All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Alas, however, rather than being a Times tour de force, a display of the newspaper at its best, the article ends up as a flop, a demonstration of the Times at its worst. The Times may use thousands of words, millions of dollars worth of highly paid journalists, and elaborate computer graphics to convey its message. But strip away the attempt at a dignified presentation, and the message is effectively the same as a sign scrawled by some ignorant far-left or far-right Israel-hater at some extremist Christmas-season rally — Jews, this libel goes, are guilty, blood-drenched killers.

The problems with the article begin with the front-page subheadline: “Israel Killed a Medic. Was It an Accident?” Journalism is supposed to answer questions, not interrogate readers. Usually the question headline is a veil for journalism that falls short of reaching a conclusion. In this case, the Timeswants to accuse Israel of murdering this woman, but it can’t quite prove its case, so it hides behind the question headline.

It’s not only punctuation marks that the Times uses to perform this two-step move of accusing Israel of murder while not quite coming all the way out and forthrightly saying so. The Timesalso hides behind the weasel word “possibly.” A graphic claims “a New York Times investigation shows that the shooting appears to have been reckless at best, and possibly a war crime,” language that is repeated in the article. As a reader, I want the Times to report on what happened, not on what “possibly” happened. Otherwise, there’d be no end to speculative Times articles. If ten Times journalists can’t find a genuine war crime, just “possibly” a war crime, possibly they should find something else to write about.

(full article online)

Ten New York Times Journalists Accuse Israel of ‘Possibly a War Crime’

And yet....the IDF was stung into reviewing it.

And yet...the IDF had to lie in its attempt yo demonize the victim...when it truncated her human sheild remark.
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
I posted all about what happened with him on the other thread, when it happened.

Here is some of the investigation at the time:

Report: Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza was a Hamas activist
Unsubstantiated claims. Unnamed officials.

According to your article:
The IDF announced on Friday that it was looking into the incident and stated flatly that the IDF "does not shoot journalists."

So what was the result of that looking into?
Best way to find out about it is to ask the source:

Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) | Twitter
I dont do twitter and I am not about to.
Alas, however, rather than being a Times tour de force, a display of the newspaper at its best, the article ends up as a flop, a demonstration of the Times at its worst. The Times may use thousands of words, millions of dollars worth of highly paid journalists, and elaborate computer graphics to convey its message. But strip away the attempt at a dignified presentation, and the message is effectively the same as a sign scrawled by some ignorant far-left or far-right Israel-hater at some extremist Christmas-season rally — Jews, this libel goes, are guilty, blood-drenched killers.

The problems with the article begin with the front-page subheadline: “Israel Killed a Medic. Was It an Accident?” Journalism is supposed to answer questions, not interrogate readers. Usually the question headline is a veil for journalism that falls short of reaching a conclusion. In this case, the Timeswants to accuse Israel of murdering this woman, but it can’t quite prove its case, so it hides behind the question headline.

It’s not only punctuation marks that the Times uses to perform this two-step move of accusing Israel of murder while not quite coming all the way out and forthrightly saying so. The Timesalso hides behind the weasel word “possibly.” A graphic claims “a New York Times investigation shows that the shooting appears to have been reckless at best, and possibly a war crime,” language that is repeated in the article. As a reader, I want the Times to report on what happened, not on what “possibly” happened. Otherwise, there’d be no end to speculative Times articles. If ten Times journalists can’t find a genuine war crime, just “possibly” a war crime, possibly they should find something else to write about.

(full article online)

Ten New York Times Journalists Accuse Israel of ‘Possibly a War Crime’

And yet....the IDF was stung into reviewing it.

And yet...the IDF had to lie in its attempt yo demonize the victim...when it truncated her human sheild remark.

You confuse an investigation on ballistics with support of medics throwing ammunition at confrontation scene, and denial of documented Hamas use of medic disguise to attack Israel.

She wasn't targeted, but she did throw ammunition and stood at the epicenter of Hamas hostilities.

So the original name for the areas is meant to erase the history of the one that came thousands of years afterwards.

Beyond the stupidity of that assertion, the West Bank is a Jordanian name, not a Palestinian name. (The term was not consistently capitalized until after the Six Day War.)

Even the UN referred to Judea and Samaria when talking about the area, e.g., the UN partition plan of 1947 saying "The boundary of the hill country of Samaria and Judea starts on the Jordan River at the Wadi Malih south-east of Beisan..."

(full article online)

IfNotNow's fabulous self-own ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

One of the themes of this site is that Palestinian leaders aren't interested in building a state, but in destroying one.

One of the biggest proofs for this can be seen in the annual statistics of the Palestinian Authority presented today.

42% of all "Palestinians who live in the State of Palestine" - their words - are "refugees."

If they are Palestinians and live in the "State of Palestine" then how can they be considered "refugees?"

That's over 2 million people who live in their own country but are counted, by the UN as well, as being "refugees." And they get free medical services and housing and schooling, paid for by the world, even though they should be treated exactly as any other Palestinian Arab under the PA.

(full article online)

Why are 42% of Arabs living in the territories considered "refugees"? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“Settler violence against Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank has been rising since the beginning of 2017, according to the UN,” reported the Guardian’s Oliver Holmes and Sufian Taha on Sunday (‘It was terror’: Palestinians decry rise in attacks by Israeli settlers), largely citing verbatim a report of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) from November 16. “This year 60 incidents attributed to settlers have resulted in Palestinian casualties and 157 in damage to Palestinian property. This is a 175% increase since 2016 and the highest number since a peak four years ago.”

There are two problems with the OCHA report and the consequent Guardian article: they rely on reports by anti-Israeli NGOs such as Yesh Din, whose relationship with the truth is scant at best and which are actively involved in anti-Israeli propaganda and provocations; and they misrepresent shamelessly the realities of Arab violence in Judea and Samaria.

Even the Guardian and OCHA agree that “the incidents often follow violence by Palestinians against Israelis in the West Bank: 144 such cases of violence were reported in 2018, 33% lower than the year before but involving seven killings, higher than in 2017.”

As the OCHA report put it: “Some of the peaks in settler violence against Palestinians recorded this year occurred within two or three days immediately after the killing of Israeli settlers by Palestinians and were presumably in retaliation.”

(full article online)

Guardian Math: Counting Only in Arabic
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
I posted all about what happened with him on the other thread, when it happened.

Here is some of the investigation at the time:

Report: Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza was a Hamas activist
Unsubstantiated claims. Unnamed officials.

According to your article:
The IDF announced on Friday that it was looking into the incident and stated flatly that the IDF "does not shoot journalists."

So what was the result of that looking into?
Best way to find out about it is to ask the source:

Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) | Twitter
I dont do twitter and I am not about to.
Here is another way to contact them:


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[ Actions and their consequences ]

As the number of migrants from Gaza is rising, so too is the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Belgium.

And as those incidents are taking place, on January 1, a new law is about to take effect, outlawing shechita (kosher slaughter) in the Flanders region of Belgium, home to the city of Antwerp and 60 percent of the country’s Jewish community.

In August 2019, the Walloon region of Belgium will join Flanders by enacting a similar law. Both laws were passed in 2017, despite the fact that they violate European Union standards for religious freedom.

(full article online)
Hill’s latter claims that Israeli statehood strips Palestinian Arabs from their rights to housing and education is an elusive one.

If Hill’s proposition is that Israel is at fault because its laws don’t apply to Palestinians living in the disputed territories, there is a very simple explanation here. Palestinian Arabs who live in the disputed territories don’t have to follow Israeli laws. They’re not Israeli citizens. They have to follow laws set by the Palestinian Authority. One such law is, that selling land to Jews is strictly illegal and punishable by death — are these discriminatory laws considered wrong?

Hill continued his speech by accusing Israel of holding Palestinian Arabs captive “under the threat of random violence.” He added “Contrary to western mythology, black resistance to American apartheid did not come purely through non-violence. Rather, slave revolts, and self-defense, and tactics otherwise divergent from Dr. King or Gandhi were equally important to preserving safety and obtaining freedom. We must allow the Palestinian people the same range of opportunity and political possibility.”

Despite claiming that non-violence ought to be encouraged, Hill excused terrorism against Israelis, stating “We cannot endorse a narrow politics of respectability that shames Palestinians of resisting, for refusing to do nothing in the face of state violence and ethnic cleansing.”

The United States embassy opening its doors in Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, last May was followed by a rabble of Palestinian Arabs storming the country’s 40-mile border with the Gaza strip. Amid the reams of protesters, were scads of terrorists hurling firebombs and other explosives at border guards. Israeli forces returned fire, killing 60. Hamas themselves admitted that nearly all the casualties were their own militant terrorists.

If Israel’s military operations in the West Bank and Gaza are “random violence,” as Hill suggests, then Israel is undoubtedly history’s finest force in exclusively eliminating terrorists amidst a sea of civilians by random. If, as Hill also professes, Israel practices a state policy of “ethnic cleansing” against the Palestinian Arabs, there Israel excels only in ineptitude. The Palestinian Arab population has seen nothing but rapid growth since Israel’s inception in 1948. And a 2016 UN report projected the population in the Palestinian territories to double by 2050. But regardless, Hill uses these fictitious premises to excuse and justify terrorism against Israelis.

(full article online)

KHACHATRIAN: The Intellectual Dishonesty of 'I’m Just Criticizing Israel'
[ Europe, Canada, the US, Australia...... seems to be the same ideology, the same determination, the same motive......what does it mean in the long run? ]

Toronto Sun
reporter Tarek Fatah in an article entitled Coming soon, believe it or not -- Islamic Party of Ontario, reports "blatant threats" directed against his person by the head of "Canada’s newest aspiring political party, the Islamic Party of Ontario."

"It operates with a mandate to introduce Islamic rule in Ontario and Canada because, according to the fledgling party, 'We understand and believe that Islam is the native DEEN (religion) of Ontario and Canada',” Fatah writes.

(full article online)

Canadian journalist 'threatened by Islamic party'
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