All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Oh, we're ok, thanks. No transportation, but hell with it.
Lipush, hope we don't come to this, but if anyone needs I have 2 spare bedrooms in the north any time .
And one important thing, no hit location updates in real time, anywhere on the media.

Oh, thanks! it's really sweet of you! But for now we're just staying close to shelter. You know how it is, many of us rather just stay here. And we all know about that, it's our number one rule.
Oh, we're ok, thanks. No transportation, but hell with it.
Lipush, hope we don't come to this, but if anyone needs I have 2 spare bedrooms in the north any time .
And one important thing, no hit location updates in real time, anywhere on the media.

Oh, thanks! it's really sweet of you! But for now we're just staying close to shelter. You know how it is, many of us rather just stay here. And we all know about that, it's our number one rule.
I think no one knows how it is more than You guys in the south.
Is this a correct time to ask for preferable solutions short/long term?
Oh, we're ok, thanks. No transportation, but hell with it.
Lipush, hope we don't come to this, but if anyone needs I have 2 spare bedrooms in the north any time .
And one important thing, no hit location updates in real time, anywhere on the media.

Oh, thanks! it's really sweet of you! But for now we're just staying close to shelter. You know how it is, many of us rather just stay here. And we all know about that, it's our number one rule.
No one knows how it is more than You guys in the south,
Is this a correct time to ask for preferable solutions short/long term?

But in the north you've suffered as well through 2006 and before, I remember how it was...

Oh, and we're good. We hear the explosions and Kipat Barzel working outside, but other than that, if there's a siren we just run downstairs for 10 minutes, so it's no biggie:) we're ok here, really.
Oh, we're ok, thanks. No transportation, but hell with it.
Lipush, hope we don't come to this, but if anyone needs I have 2 spare bedrooms in the north any time .
And one important thing, no hit location updates in real time, anywhere on the media.

Oh, thanks! it's really sweet of you! But for now we're just staying close to shelter. You know how it is, many of us rather just stay here. And we all know about that, it's our number one rule.
No one knows how it is more than You guys in the south,
Is this a correct time to ask for preferable solutions short/long term?

But in the north you've suffered as well through 2006 and before, I remember how it was...

Oh, and we're good. We hear the explosions and Kipat Barzel working outside, but other than that, if there's a siren we just run downstairs for 10 minutes, so it's no biggie:) we're ok here, really.

Yes happened to live some 15km from a military aerodrome at that time.
They were bombing the whole valley though, I had so much pity for the Lebanese when getting to see tv between the breaks of the bombings while witnessing elders get serious WW2 flashbacks.
Some kind of strange Stockholm syndrome.

I admire Your standing, but there's nothing ok about this situation.
Yes, no one has it easy.

And tonight it's just crazy. The south doesn't sleep.
Here is the entire press release from the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor NGO regarding the mini-war this weekend in Gaza:

(vide online)

Obviously, to this "human rights" NGO, Jews have no human rights. Even the right to life. Four dead Jews and hundreds of deadly rockets are simply not worth mentioning.

Here are some of Euro-Med's partners, who are all damned by association to an organization that is clearly a propaganda front and not interested in human rights at all:

Some are fake organizations, like the "European Youth for Human Rights" who cannot spell "Rights" and whose Facebook page has not been updated in nearly a year.

Others are serious NGOs, like Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. They should be asked why (or if!) they partner with Euro-Med.

Not surprisingly, the Chairman of Euro-Med's Board of Trustees is Israel-hater Richard Falk.

(full article online)

'Human rights" NGO @EuroMedHR condemns Israel - and does not even MENTION hundreds of rockets from Gaza ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
More than 600 rockets have been fired at Israel since Saturday morning, and Israel is responding by targeting terrorists, as well as Islamic Jihad and Hamas’s facilities. Amid the ongoing exchange of fire, a pregnant woman and her 14-month old daughter were killed in unclear circumstances. Despite the IDF refusing to accept responsibility for the deaths, Palestinian sources were predictably swift to blame Israel, and the British media quickly picked up on the story.

The IDF later put out a statement on Twitter, reading: “Today we can say with certainty, after looking into the event, that they were killed as a result of an explosion of combustible materials during the activation of a Hamas explosive device.” A later tweet went further, accusing journalists of complicity, saying they had “amplified the lie.”

(full article online)

Dishonest Headlines Parrot Hamas Claim | HonestReporting
Indeed, the attacks of missiles and rockets on the Israeli home front did not begin with the uprooting of Gush Katif. There were such attacks before then, but an examination of the facts from a much earlier time will allow us to come to a true understanding and draw conclusions for the future:

As long as the IDF controlled the entire Gaza Strip there were no missiles. Indeed, in 1987 there was the first Intifada, but the weapons that the Arabs used on us then were stones and sometimes even firebombs. Nothing more than that. The IDF monitored the roads and had a presence in the cities. The security forces had comprehensive intelligence and many terror attacks were prevented while even in their planning phase. Attempts to smuggle weapons were thwarted. The reason for this is simple: The IDF was there.

And then, instead of putting down the Intifada once and for all, some leaders dreamed up withdrawals and concessions with the idea of rewarding the attacker and signed the Oslo Accords. The Gaza-Jericho accord was signed in May 1994, and the IDF left most parts of the Gaza Strip; they withdrew from the cities and the villages except for Gush Katif, Netzarim, Kfar Darom, Alei Sinai, and Dugit, and the area was abandoned to the control of the Palestinian Authority.

It began with aging mortars, remember? “Patzmarim” in Hebrew. When the first mortar was launched at Netzarim in January 2001, we deluded ourselves with the sentence "Well – it's just a mortar" but since then, they have only become more sophisticated and we have tied our own hands with the question, "What – are we going to reconquer Gaza?" And we made ourselves powerless. Some of these problems were corrected in Judea and Samaria during Operation Defensive Shield, when the IDF presence returned to all of the cities and the villages. In Gaza, on the other hand, there was no such operation. This is the reason that there are no rockets from Judea and Samaria, but from Gaza there are so many.

(full article online)

The rockets from Gaza began in Oslo
This will come as news to NYU's Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, which released a statement last week that said it will boycott Israel in part because of "Israel’s long-standing discriminatory policies (as acknowledged by the State Department) of barring entry to Palestinians or persons of Arab descent and Muslim heritage."

As I noted last week, the State Department said no such thing - because it does not lie the way NYU academics do.

(full article online)

72,000 visitors from Muslim countries to Israel in 2018. NYU "academics" think that's impossible. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There, are of course, always white nationalists who voice reactionary anti-Semitism, but most are pathetic fringe groups easily identified and ostracized. For all the invective lodged against Donald Trump, no president has proved more sensitive to Jewish issues and more committed to the survival of Israel. The anti-Semitic extreme alt-right has received no sanction from the Republican party, and it remains a tiny, mostly irrelevant group of losers. In contrast, progressive Jew-hatred is expressed at the nation’s premier institutions, such as UC Berkeley, the New York Times, and the U.S. Congress.

Again, why?

The far Left is intertwined with Islamist activists. Both share a hatred of the U.S. and see the Middle East as a postcolonial victim of Western imperialism. Students and urban youth bond with radical Islamists in their shared dislike of the Western countries (such as Israel) in general and the United States in particular.

Radical Muslims and the Left disguise their hatred of Jews by claiming that they are only championing downtrodden Palestinians. Few bother to ask them why a tiny democracy in a sea of autocracy is always singled out any time global attention turns to the question of refugees, disputed territories, or treatment of supposed religious minorities. In other words, the hater of Jews always says, “I have no problem with the Jewish people, but I do not like the imperialist and colonial policies of the Jewish state of Israel.”

But if so, why not extend such universal empathy for refugees to the last of the East Prussian Germans, or those who are left of the Volga Russians, or the octogenarians still alive from the nearly 1 million Jews who were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homes in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and throughout the Islamic world? Why pick only on tiny Israel.

If the rub is disputed land, why not agitate for the northern Cypriot Greeks who suffered (and do suffer) terribly from the occupation of Turkish overseers, or the Tibetans, whose lands were simply expropriated by Chinese Communists?

If the youth of today are anxious about the treatment of religious minorities, why not at least confess that 1 million Arab speakers in Israel cherish freedoms found nowhere else in the Middle East? They also are certainly freer and more secure than Muslim minorities in either India or China. So there is no reason to fixate on a tiny constitutional society — except that it is a Jewish state.

Progressive Anti-Semitism Surges: Why Now? | National Review
[ The Last Ramadans explained ]

Things are a little different in Arabic.

Venerable Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram has an article about Ramadan that reminds readers that Ramadan is not only a time for worship - but a great time for war, too.

"The holy month of Ramadan was not only a month of rest and worship, but history shows it has been a month of great victories and conquests, which have been an important part of Islamic history throughout the ages," the article begins.

It then goes on to describe major battles that occurred during Ramadan, from the Battle of Badr during Mohammed's time, through the conquest of Andalusia, the Battle of Tours, France where the Muslims were defeated by Charles Martel, a war against the Mongols and the Yom Kippur War.

Al Ahram was founded in 1875 and is Egypt's most popular newspaper.

(full article online)

Egyptian newspaper reminds readers that Ramadan is a great time for war ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hamas is holding 2 mentally ill Israelis captive

Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed crossed separately from Israel into Gaza on separate occasions in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Hamas has acknowledged – albeit indirectly – that it is holding the two men, but the group has refused to release any further information.

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