All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Jordan insists that Jerusalem is a "red line", speaking specifically about the Temple Mount and the Holy Sites there. He claims, "It is our duty to protect the Muslim and Christian sites in Jerusalem."

The question is: Protect the Muslim and Christian holy sites FROM WHAT?!

He also demands that Israel maintain the status quo. Of course, by "status quo" he means that Muslims should be able to do whatever they want, including opening new mosques, stashing weapons and murdering people. All while preventing Jews from ... well, anything. Some status quos seems to be more equal than others.

Further, the article linked says that Jordan is "custodian over the Old City's Holy Sites". Actually, incorrect. Jordan is granted "present special role" with respect to the Muslim Holy Sites. (Not the Jewish and Christian sites -- the Muslim sites).
Why are their 5 Mosques on The Temple Mount?

When they talk about protecting Muslim sites it is code for they won’t allow a Jewish Temple on The Mount.

Yahweh will intervene to make that happen.

The third Temple will be built even if Yahweh has to grind those 5 mosques in to the ground Himself on David’s Threshing Floor.

Jordan insists that Jerusalem is a "red line", speaking specifically about the Temple Mount and the Holy Sites there. He claims, "It is our duty to protect the Muslim and Christian sites in Jerusalem."

The question is: Protect the Muslim and Christian holy sites FROM WHAT?!

He also demands that Israel maintain the status quo. Of course, by "status quo" he means that Muslims should be able to do whatever they want, including opening new mosques, stashing weapons and murdering people. All while preventing Jews from ... well, anything. Some status quos seems to be more equal than others.

Further, the article linked says that Jordan is "custodian over the Old City's Holy Sites". Actually, incorrect. Jordan is granted "present special role" with respect to the Muslim Holy Sites. (Not the Jewish and Christian sites -- the Muslim sites).
When Item 7 was first introduced, Ban Ki-Moon, then UN Secretary General, voiced his disappointment “given the range and scope of allegations of human rights violations throughout the world”.

Far from serving any useful purpose, I fear that this dedicated place obstructs the quest for peace in the Middle East.

To understand why, remember the verse of the late Israeli poet and peace campaigner, Yehuda Amichai: “From the places where we are right, flowers will never grow in the spring. The place where we are right is hard and trampled like a road.”

Instead of promoting reconciliation and compromise, Item 7 strengthens the hard and trampled road of self righteousness, a narrative that one side alone holds a monopoly of fault. A lasting peace would require the parties to acknowledge the wrong and harm committed by every side, requiring painful compromise by all.

(full article online)
An order posted on the door of the building said that the center, which is connected to the French foreign ministry, intended to host an event organized with a women’s association “sponsored or financed by the Palestinian Authority” and “without authorization.”

(full article online)

Opinion | Natural Born Settlers
This is a perfunctory demand for an absurd result - that Hamas condemn its own people. There is no passion when Amnesty reports on Hamas outrages against Israelis. The only language showing anger at the movement is when it attacks other Palestinians and internationals. And even that mild wrist slapping of Hamas in the bus bombing was accompanied by accusations of Israel extrajudiciously killing Palestinians (during the "knife intifada") - effectively neutralizing any tiny demand on Hamas by saying that Israel is worse.

This week's press release is, as far as I can tell, the only time Amnesty didn't mention Israel when saying Hamas did something not completely in line with human rights.

(full article online)

For the first time, @Amnesty actually seems upset at Hamas - because one of its consultants was detained ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The gee-had wannabe screachers are a hoot. Another of the cartoon character Hamas wannabes is exhorting the vacant-minded cartoon character balloon gee-had wannabes to “buy more weapons”.

What a concept. UNRWA / Islamic Terrorist Welfare Fraud money to finance the gee-had for an invented people with an invented “national” identity.

"Hamas Official Rafiq Abu Hani Brandishes Handgun and Says to "Heroes of Resistance": Take Our Livelihood and Buy More Weapons"

Hamas official Rafiq Abu Hani said in a speech that aired on March 17, 2019 on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) that the goal of the Palestinians is Jihad for the sake of Allah. He then drew a handgun and brandished it, saying: "We all agree that our weapons – in which lie our honor and strength – will be put down only in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound." Addressing Mohammed Deif, the Al-Qassam Brigades, and the "heroes of the resistance" in the West Bank and Gaza, he said: "Take our livelihoods from us and buy more [guns]!

“Take our livelihoods from us and buy more [guns]! “

Really, Abu? When did living on the proceeds of welfare become a livelihood?

Even Dershowitz used the Jews and money trope. In a panel discussion about BDS he stated that any university that dis invested would see the Jewish donors cut off their money.
Actions have consequences.

Do you truly believe that extreme Christians and Muslims can Boycott and Divest from Israel and attempt to destroy it, and there will not be a reaction to fight the BDS?

Poor Tinmore. :(
When Item 7 was first introduced, Ban Ki-Moon, then UN Secretary General, voiced his disappointment “given the range and scope of allegations of human rights violations throughout the world”.

Far from serving any useful purpose, I fear that this dedicated place obstructs the quest for peace in the Middle East.

To understand why, remember the verse of the late Israeli poet and peace campaigner, Yehuda Amichai: “From the places where we are right, flowers will never grow in the spring. The place where we are right is hard and trampled like a road.”

Instead of promoting reconciliation and compromise, Item 7 strengthens the hard and trampled road of self righteousness, a narrative that one side alone holds a monopoly of fault. A lasting peace would require the parties to acknowledge the wrong and harm committed by every side, requiring painful compromise by all.

(full article online)
a narrative that one side alone holds a monopoly of fault.
The Zionists came down from Europe and attacked the Palestinians.

What fault can you pin on the Palestinians?
When Item 7 was first introduced, Ban Ki-Moon, then UN Secretary General, voiced his disappointment “given the range and scope of allegations of human rights violations throughout the world”.

Far from serving any useful purpose, I fear that this dedicated place obstructs the quest for peace in the Middle East.

To understand why, remember the verse of the late Israeli poet and peace campaigner, Yehuda Amichai: “From the places where we are right, flowers will never grow in the spring. The place where we are right is hard and trampled like a road.”

Instead of promoting reconciliation and compromise, Item 7 strengthens the hard and trampled road of self righteousness, a narrative that one side alone holds a monopoly of fault. A lasting peace would require the parties to acknowledge the wrong and harm committed by every side, requiring painful compromise by all.

(full article online)
a narrative that one side alone holds a monopoly of fault.
The Zionists came down from Europe and attacked the Palestinians.

What fault can you pin on the Palestinians?
I fault your obsession on your idiocy.

Your ignorance on your Christianity, which only teaches hatred for Jews.

I will not spend any more time explaining what you already know, but refuse to accept.
Even Dershowitz used the Jews and money trope. In a panel discussion about BDS he stated that any university that dis invested would see the Jewish donors cut off their money.
Actions have consequences.

Do you truly believe that extreme Christians and Muslims can Boycott and Divest from Israel and attempt to destroy it, and there will not be a reaction to fight the BDS?

Poor Tinmore. :(
Even Dershowitz used the Jews and money trope. In a panel discussion about BDS he stated that any university that dis invested would see the Jewish donors cut off their money.
Actions have consequences.

Do you truly believe that extreme Christians and Muslims can Boycott and Divest from Israel and attempt to destroy it, and there will not be a reaction to fight the BDS?

Poor Tinmore. :(
Another idiotic response. :)
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