All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In a reaction to attempts in Europe to boycott Israel, the European Union’s report on commercial competition for the first time included a rejection of such initiatives.

The reference to boycotts, which does not name Israel specifically, was introduced earlier this year into the draft of the Report on Competition Policy for 2016 by a pro-Israel European Parliament lawmaker from Italy Fulvio Martusciello, JTA learned Wednesday.

EU adopts anti-BDS stance in official commercial policy
A mentally ill and probably disgraced member of the "peaceful" Tamimi family wants to kill himself. What better way to rehabilitate his image and get likely killed than to murder an innocent woman in a public place?

This story is not only about a mentally ill murderer. It is yet another indictment of a Palestinian society that glorifies terrorists and turns their shame into honor.

The murder is already being called heroic by Palestine Today.

(full article online)

Murderer of British woman on light rail is a Tamimi attempting suicide-by-terror ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I know it’s a little thing and that most of my readers already know this, but I can’t say it too often: it was called Judea and Samaria from biblical times until 1948 when Jordan occupied it, ethnically cleansed it of Jews, and renamed it the “West Bank.” We really ought to stop calling it that.

The Etzion Bloc, or Gush Etzion as it is called in Hebrew, is located on the main road from the south to Jerusalem, northwest of Hebron. The Etzion bloc was settled and resettled three times, on land purchased by the Jews, beginning in 1927. Each time, residents were forced to abandon their homes in the face of Arab violence. The final saga of the Etzion bloc included two separate massacres and a prolonged and stubborn defense against hopeless odds. The bloc was finally overrun by soldiers of the British armed and officered Jordan Legion, who were responsible for the final massacre of surrendered defenders, a war crime.

(full article online)

Celebrating liberation in Gush Etzion | Abu Yehuda
EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech...

EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech

That was in October of last year.
It looks like they changed their mind. :)

From the same article you posted:

She continued: “The EU rejects the BDS campaign’s attempts to isolate Israel and is opposed to any boycott of Israel.”
Israel's lackeys can pound sand. Boycott continues to grow.

Actually, it doesn't. The BDS hate campaign carries the awful smell of insensate Jew hatreds that is typified by you and the Jew hating cabal that cuts and pastes furiously in these threads.
EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech...

EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech

That was in October of last year.
It looks like they changed their mind. :)

From the same article you posted:

She continued: “The EU rejects the BDS campaign’s attempts to isolate Israel and is opposed to any boycott of Israel.”
Israel's lackeys can pound sand. Boycott continues to grow.

Actually, it doesn't. The BDS hate campaign carries the awful smell of insensate Jew hatreds that is typified by you and the Jew hating cabal that cuts and pastes furiously in these threads.
So says the lying sacks of shit in Israel.
I know it’s a little thing and that most of my readers already know this, but I can’t say it too often: it was called Judea and Samaria from biblical times until 1948 when Jordan occupied it, ethnically cleansed it of Jews, and renamed it the “West Bank.” We really ought to stop calling it that.

The Etzion Bloc, or Gush Etzion as it is called in Hebrew, is located on the main road from the south to Jerusalem, northwest of Hebron. The Etzion bloc was settled and resettled three times, on land purchased by the Jews, beginning in 1927. Each time, residents were forced to abandon their homes in the face of Arab violence. The final saga of the Etzion bloc included two separate massacres and a prolonged and stubborn defense against hopeless odds. The bloc was finally overrun by soldiers of the British armed and officered Jordan Legion, who were responsible for the final massacre of surrendered defenders, a war crime.

(full article online)

Celebrating liberation in Gush Etzion | Abu Yehuda

It was called Canaan before 1250 BC and since 132 AD it was named Palaestina.
EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech...

EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech

That was in October of last year.
It looks like they changed their mind. :)

From the same article you posted:

She continued: “The EU rejects the BDS campaign’s attempts to isolate Israel and is opposed to any boycott of Israel.”
Israel's lackeys can pound sand. Boycott continues to grow.

Actually, it doesn't. The BDS hate campaign carries the awful smell of insensate Jew hatreds that is typified by you and the Jew hating cabal that cuts and pastes furiously in these threads.
So says the lying sacks of shit in Israel.

Such an angry little convert. Shouldn't you be out on a street corner somewhere, screeching out your Jew hatreds?
EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech...

EU declares Israel boycott protected as free speech

That was in October of last year.
It looks like they changed their mind. :)

From the same article you posted:

She continued: “The EU rejects the BDS campaign’s attempts to isolate Israel and is opposed to any boycott of Israel.”
Israel's lackeys can pound sand. Boycott continues to grow.

Actually, it doesn't. The BDS hate campaign carries the awful smell of insensate Jew hatreds that is typified by you and the Jew hating cabal that cuts and pastes furiously in these threads.
So says the lying sacks of shit in Israel.

Such an angry little convert. Shouldn't you be out on a street corner somewhere, screeching out your Jew hatreds?
Hollie, instead of repeating your same silly slogans on every thread, why not just post:

BDS frightens the Israelis which is why they make such a song and dance about the efficacy of the anti-Zionist policy.
That was in October of last year.
It looks like they changed their mind. :)

From the same article you posted:

She continued: “The EU rejects the BDS campaign’s attempts to isolate Israel and is opposed to any boycott of Israel.”
Israel's lackeys can pound sand. Boycott continues to grow.

Actually, it doesn't. The BDS hate campaign carries the awful smell of insensate Jew hatreds that is typified by you and the Jew hating cabal that cuts and pastes furiously in these threads.
So says the lying sacks of shit in Israel.

Such an angry little convert. Shouldn't you be out on a street corner somewhere, screeching out your Jew hatreds?
Hollie, instead of repeating your same silly slogans on every thread, why not just post:

It's amusing how easy it is to leave you so utterly befuddled that you're left to spamming the thread with cartoons
BDS frightens the Israelis which is why they make such a song and dance about the efficacy of the anti-Zionist policy.

Israel makes every effort to expose the agenda of the BDS'ers, such as the song and dance of those like you.
From listening to the huge number of complaints given in the Arab media about Israeli soldiers wantonly "storming" the "Al Aqsa Mosque" one would think that they do it without any provocation. But here we see that everyone knows - the Muslims who worship in the area, the Waqf guards, everyone - knows very well that the Israeli police only go there when they need to.

Which means also that when there are riots on the Temple Mount, they are always instigated by Arabs. Always. And in those cases, they want the Israeli police to show up in order to rile up the population for some political reason.

Furthermore, the fact that the Al Aqsa guards are stopping stone throwers means that Israeli police actions in the past have accomplished what they were meant to - stone throwing and rioting are being deterred (except, again, when the political leaders feel that it is in their interest to stir things up.

Yes, you can learn a lot from Arab media that you wouldn't know otherwise.

(full article online)

Arab terror supporters admit Israeli police only retaliate when provoked ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From listening to the huge number of complaints given in the Arab media about Israeli soldiers wantonly "storming" the "Al Aqsa Mosque" one would think that they do it without any provocation. But here we see that everyone knows - the Muslims who worship in the area, the Waqf guards, everyone - knows very well that the Israeli police only go there when they need to.

Which means also that when there are riots on the Temple Mount, they are always instigated by Arabs. Always. And in those cases, they want the Israeli police to show up in order to rile up the population for some political reason.

Furthermore, the fact that the Al Aqsa guards are stopping stone throwers means that Israeli police actions in the past have accomplished what they were meant to - stone throwing and rioting are being deterred (except, again, when the political leaders feel that it is in their interest to stir things up.

Yes, you can learn a lot from Arab media that you wouldn't know otherwise.

(full article online)

Arab terror supporters admit Israeli police only retaliate when provoked ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Still using propaganda sites to get your "facts". Don't you understand that the mission statement of propaganda sites is to lie?
From listening to the huge number of complaints given in the Arab media about Israeli soldiers wantonly "storming" the "Al Aqsa Mosque" one would think that they do it without any provocation. But here we see that everyone knows - the Muslims who worship in the area, the Waqf guards, everyone - knows very well that the Israeli police only go there when they need to.

Which means also that when there are riots on the Temple Mount, they are always instigated by Arabs. Always. And in those cases, they want the Israeli police to show up in order to rile up the population for some political reason.

Furthermore, the fact that the Al Aqsa guards are stopping stone throwers means that Israeli police actions in the past have accomplished what they were meant to - stone throwing and rioting are being deterred (except, again, when the political leaders feel that it is in their interest to stir things up.

Yes, you can learn a lot from Arab media that you wouldn't know otherwise.

(full article online)

Arab terror supporters admit Israeli police only retaliate when provoked ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From listening to the huge number of complaints given in the Arab media about Israeli soldiers wantonly "storming" the "Al Aqsa Mosque"

They shouldn't even be there.
From listening to the huge number of complaints given in the Arab media about Israeli soldiers wantonly "storming" the "Al Aqsa Mosque" one would think that they do it without any provocation. But here we see that everyone knows - the Muslims who worship in the area, the Waqf guards, everyone - knows very well that the Israeli police only go there when they need to.

Which means also that when there are riots on the Temple Mount, they are always instigated by Arabs. Always. And in those cases, they want the Israeli police to show up in order to rile up the population for some political reason.

Furthermore, the fact that the Al Aqsa guards are stopping stone throwers means that Israeli police actions in the past have accomplished what they were meant to - stone throwing and rioting are being deterred (except, again, when the political leaders feel that it is in their interest to stir things up.

Yes, you can learn a lot from Arab media that you wouldn't know otherwise.

(full article online)

Arab terror supporters admit Israeli police only retaliate when provoked ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Still using propaganda sites to get your "facts". Don't you understand that the mission statement of propaganda sites is to lie?

Funny stuff coming from the the knucklehead cutting and pasting Pallywood Studios YouTube videos starring Shirley Temper.
The “Dying to be a Martyr” lesson plan is offered through PBS’ LearningMedia website, “a media-on-demand service offering educators access to the best of public media and delivers research-based, classroom-ready digital learning experiences,” according to the PBS website.

A review of the LearningMedia website by The Blaze found at least six lengthy lesson plans focused on teaching students about various aspects of Islam, including “The Five Pillars of Islam,” “The Haj: Journey to Mecca” and “Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life.” However, no similar lesson plans covering other religious groups—including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism or Hinduism—were discovered on the website.

(full article online)

News - PBS Lesson Plan Teaches Kids to Sympathize with Radical Islamic Terrorism | Heartland Institute
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