All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

Your term “the other” comes with a certain amount of baggage. It’s not all date palms and camel's milk when we drill down on the various islamist advocacy groups here in the Great Satan and North America.

CAIR describes itself as “America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group,” but in 2007, the U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group.

[ed. Note that in terms of timelines, 2007 came before 2011.]

In November 2014 CAIR was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates along with a host of other Muslim Brotherhood entities. The United Arab Emirates is not located here in North America. Although, I could be wrong about that.

The Great Satan’s neighbor to the north has some issues with ISNA.

ISNA-Canada Loses Charity Status Over Terror Funding

Here in the Great Satan, ISNA has a history of association with Islamic Terrorist groups.

Report: ISNA Gave $100K to Terrorist Front Group

I would be remiss not to acknowledge that there are also plenty of Christian, Jewish, Zionist, and atheist infidel terror groups currently operating inside of Moslem lands where they have only been met with tolerance, equality, and all of the attendant benefits of an open society governed representatively by the rule of law.
When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

Your term “the other” comes with a certain amount of baggage. It’s not all date palms and camel's milk when we drill down on the various islamist advocacy groups here in the Great Satan and North America.

CAIR describes itself as “America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group,” but in 2007, the U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group.

[ed. Note that in terms of timelines, 2007 came before 2011.]

In November 2014 CAIR was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates along with a host of other Muslim Brotherhood entities. The United Arab Emirates is not located here in North America. Although, I could be wrong about that.

The Great Satan’s neighbor to the north has some issues with ISNA.

ISNA-Canada Loses Charity Status Over Terror Funding

Here in the Great Satan, ISNA has a history of association with Islamic Terrorist groups.

Report: ISNA Gave $100K to Terrorist Front Group

I would be remiss not to acknowledge that there are also plenty of Christian, Jewish, Zionist, and atheist infidel terror groups currently operating inside of Moslem lands where they have only been met with tolerance, equality, and all of the attendant benefits of an open society governed representatively by the rule of law.

No one said it was all "date palms and camel milk" but thanks for that irrelevent tidbit.

On the other hand, you choose some interesting sources:

Clarion Project - Wikipedia
The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc.) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization founded in 2006.[1][2] The organization has been involved in the production and distribution of the films Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, The Third Jihad, Iranium and Honor Diaries. These films have been widely criticized for falsifying information, and have been described as anti-Muslim propaganda.[3][4]

It is worthwhile to look at other sources...

Why the U.A.E. is calling 2 American groups terrorists

Neither CAIR nor the Muslim American Society are designated terror groups by the U.S. government, which is a major ally and trading partner of the U.A.E., and their inclusion on the list surprised many analysts — especially when more established groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon were left off. CAIR put out a statement that said they were seeking clarification on their "shocking and bizarre" inclusion on the list, while the Muslim American Society said that they had had "no dealings with the United Arab Emirates" and were "perplexed by this news."

CAIR and the Muslim American Society are not alone in their shock. Diverse groups across Europe were also added to the list, leaving many observers perplexed at the scope and sheer scale of the list. Norway's foreign ministry has already publicly requested an explanation as to why one of the country's largest Islamic groups, the Islamic Organization, was included, and on Monday, the U.S. State Department said they would be seeking more information from the U.A.E.

It's true that some of these groups have been involved in controversy in the past. For example, CAIR, an Islamic civil liberties advocacy group, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Texas. Officials from the Holy Land Foundation were later found guilty of diverting funds to Hamas, which has led some American lawmakers to refer to CAIR as a terrorist organization. As The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler pointed out as far back as 2011, this is unfair: CAIR has never been charged with any criminal activity and operates in a tax-exempt status.

U.A.E.'s list seems to be driven by something closer to home, however: The very first name included is the U.A.E. Muslim Brotherhood, and a significant number of the more surprising inclusions on the list appear to have ties to the transnational Sunni Islamist group: The Muslim American Society, for instance, was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the 1990s. Rumors about links to the Muslim Brotherhood have also dogged CAIR.
Within a week, Haaretz has managed to publish two Op-Eds demonizing Israel with main arguments based on blatant lies. Namely, shortly after recent West Bank terror attacks which targeted soldiers and civilians, and which claimed the lives of soldiers and a prematurely born infant, Haaretz argues that Hamas is a legitimate guerilla organization. And after Israelis were apparently responsible for vandalizing Palestinian property, a Haaretz column maintains there’s a “flourishing of the Jewish KKK,” that is similar to the American KKK “at its height.”

(full article online)

Haaretz Op-Eds Argue IDF Soldiers Are Terrorists, Israeli Vandals Are KKK
Get it? According to McIntyre, Israel is presumably to blame for the flight of Gaza’s Christians. However, a look at the population stats reveals something that runs counter to this suggestion.

First, we could find no data backing up his claim that, in the mid-1960s, or at any time in recent history, there were 6,000 Christians in Gaza. Even pro-Palestinian sites rely on an Israeli census in 1967 that showed 2,478 Christians living in Gaza.
As you can see, Gaza’s Christian population increased from 1967 through 2006 (the period of Israel’s occupation, till a year after their withdrawal). However, since 2007, a year which just so happens to coincide with Hamas’s rise to power in a bloody coup, the Christian population began shrinking, and, as McIntyre notes, stands at roughly 1,100 today.

(full article online)

A Guardian contributor’s artful lie on Gaza’s declining Christian population
When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

Your term “the other” comes with a certain amount of baggage. It’s not all date palms and camel's milk when we drill down on the various islamist advocacy groups here in the Great Satan and North America.

CAIR describes itself as “America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group,” but in 2007, the U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group.

[ed. Note that in terms of timelines, 2007 came before 2011.]

In November 2014 CAIR was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates along with a host of other Muslim Brotherhood entities. The United Arab Emirates is not located here in North America. Although, I could be wrong about that.

The Great Satan’s neighbor to the north has some issues with ISNA.

ISNA-Canada Loses Charity Status Over Terror Funding

Here in the Great Satan, ISNA has a history of association with Islamic Terrorist groups.

Report: ISNA Gave $100K to Terrorist Front Group

I would be remiss not to acknowledge that there are also plenty of Christian, Jewish, Zionist, and atheist infidel terror groups currently operating inside of Moslem lands where they have only been met with tolerance, equality, and all of the attendant benefits of an open society governed representatively by the rule of law.

No one said it was all "date palms and camel milk" but thanks for that irrelevent tidbit.

On the other hand, you choose some interesting sources:

Clarion Project - Wikipedia
The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc.) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization founded in 2006.[1][2] The organization has been involved in the production and distribution of the films Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, The Third Jihad, Iranium and Honor Diaries. These films have been widely criticized for falsifying information, and have been described as anti-Muslim propaganda.[3][4]

It is worthwhile to look at other sources...

Why the U.A.E. is calling 2 American groups terrorists

Neither CAIR nor the Muslim American Society are designated terror groups by the U.S. government, which is a major ally and trading partner of the U.A.E., and their inclusion on the list surprised many analysts — especially when more established groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon were left off. CAIR put out a statement that said they were seeking clarification on their "shocking and bizarre" inclusion on the list, while the Muslim American Society said that they had had "no dealings with the United Arab Emirates" and were "perplexed by this news."

CAIR and the Muslim American Society are not alone in their shock. Diverse groups across Europe were also added to the list, leaving many observers perplexed at the scope and sheer scale of the list. Norway's foreign ministry has already publicly requested an explanation as to why one of the country's largest Islamic groups, the Islamic Organization, was included, and on Monday, the U.S. State Department said they would be seeking more information from the U.A.E.

It's true that some of these groups have been involved in controversy in the past. For example, CAIR, an Islamic civil liberties advocacy group, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Texas. Officials from the Holy Land Foundation were later found guilty of diverting funds to Hamas, which has led some American lawmakers to refer to CAIR as a terrorist organization. As The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler pointed out as far back as 2011, this is unfair: CAIR has never been charged with any criminal activity and operates in a tax-exempt status.

U.A.E.'s list seems to be driven by something closer to home, however: The very first name included is the U.A.E. Muslim Brotherhood, and a significant number of the more surprising inclusions on the list appear to have ties to the transnational Sunni Islamist group: The Muslim American Society, for instance, was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the 1990s. Rumors about links to the Muslim Brotherhood have also dogged CAIR.

I can understand you're not a fan of criticism directed at ISNA but in spite of the reporting by the Clarion project, ISNA certainly was stripped of it's charity status by the Canadian government. How about something from the Toronto Sun?

Islamic group’s charitable status revoked over alleged link to terror organization

While it is true that as an organization, CAIR has not been convicted of criminal activity, former leaders certainly have.

Washington Post: Whitewashing of CAIR Continues

Unlike the NAACP, ADL or other American civil rights organizations, CAIR has seen at least five former lay leaders or senior staff arrested, convicted or deported on terrorism- or weapons-related charges. One was Ghassan Elashi, a founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, sentenced to 65 years imprisonment in 2009 in the retrial of the federal Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. He was one of five HLF leaders convicted of convicted of funneling more than $12 million to Hamas. HLF had been America’s largest Muslim charity. Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, is designated by the United States, Israel and other countries as a terrorist organization. Elashi had been convicted in a 2004 Hamas-related case as well.

I'm sure the Washington Post was outraged that anyone would impugn the good name of CAIR or MSA. However, your outrage should be directed at the UAE.

Is CAIR a Terror Group? | National Review

We who follow the Islamist movement fell off our collective chair on November 15, when the news came that the United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet had listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 proscribed terrorist organizations, up there with the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

This came as a surprise because the UAE authorities themselves have a record of promoting Islamism; because CAIR has a history of raising funds in the UAE; and because the UAE embassy in Washington had previously praised CAIR.

On reflection, however, the listing makes sense for, in recent years, the Islamist movement has gravely fractured. Sunnis fight Shiites; advocates of violence struggle against those working within the system; modernizers do battle against those trying to return to the seventh century; and monarchists confront republicans.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Coyote, et al,

And I think your experience should be the model for the non-discriminatory social experience for today's youth. It should not "make a difference" or be a "big deal."

When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

The difficulty arising from the various diversities is because we recognized the various diverse differences. Hate, anger, love, curiosity, admiration, intelligence, and physical attributes are not really a matter of primary colors [(red, yellow, blue, and green)(depending on the grouping)]. This can be altered analyzed in spectrum or visual interpretation [most Video Display Units (VDUs) use the Red•Green•Blue (RGB) mixture scheme to derive most colors]. The development of most (not all) bigotry is a matter of some psychological imprint upon a person as a child/young adult or peer indoctrination. Just as exposure at a young age to surroundings that encourage learning and reason makes an imprint of normality, so it is that bigotry does the same.

While genetics usually makes some difference in how humans qualities emanating the offspring, genetics does not have a part in the determination of bigotry. Bigotry, like radiation sickness, is acquired through exposure. The best shielding from bigotry is education. Like a lead vest, it does not good to put a vest on if the person has already been exposed. The damage is done. The same is true for bigotry.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Coyote, et al,

And I think your experience should be the model for the non-discriminatory social experience for today's youth. It should not "make a difference" or be a "big deal."

When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

The difficulty arising from the various diversities is because we recognized the various diverse differences. Hate, anger, love, curiosity, admiration, intelligence, and physical attributes are not really a matter of primary colors [(red, yellow, blue, and green)(depending on the grouping)]. This can be altered analyzed in spectrum or visual interpretation [most Video Display Units (VDUs) use the Red•Green•Blue (RGB) mixture scheme to derive most colors]. The development of most (not all) bigotry is a matter of some psychological imprint upon a person as a child/young adult or peer indoctrination. Just as exposure at a young age to surroundings that encourage learning and reason makes an imprint of normality, so it is that bigotry does the same.

While genetics usually makes some difference in how humans qualities emanating the offspring, genetics does not have a part in the determination of bigotry. Bigotry, like radiation sickness, is acquired through exposure. The best shielding from bigotry is education. Like a lead vest, it does not good to put a vest on if the person has already been exposed. The damage is done. The same is true for bigotry.

Most Respectfully,
I could not agree more Rocco...well said!

I should though...never give up on people’s ability to change. One of my personal hero’s undertook a transformative mission in this regard: How One Man Convinced 200 Ku Klux Klan Members To Give Up Their Robes
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Coyote, et al,

And I think your experience should be the model for the non-discriminatory social experience for today's youth. It should not "make a difference" or be a "big deal."

When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

The difficulty arising from the various diversities is because we recognized the various diverse differences. Hate, anger, love, curiosity, admiration, intelligence, and physical attributes are not really a matter of primary colors [(red, yellow, blue, and green)(depending on the grouping)]. This can be altered analyzed in spectrum or visual interpretation [most Video Display Units (VDUs) use the Red•Green•Blue (RGB) mixture scheme to derive most colors]. The development of most (not all) bigotry is a matter of some psychological imprint upon a person as a child/young adult or peer indoctrination. Just as exposure at a young age to surroundings that encourage learning and reason makes an imprint of normality, so it is that bigotry does the same.

While genetics usually makes some difference in how humans qualities emanating the offspring, genetics does not have a part in the determination of bigotry. Bigotry, like radiation sickness, is acquired through exposure. The best shielding from bigotry is education. Like a lead vest, it does not good to put a vest on if the person has already been exposed. The damage is done. The same is true for bigotry.

Most Respectfully,
When I was growing up race, religion, etc. were never discussed. The issues never came up.
Within a week, Haaretz has managed to publish two Op-Eds demonizing Israel with main arguments based on blatant lies. Namely, shortly after recent West Bank terror attacks which targeted soldiers and civilians, and which claimed the lives of soldiers and a prematurely born infant, Haaretz argues that Hamas is a legitimate guerilla organization. And after Israelis were apparently responsible for vandalizing Palestinian property, a Haaretz column maintains there’s a “flourishing of the Jewish KKK,” that is similar to the American KKK “at its height.”

(full article online)

Haaretz Op-Eds Argue IDF Soldiers Are Terrorists, Israeli Vandals Are KKK

I notice CAMERA refers it as simply “vandalizing” property. That is a lie. They have been responsible for murder

Mohamed Abu Khdeir - 14 yr old boy forced to drink gasoline and then murdered by pouring gasoline on him and set on fire. Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death

The firebombing in Dumas that burned a family alive while they were sleeping inside. Israel indicts Jewish extremists for arson attack that killed Palestinian family

Stone throwing (that have caused injuries and at least one death).

Burning down crops and olive trees.

Assaults and Beatings...
Police probe assault on Palestinian bus driver in West Bank settlement

Defense Ministry officer slams IDF for not taking settler violence seriously
The bill states that prisoners who have been charged with murder and accessory to murder under the Anti-Terrorism Law will not be given the opportunity to have their sentences shortened. It also prevents the parole board from releasing a prisoner who has served at least two thirds of his sentence if it believes that he complies with the conditions prescribed by law.

(full article online)

Approved: No early release for terrorists
When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

Your term “the other” comes with a certain amount of baggage. It’s not all date palms and camel's milk when we drill down on the various islamist advocacy groups here in the Great Satan and North America.

CAIR describes itself as “America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group,” but in 2007, the U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group.

[ed. Note that in terms of timelines, 2007 came before 2011.]

In November 2014 CAIR was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates along with a host of other Muslim Brotherhood entities. The United Arab Emirates is not located here in North America. Although, I could be wrong about that.

The Great Satan’s neighbor to the north has some issues with ISNA.

ISNA-Canada Loses Charity Status Over Terror Funding

Here in the Great Satan, ISNA has a history of association with Islamic Terrorist groups.

Report: ISNA Gave $100K to Terrorist Front Group

I would be remiss not to acknowledge that there are also plenty of Christian, Jewish, Zionist, and atheist infidel terror groups currently operating inside of Moslem lands where they have only been met with tolerance, equality, and all of the attendant benefits of an open society governed representatively by the rule of law.

No one said it was all "date palms and camel milk" but thanks for that irrelevent tidbit.

On the other hand, you choose some interesting sources:

Clarion Project - Wikipedia
The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc.) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization founded in 2006.[1][2] The organization has been involved in the production and distribution of the films Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, The Third Jihad, Iranium and Honor Diaries. These films have been widely criticized for falsifying information, and have been described as anti-Muslim propaganda.[3][4]

It is worthwhile to look at other sources...

Why the U.A.E. is calling 2 American groups terrorists

Neither CAIR nor the Muslim American Society are designated terror groups by the U.S. government, which is a major ally and trading partner of the U.A.E., and their inclusion on the list surprised many analysts — especially when more established groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon were left off. CAIR put out a statement that said they were seeking clarification on their "shocking and bizarre" inclusion on the list, while the Muslim American Society said that they had had "no dealings with the United Arab Emirates" and were "perplexed by this news."

CAIR and the Muslim American Society are not alone in their shock. Diverse groups across Europe were also added to the list, leaving many observers perplexed at the scope and sheer scale of the list. Norway's foreign ministry has already publicly requested an explanation as to why one of the country's largest Islamic groups, the Islamic Organization, was included, and on Monday, the U.S. State Department said they would be seeking more information from the U.A.E.

It's true that some of these groups have been involved in controversy in the past. For example, CAIR, an Islamic civil liberties advocacy group, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Texas. Officials from the Holy Land Foundation were later found guilty of diverting funds to Hamas, which has led some American lawmakers to refer to CAIR as a terrorist organization. As The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler pointed out as far back as 2011, this is unfair: CAIR has never been charged with any criminal activity and operates in a tax-exempt status.

U.A.E.'s list seems to be driven by something closer to home, however: The very first name included is the U.A.E. Muslim Brotherhood, and a significant number of the more surprising inclusions on the list appear to have ties to the transnational Sunni Islamist group: The Muslim American Society, for instance, was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the 1990s. Rumors about links to the Muslim Brotherhood have also dogged CAIR.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Coyote, et al,

Of course, I've seen reports such as you have mentioned on many occasions. What I don't know is the outcome of the investigations that determine culpability and criminality.

I notice CAMERA refers it as simply “vandalizing” property. That is a lie. They have been responsible for murder

Mohamed Abu Khdeir - 14 yr old boy forced to drink gasoline and then murdered by pouring gasoline on him and set on fire. Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death

The firebombing in Dumas that burned a family alive while they were sleeping inside. Israel indicts Jewish extremists for arson attack that killed Palestinian family

Stone throwing (that have caused injuries and at least one death).

Burning down crops and olive trees.

Assaults and Beatings...
Police probe assault on Palestinian bus driver in West Bank settlement

Defense Ministry officer slams IDF for not taking settler violence seriously

We all know that it is not as cut'n'dry as the media often portrays it; from either side of the point-of-view. Having said that, the Military Police (IDF) don't always make the best police officers (are not the best augmentation to the civilian Border Police).

No one is saying that the implementation of the Article 43 Hague Regulations has been the best that could be done. I'm quite sure that if the IDF, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Public Security were to have a real frank and open discussion, the law enforcement, prosecution, and judicial proceedings have some work to do. BUT, the confrontation between the two parties is not entirely the fault of one side. While I'm sure that there have been some more belligerent population in history than the Arab Palestinians, I'm sure that they are right up there with the best of the bloodthirsty. Having been to some truly nasty places in the world, I've not seen such great potential just thrown away in lieu of violence and confrontation.

Most Respectfully,
When and where I grew was suburban, there were a lot of international and diplomatic families, and a significant middle class Jewish community, and our schools reflected that mixture. We had a synagogue next to a church and I was never really aware of who was Jewish, who was not - and I wasn't aware of anti-semitism (but I wouldn't be would I, since I am not Jewish) - but what I mean to say what you were was no big deal as far as I knew.

What I think is a pity is the pretty blatent and currently accepted and DEFENDED anti-Islam rhetoric. Muslims in America, up until 9/11 did not have to defend themselves - they were and are exemplary Americans, they blended in, they are represented in our military, entertainment industry, business (in fact Palestinian Americans are a very successful community, as are Iranian Americans). But what is happening now? A systemic and deliberate demonizing and broad brushing in an attempt to define them as "the Other" in America. Islamic American institutions are tarred with terrorism, even though the linkages are very weak and loose at times in an effort to discredit them and their advocacy. We do not need this just as we do not need anti-semitism, but people it seems need someone to unite against in hate, and that is disturbing.

Your term “the other” comes with a certain amount of baggage. It’s not all date palms and camel's milk when we drill down on the various islamist advocacy groups here in the Great Satan and North America.

CAIR describes itself as “America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group,” but in 2007, the U.S. government labeled CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing the Hamas terrorist group.

[ed. Note that in terms of timelines, 2007 came before 2011.]

In November 2014 CAIR was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates along with a host of other Muslim Brotherhood entities. The United Arab Emirates is not located here in North America. Although, I could be wrong about that.

The Great Satan’s neighbor to the north has some issues with ISNA.

ISNA-Canada Loses Charity Status Over Terror Funding

Here in the Great Satan, ISNA has a history of association with Islamic Terrorist groups.

Report: ISNA Gave $100K to Terrorist Front Group

I would be remiss not to acknowledge that there are also plenty of Christian, Jewish, Zionist, and atheist infidel terror groups currently operating inside of Moslem lands where they have only been met with tolerance, equality, and all of the attendant benefits of an open society governed representatively by the rule of law.

No one said it was all "date palms and camel milk" but thanks for that irrelevent tidbit.

On the other hand, you choose some interesting sources:

Clarion Project - Wikipedia
The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc.) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization founded in 2006.[1][2] The organization has been involved in the production and distribution of the films Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, The Third Jihad, Iranium and Honor Diaries. These films have been widely criticized for falsifying information, and have been described as anti-Muslim propaganda.[3][4]

It is worthwhile to look at other sources...

Why the U.A.E. is calling 2 American groups terrorists

Neither CAIR nor the Muslim American Society are designated terror groups by the U.S. government, which is a major ally and trading partner of the U.A.E., and their inclusion on the list surprised many analysts — especially when more established groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon were left off. CAIR put out a statement that said they were seeking clarification on their "shocking and bizarre" inclusion on the list, while the Muslim American Society said that they had had "no dealings with the United Arab Emirates" and were "perplexed by this news."

CAIR and the Muslim American Society are not alone in their shock. Diverse groups across Europe were also added to the list, leaving many observers perplexed at the scope and sheer scale of the list. Norway's foreign ministry has already publicly requested an explanation as to why one of the country's largest Islamic groups, the Islamic Organization, was included, and on Monday, the U.S. State Department said they would be seeking more information from the U.A.E.

It's true that some of these groups have been involved in controversy in the past. For example, CAIR, an Islamic civil liberties advocacy group, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Texas. Officials from the Holy Land Foundation were later found guilty of diverting funds to Hamas, which has led some American lawmakers to refer to CAIR as a terrorist organization. As The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler pointed out as far back as 2011, this is unfair: CAIR has never been charged with any criminal activity and operates in a tax-exempt status.

U.A.E.'s list seems to be driven by something closer to home, however: The very first name included is the U.A.E. Muslim Brotherhood, and a significant number of the more surprising inclusions on the list appear to have ties to the transnational Sunni Islamist group: The Muslim American Society, for instance, was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the 1990s. Rumors about links to the Muslim Brotherhood have also dogged CAIR.

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This presentation is not about "Injustice" but something very much out of context.


Back in the days of when I would help a newly elevated PhD, I would often help them with book signing events in exchange for tutoring. At The Ohio State, I would often set up the "Grade A Notes" Display (at the bookstore) for a fledgling TA to supplement their income.

This presentation is about plugging the book and promoting sales. When you publish such a book, you have to write to your audience. And when you do that, you have to write what will sell. If you don't do that, you probably will not even get published.

So, if you are writing anti-Israeli material, you stump your book at anti-Israeli events.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This presentation is not about "Injustice" but something very much out of context.


Back in the days of when I would help a newly elevated PhD, I would often help them with book signing events in exchange for tutoring. At The Ohio State, I would often set up the "Grade A Notes" Display (at the bookstore) for a fledgling TA to supplement their income.

This presentation is about plugging the book and promoting sales. When you publish such a book, you have to write to your audience. And when you do that, you have to write what will sell. If you don't do that, you probably will not even get published.

So, if you are writing anti-Israeli material, you stump your book at anti-Israeli events.

Most Respectfully,

One interesting thing is that the Holy Land Foundation distributed all of its aid in Palestine through the same local charities that were used by USAID.

This seemed to go unnoticed by the kangaroo court.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This presentation is not about "Injustice" but something very much out of context.


Back in the days of when I would help a newly elevated PhD, I would often help them with book signing events in exchange for tutoring. At The Ohio State, I would often set up the "Grade A Notes" Display (at the bookstore) for a fledgling TA to supplement their income.

This presentation is about plugging the book and promoting sales. When you publish such a book, you have to write to your audience. And when you do that, you have to write what will sell. If you don't do that, you probably will not even get published.

So, if you are writing anti-Israeli material, you stump your book at anti-Israeli events.

Most Respectfully,

One interesting thing is that the Holy Land Foundation distributed all of its aid in Palestine through the same local charities that were used by USAID.

This seemed to go unnoticed by the kangaroo court.

Another interesting thing is that your claim runs contrary to the evidence.

Federal Judge Hands Downs Sentences in Holy Land Foundation Case
In recent years, there have been numerous acts of violence against Christians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

  • Palestinian terrorists have taken the Christian houses of Beit Jala from where their snipers fired on the houses of the Jewish quarters of southern Jerusalem.
  • Armed Palestinians occupied the Basilica of the Nativity, sacking it and using it as a latrine.
  • Two churches in Nablus were burned in 2006 after Pope Benedict XVI's lectio in Regensburg.
The Christian fear of living under the Palestinian Arab-Islamic rule began after the 1967 war, when hundreds of Christian notables in Bethlehem turned to the Israeli government asking that they annex the city. In 1995, the Christian mayor of Bethlehem, Elias Freij, turned to then PM Yitzhak Rabin and asked him not to withdraw from the city because of fear for the future of Christians in the city.

In 2003, when the security fence between Jerusalem and Bethlehem was erected, the ownership of the church near the barrier remained on the Palestinian Arab side and Christian leaders asked and obtained the right to change the route so as to remain on the Israeli side.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab Bethlehem is at war with Christians and Jews
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