All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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"Team Israel"

Who amongst you can explain this paper:

Silencing Israel's critics

Is it written with the truth in mind?

Or is it no more than a number of conspiracy theories, by a couple of people on what is called 'the American left', aimed at making Americans demand that its government stop funding any aid to Israel, as we hear so many of our posters express in what they write?

It was written in 2006. Possibly not the first paper of its kind.

Can anyone expand on this?
Does it need to, or is it self explanatory?
Does the link I posted cover everything about the above article, or is more research needed? Here it is below:

Or maybe it is accurate.
But you are not able to tell me what is accurate about the paper, and a paper it is, and why.

Is the Washington Post article accurate about what the paper says? And why?
The Arab world likes to celebrate Judaism and Christianity - when there are few to no Jews and Christians left.

During Chanukah, Egypt held a very public Chanukah celebration even as the Jewish community has dwindled to less than 10.

Christians have been fleeing the PA since Oslo, but the PA puts on a big show of lighting the Christmas tree in Bethlehem every year, accompanied by speeches about how evil Israel is.

And now, for the first time in more than ten years, Gaza held a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony on Saturday, where lots of officials waxed poetic on how important Christians are to the Palestinian people.

The number of Christians in Gaza has plummeted from about 3000 ten years ago to less than 750 today.

(full article online)

Now that there are practically no Christians left, Gaza lights a Christimas tree ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Isn't he nice. The new Muslim Emperor of the former Ottoman Empire tells his young people that Jews beat up Palestinian Women and Children. Because Arabs are such saints and they do not do that at all. Let us forget about "Honor Killings", shall we?
And the Ottomans, who joined the Germans in WWI, accuses Israel of being Nazis. Oh, the irony (Armenia, anyone? ) ]

Erdogan, a staunch supporter of the Gaza-ruling terror group Hamas, has long been a harsh critic of Israel and regularly likens its actions vis-a-vis the Palestinians to the mass Nazi murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

(full article online)

Erdogan tells Turkish youths: ‘Jews in Israel’ beat Palestinian women, kids
In the past month, 15 Molotov cocktails have been thrown at the apartment building where Jewish families live in the Ma'ale Zeitim neighborhood of Jerusalem, Ynet reported.

On Sunday night, two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Givon family's balcony. One of the Molotov cocktails landed less than a meter from the window of the house, next to which were the two small children. The Givon family, accustomed to the situation, took out the fire hose used to irrigate houseplants and extinguished the burning bottle.

This case follows two other cases of Molotov cocktails thrown at families living in Ma'ale Hazeitim during the past month. A few weeks ago, nine Molotov cocktails were thrown at the building and some of them fell on the balcony of the Givon family's home, causing damage to the plants grass and the flowers they planted. A few days earlier four Molotov cocktails were thrown.

(full article online)

15 firebombs in a month: Jerusalem families terrorized
“Europe is over”, Mark Lewis told Israeli Channel 10 after landing with his partner Mandy Blumenthal at Tel Aviv airport. “People killed in museums in Belgium, people killed in schools in France, people attacked in England. There is only one place where Jews can go”, added Lewis. And that place is Israel.

Lewis, 54, is one of the UK's leading lawyers. A few days later, another Labor Party official was suspended for comments on social media in which he accused the Jews of orchestrating world conflicts. Mohammed Yasin, head of Corbyn's Labor in the West Midlands, had written that “Jews are responsible for all wars in the world”.

A few hours later, in Sarcelles, in the French Val-d'Oise, a Jewish woman was assaulted, beaten up, her nose broken.

A year ago, a fourteen-year-old Jewish student from Berlin had been the victim of assaults by his classmates at a Berlin-based institute, Friedenau, which was part of the “School against racism” network. Many of the students have Turkish or Arab roots. “The Jews are all murderers”, said a student to the boy. The school in Berlin forbade him to change classes in the school in order not to establish a severe precedent.

In the same area, in Friedenau, Rabbi Daniel Alter was beaten on the street before his daughter's eyes. Klara Kohn, a daughter of Auschwitz survivors, was mocked by the students in a school in Hanover who sang “Jews to the gas”.
The number of European languages heard in Tel Aviv, Netanya or Jerusalem certainly does not go unnoticed to any visitor in Israel. They are the European refugees fleeing from the new anti-Semitism. 50 years ago, Europe saw the arrival of the Jews from Islam. Now European Jews are fleeing to Israel after Islam came to Europe. Such a tragic irony!

(full article online)

Those European refugees in Israel
[ Not Satire ]

latest rant, Okasha claims that the Jews of France stole the Rosetta Stone to hide the advanced scientific secrets of Egypt and keep them for themselves. He claimed that only French Jews have access to the stone and can decipher it.

In fact the Rosetta Stone is one of the most studied pieces of archaeology in history and it has been in England for over two hundred years.

Okasha said during his program "Egypt Today" that the secrets of deciphering the Rosetta Stone are not yet known because it is in France now, saying that the Jewish French scholars know very well that the stone contains many secrets. These secrets, when deciphered, would reveal the scientific achievements of ancient Egyptians, but the Jews are keeping that ancient knowledge to themselves.

(full article online)

Egyptian TV host: "Jews stole the Rosetta Stone and are hiding its secrets" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Marc Hill’s “Collective Punishment”

Marc Hill connects the black civil rights movement and the Muslim terror war against Israel. Let us be clear, there is no connection whatsoever between the civil rights movement in the USA and the Muslim Arab terror war against Jews in the name of “palestine”.

Hill says that just as American blacks should be using violence against the “violent” state of America, he believes the Muslim Arabs should be using violence against Israel. He doesn’t want to use non-violence against the American State, he wants to “go down like Leila Khaled”, a terrorist!

Yes, a University Professor said that in standing up against the violent state of the USA, he wants to go down like a violent terrorist and not with non-violence.

(full article online)

Temple University Professor Wants to "Go Down" Like a Terrorist
Marc Hill’s “Collective Punishment”

Marc Hill connects the black civil rights movement and the Muslim terror war against Israel. Let us be clear, there is no connection whatsoever between the civil rights movement in the USA and the Muslim Arab terror war against Jews in the name of “palestine”.

Hill says that just as American blacks should be using violence against the “violent” state of America, he believes the Muslim Arabs should be using violence against Israel. He doesn’t want to use non-violence against the American State, he wants to “go down like Leila Khaled”, a terrorist!

Yes, a University Professor said that in standing up against the violent state of the USA, he wants to go down like a violent terrorist and not with non-violence.

(full article online)

Temple University Professor Wants to "Go Down" Like a Terrorist
Don't just give us some soundbites out of context. Give us the whole story.

Marc Hill’s “Collective Punishment”

Marc Hill connects the black civil rights movement and the Muslim terror war against Israel. Let us be clear, there is no connection whatsoever between the civil rights movement in the USA and the Muslim Arab terror war against Jews in the name of “palestine”.

Hill says that just as American blacks should be using violence against the “violent” state of America, he believes the Muslim Arabs should be using violence against Israel. He doesn’t want to use non-violence against the American State, he wants to “go down like Leila Khaled”, a terrorist!

Yes, a University Professor said that in standing up against the violent state of the USA, he wants to go down like a violent terrorist and not with non-violence.

(full article online)

Temple University Professor Wants to "Go Down" Like a Terrorist
Don't just give us some soundbites out of context. Give us the whole story.

He is not the only one to connect one cause or another against Israel, and you know it.
Linda Sarsour and all the others who sneak into the women s rights movement and many others in order to turn anyone against Israel.

I will listen to the whole video, but he has said what he said, and it means exactly what it means.
"Team Israel"

Who amongst you can explain this paper:

Silencing Israel's critics

Is it written with the truth in mind?

Or is it no more than a number of conspiracy theories, by a couple of people on what is called 'the American left', aimed at making Americans demand that its government stop funding any aid to Israel, as we hear so many of our posters express in what they write?

It was written in 2006. Possibly not the first paper of its kind.

Can anyone expand on this?
Does it need to, or is it self explanatory?
Does the link I posted cover everything about the above article, or is more research needed? Here it is below:

Or maybe it is accurate.
But you are not able to tell me what is accurate about the paper, and a paper it is, and why.

Is the Washington Post article accurate about what the paper says? And why?
What is inaccurate about the Washington Post article?
Marc Hill’s “Collective Punishment”

Marc Hill connects the black civil rights movement and the Muslim terror war against Israel. Let us be clear, there is no connection whatsoever between the civil rights movement in the USA and the Muslim Arab terror war against Jews in the name of “palestine”.

Hill says that just as American blacks should be using violence against the “violent” state of America, he believes the Muslim Arabs should be using violence against Israel. He doesn’t want to use non-violence against the American State, he wants to “go down like Leila Khaled”, a terrorist!

Yes, a University Professor said that in standing up against the violent state of the USA, he wants to go down like a violent terrorist and not with non-violence.

(full article online)

Temple University Professor Wants to "Go Down" Like a Terrorist
Don't just give us some soundbites out of context. Give us the whole story.

Together we are a danger to one another.

"Team Israel"

Who amongst you can explain this paper:

Silencing Israel's critics

Is it written with the truth in mind?

Or is it no more than a number of conspiracy theories, by a couple of people on what is called 'the American left', aimed at making Americans demand that its government stop funding any aid to Israel, as we hear so many of our posters express in what they write?

It was written in 2006. Possibly not the first paper of its kind.

Can anyone expand on this?
Does it need to, or is it self explanatory?
Does the link I posted cover everything about the above article, or is more research needed? Here it is below:

Or maybe it is accurate.
But you are not able to tell me what is accurate about the paper, and a paper it is, and why.

Is the Washington Post article accurate about what the paper says? And why?
What is inaccurate about the Washington Post article?
I said in my post that there were inaccuracies in "Silencing Israel's critics"

What I said about the Washington Post article is that it dealt with those inaccuracies.
Marc Hill’s “Collective Punishment”

Marc Hill connects the black civil rights movement and the Muslim terror war against Israel. Let us be clear, there is no connection whatsoever between the civil rights movement in the USA and the Muslim Arab terror war against Jews in the name of “palestine”.

Hill says that just as American blacks should be using violence against the “violent” state of America, he believes the Muslim Arabs should be using violence against Israel. He doesn’t want to use non-violence against the American State, he wants to “go down like Leila Khaled”, a terrorist!

Yes, a University Professor said that in standing up against the violent state of the USA, he wants to go down like a violent terrorist and not with non-violence.

(full article online)

Temple University Professor Wants to "Go Down" Like a Terrorist
Don't just give us some soundbites out of context. Give us the whole story.

Together we are a danger to one another.

LMAO. Muslims and their sinister ambitions of pushing the Jews out of the Holy Land.

These inbreds can’t even show solidarity amongst themselves.

Another link that doesn't prove Your point?
You're suspiciously vague about answering my questions.
I would actually like some answers.

About peace agreements as strategy of Islam's holy war (Jihad),
about Islam's obligations to an oath, and about Islam's use of deception to spread religion.

I am not vague at all. I gave you specific answers on when it is permissible to lie in religions. If you want more you need to be less vague yourself and state what it is you want specifically. I am not up to playing games.

The link I used discussed some of what you are asking.

You were asked specifically about Islam.
Why? Because both of the Palestinian governments established Sharia as main source of legislation.
What does it mean? That Israelis are expected to negotiate with governments who execute gays in public under "civil law", that negotiations and agreements in such a framework are defined as only temporal until Jihad can proceed executing the obligation of forcing Sharia upon both Arabs and Jews.

The problem is the obligation to Jihad, in the strictest legal terms while Jewish law has specific boundaries where it can apply, Islamic law has no boundaries and open agenda of spreading forth.

The question regarding the obligation to oaths in Islamic law, and the obligation of a state to religious definitions of land raise many question regarding the ability of any Palestinian to negotiate any land deals.
In fact there's a question whether any state that is heavily reliant of Islamic law can have a legal framework for an actual agreement on static borders.

The question is can any of the Palestinian governments negotiate in such a framework, or should it be a broader inter-faith legal negotiation regarding Jewish recognition in Islamic world? Maybe the Palestinian governments don't have that kind of authority to start with?

I answered specifically about Islam and Islam is very specific and codified as to how Jihad can be applied, how warfare can be conducted and not conducted, etc.

I would disagree with your claim of forcing Sharia on others. Some of that seems driven by antiIslamic fear mongering around the world.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia

The question you ask though is a very interesting one and maybe you are right. I do think, without any clear leadership on the Palestinian side it will be up to Israel and the Arab States together to come up with something. Forget the US and Europe.
Coyote You stumble me with that willful ingorance.

Let me put You in some perspective: there're 1.1% Muslims in the US.
There're about 17.2% of Israelis who are Muslims, and 55% of Israeli Jews have parents who lived in Muslim countries as dhimmis under Sharia.

Not some FOX news special, not a reality show...real dhimmis, who had to wear shoes on their shoulder when out of ghetto, those same Jews who were made BY sharia to pay triple taxes.
Those same Jews against whom was made a precedent in Your codified Jihad of how to break oaths and agreements. Those same Jews whom Islam blames for the death of their prophet.

So now go tell me what You know about Islam, You're an AMERICAN, we're ISRAELIS, we don't live somewhere "out there" where Islam/Jihad is a "liberal progressive movement" of a tiny minority of western school graduates, to present this as Islam is an insult to everyone's intelligence, which is offensive taqqiyah in its' purest form. Why is it offensive? Because the same people who pose as mainstream Muslim human rights activists are promoting Sharia and Jihad full knowingly how Sharia really operates when Islam is a majority. YOU know how Sharia operates.

We're living HERE in the mids of 99.9% of the Muslims of the world, in the same neighborhood where Islam originated and spread by sword. This is the real living and kicking Islam in all its' color in modern times. Here Jihad is daily holy war against us Jews, Yazidis, and non Muslims alike. Not some 500 years ago, but today, as we speak.

Not on FOX special, it's daily reality of a non-ending, what You call "codified" holy war.
Millions of Muslims are actually dying because of Islam's so called "codified" Jihad.

You need to change Your equation.
And You obviously didn't read that link, here's what it says:

89% Palestinians want Sharia as Law of the Land.
44% Sharia has to apply to non-Muslims
82% say converting others is a religious duty
66% death penalty for LEAVING ISLAM
84% stoning for punishment of adultery
76% for corporal punishment for theft
40% suicide bombing justified
44-46% family honor killing justifiable
48% polygamy is moral
33% say wife should be allowed to divorce her husband

These are the figures of one of the most extremist societies in the whole middle east.
That walks under the banner of 4 caliphates, who execute their own people in daylight public
and have Holy War against Jews as a public charter.

Now You're trying to tell an Iraqi-Palestinian Jew he is confused about Islam by western anti-Islam fear mongering, and You think this makes any sense?

Stop with the hypocrisy and listen - we Jews, have been suffering from Jihad and Sharia since Islam started, and we were clearly made its' main victims though...we were insignificant.

You need to change the equation, Islam is always a majority, it has no aim to stay as a minority.
Judaism has always been a minority culture, usually dominated by bigger empires, like Islam.
It's in the DNA of Judaism, we were made to exist among with others, there's no theology or commandment of a Jewish majority in the world, like in Christianity or in Islam, and even when we create a majority in a tiny sliver of land we're still a minority culture. When Islam is presented as the minority culture in the US it's not a true representation, when Jews are represented as a minority or as Israelis as a Jewish majority, we're still talking about a minority society less than that of the Muslim percentage in the US.

We had our share of Sharia, Jihad and Islam experience first hand before and after, first row in the show.
Enough to tell the rest of You folks, and that's when 1948 comes to prove a point.
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