border, according to the IDF and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) intelligence agents.

They were shot by Israeli military snipers while trying to destroy the security fence along the border to reach Israel and attack nearby towns.

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