All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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You read that correctly. In that short message, Sarsour admits a whole bunch of things:

  • Jesus was Jewish (not a palestinian Arab as so many antisemites and Israel haters claim)
  • Jesus was a person of color. So much for the Jews are White. But in Sarsour’s defense, she has shown she has a hard time keeping track of her colors.
  • The word “Palestinian” used to apply to the Jews
  • There were Jews in the Holy Land at least in the time of Jesus – well before the Muslim conquest of the area.
She does realize Jesus was a “Zionist”, right? And that if he was alive today, he could be lynched if he wandered into the palestinian-controlled areas?

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour’s Monumental Christmas Screw-up
First, two high-profile liberal actors broke from the national Women’s March because of a pattern of anti-Semitism involving march leaders. Then a number of local Women’s March organizers either broke with the group or made it clear that they operated independently after a Tabletinvestigation provided detailed accounts of the anti-Semitism repeatedly exhibited among March leaders Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour and Carmen Perez. The story also uncovered some questionable financial structures established after the leadership pushed other founders aside.
The national Women’s March still enjoys support from dozens of sponsors and partners, including Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, the ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign, and some prominent unions. NOW’s cutting of financial support may break the ice for others to follow, or they, like Planned Parenthood, might defiantly continueto align with the march’s problematic leaders.

(full article online)

Women’s March Loses Donor, More Affiliates Over Anti-Semitism Concerns
The veteran Jewish civil rights organization assembled ten moments of hope from the past year, which saw a steep rise in antisemitism and other forms of bigotry around the world.

At number one on the ADL’s list were the American Muslim associations who raised more than $200,000 for the victims and families of the Oct. 27 massacre of 11 Jews at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue by neo-Nazi gunman Robert Bowers.

The ADL also paid special tribute to Johns Hopkins graduate student Shay Khatiri, who raised $1.2 million for the synagogue with a GoFundMe campaign. “A political refugee from Iran who is a practicing Muslim, Khatiri was motivated to take this step after his Jewish friends shared with him the news of the tragedy,” the ADL explained.
In its overview of antisemitic and racist incidents over the last year, the ADL underscored the alarming rise of anti-Jewish violence in Europe, especially in France and Germany. “In France, the country was shocked when an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, Mireille Knoll, was stabbed to death and left to burn in her apartment by two Muslim suspects who targeted her because she was Jewish,” the ADL said. “And in Germany, two men were whipped with a belt in broad daylight by three assailants who targeted them because one also was wearing a kippah.”

The ADL also pointed out that Iran’s Islamist regime “remains the leading exporter of anti-Semitism and the number one state sponsor of terror worldwide.”

(full article online)

Anti-Defamation League Lists Beacons of Hope and Extremes of Hate in Overview of 2018
The Way to Peace
Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

Twentieth-century conflicts that ended decisively include World War II, China-India, Algeria-France, North Vietnam-United States, Great Britain-Argentina, Afghanistan-U.S.S.R., and the Cold War. Defeat can result either from a military thrashing or from an accretion of economic and political pressures; it does not require total military loss or economic destruction, much less the annihilation of a population. For example, the only defeat in U.S. history, in South Vietnam in 1975, occurred not because of economic collapse or running out of ammunition or battlefield failure (the American side was winning the ground war) but because Americans lost the will to soldier on.

Indeed, 1945 marks a dividing line. Before then, overwhelming military superiority crushed the enemy's will to fight; since then, grand battlefield successes have rarely occurred. Battlefield superiority no longer translates as it once did into breaking the enemy's resolve to fight. In Clausewitz' terms, morale and will are now the center of gravity, not tanks and ships. Although the French outmanned and out-gunned their foes in Algeria, as did the Americans in Vietnam and the Soviets in Afghanistan, all these powers lost their wars. Conversely, battlefield losses suffered by the Arab states in 1948-82, by North Korea in 1950-53, and by Iraq in 1991 and 2003 did not translate into surrender and defeat.

The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

There is an old saying. You can defeat an army but you cannot defeat a people. A hundred years of war against a civilian population and Israel has not won yet.
The Way to Peace
Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

Twentieth-century conflicts that ended decisively include World War II, China-India, Algeria-France, North Vietnam-United States, Great Britain-Argentina, Afghanistan-U.S.S.R., and the Cold War. Defeat can result either from a military thrashing or from an accretion of economic and political pressures; it does not require total military loss or economic destruction, much less the annihilation of a population. For example, the only defeat in U.S. history, in South Vietnam in 1975, occurred not because of economic collapse or running out of ammunition or battlefield failure (the American side was winning the ground war) but because Americans lost the will to soldier on.

Indeed, 1945 marks a dividing line. Before then, overwhelming military superiority crushed the enemy's will to fight; since then, grand battlefield successes have rarely occurred. Battlefield superiority no longer translates as it once did into breaking the enemy's resolve to fight. In Clausewitz' terms, morale and will are now the center of gravity, not tanks and ships. Although the French outmanned and out-gunned their foes in Algeria, as did the Americans in Vietnam and the Soviets in Afghanistan, all these powers lost their wars. Conversely, battlefield losses suffered by the Arab states in 1948-82, by North Korea in 1950-53, and by Iraq in 1991 and 2003 did not translate into surrender and defeat.

The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

There is an old saying. You can defeat an army but you cannot defeat a people. A hundred years of war against a civilian population and Israel has not won yet.

You’re a bit befuddled. It’s the Islamist entity waging war. That has been the case since 1948. One could even make the case that since the 7th century and the invention of Islamism, Islamics have been at war with the religions that Muhammud (swish) stole from.

What is that little dalliance taking place along the Israeli border with the Islamic barbarians attempting to breach that border to “tear the hearts out” of the Jews.

Fourteen centuries and the Islamics have still not won.

And Allah knows best.
If the “West Bank” was part of the “Hashemite Kingdom” up to 1967, how did it suddenly become the Palestinian Arabs’ long-yearned-for homeland which, up until then, they were submissively willing to cede to an alien potentate?

Not since the time of Dr. Goebels [Head of the Nazi Propaganda Machine] has there ever been a case in which continual repetition of a lie has born such great fruits...Of all the Palestinian lies, there is no lie greater or more crushing than that which calls for the establishment of a separate Palestinian Arab state in the 'West Bank'... - From “Palestinian Lies” in Ha’aretz, 30-7-76, by former far-Left Meretz Education Minister, Prof. Amnon Rubinstein.

As the new elections approach, the “Palestinian problem” is once again likely to dominate much of the inter-(and intra-) party debate. In many ways this debate is entirely superfluous. After all, a simple mental experiment will suffice to strip away the veil of mendacityshrouding the Palestinian Arab grievances against Israel.

Imagine for a moment…

To demonstrate this, imagine for a moment that the 1967 Six Day War, in which several Arab armies marshalled their forces with the undisguised intention to annihilate Israel, never took place. Imagine that Israel had not been compelled to launch a preemptive strike in self-defense to thwart the Arabs’ openly proclaimed aim of total genocide that resulted in it taking over Judea-Samaria (a.k.a. the “West Bank”)—which the Palestinian Arabs now contend is their long-yearned for homeland.

Then ask yourself: If that war had not occurred, where would “Palestine” be?

After all, but for this war, the “West Bank” would not have fallen under Israeli administration. Surely then, the Palestinian Arabs would have no grievances against the Jewish state and there would be no charges of Israel “occupying Palestinian lands” and dispossessing the “Palestinians” from their “homeland”.

Sadly, this is not the case. Charges of “occupation” of Palestinian land and dispossession of the Palestinians were widespread long before Israel had control of a square inch of the “West Bank.”

(full article online)

INTO THE FRAY Palestine: What if the Six-Day War never took place?
The Oslo peace process is now 25 years old. Palestinian Arabs have had 25 years to teach an entire generation to live in peace with Israel, and they have done the opposite. Terrorists are heroes, and they and their families are paid salaries by the PLO. Not all Palestinians are terrorists, but polls show that after major terror attacks on Israeli civilians, a vast majority support those attacks. And polls have also consistently shown that even the Palestinians who say they support a two state solution only look at that as a stage before taking over all of Israel. This is the major reason there is no peace today.

Every Israeli government, including the current one, wants to live side by side in peace and security with a Palestinian state (or entity, if you will) that doesn't threaten Israel. No one wants to control millions of potentially hostile people. But right now that is impossible - a hostile independent Palestine in the territories could easily acquire shoulder mounted missiles to threaten all Israeli air traffic, for example. This is not acceptable to any nation.

So the current situation, as bad as it is for Palestinian Arabs, is the least bad situation if you value Israeli lives as well. And when the PA does take security seriously, restrictions on Palestinians are lifted (there used to be far more checkpoints than today.)

IfNotNow hates it when Zionists say "it's complicated." That's because they are invested in a simplistic viewpoint where Israelis are evil and Palestinians are good. That is highly inaccurate, borderline racist and betrays an agenda where Israeli lives are worthless. If Birthright participants want to know the facts, they need to invest the time into understanding both sides of the story.

(full article online)

EoZTV: Answering IfNotNow ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
No, being forced to hide your Jewishness to make it in American or European society is not white privilege. On the contrary, it is a demand to deny your own heritage to avoid being attacked.

(((Israel))) @Ashdod_
I used to go to a private Jewish school and annually, anti semites would threaten my school via bomb threats

The false binary of "oppressor/oppressed" is ruining the very valuable discourse of how everyone needs to notice and uproot their own biases. To put Jews in the "oppressor" category is simply a modern form of antisemitism, and just like Jews need to confront their own biases, so do those who are so keen to insist on the fiction of "white Jewish privilege."

(full article online)

The only Jews with "white privilege" are the ones who hide their Jewishness. That isn't privilege - that's living with oppression. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The rioting Muslims were inside the Al Aqsa Mosque. The media many times erroneously call the Dome of the Rock the Al Aqsa Mosque. But the Done of the Rock is NOT the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and not a Mosque at all. (The Golden Dome of the Rock is a structure built to protect the foundation stone of the Temple Mount, upon which Abraham sacrificed Isaac.)

The Muslim rioters injured one tourist and one policeman.

Muslims are marking the holy month of Ramadan. As on the Gaza border as well, these Muslims decided to be religious about violence instead of real spiritual growth.

Today, Israel allowed more than 100,000 Muslims to visit the Temple Mount for prayers on the Temple Mount.

(full article online)

Violent Muslims Stone Tourists on the Temple Mount
Addressing the argument that a ban on demonstrations at the National Monument would impinge on freedom of speech and assembly, Verdoner emphasized that the Jewish community had no objection to pro-Palestinian rallies elsewhere.

“We’re not infringing on their free speech,” Verdoner said. “We are just saying, do it at a place that doesn’t desecrate the sanctity of the monument.”

Dutch Jews have expressed shock and disgust at the demonstrations at the National Monument for much of this past year.

In November, as the international community marked the 80th anniversary of the “Kristallnacht” Nazi antisemitic pogrom in Germany and Austria, pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the National Monument danced to “Free Palestine” a track by the Dutch antisemitic rapper Ismo.

“I hate Jews more than the Nazis,” one line of the song states.

(full article online)

Dutch Jews Urge Ban on ‘Antisemitic’ Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations at Amsterdam’s World War II Monument
[ This article seems to be a continuation of the article above. is Palestinian Land ........and confirms that the PA/PLO, etc want ALL of Judea and Samaria JUDENREIN, just as Saudi Arabia, Gaza, and Jordan have become from the 7th century to recent history ]

"The settlements in all the Palestinian lands will be removed like the settlements in Gaza," vowed Abu Rudeineh.

(full article online)

'Settlements in Judea and Samaria will be removed like in Gaza'
Another of the Islamic terrorist talking heads is blustering on and attempting to put a spin on the trashing of Lebanon as the result of actions by the Iranian occupation army in Lebanon.

"Fatah Spokesperson in Europe Jamal Al-Nazzal: Fatah Engaged in Fiercer Armed Struggle After Oslo Accords, Not Before Them"

A Germany-based member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council, Jamal Al-Nazzal, who is also Fatah's spokesperson in Europe, appeared on a show on Mayadeen TV (Lebanon) on December 18, 2018. He said that he was proud that the Palestinian resistance, in cooperation with the Lebanese resistance, left a mark on the Israeli occupation during the First Lebanon War in which, he said, Israel lost 676 soldiers. Nazzal added that when Israel looks back a thousand years from now, it will be unable to recall fiercer battles than those it fought against Fatah in Lebanon. He also refuted the idea that Fatah stopped using armed resistance following the Oslo accords, and said that during the Second Intifada in 2000-2005, the Palestinian resistance, led by Fatah, resisted against Israel with greater ferocity than before the Accords.

I think most people get it, Jamal. You’re proud that unilateral actions by a Shia-Iranian backed terrorist organization resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Lebanese and billions of dollars in property damage across Lebanon.
Palestinians: Silencing and Intimidating Critics

Palestinian columnist Sami Fuda denounced the Hamas crackdown on its critics in Gaza: "Apparently, freedom of expression is unacceptable to the de facto rulers of the Gaza Strip... The policy of intimidating and imprisoning writers will not deter them and is completely ineffective and unacceptable."

(Say it ain’t so, Sami. But honestly, are you surprised that Islamic dictators have little tolerance for Western notions of personal freedoms?)

Hamas is prepared to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a rally marking the 31st anniversary of its founding, but says it cannot afford to provide financial aid to impoverished Palestinians. Meanwhile, any Palestinians who dare to ask Hamas the wrong questions will find themselves behind bars.

In other happy-fun Islamic terrorist news:

Hamas rallies in Gaza, marks 31st founding anniversary amid calls for anti-Israel attacks

GAZA, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) -- Tens of thousands of Palestinians joined on Sunday a massive rally organized by Islamic Hamas movement in western Gaza City to mark 31 years for establishing the movement that has been ruling the Gaza Strip since 2007.

Men, women and children from all over the Gaza Strip towns, villages and refugee camps, many of them brought by buses, arrived on Sunday morning at al-Kateeba Square in western Gaza city, close to the Islamic University.

All Hamas leaders, including the movement's politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hamas chief in the Gaza Strip Yehia Sinwar, were wearing green caps while arriving at the square to join the rally.

Leaders of various factions, like the Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front and the Democratic Front as well as a delegation representing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah Party were also invited and attended.

Sounds like a good time was had by all.
Gatestone Institute....


Gatestone Institute - Wikipedia
The Gatestone Institute (formerly Stonegate Institute and Hudson New York) is a right-wing[2][3][4] anti-Muslim[a] think tank with a focus on Islam and the Middle East. The organization has attracted attention for publishing false articles and being a source of viral falsehoods.[5][6][7][8][9]

Gatestone Institute - Media Bias/Fact Check
...a “not-for-profit international policy council and think tank based in New York City” with a specialization in strategy and defense issues. Gatestone Institute is anti-Islamic, pro-Christian and Jewish/Israel. Many of the articles will link back to sites that don’t say what they claim or make the same rash judgments, without proof.
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