All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The questions that need to be addressed are as follows: 1) Is the advocacy campaign at the University of Hawaii at Manoa “independent advocacy”, or does it provide a “service” for a Palestinian terror organization(s)? 2) Is the classroom teaching consistent with the definition of pedagogical indoctrination?

1) Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 561 U.S. 1 (2010), is a U.S. Supreme Court case, a 6-3 opinion, decided June 21, 2010. The decision concerned the Patriot Act, a statute that prohibits material support to Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

The USA Patriot Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, makes it unlawful in the United States for any person who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States anywhere, to knowingly provide material support to an FTO that has been so designated by the U.S. Secretary of State. There are four types of support: training, expert advice or assistance, service and personnel. The statute prohibits providing a service for an FTO. A service means the performance of work presided over or paid for by another, presided over or paid for by an FTO.

The Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project ruling established for the first time that any support, including peaceful support, is illegal because it would free up the FTO’s resources which would allow it to more fully engage in terror and violence. In addition, the support has the potential to add legitimacy to the FTO. Advocacy for an FTO at the direction of or in cooperation with the FTO, is a crime pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §2339B.

Reproduced below is the Humanize Palestine ABOUT statement appearing on their webpage above:

"Humanize Palestine attempts to honor the deceased as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry. Humanize Palestine reminds us, that contrary to Western bias, a Palestinian life is no less valuable than the life of another, by giving the life the respect and dignity that it deserves."

As previously stated, each picture in a gallery had an embedded URL link that opened a webpage displaying a narrative for the individual(s) in the picture. These are the narratives Humanize Palestine uses to “… honor the deceased as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art and poetry”. These are the life writing narratives/texts presumably seen by the seminar students.

Not seen by the students were the narratives and pictures of the same individuals taken from the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website and other similar terrorist websites and sources. We know this because Dr. Franklin stated that U.S. support for Israel’s human rights abuses depends on casting Palestinians as terrorists and that she will present life writing narratives that counter this.

An investigation of the 2014 photo gallery was undertaken so that each individual could be positively identified. The 2014 photo gallery was selected for analysis because it contained the largest number of photographs. Each of the 236 pictures from the 2014 photo gallery was analyzed and identified. A preliminary statistical analysis reveals that 62 photos in the gallery were Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives (26%), 27 were Palestinian Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades operatives (11%), 13 were al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades operatives (6%). A more detailed analysis of the deceased Palestinians in the 2014 Humanize Palestine photo gallery will be presented at the end of this section.

(full article online)

Palestinian Terrorist Organizations at a US University
German Ambassador to Israel Susanne Wasum-Rainer tweeted, “The German government strongly condemns the rocket attack on the Mismeret moshav in the Sharon region, in which a number of people were injured, among them two infants. We wish the injured a complete and speedy recovery.”

United Nations Special Coordinator to the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov tweeted it was “an extremely serious incident.”

The UK’s ambassador to Israel, David Quarrey, said his country “unequivocally condemns” the rocket attack on the home of a British-Israeli family, adding that “there can be no justification of any kind for this attack, whose consequences could have been devastating.”

The French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs tweeted that “France utterly condemns the rocket fire that deliberately target inhabited areas of Israeli territory from Gaza this morning.”

France’s Ambassador to Israel, Helene Le Gal, tweeted “I express my sincere solidarity with the Israeli population, the victim of this fire.”

(full article online)

International condemnation of rocket fire from Gaza that injured seven
[ Actions have consequences ]

“At this time, the IDF has begun striking terror targets in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF Spokesperson said early Monday evening, advising residents in southern Israel that “explosions” will be heard as military forces launch “offensive activities” in Gaza.

The Gaza border has been declared a “closed military zone.”

(full article online)

IDF Attack on Gaza has Begun
All three of the BBC News website’s March 21st and March 22nd reports concerning the US president’s announcement of the intention to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights included links to the BBC’s profile of that area which was last updated on March 14th.

In that profile BBC audiences are told that:

“The area [Golan Heights] is also a key source of water for an arid region. Rainwater from the Golan’s catchment feeds into the Jordan River. The area provides a third of Israel’s water supply.”

While that may have been the case in the past, does the Golan Heights really currently provide “a third of Israel’s water supply”?

A document produced by the Knesset Research and Information Center last year shows that three main natural sources – one of which is the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) basin – currently together provide just 40% of Israel’s water.

(full article online)

BBC’s Golan Heights profile misleads on water and borders
The questions that need to be addressed are as follows: 1) Is the advocacy campaign at the University of Hawaii at Manoa “independent advocacy”, or does it provide a “service” for a Palestinian terror organization(s)? 2) Is the classroom teaching consistent with the definition of pedagogical indoctrination?

1) Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 561 U.S. 1 (2010), is a U.S. Supreme Court case, a 6-3 opinion, decided June 21, 2010. The decision concerned the Patriot Act, a statute that prohibits material support to Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

The USA Patriot Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2339B, makes it unlawful in the United States for any person who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States anywhere, to knowingly provide material support to an FTO that has been so designated by the U.S. Secretary of State. There are four types of support: training, expert advice or assistance, service and personnel. The statute prohibits providing a service for an FTO. A service means the performance of work presided over or paid for by another, presided over or paid for by an FTO.

The Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project ruling established for the first time that any support, including peaceful support, is illegal because it would free up the FTO’s resources which would allow it to more fully engage in terror and violence. In addition, the support has the potential to add legitimacy to the FTO. Advocacy for an FTO at the direction of or in cooperation with the FTO, is a crime pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §2339B.

Reproduced below is the Humanize Palestine ABOUT statement appearing on their webpage above:

"Humanize Palestine attempts to honor the deceased as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry. Humanize Palestine reminds us, that contrary to Western bias, a Palestinian life is no less valuable than the life of another, by giving the life the respect and dignity that it deserves."

As previously stated, each picture in a gallery had an embedded URL link that opened a webpage displaying a narrative for the individual(s) in the picture. These are the narratives Humanize Palestine uses to “… honor the deceased as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art and poetry”. These are the life writing narratives/texts presumably seen by the seminar students.

Not seen by the students were the narratives and pictures of the same individuals taken from the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website and other similar terrorist websites and sources. We know this because Dr. Franklin stated that U.S. support for Israel’s human rights abuses depends on casting Palestinians as terrorists and that she will present life writing narratives that counter this.

An investigation of the 2014 photo gallery was undertaken so that each individual could be positively identified. The 2014 photo gallery was selected for analysis because it contained the largest number of photographs. Each of the 236 pictures from the 2014 photo gallery was analyzed and identified. A preliminary statistical analysis reveals that 62 photos in the gallery were Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives (26%), 27 were Palestinian Islamic Jihad al-Quds Brigades operatives (11%), 13 were al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades operatives (6%). A more detailed analysis of the deceased Palestinians in the 2014 Humanize Palestine photo gallery will be presented at the end of this section.

(full article online)

Palestinian Terrorist Organizations at a US University
What are these clowns trying to prove?`
I’m just shocked (SHOCKED ! )

Fatah says Hamas beat up one of its leaders

Senior official from Fatah movement badly beaten up in Gaza. Group says Hamas is responsible.

Fatah says Hamas beat up one of its leaders

Elad Benari, 19/03/19 02:06


Protest in Gaza

A senior official from the Fatah movement was badly beaten up in Gaza on Monday, with the group accusing the strip's Hamas rulers of responsibility, AFP reported.
The IDF is also the first army in history that goes to extraordinary lengths to protect the lives of its enemy civilians. Leaflet dropping, "roof knocking," robo-telephone calls are all meant to tell civilians to get out of the way while the IDF hopes to bomb only terror infrastructure. Large, noisy explosions are part of Israel's cognitive war - to show Israelis that something is being done and to remind Hamas that if they go too far, Israel's restraint may be limited.

All of these are purely cognitive. Reporting on the fighting as if it is a traditional war plays into the hands of Hamas, since controlling the news cycle is not peripheral but essential in cognitive war.

While the West may just be waking up to the importance of cognitive warfare, Israel has been fighting it for a long time - not always successfully.

In this war, the enemy isn't only Hamas. It is the so-called "human rights" NGOs who are eager to paint Israeli actions as war crimes. It is "Jewish Voice for Peace" and "IfNotNow" who are solidly on Hamas' side in the cognitive war. It is the pro-Hamas army on Twitter and Facebook who are quick to scream that everything Israel does is "genocide."

Military superiority is not an advantage at all in a cognitive war - and it can easily be spun to be a disadvantage.

In the cognitive war, whether they realize it or not, reporters are weaponized. If they fall for the lazy way to report the fighting as if it is a conventional war, they become tools of the terrorists.

The cognitive war demands an entirely different way of thinking, not only from the combatants but from the observers, who are caught up in the battle whether they like it or not. People who are easily manipulated are the targets in this war.

(full article online)

The cognitive war ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Iran has been bombarding Israel and other countries with fake content online, Facebook revealed Wednesday, in an announcement saying that it has taken down 513 pages, groups and accounts traced back to the Islamic Republic.

This content was among 2,632 illegitimate pages, groups and accounts removed by the social network that were linked to Tehran as well as to Russia, Macedonia and Kosovo.

(full article online)

Facebook smashes Iranian manipulation campaign targeting Israel, others
According to Open Secrets, AIPAC spent $3.5 million on lobbying in 2018, slightly more than the $3.4 million it spent in 2017. This is a relatively small number compared to the anti-Israel Open Society Foundation (OSF) which spent $31.5 million in 2018 – NINE TIMES what AIPAC spent. That figure is also almost four times the $16 million that OSF spent on US lobbying in 2017.

When it comes to foreign countries lobbying the US government, the number one country was South Korea, spending $82.5 million in 2018. I do not recall hearing any of the Democratic candidates for president who ran to the defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s remarks about AIPAC talking about South Korea.

Perhaps that is because foreign governments and their companies are mostly lobbying about trade deals which are critical for their economies. The top governments lobbying the US are:

South Korea
Marshall Islands
Saudi Arabia

That’s Israel at number five- behind Bermuda and Ireland.

(full article online)

Anti-Israel Lobbyists Dwarf Pro-Israel Lobbyists
Indeed, several disturbing Tamimi/Jordan-related questions suggested themselves to us as we thought through what had just happened. For instance why has the US evidently accepted Jordan's abrogation of its treaty obligations with vastly more understanding and grace and far less indignation than in the Germany/Turkey case?

What wouldn't we give to hear a robust declaration from the State Department to its Jordanian counterparts calling them out on Jordan's dereliction of the responsibility to extradite Tamimi to the US; on flouting their treaty obligations; on undermining the rule of law.

Ahlam Tamimi

Then we learned that the Anti-Defamation League in Washington was thinking similar thoughts.

On March 12, 2019, the ADL'S CEO and National Director Jonathan Greenblatt wrote a public letter to the US Attorney General William P. Barr highlighting some of the parallels between the Yilmaz and Tamimi cases.

And, to our rising optimism, he asked for an official public response. (The emphases in the quotes that follow are ours.)

Greenblatt noted that
Ms. Tamimi’s case is almost identical in many respects to the Yilmaz case on which the Justice Department recently spoke out. As you may know, Tamimi is on the list of America’s Most Wanted Terrorists because of her role in a 2001 suicide bombing at a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem by the U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas that killed 15 people, including two American civilians.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 25-Mar-19: State Dept indignation at Germany raises troubling questions
The Israel Victory Project, which calls for a Palestinian defeat in the place of what the Forum considers failed diplomacy, is today the Forum’s most high-profile campaign.

Explains Pipes, “The reigning assumption for 30 years has been that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict can be resolved through negotiations, diplomacy mediation, compromise and painful concessions. It has not worked.” Rather, Pipes, suggests “a completely different approach, which looks at the historical record and notes that conflicts generally end when one side gives up.” A loss on the battlefield, says Pipes, does not necessarily mean defeat.

“The Six-Day War in 1967 was perhaps the greatest military victory in recorded history, but it did not lead to a sense of defeat. The only way for the conflict to be resolved is for one side to give up.”

Pipes points out that his proposal is not anti-Palestinian.

“If the Palestinians give up, they would gain even more than Israelis because the Israelis live in a functioning advanced, democratic, law-abiding country; Palestinians live in something quite worse. Only when the Palestinians abandon their irredentist claim on Israel can they make progress and build their polity, economy, society and culture.” Any resolution of the conflict, says Pipes – whether Israeli sovereignty on the West Bank, complete withdrawal from it, or something in between – is better achieved once the Palestinians accept Israel as the Jewish state.

Pipes says that the Middle East Forum is working to build a wide alliance of support for the Israel Victory Project. A caucus in the current Knesset has 26 members from seven parties, and the concept has been raised, Pipes reports, with a range of politicians and intellectuals. He is particularly encouraged that the IDF’s new chief of staff, Aviv Kochavi, has said that he wants he wants to conduct workshops and seminars on the IDF mission and has talk- ed about victory.

“That’s particularly important,” says Pipes, “not only because the IDF is a key institution, but also because the main opposition to the idea of victory has come from the security establishment, which has, over the years and on the topic of the Palestinians, become timid and status-quo oriented.”

According to Pipes, Israel’s victory will be clear once the Palestinians cease violent attacks and end their campaign of delegitimization over a protracted period.

“They have to show a repudiation of their traditional rejectionism and an acceptance of Israel, Jews and Zionism.

This implies a change of heart,” he says.

In his view, once the Palestinians fully accept Israel, it will be difficult for others, including Turkey and Iran to maintain their anti-Israel fervor.

(full article online)

Daniel Pipes and the Israel Victory Project
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