All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In a video of the incident that went viral on pro-Israel social media pages, the young Ethiopian Israeli can be seen standing her ground when faced with the protesters, and explaining that her mother was not sterilized, but received birth control supplements. The heated encounter ended with Abrams demanding that the protestors “stop spreading lies” about Israel.

“Most of the accusations they make against Israel are completely inaccurate and based on lies. Unfortunately, there are also a few Jews and even some Israelis among the anti-Israel crowd who fuel their ignorance,” Abrams said.

(full article online)

Israelis Defend Their Country Against ‘Apartheid’ Smear on South African Campuses
To improve the situation, Israel supports the establishment of desalination plants, he said. In January a UNICEF team finished construction of a desalination plant in Khan Younis with a production capacity of 6,000 cubic meters of water per day — enough for 75,000 people.

However, according to Mordechai, the Hamas terror group, which rules the Strip, won’t allow the plant to be connected to the electric grid.” [emphasis added]

(full article online)

Gaza Strip background the BBC does not provide
Renowned comic book publisher Marvel fired Indonesian comic artist Ardian Syaf on Wednesday for incorporating religious-based imagery in the second and third issues of X-Men: Gold. The artist included an image of an individual wearing a shirt that said "QS 5:51," referring to the following passage in the Qur'an:

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

(full article online)

This Muslim Comic Book Artist Says He Was Ousted From His Job By The JOOOOOOS
In preparing my book, The Implacable Urge to Defame: Cartoon Jews in the American Press, 1877-1935, I looked at thousands of cartoons in magazines such as Puck, Life, Judge, and Judge’s Library that included offensive and malevolent images of Native Americans and African-Americans as well as immigrants especially from Ireland and Eastern Europe. But a casual glance through a few issues of any one of these magazines clearly indicated that a strong anti-Semitic bias was present and undeniable. Cartoonists attacked Jews more scathingly and with more hostility than other groups not only by harping on a few Jewish bodily stereotypes such as having huge noses, pot bellies, and bowed legs but by showing Jews to be criminals, corrupt businessmen who set fires to collect insurance, who gloated over good business deals, and took advantage of bewildered customers. Jews were, as well, unprincipled social climbers intent on teaching their children that making money should be their basic desire in life. Captions were written in broken English as a way of distancing immigrants from mainstream readers and inferring that recent immigrants might not be able to assimilate, let alone become decent American citizens.

(full article online)

Cartooning the Jews
In a video of the incident that went viral on pro-Israel social media pages, the young Ethiopian Israeli can be seen standing her ground when faced with the protesters, and explaining that her mother was not sterilized, but received birth control supplements. The heated encounter ended with Abrams demanding that the protestors “stop spreading lies” about Israel.

“Most of the accusations they make against Israel are completely inaccurate and based on lies. Unfortunately, there are also a few Jews and even some Israelis among the anti-Israel crowd who fuel their ignorance,” Abrams said.

(full article online)

Israelis Defend Their Country Against ‘Apartheid’ Smear on South African Campuses
Israel has admitted for the first time that it has been giving Ethiopian Jewish immigrants birth-control injections, often without their knowledge or consent.

The government had previously denied the practice but the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general has now ordered gynaecologists to stop administering the drugs. According a report in Haaretz, suspicions were first raised by an investigative journalist, Gal Gabbay, who interviewed more than 30 women from Ethiopia in an attempt to discover why birth rates in the community had fallen dramatically.
Israel gave birth control to Ethiopian Jews without their consent
Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots
This is nothing new. Hamas has engineered fuel crises in Gaza many times before and their bickering with the PA over fuel taxes has been a sore point for years.

The PA could waive taxes, or Hamas could pay them. Either way, either party would lose some money but their people would have fuel and electricity, which is the important thing, right?

Israel tries to help Jews in the Diaspora, but Palestinian leaders tell their own people in other Arab lands to go to hell.

Right now Palestinians in the Ain al-Hilweh camp in Lebanon are suffering greatly from infighting, their houses being destroyed and the camp looking like war-torn areas of Iraq, and Palestinian leaders are doing next to nothing.

The death toll of Palestinians in Syria is approaching 3500, but Palestinian leaders have told them it is better for them to die in Syria than to compromise on Palestinian principals to destroy Israel.

This is all because of the number one principle that is obscured behind tens of thousands of pages of false analysis, hundreds of UN resolutions and tens of millions of NGO dollars: Palestinians don't want to build a country, they want to destroy one.

This is manifested by theses leaders consistently and cynically using Palestinian Arabs as cannon fodder or as cheap PR gimmicks rather than actually doing anything positive for them.

(full article online)

Once again Palestinian leaders show they don't care about their people. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The official Palestinian Wafa news agency "reports:"

"As in every year, Israel issued a ed number of permits for West Bank and Gaza Christians to enter Jerusalem during Easter. But then it imposed a week-long closure on the occupied territories for the Jewish Passover holiday, which coincided with Easter celebrations, thus deeming all permits void for this week."


Israel issues tens of thousands of permits for both Christians and Muslims to enter Jerusalem, even during Passover.

We saw on Friday that some 30,000 Muslims, including from the West Bank, entered the Temple Mount - according to Arab media - during the Passover "closure."

Palestinian Authority lies again about Israeli restrictions on Christians for Easter ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
World Relief also needs to come clean about its financial support and managerial oversight of the Justice Conference. World Relief does important work, work that is supported by private donors and American taxpayers who have a right to know if the organization is supporting anti-Israel activists even in far away places like South Africa.

CAMERA: Taxpayer Supported World Relief Responds Evasively to CAMERA Challenge
He was Mad, yet israel released him from a mental hospital
Police said the suspect, a resident of Ras al-Amud in east Jerusalem, was recently released from a psychiatric hospital.
Jerusalem police chief Yoram Halevy told the AFP news agency the man was "very mentally disturbed".

Payments to the Families of jailed bread winners is paid by the Tax Money collected by israel on the Palestinian's behalf
Why do you post the opinions of an Anonymous Blogger?
Ya' Allah, effendi, but no reason to capitalize anonymous.

Why did you open a thread with the opinion of an anonymous blogger / conspiracy theorist so-named "reallygraceful"?
He was Mad, yet israel released him from a mental hospital
Police said the suspect, a resident of Ras al-Amud in east Jerusalem, was recently released from a psychiatric hospital.
Jerusalem police chief Yoram Halevy told the AFP news agency the man was "very mentally disturbed".

Payments to the Families of jailed bread winners is paid by the Tax Money collected by israel on the Palestinian's behalf

By your euphemism: Islamic terrorist "breadwinners" we can derive "welfare fraud recipient".
He was Mad, yet israel released him from a mental hospital
Police said the suspect, a resident of Ras al-Amud in east Jerusalem, was recently released from a psychiatric hospital.
Jerusalem police chief Yoram Halevy told the AFP news agency the man was "very mentally disturbed".

Payments to the Families of jailed bread winners is paid by the Tax Money collected by israel on the Palestinian's behalf

By your euphemism: Islamic terrorist "breadwinners" we can derive "welfare fraud recipient".
That's rich, Israel is the Mooch capital of the world
He was Mad, yet israel released him from a mental hospital
Police said the suspect, a resident of Ras al-Amud in east Jerusalem, was recently released from a psychiatric hospital.
Jerusalem police chief Yoram Halevy told the AFP news agency the man was "very mentally disturbed".

Payments to the Families of jailed bread winners is paid by the Tax Money collected by israel on the Palestinian's behalf

By your euphemism: Islamic terrorist "breadwinners" we can derive "welfare fraud recipient".
That's rich, Israel is the Mooch capital of the world

As usual, you are clueless.
The city had the choice of losing millions of dollars from all corporate investments or losing hundreds of hours of time listening to activists whining about their pet causes.

They chose to lose the millions of dollars.

The subtext is that BDSers and other "social justice warriors" are really disliked even in the most liberal cities in the US.

Portland to lose $4.5 million a year to avoid dealing with BDSers and other social justice warriors ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is more to civilization than money.
The city had the choice of losing millions of dollars from all corporate investments or losing hundreds of hours of time listening to activists whining about their pet causes.

They chose to lose the millions of dollars.

The subtext is that BDSers and other "social justice warriors" are really disliked even in the most liberal cities in the US.

Portland to lose $4.5 million a year to avoid dealing with BDSers and other social justice warriors ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is more to civilization than money.

Maybe have the prayer leader at your madrassah pass on that slogan to Hamas and fatah, after they cash their welfare checks.

Gaza's Leaders Rake in Money; Everyone Else There Suffers

The idea that hardline Hamas political leaders like Mousa Abu Marzook and Khaled Meshal who order violence in the name of jihad are also canny businessmen who have assembled financial empires that would be the envy of pinstriped businessmen in London, Paris, or New York may strike most readers as unfamiliar, or perhaps as a form of science fiction or propaganda. But in the Middle East, otherworldly religious or political rhetoric and earthly profits do not necessarily contradict each other. In fact, they often go hand in hand.

Follow me on the chorus: "Aww, those poor, oppressed Pal'Istanians"
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