All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The word Propaganda implies not telling the truth in order to make people believe what is not true.

Do YOU believe that THAT is what Israel does?

Again, I am going to ask for specific examples, just as I asked from Camera, which I am still waiting for.

Thank you.
Yes I believe Israel does. I believe EVERY nation does. Why would Israel be any different? Just as an exame look at what were once the prevailing narratives in my own country.
You have said absolutely NOTHING.

You are doing nothing else but Generalizing everything.
I am not in the mood for novel length posts. Most of this discussion IS generalizing, it is what you do with the Palestinians and it is done with the Jews. Partly why I posted the article I did.
I have never generalized about the Palestinians. I have always said that there are the Leaders who want the destruction of Israel, there are those in the population who eagerly follow those teachings and there are those who are against all of the above and want peace with Israel.

And there is no way to generalize the Jewish people either. They come in all shapes, sizes and opinions.

But you are not willing to do, so far, is show me what in Camera and other sites would be considered Propaganda and not factual reporting or writing.
Thete id history and there is propaganda. Every nation does it.
And I continue to wait for specifics on it and not your generalizations.
Generalizations you read someplace without being able to tell if it is true or not.

Unless a country is strong, tribe, village, etc it has always been defeated by the stronger ones. Ask the Kurds about it who have had to fight the Arabs and continue to have Turkey imposing them from achieving Independence in the same region.

When strong Israel retained territory and protected it's people from its enemies.
When weak, Israel Lost sovereignty and was at the hands of its conquerors.

So yes, Israel has to be strong today knowing very well what its enemies want to do wit it and its population. The Muslims have been very clear about it for the past 98 years.

Victim, how has it not been a victim of 7 Arab countries attacking it in1948, and all the attacks before and after.

How is the Jewish population not victimized on an almost daily basis wit knives, screws, cars, rocks, molotov, just because Israel now has a stronger army which keeps the enemy from a full fledged attack, as in 1948.

Maybe you are not aware of it but Turkey, Iran, the Palestinians, just about every one, the NRA, etc have lobbies in DC. So, why shouldn't Israel have one as well.
Does it mean that Israel gets all it wants. Of course not.
I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.
Maybe, just Maybe, the USA knows that Israel wants Peace and that the Palestinians have not stopped wanting to destroy Israel (as written in their charters) and have refused endless plans for peace, including following the requirements of the Oslo Accords.

JUST Maybe.

Maybe. Or maybe it is far more cynical and all about national self interest. Like building settlements on contested territory (that sure shows they want peace eh?)

If Israel had any interests in territory only, it would have expelled all, or most Arabs from Judea and Samaria and the previous Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1967 and avoided beliefs like yours.

And most of all, it would have never have expelled all of its Jews from Gaza and some of Judea and Samaria in 2005.

You really know history. You really know Israel.

That is all opinion. Your opinion.

Part of the reason they removed Jewish residents from those areas was the political and economic price of maintaining a military presence to protect a small group of people was becoming too high.

Oh...and you really don’t think Israel desired territory?

Former chief of staff: Ariel Sharon designed Gaza disengagement to save West Bank settlements
Former prime minister Ariel Sharon pulled out of Gaza in 2005 to save the West Bank settlement blocs and to improve Israel’s security, Dov Weisglass, a close confidante of Sharon and his former chief of staff, said at an event to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Gaza disengagement.

Weisglass attempted to explain to the audience of a seminar that was held Thursday at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya how it was that Ariel Sharon, known as the father of the settlement movement, decided to pull out of Gaza, a move that led to the destruction of 21 settlements there.

At the time, Sharon held a stormy meeting with settler leaders in which he explained to them that the dream of a Greater Israel, in which Israel held on to all of the West Bank and Gaza, was no longer possible.

“We have lost this battle,” Sharon told them, “but if you let me work, I will save the settlement blocs [in the West Bank], where 80 percent of the population lives – and if you continue to obstruct this, we will lose even this,” recalled Weisglass.
The word Propaganda implies not telling the truth in order to make people believe what is not true.

Do YOU believe that THAT is what Israel does?

Again, I am going to ask for specific examples, just as I asked from Camera, which I am still waiting for.

Thank you.
Yes I believe Israel does. I believe EVERY nation does. Why would Israel be any different? Just as an exame look at what were once the prevailing narratives in my own country.
You have said absolutely NOTHING.

You are doing nothing else but Generalizing everything.
I am not in the mood for novel length posts. Most of this discussion IS generalizing, it is what you do with the Palestinians and it is done with the Jews. Partly why I posted the article I did.
I have never generalized about the Palestinians. I have always said that there are the Leaders who want the destruction of Israel, there are those in the population who eagerly follow those teachings and there are those who are against all of the above and want peace with Israel.

And there is no way to generalize the Jewish people either. They come in all shapes, sizes and opinions.

But you are not willing to do, so far, is show me what in Camera and other sites would be considered Propaganda and not factual reporting or writing.

And I totally agree. example
The Mideast Editing Wars
And I continue to wait for specifics on it and not your generalizations.
Generalizations you read someplace without being able to tell if it is true or not.

Unless a country is strong, tribe, village, etc it has always been defeated by the stronger ones. Ask the Kurds about it who have had to fight the Arabs and continue to have Turkey imposing them from achieving Independence in the same region.

When strong Israel retained territory and protected it's people from its enemies.
When weak, Israel Lost sovereignty and was at the hands of its conquerors.

So yes, Israel has to be strong today knowing very well what its enemies want to do wit it and its population. The Muslims have been very clear about it for the past 98 years.

Victim, how has it not been a victim of 7 Arab countries attacking it in1948, and all the attacks before and after.

How is the Jewish population not victimized on an almost daily basis wit knives, screws, cars, rocks, molotov, just because Israel now has a stronger army which keeps the enemy from a full fledged attack, as in 1948.

Maybe you are not aware of it but Turkey, Iran, the Palestinians, just about every one, the NRA, etc have lobbies in DC. So, why shouldn't Israel have one as well.
Does it mean that Israel gets all it wants. Of course not.
I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.
Maybe, just Maybe, the USA knows that Israel wants Peace and that the Palestinians have not stopped wanting to destroy Israel (as written in their charters) and have refused endless plans for peace, including following the requirements of the Oslo Accords.

JUST Maybe.

Maybe. Or maybe it is far more cynical and all about national self interest. Like building settlements on contested territory (that sure shows they want peace eh?)

If Israel had any interests in territory only, it would have expelled all, or most Arabs from Judea and Samaria and the previous Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1967 and avoided beliefs like yours.

And most of all, it would have never have expelled all of its Jews from Gaza and some of Judea and Samaria in 2005.

You really know history. You really know Israel.

That is all opinion. Your opinion.

Part of the reason they removed Jewish residents from those areas was the political and economic price of maintaining a military presence to protect a small group of people was becoming too high.

Oh...and you really don’t think Israel desired territory?

Former chief of staff: Ariel Sharon designed Gaza disengagement to save West Bank settlements
Former prime minister Ariel Sharon pulled out of Gaza in 2005 to save the West Bank settlement blocs and to improve Israel’s security, Dov Weisglass, a close confidante of Sharon and his former chief of staff, said at an event to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Gaza disengagement.

Weisglass attempted to explain to the audience of a seminar that was held Thursday at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya how it was that Ariel Sharon, known as the father of the settlement movement, decided to pull out of Gaza, a move that led to the destruction of 21 settlements there.

At the time, Sharon held a stormy meeting with settler leaders in which he explained to them that the dream of a Greater Israel, in which Israel held on to all of the West Bank and Gaza, was no longer possible.

“We have lost this battle,” Sharon told them, “but if you let me work, I will save the settlement blocs [in the West Bank], where 80 percent of the population lives – and if you continue to obstruct this, we will lose even this,” recalled Weisglass.

The word Propaganda implies not telling the truth in order to make people believe what is not true.

Do YOU believe that THAT is what Israel does?

Again, I am going to ask for specific examples, just as I asked from Camera, which I am still waiting for.

Thank you.
Yes I believe Israel does. I believe EVERY nation does. Why would Israel be any different? Just as an exame look at what were once the prevailing narratives in my own country.
You have said absolutely NOTHING.

You are doing nothing else but Generalizing everything.
I am not in the mood for novel length posts. Most of this discussion IS generalizing, it is what you do with the Palestinians and it is done with the Jews. Partly why I posted the article I did.
I have never generalized about the Palestinians. I have always said that there are the Leaders who want the destruction of Israel, there are those in the population who eagerly follow those teachings and there are those who are against all of the above and want peace with Israel.

And there is no way to generalize the Jewish people either. They come in all shapes, sizes and opinions.

But you are not willing to do, so far, is show me what in Camera and other sites would be considered Propaganda and not factual reporting or writing.

And I totally agree. example
The Mideast Editing Wars
You are giving me a third party's opinion on how Camera is propaganda. And from a Liberal, biased publication .
And I am not against it being a Liberal site, publication, but.....
are they looking at Camera's articles in a non biased way?
How does one know?

What exactly was written in Camera which one can consider as non true, as propaganda?

Did you read the articles from Camera? Any articles?

What stood out to you in those articles as being not true?

Choose any article and point out the lie, the propaganda, please.
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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Of course, the ultimate objective of any K Street Advocate, Lobbyist, policy institute, and consulting or research groups is to be both sought after and influential. The K Street Brain Trusts are the mystic unofficial advisers specializing in the various niche markets needs, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), and strategy developers. These are the actors behind the scenes --- both specialists and general practitioners of their art.

I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.

While they may very well be connected, and in turn influential, they are not "powerful" per se. The illusion of power comes from their clientele. The specters of K Street must constantly be working to injecting their business with new blood; otherwise, their illusion of power evaporates. But make no mistake, a lobby is a business like any other business; except they broker influence. Influence brokering is about directing, protection, or inducing the change in the mind of the "true power.".

This is different from a propaganda machine. The propaganda machine is an outlet of information crafted to meet specific target influence objectives that are far behind the rarefied gases of politics. Essentially,
propaganda is any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

✪ White propaganda → indorcement and acknowledged by the sponsor associated with its true identity.
✪ Gray propaganda → its chief quality is that it does not specifically identify any source.
✪ Black propaganda → usually with the intent of subversion; but its principle quality is that it emanate from a source other than the true identity.​

The unofficial advisers (across the entire spectrum of topics with political importance) are not propagandist.

The accusations commonly made about the nebulas Jewish Lobby (and it's overinflated mythical power) is itself - "propaganda."

The apparatus behind the pro-Palestinian propaganda effort is multi-faceted. The key facet being the source of funding. Just the same as al-Jazzera is a counterpart propaganda element to the Voice of America, the scope and nature of the funding are radically different from pro-Israeli propaganda (near entirely open source). Pro-Palestinian funding that keeps it alive is from four primary sources: • International • Local event sponsorship • Contributions from Individual Benefactors. Pro-Palestinian propaganda operation is also a business, which operates similarly to multi-level marketers.


For centuries, the opponent of the Jewish people have been using the color of law to give the appearance that there is some legitimacy to forcing change upon the Jewish culture. What we see today, is merely a periodic reappearance of the misfeasance and malfeasance that has haunted the Jews for nearly two thousand years.

Most Respectfully,
The word Propaganda implies not telling the truth in order to make people believe what is not true.

Do YOU believe that THAT is what Israel does?

Again, I am going to ask for specific examples, just as I asked from Camera, which I am still waiting for.

Thank you.
Yes I believe Israel does. I believe EVERY nation does. Why would Israel be any different? Just as an exame look at what were once the prevailing narratives in my own country.
We need a whole thread for Israel's lies there are so many.
The CICC’s highly inaccurate summary states, in full:

“The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the longest running in modern history. Following the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, violence erupted between Israeli armed forces and Palestinian armed groups. During the first and second intifadas in the late 1980s and early 2000s respectively, mass violations of international law occurred, with civilian casualties on both sides. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled to neighboring countries, where many remain in refugee camps. Gaza saw a recurrence of violence in April 2014 after the collapse of US-led peace negotiations. The death of two Palestinian teenagers and the subsequent abduction and death of three Israeli teenagers led to the launch of an Israeli military campaign into Gaza (Operation Protective Edge). The conflict caused a high number of civilian casualties. Between June and November 2014, over 2,000 Palestinians and 70 Israelis were reportedly killed, and more than 11,000 Palestinians and 1600 Israelis injured according to reports by the UN Refugee Agency and others.”

The most obvious inaccuracies include:

  • Immediately following Israel’s Declaration of Independence on the basis of UNGA 181, five Arab states – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq – not “Palestinian armed groups” invaded the newborn country seeking to eliminate it. Local armed Palestinian militias assisted the Arab states in their military campaign.
  • Arab violence against the Jewish population began well before May 1948. Notable examples include the 1929 Hebron Massacre, the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt, and fighting following the 1947 UN Partition vote.
  • The “Palestinian armed groups” usually associated with the Arab-Israeli conflict did not come into existence until much later: Fatah (1959), PLO (1964), PFLP (1967), and Hamas (1988).

(full article online)

ICC Lobby Group’s Embarrassing Account of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
WOW, NGO Monitor has its own list of inaccuracies.
The CICC’s highly inaccurate summary states, in full:

“The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the longest running in modern history. Following the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, violence erupted between Israeli armed forces and Palestinian armed groups. During the first and second intifadas in the late 1980s and early 2000s respectively, mass violations of international law occurred, with civilian casualties on both sides. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled to neighboring countries, where many remain in refugee camps. Gaza saw a recurrence of violence in April 2014 after the collapse of US-led peace negotiations. The death of two Palestinian teenagers and the subsequent abduction and death of three Israeli teenagers led to the launch of an Israeli military campaign into Gaza (Operation Protective Edge). The conflict caused a high number of civilian casualties. Between June and November 2014, over 2,000 Palestinians and 70 Israelis were reportedly killed, and more than 11,000 Palestinians and 1600 Israelis injured according to reports by the UN Refugee Agency and others.”

The most obvious inaccuracies include:

  • Immediately following Israel’s Declaration of Independence on the basis of UNGA 181, five Arab states – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq – not “Palestinian armed groups” invaded the newborn country seeking to eliminate it. Local armed Palestinian militias assisted the Arab states in their military campaign.
  • Arab violence against the Jewish population began well before May 1948. Notable examples include the 1929 Hebron Massacre, the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt, and fighting following the 1947 UN Partition vote.
  • The “Palestinian armed groups” usually associated with the Arab-Israeli conflict did not come into existence until much later: Fatah (1959), PLO (1964), PFLP (1967), and Hamas (1988).

(full article online)

ICC Lobby Group’s Embarrassing Account of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
WOW, NGO Monitor has its own list of inaccuracies.

Do you think maybe what the Arab countries did to their Palestinians is hard to forgive? And then come the Zionists to piss the Palestinians off even further with their peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Of course, the ultimate objective of any K Street Advocate, Lobbyist, policy institute, and consulting or research groups is to be both sought after and influential. The K Street Brain Trusts are the mystic unofficial advisers specializing in the various niche markets needs, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), and strategy developers. These are the actors behind the scenes --- both specialists and general practitioners of their art.

I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.

While they may very well be connected, and in turn influential, they are not "powerful" per se. The illusion of power comes from their clientele. The specters of K Street must constantly be working to injecting their business with new blood; otherwise, their illusion of power evaporates. But make no mistake, a lobby is a business like any other business; except they broker influence. Influence brokering is about directing, protection, or inducing the change in the mind of the "true power.".

This is different from a propaganda machine. The propaganda machine is an outlet of information crafted to meet specific target influence objectives that are far behind the rarefied gases of politics. Essentially,
propaganda is any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

✪ White propaganda → indorcement and acknowledged by the sponsor associated with its true identity.
✪ Gray propaganda → its chief quality is that it does not specifically identify any source.
✪ Black propaganda → usually with the intent of subversion; but its principle quality is that it emanate from a source other than the true identity.​

The unofficial advisers (across the entire spectrum of topics with political importance) are not propagandist.

The accusations commonly made about the nebulas Jewish Lobby (and it's overinflated mythical power) is itself - "propaganda."

The apparatus behind the pro-Palestinian propaganda effort is multi-faceted. The key facet being the source of funding. Just the same as al-Jazzera is a counterpart propaganda element to the Voice of America, the scope and nature of the funding are radically different from pro-Israeli propaganda (near entirely open source). Pro-Palestinian funding that keeps it alive is from four primary sources: • International • Local event sponsorship • Contributions from Individual Benefactors. Pro-Palestinian propaganda operation is also a business, which operates similarly to multi-level marketers.


For centuries, the opponent of the Jewish people have been using the color of law to give the appearance that there is some legitimacy to forcing change upon the Jewish culture. What we see today, is merely a periodic reappearance of the misfeasance and malfeasance that has haunted the Jews for nearly two thousand years.

Most Respectfully,
That is a good definition to keep in mind. Going by it...I do think CAMERA' sctivities can be considered propoganda. This was one example: The Mideast Editing Wars
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Of course, the ultimate objective of any K Street Advocate, Lobbyist, policy institute, and consulting or research groups is to be both sought after and influential. The K Street Brain Trusts are the mystic unofficial advisers specializing in the various niche markets needs, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), and strategy developers. These are the actors behind the scenes --- both specialists and general practitioners of their art.

I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.

While they may very well be connected, and in turn influential, they are not "powerful" per se. The illusion of power comes from their clientele. The specters of K Street must constantly be working to injecting their business with new blood; otherwise, their illusion of power evaporates. But make no mistake, a lobby is a business like any other business; except they broker influence. Influence brokering is about directing, protection, or inducing the change in the mind of the "true power.".

This is different from a propaganda machine. The propaganda machine is an outlet of information crafted to meet specific target influence objectives that are far behind the rarefied gases of politics. Essentially,
propaganda is any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

✪ White propaganda → indorcement and acknowledged by the sponsor associated with its true identity.
✪ Gray propaganda → its chief quality is that it does not specifically identify any source.
✪ Black propaganda → usually with the intent of subversion; but its principle quality is that it emanate from a source other than the true identity.​

The unofficial advisers (across the entire spectrum of topics with political importance) are not propagandist.

The accusations commonly made about the nebulas Jewish Lobby (and it's overinflated mythical power) is itself - "propaganda."

The apparatus behind the pro-Palestinian propaganda effort is multi-faceted. The key facet being the source of funding. Just the same as al-Jazzera is a counterpart propaganda element to the Voice of America, the scope and nature of the funding are radically different from pro-Israeli propaganda (near entirely open source). Pro-Palestinian funding that keeps it alive is from four primary sources: • International • Local event sponsorship • Contributions from Individual Benefactors. Pro-Palestinian propaganda operation is also a business, which operates similarly to multi-level marketers.


For centuries, the opponent of the Jewish people have been using the color of law to give the appearance that there is some legitimacy to forcing change upon the Jewish culture. What we see today, is merely a periodic reappearance of the misfeasance and malfeasance that has haunted the Jews for nearly two thousand years.

Most Respectfully,
That is a good definition to keep in mind. Going by it...I do think CAMERA' sctivities can be considered propoganda. This was one example: The Mideast Editing Wars
That is not an example of a Camera propaganda because it is not a Camera article.

You may go through any of their articles here:


.....and then let us know what is not accurate, a lie, or propaganda.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Propaganda is not always malevolent. Propaganda is not always untrue.

That is a good definition to keep in mind. Going by it...I do think CAMERA' activities can be considered propaganda. This was one example: The Mideast Editing Wars

The difference between journalism (accurate reporting of the facts) and propaganda (presentation based on a predetermined message) is the manner in which the news ingredients are edited, assembled and presented. The same set of facts can be delivered as journalist news or as directional thought propaganda.

Also, there is a difference in the veracity, reliability, and perception that any given source has. I (for instance) can say that the Islamic Resistance follows the teaching of the Koran. In my case, it means nothing. On the other hand, if an Islamic Cleric says the same thing, it has more of an impact. Who presents the new is as important as the truth.

Ideological Placement of Source's Audience.png

What does this chart tell you? On this chart - CNN is (perceived) as liberal (left of unbiased) as FOX News is (perceived) conservative (right of unbiased).

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
[ All the things people choose to believe. How in the world did this person come to think what it wrote? Computer mistake? How did that happen??? ]

A jewelry store at Paris Orly airport apologized for describing Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport as being located in “Occupied Palestine Territories.”

In October, a receipt given to an Israeli couple who purchased an item at the Royal Quartz/Galeries Lafayette store said Ben Gurion was in occupied “Palestine.” The airport is not located in disputed territories.

(full article online)

Paris duty free store sorry for calling Tel Aviv airport ‘occupied Palestine’
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Of course, the ultimate objective of any K Street Advocate, Lobbyist, policy institute, and consulting or research groups is to be both sought after and influential. The K Street Brain Trusts are the mystic unofficial advisers specializing in the various niche markets needs, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), and strategy developers. These are the actors behind the scenes --- both specialists and general practitioners of their art.

I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.

While they may very well be connected, and in turn influential, they are not "powerful" per se. The illusion of power comes from their clientele. The specters of K Street must constantly be working to injecting their business with new blood; otherwise, their illusion of power evaporates. But make no mistake, a lobby is a business like any other business; except they broker influence. Influence brokering is about directing, protection, or inducing the change in the mind of the "true power.".

This is different from a propaganda machine. The propaganda machine is an outlet of information crafted to meet specific target influence objectives that are far behind the rarefied gases of politics. Essentially,
propaganda is any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

✪ White propaganda → indorcement and acknowledged by the sponsor associated with its true identity.
✪ Gray propaganda → its chief quality is that it does not specifically identify any source.
✪ Black propaganda → usually with the intent of subversion; but its principle quality is that it emanate from a source other than the true identity.​

The unofficial advisers (across the entire spectrum of topics with political importance) are not propagandist.

The accusations commonly made about the nebulas Jewish Lobby (and it's overinflated mythical power) is itself - "propaganda."

The apparatus behind the pro-Palestinian propaganda effort is multi-faceted. The key facet being the source of funding. Just the same as al-Jazzera is a counterpart propaganda element to the Voice of America, the scope and nature of the funding are radically different from pro-Israeli propaganda (near entirely open source). Pro-Palestinian funding that keeps it alive is from four primary sources: • International • Local event sponsorship • Contributions from Individual Benefactors. Pro-Palestinian propaganda operation is also a business, which operates similarly to multi-level marketers.


For centuries, the opponent of the Jewish people have been using the color of law to give the appearance that there is some legitimacy to forcing change upon the Jewish culture. What we see today, is merely a periodic reappearance of the misfeasance and malfeasance that has haunted the Jews for nearly two thousand years.

Most Respectfully,
That is a good definition to keep in mind. Going by it...I do think CAMERA' sctivities can be considered propoganda. This was one example: The Mideast Editing Wars
That is not an example of a Camera propaganda because it is not a Camera article.

You may go through any of their articles here:


.....and then let us know what is not accurate, a lie, or propaganda.

It is an example of how CAMERA is conducting propoganda through editing Wiki.

Here is another example - I'm not going to read through and pick a part an article other sources do it (after all - CAMERA picks up articles for you - you don't do it yourself).

Silencing Israel's critics
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Of course, the ultimate objective of any K Street Advocate, Lobbyist, policy institute, and consulting or research groups is to be both sought after and influential. The K Street Brain Trusts are the mystic unofficial advisers specializing in the various niche markets needs, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), and strategy developers. These are the actors behind the scenes --- both specialists and general practitioners of their art.

I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.

While they may very well be connected, and in turn influential, they are not "powerful" per se. The illusion of power comes from their clientele. The specters of K Street must constantly be working to injecting their business with new blood; otherwise, their illusion of power evaporates. But make no mistake, a lobby is a business like any other business; except they broker influence. Influence brokering is about directing, protection, or inducing the change in the mind of the "true power.".

This is different from a propaganda machine. The propaganda machine is an outlet of information crafted to meet specific target influence objectives that are far behind the rarefied gases of politics. Essentially,
propaganda is any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

✪ White propaganda → indorcement and acknowledged by the sponsor associated with its true identity.
✪ Gray propaganda → its chief quality is that it does not specifically identify any source.
✪ Black propaganda → usually with the intent of subversion; but its principle quality is that it emanate from a source other than the true identity.​

The unofficial advisers (across the entire spectrum of topics with political importance) are not propagandist.

The accusations commonly made about the nebulas Jewish Lobby (and it's overinflated mythical power) is itself - "propaganda."

The apparatus behind the pro-Palestinian propaganda effort is multi-faceted. The key facet being the source of funding. Just the same as al-Jazzera is a counterpart propaganda element to the Voice of America, the scope and nature of the funding are radically different from pro-Israeli propaganda (near entirely open source). Pro-Palestinian funding that keeps it alive is from four primary sources: • International • Local event sponsorship • Contributions from Individual Benefactors. Pro-Palestinian propaganda operation is also a business, which operates similarly to multi-level marketers.


For centuries, the opponent of the Jewish people have been using the color of law to give the appearance that there is some legitimacy to forcing change upon the Jewish culture. What we see today, is merely a periodic reappearance of the misfeasance and malfeasance that has haunted the Jews for nearly two thousand years.

Most Respectfully,
That is a good definition to keep in mind. Going by it...I do think CAMERA' sctivities can be considered propoganda. This was one example: The Mideast Editing Wars
That is not an example of a Camera propaganda because it is not a Camera article.

You may go through any of their articles here:


.....and then let us know what is not accurate, a lie, or propaganda.

It is an example of how CAMERA is conducting propoganda through editing Wiki.

Here is another example - I'm not going to read through and pick a part an article other sources do it (after all - CAMERA picks up articles for you - you don't do it yourself).

Silencing Israel's critics
More nonsense you have picked up from the sources you read.

But I will leave it that :)
He cited Levy’s recent scurrilous – indeed, obscene – article written the day after the young couple Shira and Amichai Ish Ran, married for less than a year, were shot and badly wounded in a terrorist attack. Shira was 30 weeks pregnant; and the doctors in the Sha’arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem did sterling work, delivering the tiny baby prematurely and desperately fighting to keep him alive.

Tragically, the infant died, less than four days old, surrounded by his parents’ love, and the prayers of countless Jews and supporters of Israel, both in Israel and abroad.

When the baby died, Levy wrote a now-notorious op-ed in Haaretz under the headline “I feel no sympathy for the settlers”:

“I have no sympathy for the settlers, not even when they are hit by tragedy. A pregnant woman was wounded and her newborn baby died of its wounds – what can be worse than that? Driving on their roads is frightening, the violent opposition to their presence is growing – and I feel no sympathy for their tragedy, nor do I feel any compassion or solidarity.”

Of course any decent person shudders in disgust at Mr Levy’s callousness, his sheer inhumanity, his empathy with murder. You don’t have to be Jewish, or to support Israel or Zionism, to regard My Levy and his ideology as beneath contempt. You have only to be human.

And of course Israel National News’s op-ed writer Yochanan Visser’s reaction that Haaretzcolumnist Gideon Levy should be fired is eminently understandable.

But with all due respect to Mr Visser, I beg to disagree.

(full article online)

Thank you Gideon Levy, keep on writing!
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Coyote, et al,

Of course, the ultimate objective of any K Street Advocate, Lobbyist, policy institute, and consulting or research groups is to be both sought after and influential. The K Street Brain Trusts are the mystic unofficial advisers specializing in the various niche markets needs, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), and strategy developers. These are the actors behind the scenes --- both specialists and general practitioners of their art.

I never said Israel is the only one with a lobby, just that theirs is extremely powerful, much more so than the Palestinian one.

While they may very well be connected, and in turn influential, they are not "powerful" per se. The illusion of power comes from their clientele. The specters of K Street must constantly be working to injecting their business with new blood; otherwise, their illusion of power evaporates. But make no mistake, a lobby is a business like any other business; except they broker influence. Influence brokering is about directing, protection, or inducing the change in the mind of the "true power.".

This is different from a propaganda machine. The propaganda machine is an outlet of information crafted to meet specific target influence objectives that are far behind the rarefied gases of politics. Essentially,
propaganda is any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.

✪ White propaganda → indorcement and acknowledged by the sponsor associated with its true identity.
✪ Gray propaganda → its chief quality is that it does not specifically identify any source.
✪ Black propaganda → usually with the intent of subversion; but its principle quality is that it emanate from a source other than the true identity.​

The unofficial advisers (across the entire spectrum of topics with political importance) are not propagandist.

The accusations commonly made about the nebulas Jewish Lobby (and it's overinflated mythical power) is itself - "propaganda."

The apparatus behind the pro-Palestinian propaganda effort is multi-faceted. The key facet being the source of funding. Just the same as al-Jazzera is a counterpart propaganda element to the Voice of America, the scope and nature of the funding are radically different from pro-Israeli propaganda (near entirely open source). Pro-Palestinian funding that keeps it alive is from four primary sources: • International • Local event sponsorship • Contributions from Individual Benefactors. Pro-Palestinian propaganda operation is also a business, which operates similarly to multi-level marketers.


For centuries, the opponent of the Jewish people have been using the color of law to give the appearance that there is some legitimacy to forcing change upon the Jewish culture. What we see today, is merely a periodic reappearance of the misfeasance and malfeasance that has haunted the Jews for nearly two thousand years.

Most Respectfully,
That is a good definition to keep in mind. Going by it...I do think CAMERA' sctivities can be considered propoganda. This was one example: The Mideast Editing Wars
That is not an example of a Camera propaganda because it is not a Camera article.

You may go through any of their articles here:


.....and then let us know what is not accurate, a lie, or propaganda.

It is an example of how CAMERA is conducting propoganda through editing Wiki.

Here is another example - I'm not going to read through and pick a part an article other sources do it (after all - CAMERA picks up articles for you - you don't do it yourself).

Silencing Israel's critics
Every paper has its analysis:
"Team Israel"

Who amongst you can explain this paper:

Silencing Israel's critics

Is it written with the truth in mind?

Or is it no more than a number of conspiracy theories, by a couple of people on what is called 'the American left', aimed at making Americans demand that its government stop funding any aid to Israel, as we hear so many of our posters express in what they write?

It was written in 2006. Possibly not the first paper of its kind.

Can anyone expand on this?
Does it need to, or is it self explanatory?
Does the link I posted cover everything about the above article, or is more research needed? Here it is below:
"Team Israel"

Who amongst you can explain this paper:

Silencing Israel's critics

Is it written with the truth in mind?

Or is it no more than a number of conspiracy theories, by a couple of people on what is called 'the American left', aimed at making Americans demand that its government stop funding any aid to Israel, as we hear so many of our posters express in what they write?

It was written in 2006. Possibly not the first paper of its kind.

Can anyone expand on this?
Does it need to, or is it self explanatory?
Does the link I posted cover everything about the above article, or is more research needed? Here it is below:

Or maybe it is accurate.
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