All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ rylah,

OK! Let's not hold back... Please tell me what YOU ARE thinking.

We had our share of Sharia, Jihad and Islam experience first hand before and after, the first row in the show.
Enough to tell the rest of You folks, and that's when 1948 comes to prove a point.

Yes, in each generation, there is a mental picture that is held by the new generation; a picture they hold of the generation that came before it. That picture will be passed along several generations before it fades away.

That mental picture helps, in part, stands to shape the who we are and how we approach our future. It is the yardstick we use to measure how much our lifestyle has improved. And it is the comparative value that the discerning family uses to assess our offspring stand and were the culture, in general, is going.

Most Respectfully,

Very interesting point, it's very difficult to orderly explain the emotions and memories carved through centuries of subjugation under Muslim rule. I ended up deleting a huge post that was all over the place, just too overwhelming. Hopefully I'll rewrite it tomorrow in a more focused manner.

As opposed to expected negativity towards future, I'll only leave this one mental picture -
Israel will gradually reform Islam, it already does. Israel will lead Islam and the larger Arab society into modernity, and Islam will make Israel more orthodox. Two vectors of a parallel phenomena pointing towards each other to meet in an equilibrium.
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[ Antisemitism remained dormant for 50 years, while Nazis reorganized themselves after WWII. In the case of the Jihadists, since the 1973 defeat. But both have gained a lot of ground in the past 20 years. These are some of the results they have achieved ]

The report also exposes a pair of elephants in the European room. For it reveals that “Muslim extremists” form the largest group identified as perpetrating antisemitic attacks, followed closely by left-wing Jew-baiting. According to respondents who experienced some form of antisemitic harassment in the past five years, 30 percent of the perpetrators were “Muslim extremists”, 21 percent were people from the left and only 13 percent represented a right-wing viewpoint. (Quite what Muslim “extremists” means in this context, or how these victims knew their views were “extreme”, is far from clear; it may be that the report’s authors assume that if Muslims express antisemitism that automatically makes them “extreme”, which would tell us less about Muslims than about the political mindset of the report’s authors).

Yet in public and political discourse, antisemitism is generally deemed to be an overwhelmingly right-wing problem, and Muslim antisemitism (which is widespread) is never discussed. Even now in Britain, left-wing antisemitism is ascribed only to the ultra-left Corbynistas. In fact, though, anti-Jewish prejudice – often camouflaged by obsessive hostility to Israel – has been endemic for years in far wider progressive circles.

These progressives overwhelmingly link antisemitism to attitudes they consider to be “right-wing”, anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant. Accordingly, their chief European bogeyman is Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban. He is widely deemed to be antisemitic, largely because of his campaign against the Hungarian Jewish financier and proponent of open borders, George Soros, and Islamophobic because of his policy of keeping Muslims out of Hungary.

Yet the countries where the survey’s respondents said antisemitism had increased “a little” or “a lot” were the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Sweden (increases of 24, 21, 14 and 11 percentage points respectively over the past six years). By contrast, in Hungary the share of respondents actually decreased (by 21 percentage points).

(full article online)

The elephants of antisemitism in the European room
" My Judaism is anti-Zionism. That’s the spiritual challenge that has propelled me and this site. My social/political identity is Jewish; and my Jewish chore is clear. Being Jewish means helping to free my group and the world of the historic trauma that generated religious nationalism and all its evils. "

Needless to say, there is nothing Jewish about Phil Weiss.

His entire spiritual and religious existence is centered on hating Israel. So much so that when he finally decides to learn Hebrew it is not to connect to the rich Hebrew literature that has been the backbone of Western civilization - but to attack Jews.

He is a believer - but his belief system is not Judaism. Philip Weiss' religion, loosely defined, is hate. It is the opposition to Jewish nationalism, Jewish self determination and Jewish pride.

It is laughable that he claims to have intellectual detachment. When every single article he writes is a crazed attack on Israel - which is no worse than any other country, and better than most, especially given the circumstances of being in a state of war for 70 years - you can be sure that there is no intellectual honesty nor detachment from Weiss. His own words, calling his anti-Israel crusade "spiritual," contradicts his smug pretense of intellectualism.
It is laughable that he claims to have intellectual detachment. When every single article he writes is a crazed attack on Israel - which is no worse than any other country, and better than most, especially given the circumstances of being in a state of war for 70 years - you can be sure that there is no intellectual honesty nor detachment from Weiss. His own words, calling his anti-Israel crusade "spiritual," contradicts his smug pretense of intellectualism.

(full article online)

No, Philip Weiss. Anti-Zionism isn't your "Judaism" - it is your religion ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This year too BBC Watch has documented numerous examples of misinformation promoted by the BBC and has submitted dozens of related complaints. Among the inaccurate claims made by the BBC to which we have managed to secure corrections in 2018 are the following:

(full article online)

The BBC, 2018 ‘fake news’ and fact checking
Within a week, Haaretz has managed to publish two Op-Eds demonizing Israel with main arguments based on blatant lies. Namely, shortly after recent West Bank terror attacks which targeted soldiers and civilians, and which claimed the lives of soldiers and a prematurely born infant, Haaretz argues that Hamas is a legitimate guerilla organization. And after Israelis were apparently responsible for vandalizing Palestinian property, a Haaretz column maintains there’s a “flourishing of the Jewish KKK,” that is similar to the American KKK “at its height.”

(full article online)

Haaretz Op-Eds Argue IDF Soldiers Are Terrorists, Israeli Vandals Are KKK

I notice CAMERA refers it as simply “vandalizing” property. That is a lie. They have been responsible for murder

Mohamed Abu Khdeir - 14 yr old boy forced to drink gasoline and then murdered by pouring gasoline on him and set on fire. Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death

The firebombing in Dumas that burned a family alive while they were sleeping inside. Israel indicts Jewish extremists for arson attack that killed Palestinian family

Stone throwing (that have caused injuries and at least one death).

Burning down crops and olive trees.

Assaults and Beatings...
Police probe assault on Palestinian bus driver in West Bank settlement

Defense Ministry officer slams IDF for not taking settler violence seriously

Only one case among those is a terror attack by Jews.
It was despicable and Israel fully condemned it as the rest of the world.

None of the other cases had convictions, You're lumping those cases to create an illusion of equivalence.
One group is glorifying such actions the other condemns it.

Why do You do this?
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Within a week, Haaretz has managed to publish two Op-Eds demonizing Israel with main arguments based on blatant lies. Namely, shortly after recent West Bank terror attacks which targeted soldiers and civilians, and which claimed the lives of soldiers and a prematurely born infant, Haaretz argues that Hamas is a legitimate guerilla organization. And after Israelis were apparently responsible for vandalizing Palestinian property, a Haaretz column maintains there’s a “flourishing of the Jewish KKK,” that is similar to the American KKK “at its height.”

(full article online)

Haaretz Op-Eds Argue IDF Soldiers Are Terrorists, Israeli Vandals Are KKK

I notice CAMERA refers it as simply “vandalizing” property. That is a lie. They have been responsible for murder

Mohamed Abu Khdeir - 14 yr old boy forced to drink gasoline and then murdered by pouring gasoline on him and set on fire. Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death

The firebombing in Dumas that burned a family alive while they were sleeping inside. Israel indicts Jewish extremists for arson attack that killed Palestinian family

Stone throwing (that have caused injuries and at least one death).

Burning down crops and olive trees.

Assaults and Beatings...
Police probe assault on Palestinian bus driver in West Bank settlement

Defense Ministry officer slams IDF for not taking settler violence seriously

Only one case among those is a terror attack by Jews.
It was despicable and Israel fully condemned it as the rest of the world.

None of the other cases had convictions, You're lumping those cases to create an illusion of equivalence.
One group is glorifying such actions the other condemns it.

Why do You do this?

Camera refers to it as vandalizing property.

You call Palestinians setting wheat fields afire with incendiary kites "terrorism" but you refuse to call gsngs of settlers burning down Palestinian olive groves terrorism.

A Palestinian attacks a Jew with a knife, because he is a Jew, and you call him a terrorist.

A Jew kidnaps a Palestinian and burns him alive, becsuse he is a Palestinian, and he is not a terrorist.

A Palestinian throws stones at Jews causing a car to crash and severely injuring a baby who eventually dies. The Palestinian is a terrorist.

A Jew throws stones at Palestinians causing a car to crash and killing a mother. He is not a terrorist.

Vandalism or terrorism?

'It was terror': Palestinians decry rise in attacks by Israeli settlers
Why do YOU do it?

As far as convictions...Palestinians are far more likely to get convicted. They are far more likely to take a plea deal since under the military justice system they are incarcerated throughout the process. If a Palestinian is implicated in crime you assume him guilty prior to conviction.

So I am not sure what value convictions are in this matter.
Within a week, Haaretz has managed to publish two Op-Eds demonizing Israel with main arguments based on blatant lies. Namely, shortly after recent West Bank terror attacks which targeted soldiers and civilians, and which claimed the lives of soldiers and a prematurely born infant, Haaretz argues that Hamas is a legitimate guerilla organization. And after Israelis were apparently responsible for vandalizing Palestinian property, a Haaretz column maintains there’s a “flourishing of the Jewish KKK,” that is similar to the American KKK “at its height.”

(full article online)

Haaretz Op-Eds Argue IDF Soldiers Are Terrorists, Israeli Vandals Are KKK

I notice CAMERA refers it as simply “vandalizing” property. That is a lie. They have been responsible for murder

Mohamed Abu Khdeir - 14 yr old boy forced to drink gasoline and then murdered by pouring gasoline on him and set on fire. Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death

The firebombing in Dumas that burned a family alive while they were sleeping inside. Israel indicts Jewish extremists for arson attack that killed Palestinian family

Stone throwing (that have caused injuries and at least one death).

Burning down crops and olive trees.

Assaults and Beatings...
Police probe assault on Palestinian bus driver in West Bank settlement

Defense Ministry officer slams IDF for not taking settler violence seriously

Only one case among those is a terror attack by Jews.
It was despicable and Israel fully condemned it as the rest of the world.

None of the other cases had convictions, You're lumping those cases to create an illusion of equivalence.
One group is glorifying such actions the other condemns it.

Why do You do this?

Camera refers to it as vandalizing property.

You call Palestinians setting wheat fields afire with incendiary kites "terrorism" but you refuse to call gsngs of settlers burning down Palestinian olive groves terrorism.

A Palestinian attacks a Jew with a knife, because he is a Jew, and you call him a terrorist.

A Jew kidnaps a Palestinian and burns him alive, becsuse he is a Palestinian, and he is not a terrorist.

A Palestinian throws stones at Jews causing a car to crash and severely injuring a baby who eventually dies. The Palestinian is a terrorist.

A Jew throws stones at Palestinians causing a car to crash and killing a mother. He is not a terrorist.

Vandalism or terrorism?

'It was terror': Palestinians decry rise in attacks by Israeli settlers
Why do YOU do it?

As far as convictions...Palestinians are far more likely to get convicted. They are far more likely to take a plea deal since under the military justice system they are incarcerated throughout the process. If a Palestinian is implicated in crime you assume him guilty prior to conviction.

So I am not sure what value convictions are in this matter.

I don't understand.

You have brought the links where Israeli defense minister condemns illegal activities by convicted Israelis. Your accusations are based on cases that weren't proven, none.

And yet You're the one suggesting the courts have no standing?
What are You suggesting? Local retribution based on if they "feel like it"?

Because this is exactly what the Palestinian governments incite their citizens to do, and they do it on a daily basis, 6-8 times a day on average.
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No country in the world is expected to prosecute its' criminals,
the same way it prosecutes foreign enemies of the country.

Many suggest only Israel should have that privilege in the minds of the many...
We say lead by example, can't You?
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
Plenty. He was a photo journalist. The IDF was supposed to investigate his murder. What were the results?
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
I posted all about what happened with him on the other thread, when it happened.

Here is some of the investigation at the time:

Report: Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza was a Hamas activist
After damning report, IDF says it is probing killing of Gazan medic in June

After damning report, IDF says it is probing killing of Gazan medic in June
New York Times investigation says Israeli snipers fired into crowd that did not pose a threat; bullet hit ground, fragmented, and fatally pierced chest of Razan al-Najjar, 21.

The Israeli military on Sunday responded to a New York Times report that questioned its use of live fire in an incident along the Gaza border on June 1, in which a Palestinian medic, 21, was killed when a soldier fired into a crowd of protesters.

The IDF said the army’s internal investigations body is “probing to clarify the reasons behind the death of Razan al-Najjar. The results of the investigation will be sent to the military advocate general upon their completion.”

Much like with Murtaja's killing, authorities immediately went into character assassination mode.

Najjar had given an interview to The New York Times the previous month, in which she proudly discussed her position as a female volunteer medic.

“Being a medic is not only a job for a man. It’s for women, too,” she said. “We have one goal. To save lives and evacuate people. And to send a message to the world: Without weapons, we can do anything.”

Adraee accompanied his tweet with a short video compilation allegedly showing Najjar on several occasions during the recent Gaza border clashes.

The video, and Adraee’s comment that she was “no angel of mercy,” seemed designed to raise doubts about the volunteer medic’s innocence during the clashes, though the army did not indicate that it considered Najjar to be a legitimate target, raising questions among some commentators about its overall intentions with the campaign.

In one part of the clip, Najjar is seen giving an interview to an Arabic news outlet, saying that she wanted to serve as “a human shield” for protesters.

“I’m here on the line being a protective human shield saving the injured,” Najjar, 21, said in the interview.

The IDF clip cut her statement after “human shield.”

Days after the fatal incident, a top IDF spokesperson said Najjar was “no angel of mercy,” as the army released a video purportedly showing her lobbing a smoke grenade toward Israeli forces.

Adraee accompanied his tweet with a short video compilation allegedly showing Najjar on several occasions during the recent Gaza border clashes.

The video, and Adraee’s comment that she was “no angel of mercy,” seemed designed to raise doubts about the volunteer medic’s innocence during the clashes, though the army did not indicate that it considered Najjar to be a legitimate target, raising questions among some commentators about its overall intentions with the campaign.

In one part of the clip, Najjar is seen giving an interview to an Arabic news outlet, saying that she wanted to serve as “a human shield” for protesters.

“I’m here on the line being a protective human shield saving the injured,” Najjar, 21, said in the interview.

The IDF clip cut her statement after “human shield.”


RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Coyote, et al,

When you're in the media or public office, you (this is the generic you) tend to support a particular cause or policy in a way that is in your best interest. We then to make this appear to be objective; but, in point of fact, it is utilitarian advocacy.

I notice CAMERA refers it as simply “vandalizing” property. That is a lie. They have been responsible for murder.

This is an example of shaping the truth.

You call Palestinians setting wheat fields afire with incendiary kites "terrorism" but you refuse to call gsngs of settlers burning down Palestinian olive groves terrorism.

Of course, that is a form of terrorism. You are cutting a fine line to say it is not. Everyone knows that there is a very strong and deep streak of radicalism in many of the Israeli settlers. The fact that the Israeli security, police and IDF do not admonish and vigorously enforce the laws (equal protection) is tarnish on the Israeli image.

In my opinion, this administration unequal protection under the law is a black mark that demonstrates a lack of capacity in the Israeli Administration in the West Bank (misfeasance in terms of Article 43 HR). But it is something that has developed over time.

A Palestinian attacks a Jew with a knife, because he is a Jew, and you call him a terrorist.
A Jew kidnaps a Palestinian and burns him alive, because he is a Palestinian, and he is not a terrorist.

Yes, the same issue, just a different example of the questionable ability and capacity of Israel to properly administer the occupation and maintain peace and security.

A Palestinian throws stones at Jews causing a car to crash and severely injuring a baby who eventually dies. The Palestinian is a terrorist.

This is a very deep question. The question that this event holds is not only a matter of equal protection but also the question of fear. Who is afraid of what? What is the cause of the fear? Again, this is a heavy cloak that the Israelis will, have to answer someday. But it is a matter of relative magnitude.

A Jew throws stones at Palestinians causing a car to crash and killing a mother. He is not a terrorist.

This is an example of an attempt to exaggerate the incident. Periodically, children are arrested here in America for dropping stones from an overpass onto the highway below. Periodically the arrests for a traffic accident in terms of property damage, injury and death.

The question is about impact. Is, what the children did, something that strikes fear in the greater population? OR! Does the greater population see this as just another manslaughter case? Wherein the greater population drive on the highway, unconcerned that other children are going to drop rocks on them.

The elements to code on terror are different from the elements of most other criminal offenses.

It is a matter of fear.

So I am not sure what value convictions are in this matter.

Yes, this is a valid question.

Most Respectfully,
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
I posted all about what happened with him on the other thread, when it happened.

Here is some of the investigation at the time:

Report: Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza was a Hamas activist
Unsubstantiated claims. Unnamed officials.

According to your article:
The IDF announced on Friday that it was looking into the incident and stated flatly that the IDF "does not shoot journalists."

So what was the result of that looking into?
Alas, however, rather than being a Times tour de force, a display of the newspaper at its best, the article ends up as a flop, a demonstration of the Times at its worst. The Times may use thousands of words, millions of dollars worth of highly paid journalists, and elaborate computer graphics to convey its message. But strip away the attempt at a dignified presentation, and the message is effectively the same as a sign scrawled by some ignorant far-left or far-right Israel-hater at some extremist Christmas-season rally — Jews, this libel goes, are guilty, blood-drenched killers.

The problems with the article begin with the front-page subheadline: “Israel Killed a Medic. Was It an Accident?” Journalism is supposed to answer questions, not interrogate readers. Usually the question headline is a veil for journalism that falls short of reaching a conclusion. In this case, the Timeswants to accuse Israel of murdering this woman, but it can’t quite prove its case, so it hides behind the question headline.

It’s not only punctuation marks that the Times uses to perform this two-step move of accusing Israel of murder while not quite coming all the way out and forthrightly saying so. The Timesalso hides behind the weasel word “possibly.” A graphic claims “a New York Times investigation shows that the shooting appears to have been reckless at best, and possibly a war crime,” language that is repeated in the article. As a reader, I want the Times to report on what happened, not on what “possibly” happened. Otherwise, there’d be no end to speculative Times articles. If ten Times journalists can’t find a genuine war crime, just “possibly” a war crime, possibly they should find something else to write about.

(full article online)

Ten New York Times Journalists Accuse Israel of ‘Possibly a War Crime’
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
Plenty. He was a photo journalist. The IDF was supposed to investigate his murder. What were the results?

I just told You the results, they were presented by the Palestinian propaganda.
Everything happened exactly as initially described.

What else do You need? Pick at Israel a bit more?
Tell me. What has the IDF investigation of Murtaja's murder revealed?

I believe I have already posted the video where Palestinians show evidence of Murtaja flying his drone near soldiers during a Hamas campaign on the border.

What else is there to investigate?
I posted all about what happened with him on the other thread, when it happened.

Here is some of the investigation at the time:

Report: Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza was a Hamas activist
Unsubstantiated claims. Unnamed officials.

According to your article:
The IDF announced on Friday that it was looking into the incident and stated flatly that the IDF "does not shoot journalists."

So what was the result of that looking into?
Best way to find out about it is to ask the source:

Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) | Twitter
After damning report, IDF says it is probing killing of Gazan medic in June

After damning report, IDF says it is probing killing of Gazan medic in June
New York Times investigation says Israeli snipers fired into crowd that did not pose a threat; bullet hit ground, fragmented, and fatally pierced chest of Razan al-Najjar, 21.

The Israeli military on Sunday responded to a New York Times report that questioned its use of live fire in an incident along the Gaza border on June 1, in which a Palestinian medic, 21, was killed when a soldier fired into a crowd of protesters.

The IDF said the army’s internal investigations body is “probing to clarify the reasons behind the death of Razan al-Najjar. The results of the investigation will be sent to the military advocate general upon their completion.”

Much like with Murtaja's killing, authorities immediately went into character assassination mode.

Najjar had given an interview to The New York Times the previous month, in which she proudly discussed her position as a female volunteer medic.

“Being a medic is not only a job for a man. It’s for women, too,” she said. “We have one goal. To save lives and evacuate people. And to send a message to the world: Without weapons, we can do anything.”

Adraee accompanied his tweet with a short video compilation allegedly showing Najjar on several occasions during the recent Gaza border clashes.

The video, and Adraee’s comment that she was “no angel of mercy,” seemed designed to raise doubts about the volunteer medic’s innocence during the clashes, though the army did not indicate that it considered Najjar to be a legitimate target, raising questions among some commentators about its overall intentions with the campaign.

In one part of the clip, Najjar is seen giving an interview to an Arabic news outlet, saying that she wanted to serve as “a human shield” for protesters.

“I’m here on the line being a protective human shield saving the injured,” Najjar, 21, said in the interview.

The IDF clip cut her statement after “human shield.”

Days after the fatal incident, a top IDF spokesperson said Najjar was “no angel of mercy,” as the army released a video purportedly showing her lobbing a smoke grenade toward Israeli forces.

Adraee accompanied his tweet with a short video compilation allegedly showing Najjar on several occasions during the recent Gaza border clashes.

The video, and Adraee’s comment that she was “no angel of mercy,” seemed designed to raise doubts about the volunteer medic’s innocence during the clashes, though the army did not indicate that it considered Najjar to be a legitimate target, raising questions among some commentators about its overall intentions with the campaign.

In one part of the clip, Najjar is seen giving an interview to an Arabic news outlet, saying that she wanted to serve as “a human shield” for protesters.

“I’m here on the line being a protective human shield saving the injured,” Najjar, 21, said in the interview.

The IDF clip cut her statement after “human shield.”

View attachment 237635

Again lumping two unproven half cases together to create a false perception.
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