All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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For those watching at home, here's the money quote.

99% of Jewish homes in territories are not purchased from Arabs, the exception being Hebron and E. Jlem - where Jews would be massacred without protection. Ariel has no answer because she knows it's true.
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) January 8, 2019

They are also the cities that Jews have had an unquestionable attachment to and continuous residence in except when your friends decided to ethnically cleanse them - a practice you want to continue, TODAY.

You are a bigot. To you, Jews have no rights.

Again, thanks for playing.
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) January 8, 2019

I'm happy to demolish any other arguments you have. You have yet to answer any of mine.
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) January 8, 2019

It occurred to me that one thing that left wing Israel-haters and right-wing Jew-haters have in common is the denial of human rights to Jews that all other people have. This conversation proves it from the Left.

Here is the screenshot in case any of these tweets "disappear."

(full article online)

A fun Twitter discussion with CodePink's Ariel Elyse Gold ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
“Here” is Atarot, the location of one of the largest industrial parks in the Jerusalem area. It’s at the northern end of Jerusalem, where Palestinian and Jewish neighborhoods brush up against one another.

This mall isn’t the first to be frequented by both Arabs and Jews. Shoppers are mixed at many of Jerusalem’s malls, including those in Malha, Talpiot, Pisgat Ze’ev, Gilo and other neighborhoods around the city.

(full article online)

On edge of Jerusalem alongside security barrier, Jews and Arabs shop at new mall
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
[URL='']Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman
Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it.
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?
The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?
The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?

I believe the issue is whether the Jews or Arabs were caught in the act of the crime, or they are simply suspects where the Israeli government is attempting to force them to confess to something they have not done. As with Duma.

Would you like to discuss Fatah or Hamas torturing Hamas or Fatah members and what methods they use, and how many of those tortured come out alive from it?

Hamas claims to hold 45 'collaborators'

And would you like to discuss that wonderful Palestinian Studio called Pallywood where everything and anything which can be imagined against Israel and the Jews can come out of it, and actually has come out of it?

I will say it again. I DO NOT BELIEVE in torturing Arabs, Jews or anyone else for the sake of a confession.
Those "confessions" are usually meaningless.

And something else you will not like.

Arabs are being taught to attack Jews on a daily basis, any which way they can, with the intention to kill them.

Jews are not.

(Now, let us have the same ol' "one is exactly the same as the other" )
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?

I believe the issue is whether the Jews or Arabs were caught in the act of the crime, or they are simply suspects where the Israeli government is attempting to force them to confess to something they have not done. As with Duma.

Would you like to discuss Fatah or Hamas torturing Hamas or Fatah members and what methods they use, and how many of those tortured come out alive from it?

Hamas claims to hold 45 'collaborators'

And would you like to discuss that wonderful Palestinian Studio called Pallywood where everything and anything which can be imagined against Israel and the Jews can come out of it, and actually has come out of it?

I will say it again. I DO NOT BELIEVE in torturing Arabs, Jews or anyone else for the sake of a confession.
Those "confessions" are usually meaningless.

And something else you will not like.

Arabs are being taught to attack Jews on a daily basis, any which way they can, with the intention to kill them.

Jews are not.

(Now, let us have the same ol' "one is exactly the same as the other" )

Actually the issue is not whether or not they are caught in the act. Most of the time they are caught afterwards. So do you believe the claims by Palestinian youths that are tortured or only Jewish youths? Do Palestinians terrorists get the same presumption of innocance from you or is it only Jewish terrorists?

If you oppose torture why are you automatically discounting it when it is a Palestinian kids who are arrested?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Give us a source besides Btselem and we will discuss it. you willingly believe claims by the Jewish youths that they were tortured but you won’t believe claims by Palestinian youths that they were tortured?

I believe the issue is whether the Jews or Arabs were caught in the act of the crime, or they are simply suspects where the Israeli government is attempting to force them to confess to something they have not done. As with Duma.

Would you like to discuss Fatah or Hamas torturing Hamas or Fatah members and what methods they use, and how many of those tortured come out alive from it?

Hamas claims to hold 45 'collaborators'

And would you like to discuss that wonderful Palestinian Studio called Pallywood where everything and anything which can be imagined against Israel and the Jews can come out of it, and actually has come out of it?

I will say it again. I DO NOT BELIEVE in torturing Arabs, Jews or anyone else for the sake of a confession.
Those "confessions" are usually meaningless.

And something else you will not like.

Arabs are being taught to attack Jews on a daily basis, any which way they can, with the intention to kill them.

Jews are not.

(Now, let us have the same ol' "one is exactly the same as the other" )

Actually the issue is not whether or not they are caught in the act. Most of the time they are caught afterwards. So do you believe the claims by Palestinian youths that are tortured or only Jewish youths? Do Palestinians terrorists get the same presumption of innocance from you or is it only Jewish terrorists?

If you oppose torture why are you automatically discounting it when it is a Palestinian kids who are arrested?
I see that your Christmas Eve meltdown continues.

So, I will go and enjoy myself because your meltdowns have no end to them.

Good night :)
Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?

I don't, Your questions are based on lies.

Don't Palestinian youth receive free education, actual university degree when they get convicted? Israel provides that
Don't Palestinian youth get money for murdering Jews? Palestinian and European governments provide that.

This is the reality, another fact is no one has yet to prove they were Jews or terrorists, or that the alleged actions were theirs. With thousands of cameras, NGO's and foreign activists swirling the place on a daily basis who go hunting viral pictures, there has been not a single footage in this case proving any involvement- so Your assumption that it's their action or that I support is based on a false assumption. This is not the first time when family honor killing was blamed on Jews.

The violence I'd support is authorized local civil patrol to join forces with police as we have in every Israeli city and village big enough to be called a town. Judean communities especially need it with the amount of violence the suffer from the citizens of the Palestinian govt on a daily basis and international provocateurs hunting for sensation.

I also support violence when two Arab clans that fight over perceived "honor" in Hebron and other Judean cities, taking hundreds of their each family members' lives on a yearly basis, children, women...up to 11th cousins, when they use aggression towards uninvolved people in a deceitful manner just to provoke a lethal response from the police against an enemy clan - when citizens complain and there's clear reoccurring evidence pointing to a single person responsible for the violence it is totally justified to use lethal force to end that quarrel and move on, when the specific family member is also a leader in a militant gang that commits acts of terrorism against Israelis - the military has all justification to do it - and it did with precision and fireworks that left no questions in the air as to the consequences of continuing that quarrel or who ended it.

Coincidently at about the same time when the quarrel was ended the Jewish minority of Hebron established a longstanding understanding and respect among the involved clans, in fact the Tamimi clan (not the outcasts of Nabi Saleh) and the Ja'abri clans of Hebron stand at the forefront of cooperation between Jews an Arabs in the symbolic town where Ishmael and Itzhak once burred their father together.

Jews have always been the victims of these inner Arab disputes, they were always targeted when uninvolved. There's no reason that a nation with police and military doesn't root out the problem for the safety of its' citizens using the force given to them by law.
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Israel Arrests 5 Teenage Suspects In Fatal Stoning Of Palestinian Woman

Israel's security service says it has arrested five Israeli yeshiva students allegedly involved in last year's fatal stoning of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank. The arrests in late December have heightened tensions between the state and radical Israeli settlers and their supporters ahead of national elections in April.

Israel's Shin Bet security service says the teenage suspects were arrested on grave terrorism and murder charges.

Families of the suspects have cited unfair treatment at the hands of the state and have received sympathy at high levels of office. This has prompted accusations that Israeli authorities will ease potential punishment of suspects in a murder case.

Israeli media broadcast a recording Thursday of a phone call between Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and the mother of one of the suspects. The mother says her son has not yet seen a lawyer. Shaked answers that while she can't intervene in the investigation, she will speak to the state prosecutor.

"Be strong, and you know, it will end in the coming days, I estimate," Shaked says.

...The Shin Bet says the suspects are students at the Pri Haaretz yeshiva in the Rehelim settlement in the northern West Bank. On the Saturday morning after the attack, the agency says, the teens traveled to Rehelim from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar for "a briefing for youths studying at the yeshiva on how to prepare and cope with Shin Bet investigations."

...This would be unusual, because most yeshiva students would observe the religious injunction not to drive on the Sabbath. Sympathetic rabbis reportedly ruled that the settler activists could violate the Sabbath because the Shin Bet investigation could pose a danger to their lives.

Since Shaked's call, some suspects have reportedly met with attorneys. The lawyers say their clients have been shackled to chairs, shouted at, cursed and denied their civil rights — and that two of the youths have still not been allowed to meet with legal counsel. Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the Shin Bet and demand the release of the suspects.

"Mister prime minister, we shout out and cry to you, they are impinging on the rights of children. Stop this behavior," Ben-Gvir said during a news conference.

Interesting on multiple levels.

First, kudos to Shin Bet for doing a good job.

Second...shame on the politicians calling for kid glove treatment and release of terrorists.

Third, they are being treated like Palestinians youth taken into custody. Tough luck parents. At least some got to see a lawyer.

Lastly...the political dynamics are disturbing. Israel has a real problem on its hands with these extremists and what seems like a tacit support from certain political wings for looking the other way at violence from Jewish extremists.

The key word is "seuspected"...the rest is a product of Your imagination.
If they were treated like Palestinian youth they'd be given free education and money from the govt for murdering Arabs, but for that they'd have to be Palestinians.

You're out on two levels.
Why do you lie? Why do you make excuses for Jewish terrorists? Is it because you support their actions?
Have they been charged and convicted? No
Is it for sure that it was them? No

Therefore the word Suspected.

One arrests suspects all the time, but they do not get tortured, as in the Duma case, in order to "find the culprits quickly" and make the world not spit on them for not really finding the culprits of the deed.

Soooooo......until there is CONCRETE evidence that any one of these five Jewish teens had ANYTHING to do with the horrible death of this Arab woman......

They are Suspects, and deserve to be treated like ANY OTHER
SUSPECT and not those who have already been charged and convicted.

And by the way, how many charged and convicted criminals are tortured for a confession the way the Duma and these teens apparently have been?

Why the torture?

I am not for torturing Arabs, Jews, Druze, Bedouins or anyone else for the truth.

Let them investigate the matter the way it should be investigated to find out who actually had anything to do with her death, be it any and all of the five teens, or anyone else.
Do you say “suspected” when it’s Palestinians throwing stones? Do you ask for “concrete evidence”?

Were they tortured?

They were treated like Palestinian youths are when they get arrested.

Your link describes a regular Police practice as in any western country, there's no actual torture involved but intimidation techniques.

In the cases of the accused Jewish terrorists real torture was used just to appease the public opinion of the international community. Elor Azariah got his sentence in spite of popular public disagreement, no sane nation expects to treat its enemies the same way it treats its citizens.

Those Palestinian terrorists who get paid by their govt to go and murder Jews, eventually get free education, food, health-care for free - the best one available in the entire middle east - from Israel. Then they get released just to repeat the same cycle. All while their families get life-time salaries for the amount of Jews they murdered.

Only Israelis should receive those conditions, the citizens of the state who were convicted, not the citizens of the enemy nations.
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