All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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What a high class professional lady who loves our country. Good grief, what next?


Isn't it great that we have such honorable, dedicated public servants who uphold the best ideals of American values and wish to promote to the world the best image of American integrity... Record Scratch Sound Effect!

That will come after she slaps a few more sticky notes on her map erasing Israel.

Honestly, we have reached a new low in American politics. Rest assured she will get hers but good from both political parties. And so well deserved.
At the New York Review of Books, anti-Zionist Antony Loewenstein wrote an article called "Exporting the Technology of Occupation". The key paragraph:

In short, Israel has been for 70 years a country under siege from its neighbors, near and far. It needed to develop ways to defend itself. This is the primary job of every nation. To twist that into a horrible plot of how Israel is oppressing Palestinians and using that know-how to profit from it is an inversion of reality. But when one looks at the world through "occupation glasses" where Israel is viewed as nothing more than a single-minded oppressor of a group of people, then the story writes itself.

The readers of such trash usually don't understand that the Israel being written about is a funhouse mirror reflection of reality, because the cherry-picked facts are mostly correct - it is the context and framework that are far off base.

It is the job of editors to separate the propaganda from the reality, but the New York Review of Books employs editors that seek such anti-Israel propaganda to begin with.

(full article online)

How Israel-haters use a false framework to spread their hate ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
However, as the Indy itself reported back in March of 2017, the report in question merely reflected the personal views of its authors, UN officials Rima Khalef and (extremist) Richard Falk, and not the United Nations itself. The report was briefly on the UN’s website, but permanently removed a few days later because it was never vetted, yet alone approved, by the proper UN departments or General Secretary Antonio Guterres.

Though, due to the holidays, it took Indy editors more than two weeks to get back to us, they ultimately upheld our complaint and added the following text to the op-ed following the sentence about the ‘apartheid’ report.

(full article online)

UKMW prompts Indy to correct false claim that UN said ‘Israel practices apartheid’
Mosab Hassan Yousef interviewed by i24's Lucy Aharish

i24 News's Lucy Aharish interviews "Son of Hamas" Mosab Hassan Yousef. Aharish conducts a sympathetic interview; Yousef waxes quite philosophical.

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