All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Hamas said to beat Gazans protesting dire economic conditions for second day
Reports of live fire as residents of Hamas-ruled enclave burn tires in Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis in rare show of dissent to terror group’s rule
By TOI STAFF15 March 2019, 8:56 pm 2

  • A screenshot of video shown by the Kann public broadcaster of a protest in the Gaza Strip over the cost of living on March 15, 2019. (Screen capture: Twitter)
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip took to the streets on Friday for the second successive day to protest against Hamas and the dire economic condition in the Strip, with some reports saying the terror group used live fire to put down the demonstrations.

    The protests came after a night of violence surrounding the Strip, that was sparked when two rockets were fired at Tel Aviv. In response Israel hit more than 100 Hamas targets and Hamas fired seven more rockets into Israel before the two sides reportedly reached a fresh ceasefire.

    Hamas said to beat Gazans protesting dire economic conditions for second day

    I think Abbas should consider sending in Iranian peace keeping forces.

“Blame Israel First: 2002-2006” is a title chapter, one of a dozen built upon the scaffolding set up for the years from 1896 through 1948, when Israel was created, and used to encapsulate particular themes. Among them are: “Conquest and Occupation: 1960-79”; “Arabs and Jews: 1979-84”; “Moral Equivalence: 1984-1988” (devoted entirely to Thomas Friedman); “Occupation Cruelty: 1988-89”; “Illusions of Peace: 1990-1996”; “Realities of Conflict: 1996-2001.”

These themes, inevitably, overlap from chapter to chapter, but all chapters serve to demonstrate that the overwhelming majority of Times editors, columnists, and reporters have displayed — how should one put it? — a striking lack of compassion toward Jews. This harshness is enough to make one wonder why so many American Jews judge Judaism by Times standards rather than the Times by the standards of Judaism.

Chapters dealing with the interminable question of the disputed “territories” also have in common a logical absurdity, obvious yet barely mentioned in the paper. From 1948-67 the Arabs had complete, unfettered control of the territories, theirs to do with whatever they liked; and what they liked was not the creation of a new Palestinian state, but a convenient site from which to launch terrorist attacks against Israel.

(full article online)

Journalism’s Longest War: The New York Times Versus Zionism and Israel
Oh my. It seems UNRWA is about to get a bill to pay for the acts of stupidity committed by the Islamic terrorist franchise they support.

IDF releases photos of Hamas posts flattened in response to rocket fire

The Israeli military said a massive sortie carried out in Gaza last week in response to rocket fire on Tel Aviv flattened a “terror headquarters” of the Hamas group and naval posts belonging to the group, among other sites.

Pictures released by the military early Sunday showed extensive damage to several of the sites hit during the round of airstrikes early Friday, which came after two rockets were fired at Tel Aviv in what Israeli authorities now apparently believe to have been an accident.

Three days ago, the New York Times published an article entitled "Jaffa Is Tel Aviv’s Unexpected Luxury Hotspot."

Palestinians were outraged because an article about Jaffa in 2019 didn't include their lies about Jaffa in 1948.

They wrote to the New York Times, and unbelievably it issued a correction - assuming their lies about most of Jaffa's Arabs being expelled in 1948 is the truth.

Editors’ Note: March 14, 2019

The original version of this article, in focusing exclusively on the new high-end hotels and other additions, failed to touch on important aspects of Jaffa's makeup and its history — in particular, the history and continuing presence of its Arab population and the expulsion of many residents in 1948. Because of this lapse, the article also did not acknowledge the continuing controversy about new development and its effect on Jaffa. After readers pointed out the problems, editors added some of that background information to this version.

This paragraph was added to the article:

The gentrification hasn’t pleased everyone. Jaffa for centuries has been a stronghold of Arab and Muslim life. In 1948, when the State of Israel was founded, most of Jaffa’s Arab residents were forcibly removed from their homes. Today the district is one of the few areas of the country with a mixed Arab and Jewish population, and as luxury projects have moved in, so have accusations that the city’s Muslim history is being erased.Most Arabs did not get expelled from Jaffa in 1948. The New York Times was bullied by Arabs into publishing revisionist history.

(full article online)

The @NYTimes bullied into publishing lie "most Arabs forcibly removed from their homes in Jaffa" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • On Monday the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) will meet in order to go through its regular routine of criticizing Israel.
  • For 25 years the PA has been teaching Palestinian children and youth that terrorist murderers are heroes; that Jews are "the most evil among creations," and Israel is "the enemy"; and that Israel has no right to exist.
  • These intertwined messages have been used by the PA as a means to mobilize and recruit Palestinian children and youth to take an active part in acts of terrorism against Israelis.
  • While the PA rightly criticizes Hamas when it uses these same messages to children to fuel the weekly violent confrontations on the Gaza border, the PA is itself guilty of the same crimes against Palestinian children.
  • Ignoring the wider context, intentions, and actions of the Palestinian terrorists, the PA and its representatives, and Hamas, the UNHRC is set to condemn Israel for the deaths of the Palestinian terrorists killed during these confrontations.
  • If the UNHRC was sincere in its protection of children and human rights, it would condemn the PA and Hamas for indoctrinating entire Palestinian generations to hate Jews and Israel, and for recruiting Palestinian youth to carry out terrorist attacks.
(full article online) Hamas for abuse of Palestinian children.pdf
"Security services have developed prevention capabilities to avoid terrorist activities from the start,” said Brebing. “Most potential terrorists are caught at home while they’re still sleeping but the public doesn't hear about it. The public only hears of the few successful attacks.”

“Attacks of a few individuals are not an intifada,” Brebing asserted. “We have a very high prevention rate. This year alone, we prevented around 100 attacks. Most of the young potential terrorists leave to commit an attack with the intention of not surviving the incident,” he added.

According to Brebing, the Palestinian Authority doesn’t hand over terrorists who harm Jews to Israel, but imprisons them instead in order to portray itself as having control over their own citizens.

(full article online)

'Most terrorists caught before attack'
About “complicity”... An Israeli has been killed and two seriously injured in a Palestinian Arab attack in northern Samaria, Ariel. I know the moral and cultural accomplices of all these massacres of Israelis that are repeated in the abominable general silence: the UN, which has said that their blood is less red than the others; Europe, which finances Palestinians, a violent palingenesis of them, and which marks the goods of their victims; the mainstream media, which describe their lives as illegal; also the world Islamic umma. What about the Great Replacement of the only Jewish state in the world, Israel?

(full article online)

Who are the accomplices of terror?
Never before have Shabbat services been shut down as synagogues closed this last weekend in Christchurch NZ. Polarisation is now declared, not over a crackling radio, not in a Churchillian speech, but by self targeting Dhimmitude. C4T March 2019

“....shutting their churches and synagogues in deference to the mosque,....” Katie Hopkins March 2019
[ The Arabs continue to show that the land is theirs, by the way they treat it ]

"The illegal scrapyard at Rameh has been in operation for years, causing massive environmental damage, polluting our groundwater and soil, and blighting the landscape of the Galilee. Our repeated protests, inquiries, and letters to the local authorities and the Ministry of Environmental Protection got us nowhere, and we eventually had no choice but to take the matter to court," says Hezi Eyal, Regavim's Field Coordinator for the Northern Region.

(full article and video online)

Love of the Land: Important First Steps in Resolving the Question of Galilee Green or Metallic Green - Regavim
According to this report, Israel has enjoyed a respite from Palestinian rocket fire since 2014.


Residents of southern Israel, who have been under rocket fire would beg to differ. In fact, they could just point to the Post’s own coverage of other rocket attacks this past November, June, May, ad nauseam . . .

(full article online)

Four Years of Gaza Rockets Erased | HonestReporting
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