All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Hamas militants collect donations from Palestinian supporters, Gaza City, 2004.(Abid Katib/Getty Images)

The idea that hardline Hamas political leaders like Mousa Abu Marzook and Khaled Meshal who order violence in the name of jihad are also canny businessmen who have assembled financial empires that would be the envy of pinstriped businessmen in London, Paris, or New York may strike most readers as unfamiliar, or perhaps as a form of science fiction or propaganda. But in the Middle East, otherworldly religious or political rhetoric and earthly profits do not necessarily contradict each other. In fact, they often go hand in hand.

Gaza's Leaders Rake in Money; Everyone Else There Suffers
Just over a decade after the pullout, Israel went ahead and signed the Oslo Accords, paving the way for retreat from critical parts of Judea and Samaria. And that was followed in 2005 by the disastrous destruction of the Jewish communities of Gush Katif and northern Samaria.

And now, much of the world continues to nourish the idea that eastern Jerusalem could be next.

In this respect, conceding Sinai has had a catastrophic effect on Israel, one that has come to overshadow whatever benefits it may have provided.

Furthermore, consider the volatility of events in Egypt over the past decade, which underline the perils inherent in turning territory over to our neighbors.

After the fall of Hosni Mubarak in 2011, Mohamed Morsi was elected president in 2012, with the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood. His regime wasted little time sending mixed signals as to whether it viewed itself as bound by the terms of the treaty with Israel.

In July 2013, a military coup toppled Morsi and resulted in the rise to power of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has served as Egyptian president for the past five years. While Sisi has been a reliable partner for Israel in counter-terrorism and other fields, Egypt has failed to build stable and lasting democratic institutions, leaving it vulnerable to future disarray.

If the Muslim Brotherhood or something similar one day returns to power, there is no telling what effect it might have on the state of peace that exists with Israel.

So it could very well turn out that while Israel gave up Sinai in order to get peace, it might end up with neither.

(full article online)

The Sinai withdrawal's dangerous legacy
To say that the report is damning is a huge understatement. Major figures in the anti-Israel movement, from CodePink and Mondoweiss and Jewish Voice for Peace to Amnesty International, consistently post in this group and yet are silent when the most vicious antisemitic material gets shared, or when antisemitic material is used in responding to their posts. (Amnesty's Edith Garwood, among others, is an active member of the group, and never says a negative word towards any of the Jew-hatred shared.)

Moreover, the people who post in Palestine Live often directly posts the most vile Jew-hatred in their own timelines. In Facebook, they are "friends" with the Jews and supposed "progressives" who are in the group, their opinions are known and they remain friends.

Even Richard Falk, formerly of the UN, has commented on posts in the group and remained silent when antisemitic material was shared. As was virtually everyone else.

What this research shows is that when these these anti-Israel groups claim to be against antisemitism, they are lying. The antisemitic materials shared by members of Palestine Live come from right wing websites, often with direct links. Yet the only opposition comes from people who think that this is not the right venue for, say, Holocaust denial, or a Jew who helpfully suggests that the words "Jew-Nazi" be replaced with "Zio-Nazi" so the message can go further.

(full article online)

David Collier's "Americans in Palestine Live" report destroys idea that anti-Zionists are against antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As Professor Eugene Kontorovich pointed out in testimony given to the US House of Representatives last year:

“The widely-repeated view that recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights would be contrary to international law is based on one fundamental assumption: that at least since the adoption of U.N. Charter, international law prohibits any acquisition of foreign territory by force. While such a formulation of the rule is largely accurate, it omits crucial exceptions quite relevant to the case of the Golan Heights.

Whatever the current status of an absolute prohibition on territorial change resulting from war, there was certainly no such blanket prohibition in 1967, when the territory came under Israeli control. At the time, international law only prohibited acquisition of force in illegal or aggressive wars. This is evident from the source of the prohibition in the UN Charter, post-Charter state practice, and the understandings of international jurists at the time. There is simply no precedent or authoritative source for forbidding defensive conquest in 1967.

The U.N. Charter prohibits war for most purposes. When the use of force is illegal, it is natural to conclude that any territorial gains from such aggression cannot be recognized as well. Thus the illegality of conquest arises from the presumptive illegality of the use of force. But crucially, the U.N. Charter does not make all war illegal. Indeed, it expressly reaffirms the legality of a defensive war. Since defensive war is not illegal, it follows that the defender’s territorial gains from such a war would not be illegal.”

(full article online)

Partial portrayals of international law in three BBC reports
A co-leader of the Women’s March shared a post blaming the “American Jewish Establishment” for its role in the attacks on two New Zealand mosques, and then apologized.

Bob Bland on March 17 shared a post from Jesse Rabinowitz, a social justice advocate, who wrote that: “The same language and hate that folks spew against Sisters Linda Sarsour and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) killed 54 Muslims in New Zealand. You can’t stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and simultaneously disavow Muslim women for speaking their truths. American Jewish Establishment, I’m looking at you.”
The Zioness movement also posted a screenshot of Bland’s share, writing: “The Women’s March, Inc. is attacking Jews again. Somehow, we still aren’t desensitized to their never-ending cycle of deeply anti-Semitic slurs.”

“Calling out antisemitism is not bigotry against Muslims. We’ve witnessed this enough times: the zero-sum game these women are playing literally leads to horror. Jews and Muslims are in fact targeted by the same heinous actors within the white nationalist movement across the globe, which is why Jews and Muslims of conscience have come together in solidarity during crises like we witnessed in Christchurch and in Pittsburgh.”

(full article online)

Women's March leader blames American Jews for NZ mosque attacks
It seems the time has come for the IDF to offer the islamic terrorists a comprehensive program of remodeling in and around the islamic terrorist enclave of Yahya'istan.

Gaza rocket hits Israeli home injuring 7; Netanyahu cuts short Washington trip

By Ruth Eglash, Loveday Morris

March 25, 2019 at 5:57 AM

An emergency responder inspects a damaged house after it was hit by a rocket in the village of Mishmeret, north of Tel Aviv on Monday. (Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images)
JERUSALEM —The Israeli army deployed tanks and additional troops to the border with Gaza on Monday after seven Israelis were injured by a rocket hitting their house near Tel Aviv, an escalation that prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cut short a visit to Washington.
Won't you please send your welfare dollars to those.... wait for it.....
here it comes... Poor, Oppressed Islamic Terrorists.

How can the world stand idly by while islamic terrorists live in poverty and despair?

The Independent’s Mid-East correspondent Bel Trew makes the following claim in an article on recent US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights (“Golan Heights: How Donald Trump’s tweet saved Netanyahu’s re-election”, March 23).

This is actually the second time in a week that Trew made some variation of the allegation that Israel’s prime minister launches wars against Hamas in order to secure electoral victories. A March 18th articleby Trew on fears that a (evidently accidental) Hamas rocket attack on Tel Aviv could lead to all out war argued that “Israeli incursions into Gaza have been launched ahead of the last three elections…often winning incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu additional votes on a security ticket.”

Trew’s narrative is completely counter-factual.

Israeli Operation Cast Lead began on December 27th, 2008 and ended on January 18th 2009. Ehud Olmert, head of the Kadima Party, was the prime minister who launched the war, not Netanyahu, who didn’t become prime minister until after elections were held the following month.

Operation Protective Edge, from July 8th to Aug. 26th, 2014, was launched by Netanyahu as a response to the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens and subsequent Hamas rockets attacks on Israeli cities. However, elections were called in December – due to disagreements within the coalition over the budget and the Jewish state law – with the vote taking place on March 17, 2015. So, the timeline itself contradicts Trew’s claim.

The only war where the timeline is even consistent with Trew’s claim was Operation Pillar of Defensefrom Nov. 14 to Nov. 22, 2012. The Knesset was suspended in Oct. 2012 and new elections announced which were to take place on Jan. 22 2013. However, that war was launched after more than 100 rocketswere fired at Israel in the two-week period prior to Nov. 8th bringing Israeli life in the south to a virtual halt.

Further, the fact that this war ended after only eight days, and without an IDF ground assault, in fact demonstrates a larger point, one that even Haaretz has conceded: that Netanyahu is widely viewed – even amongst his fiercest critics – as extremely risk averse when it comes to launching military offensives. Indeed, it is believed that his restraint during the 2012 war actually cost his party Knesset seats in the subsequent elections. As Haaretz’s Yossi Verter argued, he agreed to a ceasefire early enough to avoid “entangling the Israel Defense Forces in a casualty-heavy and pointless ground offensive in the Strip” and “shut his ears to the loud warmongering by the right wing, including in his own party”.

(full article online)

Indy evokes ‘wag the dog’ conspiracy to explain Israeli wars with Hamas
I have never heard about any Jewish settlers being against Sodastream, or being against economic benefits to Paletinians. Perhaps a fringe element were but they have no political clout at all - later on Shapiro makes this claim as well:

The "Jewish settlers" I know want to be friendly with their Palestinian neighbors, they have no problem when (properly vetted) Palestinians come into their communities to work, and they fondly remember the days before the first intifada when they could freely go into Ramallah or other Arab cities in the West Bank without fear to go shopping or get services done by Arabs.

Shapiro is not terrible - he shows that BDS is meaningless to Israel economically - but his desire to say that settlers are as bad as BDS in wanting to hurt ordinary people on the other side is simply not true.

The author of the piece also tries to be even-handed when the facts do not back it up, from the first sentences of the article:

" Israel has controlled Palestinian territories, including the West Bank and Gaza, since the Six-Day War in 1967. The roots of the conflict date even further back, to the founding of Israel and to the emergence of the Zionist and Arab nationalist movements in the 19th century. "

Funny how in 1967 no one - and I mean no one - ever referred to the territories as "Palestinian." And there was no Palestinian nationalist movement to speak of until after the Six Day War.

(full article online)

Yale "expert" says Jewish settlers didn't like Sodastream in the territories ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Then, as the Brooklyn College Student Union Instagram shows, people started chanting for an Intifada - effectively calling for people to kill Jews in Israel, as the two previous intifadas had done. The leader of the chants is holding the sign shown above that says "Standing with Muslims against Islamophobia and Racism" so it was certainly at the same gathering.

Yes, a rally to support Muslims against violence ended up becoming a public call to kill Jews.

In Brooklyn.

(full article and video/photos online)

Brooklyn College rally against New Zealand murders turns into calls to murder Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is a pretty good list of "As a Jews." Notice that none of them seem to actually live in Israel and would have to live with the consequences of their policy prescriptions.

The Jews who actually support Israel and who disagree with calling it an apartheid state - including virtually all Israeli Jews - are the evil "New Afrikaners." (The idea that Zionists would be against an Israel that truly practiced apartheid is not even considered by Mearsheimer, who is of course the archetypical "As a Jew"/"Righteous Jew.")

The people who style themselves as the "righteous Jews" are sending a clear message - the other Jews, Jews who actually believe that Jews have a right to self determination, are immoral.

It is only a small step beyond that to be telling the world that only one kind of Jew deserves to be treated with respect and as a human being. The other type supports apartheid, oppression, murdering innocent children and all manner of war crimes - and when they get blown up and stabbed by the good oppressed Palestinians, they somehow deserve it.

When a Jew says "As a Jew," he is signaling to the world that the "other" Jews deserve to be hated. That is pure antisemitism.

(full article online)

"AsAJudaism" IS antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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