All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Christian Arab Ex-IDF Soldier Continues Fight for Israel

A terror attack years ago that killed Arab-Israelis showed this Arab-Israeli that the IDF fights for everyone in Israel. He continues the fight to this day, even after his IDF time is over.

At least one part of the Arab world is choosing sides when it comes to the Shia heretical sect and their occupation forces in Gaza.

Saudi journalists support Israel over Hamas in latest battles

"Our hearts are with you. May Allah protect Israel and its people," wrote Abd Al-Hamid Al-Hakim, former director of the Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies in Jeddah.

Several prominent Saudi journalists and intellectuals tweeted their support for Israel in its latest confrontation with Hamas, according to a report from the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Some responses to the battles also blamed Iran for instigating the crisis.

"We will not let the treacherous hand of Iran and its agents in Gaza reach the Israeli people," he continued. "It's time to say this out loud: confronting the terror of Hamas is the responsibility of all the countries in the region and of the international community [as a whole], not only of Israel. I say to the Arabs...: Do you want these murderers and agents of Iran to rule Jerusalem?!"
[Nope, there isn't ONE Jewish/Israeli thing the Arab/Muslim/Palestinians will not copy and imitate. And as usual,
it is not done as a compliment ]

Of course I'm joking. People of Palestinian descent are obviously allowed to organize their own trips, filled with propaganda and stories about their nonexistent history as a people and photo-ops at the gravesite of the 20th century's leading terrorist. It is free speech and insisting that outsiders control the agenda is oppression. We can point out the lies, but we cannot tell them what to say.

But for some reason, Jews are not extended the same rights, according to the crazed haters of Israel at IfNotNow and JVP.

If someone thinks that Birthright must accommodate other viewpoints on their trips, but they don't insist on the same for KTH, then the lofty moral standards they pretend to be advocating is nothing but dressed-up hate.

Similarly, anyone who thinks that protesting a Palestinian heritage organization is bigoted, but that protesting a Jewish heritage organization isn't, is the real bigot.

(full article online)

There's a Palestinian Birthright! Let's insist that it allows pro-Israel viewpoints! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Can one imagine if Israeli Jews marked the "catastrophe" which began to befall them from 1920 to 1948 when they were expelled from Gaza, Hevron, and all of Judea and Samaria AND their Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem? How would the world have embraced them from 1948 to 1967 if they had cried and protested the same way as the Arabs continue to do, and ended up just like some Israeli Arabs who continue to dream of a world without any Jewish sovereignty over ANY land in the world ? ]

Israeli Arabs mark Palestinian ‘catastrophe’ of 1948 in annual march
Outgoing French ambassador to the US Gérard Araud is a long-time anti-Israel basher and vocal antisemite. In a parting interview with the Atlantic, he said that Israel will have to either make Palestinians totally stateless or turn them into its citizens. “They won’t make them citizens of Israel,” he said. “So they will have to make it official…which is an apartheid. There will be officially an apartheid state. They are in fact already.”

Peculiar semantics aside, Araud’s slander is smart. It levels an accusation about what may happen in the future, which is extremely difficult to refute. If someone tells an individual, “You are a rapist,” proof can be demanded. But if one says instead, “You will be a rapist someday,” nothing has to be proven. The falsehood of the hateful accusation is not made fully clear until the accused person dies. By placing his emphasis on Israel’s future ignominy as an apartheid state, Araud feels comfortable throwing in the aside that Israel is already such a state.

Of all people, a French ambassador should be among the last to slander Israel in this way.

(full article online)

The Cleverest Kind of Lie: Accusing Israel of Future Crimes
Yesterday in London I saw a few thousand people march down Regent Street, past Piccadilly and into Whitehall. All the usual faces were present, hard-core antisemites and Holocaust deniers leading a bunch of foolish sheep. They sang songs about destroying Israel through violence, they held aloft antisemitic signs and they gave antisemitic speeches. The only media that did report it, presented it as some type of peace march. Events such as this show how distorted and dangerous the discussion over Israel and British Jews has become.

The preparation
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) set up the event in London. Everyone knows that hate and racism runs through the veins of this organisation. My report into the high levels of antisemitism in the PSC was published in Feb 2017. Last week the Evening Standard published their own expose of the antisemitism in the group. According to all my research, when people who wave the Palestinian flag gather in the UK, at least 40% of them share antisemitic ideologies. For someone like me, seeing thousands walk proudly through London’s streets, an event such as this is truly sickening. Stop the War Coalition and Friends of Al Aqsa also helped organise the event. Buses were arranged nationally and there was talk of this being ‘the largest’ demonstration ever:

(full article online)

Eyewitness account: Antisemitic hate walks through London once more
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