All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Arabs first, Muslim second, and Peace with Israel......whenever it is appropriate. Now, if their holy site in Arabia was threatened....would they ask for help from Israel?
"Occupied Jerusalem" . Amazing how it was not "occupied" when the Jordanians took part of it in 1948 ]

“The parliament recommended the government recall the Jordanian ambassador from Israel and expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman to confront the ongoing Israeli aggression at holy sites in occupied Jerusalem,” reports the official Petra news agency.

(full article online)

Jordan MPs urge expulsion of Israel ambassador as Temple Mount tensions spiral
  • Ireland, as a European Union member state, is subject to the EU's commercial rules. EU trade rules may prohibit Ireland's unilateral action as an EU treaty requires common commercial policy for all EU member states. The proposed law "could force US companies with Irish subsidiaries to choose between violating the Irish law or violating US Export Administration Regulations." — Orde Kittrie, Professor of Law, Arizona State University.

  • Worst, there is no evidence that Ireland's "pro-Palestinian" activities are in any way helping Palestinians, who continue to be arrested, tortured and deprived of any viable future by their own corrupt leaders. Most European activities seem actually focused on trying to destroy Israel.

  • What is most notable, of course, is that there is no commensurate hostility toward any other country. Ireland's rancid vote also needs to be contrasted to its virtual silence regarding countries that are daily committing hair-raising crimes against humanity, such as Iran, China, Turkey, Syria, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Mauritania, Cuba, Venezuela or Sudan, for instance. Why only Israel? What is now on display is simply a hypocritical condemnation by Ireland of the only democracy in in the Middle East with equal rights for all its citizens.

  • What is essential is that this double standard -- one set of rules for Israel and a whole other set of rules for countries actually committing atrocities -- must stop.
(full article online)

Ireland's Anti-Israel Drift: How Did It Come to This?
  • Suddenly, everyone was talking only about the rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, and Hamas seemed to have gotten away with its beating and shooting at peaceful protesters. It is also worth noting that many of the Palestinians who were brutally beaten by Hamas were children. In the view of many Palestinians, what Hamas is doing in the Gaza Strip is tantamount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  • Recently, in a grotesque allegation, UN human rights "experts" claimed that Israel may have committed war crimes by shooting at Palestinian demonstrators who tried to breach the Gaza-Israel border fence and infiltrate into Israel. The demonstrators who were shot were mostly Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, as both organizations have openly admitted. In other words, Israel is being accused of war crimes for defending its border against terrorists attempting to infiltrate it in order to murder or kidnap Israelis.

  • Perhaps a small step, such as viewing easily available material, would set the record straight. These UN human rights "experts" might, for a change, glance at the videos and photos coming out of the Gaza Strip to see who is really responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity: Hamas. Its members are opening fire at peaceful protesters, who are taking their lives in their hands to end the harsh economic conditions created by their rulers' catastrophic policies in the Gaza Strip. It is the leaders of Hamas, and only Hamas, who are committing war crimes in and around Gaza. They are committing war crimes against Jews and they are committing war crimes against their own people.
(full article online)

Hamas War Crimes against Israel, Palestinians
Hundreds of pro-Israel demonstrators on Monday gathered outside the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 40th session in Geneva as the body prepared for its annual “item 7” debate — a fixed agenda item for Israel alone among the UN’s 193 member states, and one solely dedicated to alleged Israeli human rights abuses.

Organized by the human rights advocacy organization UN Watch under the slogan #EnoughisEnough, speakers at the rally called for the scrapping of “item 7.”

“It speaks to the fundamental flaws of the Human Rights Council that it singles out Israel on a permanent basis,” Richard Grenell — the US ambassador to Germany — told the crowd to applause.

Monday’s rally coincided with what UN Watch called an “unprecedented assault” on Israel, as the council published seven separate reports alleging Israeli war crimes and other human rights offenses. By comparison, some of the world’s most notorious human rights abusers, including North Korea, Venezuela and Syria, are the subject of just one resolution each.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Crowd in Geneva Protests Outside UN Human Rights Council’s Ritual Condemnation of Jewish State
I will not start a thread after each news which comes out. This one will be it.
This thread will deal with news not only happening in Israel but around the world.
I will post the links to the news and it is up to those who wish to read and discuss them, to do so.
Attacks only, will be ignored. Multiple attackers will be put on ignore.
Discuss what the article says, and provide evidence to your arguments.
Keep the conversation on a civil level. Thank you.

I love it how you can’t say anything bad about Israel like I don’t like their policies or their corrupt leader, or his corrupt wife.

I support Israel and the USA but I don’t support Bibi or trump.

And more Jewish Americans vote democrat for a reason
I will not start a thread after each news which comes out. This one will be it.
This thread will deal with news not only happening in Israel but around the world.
I will post the links to the news and it is up to those who wish to read and discuss them, to do so.
Attacks only, will be ignored. Multiple attackers will be put on ignore.
Discuss what the article says, and provide evidence to your arguments.
Keep the conversation on a civil level. Thank you.

I love it how you can’t say anything bad about Israel like I don’t like their policies or their corrupt leader, or his corrupt wife.

I support Israel and the USA but I don’t support Bibi or trump.

And more Jewish Americans vote democrat for a reason
There is a whole thread here dedicated to saying bad things about Israel.

I see you could not respond to what the article says.

People protesting the worthless time wasted on Israel by a clearly anti Jewish organization is not acceptable for you.

Too bad. Because it continues to be a worthless organization taken over by Jew haters who want to help destroy Israel by any means.

Deal with what the article says.
I have just spent several dark weeks back inside Palestine Live. Today I publish a new report that focuses on the activity of American anti-Zionists, many of them Jewish (download link below). It is impossible to do a 262-page report justice in a small blog. The catalyst was the unfolding events in the United States. Jewish life for American Jews is different to the experience of Jews in the UK. Yet there are also similarities. I read an interesting article by Jonathan S Tobin, editor in chief of, that was titled ‘How progressives are destroying the Jewish ‘big tent‘.

The subject matter will be familiar with Jewish people in the UK – Tobin discusses fringe organisations and where you draw the line when deciding which Jewish groups can be allowed in the ‘big tent’. Tobin had written the article because the week before, the Boston Jewish Community Relations Council voted to start a process to by which one of their constituent organizations might be booted out – why? Because they had indicated support for the Boycott movement, BDS.

I see the daily news in the US and it reminds me of the UK a few years ago. There are signs they are on a similar divisive path. Antisemitism rises and Jewish anti-Zionists leap into action, claiming it is about ‘criticism of Israel’. Creating an industry of antisemitism denial that legitmises antisemites. They write articles, they sign petitions, they appear on TV. In the States they have vocal anti-Zionist Jewish activists running organisations such as JVP and Codepink. Did you see the way they ran to protect Ilhan Omar? They create an environment within which antisemitism is given protection. Just like the anti-Zionists of Jewish Voice for Labour did in the UK. Only in the US, both anti-Zionist Jews and antisemites are more numerous.

(full article online)

An industry of antisemitism denial. American anti-Zionists of Palestine Live
And these are just the major events. In Sweden, "pro-Palestinian" protesters have been heard saying they want a new intifada to kill the Jews and call Jews "apes and pigs."

They aren't Christian.

Dabashi deliberately erased every single major deadly incident of antisemitism in Europe in order to support his argument that all European antisemitism is Christian. The only mention of an actual attack was the murder of Ilan Halimi by a Muslim gang - but Dabashi just calls them a gang.

In other words, Dabashi - while pretending to be against antisemitism - is erasing rampant Muslim antisemitism in Europe, virtually the only flavor of antisemitism that has actually been killing Jews in Europe over the past decade.

Why does he do this? By mentioning Halimi's murder he shows that he is aware of the many deadly attacks against Jews by Muslims in Europe, so this cannot be an oversight. Dabashi wants to deliberately erase history to bolster his thesis that Muslims cannot be antisemitic and only European Christians can, Why?

The answer can be found in his vitriol against Zionism:

"Today, anti-Semitism is real and Zionists are categorically unqualified even to detect, let alone to fight it. Jews are the victims, Zionists the beneficiaries of anti-Semitism. ...

To fight anti-Semitism, the fighter must have moral authority. As a racist apartheid state, Israel lacks that moral authority. As an ideology of racist occupation of Palestine, Zionism lacks that moral authority. As active, hardcore or liberal advocates of that ideology of land theft, occupation and incremental genocide of Palestinians, Zionists lack that moral authority."

According to Dabashi, Zionism is so evil that Zionists have no moral authority - the implication that they have forfeited their very right to be considered human beings.

(full article online)

Columbia professor @HamidDabashi implicitly justifies Muslims murdering Jews in an article supposedly against antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Mr. President,

I was a British commander in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan and have extensive experience dealing with rioting crowds whipped up by armed terrorists.

I have observed the violent demonstrations on the Gaza border many times, from the front lines — unlike you Mr. Chairman, and your commission, who have never been there. These are organized efforts to break through the fence and slaughter Jewish civilians. Hamas also set out to induce the IDF to kill Gaza civilians, to instigate global condemnation of Israel.

The IDF took every-possible step to avoid Palestinian casualties. But using live ammunition as a last resort was the only way they could defend their own people.

The commission grotesquely perverts this reality.

I accuse this council of handing a deliberately biased mandate to the commission, intended to defame Israel.

I accuse this commission of misrepresenting Hamas’s actions, twisting organized violence into “peaceful protest.”

I accuse this commission of acting as an instrument of Hamas terrorism by falsely accusing Israel of crimes against humanity, by validating terror tactics and by inciting killing and violence.

I accuse this commission of betraying the Palestinian people by failing to condemn their Hamas oppressors — who as we meet today are firing on genuine peaceful protesters in Gaza.

I accuse this commission of wicked prejudice against the Jewish State and its army in a manner calculated to undermine its ability to defend itself.

Greater violence is planned by Hamas in a few days. Violence this council could restrain by condemning Hamas for its murderous actions and rejecting this outrageous report. I appeal to every member state to repudiate it. If you do not, you will have the blood of Palestinians and Israelis on your hands.

Col. Richard Kemp addresses UN Gaza Commission at UNHRC - UN Watch


Another Brutal Crackdown by Hamas in Gaza

Protesting the electricity crisis, in the Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza, on January 12, 2017. One demonstrator holds a sign that reads, in Arabic, “We want electricity.” On that day, Hamas security forces detained scores who participated in the demonstrations in Jabalia.

I'm afraid all is not well in the islamic paradise of Yahya'istan. Arbitrary arrests, torture, beating of prisoners.... you know, once we get past the usual goings-on in islamic terrorist paradises, what's the complaint?
Two Arab youths were shot dead Wednesday morning, the eve of Purim, by the IDF after throwing explosives at soldiers guarding Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem, the IDF Spokesperson reported. No soldiers were hurt.

The two Arabs threw the charges from a passing vehicle, and in response the soldiers opened fire at them and hit their vehicle with an engineering tools.

Ma’an presents PA security sources who said “the clashes broke out when about 1,000 settlers stormed the tomb of Yusuf east of Nablus under the protection of Israeli soldiers.” The “settlers” (a term used by Arab media to describe all Israelis) were transported there in twenty buses.

Incidentally, the connection between Joseph and Purim is that both Mordechai of the Megillah and Joseph of the book of Genesis were the children of Rachel.

(full article online)

IDF Kills 2 Arabs Who Threw Explosives at Joseph’s Tomb
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