All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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I know this has been explained to you on multiple occasions but I'll remind you, again, that the Hamas Death Cult charter makes explicit and repeated appeals to Allah to further their goal of Jew genocide.

That you want to maintain the Hamas Death Cultists are not deeply religious, pious islamics is just silly.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Jews spend the day in Gaza. Assuming they had to go to Hamas for permission for all this.

I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.

It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?

Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

Only in the diseased mind of an Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailer does that nonsense "stand".
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Jews spend the day in Gaza. Assuming they had to go to Hamas for permission for all this.

I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.

It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?

Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

Only in the diseased mind of an Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailer does that nonsense "stand".

The official numbers state the facts. You merely shovel shit.
I know this has been explained to you on multiple occasions but I'll remind you, again, that the Hamas Death Cult charter makes explicit and repeated appeals to Allah to further their goal of Jew genocide.

That you want to maintain the Hamas Death Cultists are not deeply religious, pious islamics is just silly.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Jews spend the day in Gaza. Assuming they had to go to Hamas for permission for all this.

I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.

It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?

Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
(Next: Chanukah and Yom Kippur )

Note the text on the poster, especially this part:

[What blessings can we use to replace “Next year in Jerusalem?”]

Without thinking, the haters are reminding everyone that the Passover Haggadah, written well over a thousand years ago, has text expressing our hope of returning to Israel, in particular our holiest city, Jerusalem.

(full article online)

Haters At Concordia University Engage In Shameless Passover Cultural Appropriation | Israellycool
"The pamphlet was published by David Horowitz’ Freedom Center, which frequently targets students and scholars for speaking out about justice for Palestinians."

This is a code word for students and scholars whose accusations against Israel violate both academic standards of honesty, and engage in demeaning language (Israelis=Nazis), any of which kinds of accusations, diluted by a factor of 10, if directed against Muslims, would break the Islamophobia meter.

How Academics think about Freedom of Speech: Fisking the Email that Killed Phyllis Chesler’s Talk on Shame-Murders | Augean Stables
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Jews spend the day in Gaza. Assuming they had to go to Hamas for permission for all this.

I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.

It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?

Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?

You are such a nut. Gaza was either Egyptian or Phillistine, never Jewish.

3,600-Year-Old Town of Treasures Excavated in Gaza
I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.
It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?
Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

Only in the diseased mind of an Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailer does that nonsense "stand".
The official numbers state the facts. You merely shovel shit.

What "official numbers"?
You are such a nut. Gaza was either Egyptian or Phillistine, never Jewish.

You seriously aren't going to argue that there has never been any Jewish presence in Gaza, are you? If we are going to do the test, why don't we put the Jewish "settlement" in the place where the 1500 year old synagogue was.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Jews spend the day in Gaza. Assuming they had to go to Hamas for permission for all this.

I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.

It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?

Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?

Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?
I see that having nothing to support your earlier comments leaves you no option but to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube videos.
It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?
Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
It is quite relevant. You are always babbling on about how Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Code Pink has been to Gaza several times and have extensively toured Gaza. They have been in contact with the Hamas government to obtain permits. They have received no threats. Nobody has been attacked.

I posted a video of one of these visits. This blows a hole in your "Hamas wants to kill all the Jews" propaganda bullshit.

There have been many Jews visit Gaza from the ISM, Rabbis, Free Gaza boats, and convoys. There have never been any problems. Jews are safer in Gaza than they are in Israel.

No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?
Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
What a dumb post.
No kidding? Jews are safer in Gaza.

You have fallen down and jumped your head again.

If Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews, why would they have a charter explicitly outline their intention to do that?
Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
What a dumb post.

How so? You are trying to highlight the difference between Jews and Israel as though the one was fine, but the other somehow problematic.

So? Why?
Number of Jews killed in Israel???? Hmmmm?

Number of Jews killed in Gaza? 0

My comment stands.

There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
What a dumb post.

How so? You are trying to highlight the difference between Jews and Israel as though the one was fine, but the other somehow problematic.

So? Why?
There are Palestinian (not Israeli) Jews living in the West Bank and there are no problems.

The problem was never the Jews. It has always been Israel.
There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
What a dumb post.

How so? You are trying to highlight the difference between Jews and Israel as though the one was fine, but the other somehow problematic.

So? Why?
There are Palestinian (not Israeli) Jews living in the West Bank and there are no problems.

The problem was never the Jews. It has always been Israel.

But again, why?

Why are Palestinian Jews okay and Israeli Jews not okay?

What is the essential difference between a Palestinian Jew and an Israeli Jew?

Except that an Israeli Jew wants self-determination and the Palestinian Jew is content to live under Arab sovereignty with no self-determination?

If we flipped it -- it would be like saying that an Israeli Arab is okay but a Palestinian Arab is something to be condemned. And then saying the problem is not with Arabs but with Palestine.
There are no Jews in Gaza. Of course none have been killed in Gaza.

Wanna test it? Let's start a Jewish "settlement" in an historic Jewish town in Gaza.

What do you think will happen?
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
What a dumb post.

How so? You are trying to highlight the difference between Jews and Israel as though the one was fine, but the other somehow problematic.

So? Why?
There are Palestinian (not Israeli) Jews living in the West Bank and there are no problems.

The problem was never the Jews. It has always been Israel.

Sorry, pointless. Jew hating is an essential component of Islamist ideology. Afterall, when a brutal, theocratic fear society looks to strengthen itself internally by whipping its citizens into a hateful frenzy, inventing external enemies is a typical process.
Interesting question. The last time Jews moved to Gaza they brought Israel with them. I wonder if they went to Gaza without Israel. Would that make a difference?

Why would that make a difference?

Dhimmi Jews can be respected enough not to be "resisted" (aka murdred) but Allah forbid that the Jews be given the human right to a homeland?
What a dumb post.

How so? You are trying to highlight the difference between Jews and Israel as though the one was fine, but the other somehow problematic.

So? Why?
There are Palestinian (not Israeli) Jews living in the West Bank and there are no problems.

The problem was never the Jews. It has always been Israel.

Sorry, pointless. Jew hating is an essential component of Islamist ideology. Afterall, when a brutal, theocratic fear society looks to strengthen itself internally by whipping its citizens into a hateful frenzy, inventing external enemies is a typical process.
:confused-84::eusa_doh: This post makes no sense.
Jordan signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1976. This covenant says

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

But Jordan has again engaged in a rhetorical attack on Jews who peacefully visit their holiest site:

The Jordanian government on Thursday condemned the "storming of Jewish extremists" of the Temple Mount under the protection of Israeli police so they wouldn't be lynched.

(full article online)

Jordan says that the Muslim right not to be offended is more important than human rights of Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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