All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In the February 01, 1968 edition of The Sentinel, Israeli Arab Rustum Bastuni – a former member of the Knesset and very accomplished man – spoke out in strongly in favor of Israel holding on to Judea and Samaria, which we had recaptured less than a year earlier in the Six Day War.

Note in particular:

  • Rustum acknowledging how Israel had “created a major social, cultural and economic revolution among its Arab citizens” in the 20 years since its establishment.
  • The Arabs of the “West Bank” and “Gaza” had not been happy under Jordanian and Egyptian rule respectively
  • Rustum mentioning how some Gazans had previously wanted to cooperate with Israel, but after we withdrew, they were punished by the Egyptians

(vide screenshot online)

Know Your History: Israeli Arab Rustum Bastuni Advocates For Israel To Hold On To Judea And Samaria, 1968
Starved to death and left to MUMMIFY in the world's worst zoo: Once proud animals including lions and crocodiles are now no more than horrifying 'statues' after carers had to stop feeding them

Khan Younis is one of five zoos in the Gaza Strip, a densely populated coastal enclave of 1.7million people ruled by Islamic Hamas militants.

With no government body in Gaza that oversees zoos, and no animal rights movement in the region, the Khan Younis facility is virtually unsupervised.

Pictures taken this year show how the corpses have decayed over the years. The animals now just lie there, like ornaments or gnomes, dried up and completely lifeless.

Read more: Starved to death and left to MUMMIFY in the world's worst zoo in Gaza: Khan Younis | Daily Mail Online

I was out of my mind furious after reading the above. Why would anyone think that animals in a zoo would fare any better than people who can't manage the civil affairs of government.
She is referring to Genesis 38 which actually says the opposite, mentioning that at the time prostitutes were known to cover their faces, which proves that normal women of course didn't.

Jewish women in Arab countries followed the local custom, probably more out of fear than anything else.

It is fascinating that Egyptian "scholars" who want to fight against the burqa feel that they must associate it with Judaism in order to make the naturally antisemitic Arabs turn against it.

(full article online)

Egyptian "scholar" now claims the burqa comes from the Torah ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Last year they also claimed a million arrested, so I guess no one was arrested this year at all.

If you look at arrest statistics from Palestinian sources themselves, they range from a few hundred to a few thousand a year, not the 50,000-150,000 that these committees and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics claim.

These statistics are complete fiction. And the Western media regurgitates them over and over again.

It also shows how unreliable the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics is. If they lie about this, then they could be lying about, oh, I don't know, maybe population?

(full article online)

One MILLION arrests by Israel? LOL (updated) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Samir Metir said that all the plant's fuel, purchased with funding from Qatar and Turkey, had been used up.

He said it was not clear when the territory would receive more, owing to a "dispute" between the electricity authority in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria.

Gaza electric plant shuts down
In March 2016, 17 Yemenite Jews were brought to Israel in a covert operation by the Jewish Agency for Israel and US State Department as part of a decades-long “historic mission” to “rescue” the Jews of the country.

The group comprised the final batch of approximately 200 Yemenite Jews brought to Israel by the Jewish Agency in recent years, the organization said. Similar initiatives in recent years have helped bring the last few remaining members of the community to Israel as the country descended into civil war.

Yemen minister says fate of country’s last 50 Jews unknown
More propaganda. Why is posting links to propaganda sites even permitted?
All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
Well we have read it and tried to discuss, but the Hasbara bot stuck in the sixties only wants to post his Megaphoney crap, and no discussion, I'm out
More propaganda. Why is posting links to propaganda sites even permitted?
All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
Well we have read it and tried to discuss, but the Hasbara bot stuck in the sixties only wants to post his Megaphoney crap, and no discussion, I'm out

Thank you for leaving, and your announcement of same with gargantuan text.
But nowhere does the Times tell readers what he was convicted of doing. Here is an account of the proceedings from the Washington Post in 2004:

Barghouti was found guilty of ordering attacks that killed a Greek Orthodox monk in the West Bank in 2001, an Israeli at the Jewish settlement of Givat Zeev in 2002 and three people at the Seafood Market restaurant in Tel Aviv in 2002. He was also convicted of one count each of attempted murder and membership in a terrorist organization….

Pressure Points » The New York Times Calls a Convicted Terrorist a “Parliamentarian”
  • The Arab heads of state and monarchs do not like to be reminded of how badly they treat Palestinians and subject them to discriminatory and apartheid laws.

  • It is not comfortable or safe to be a Palestinian in an Arab country. Scenes of lawlessness and anarchy inside Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank have also driven many residents to move to nearby cities and villages. Most refugees in the West Bank no longer live inside UNRWA-run camps.

  • Let us end where we began: with the Palestinian (non)leadership. What has it done to help its people in the Arab countries? Nothing. No Palestinian leader will urge an emergency session of the UN Security Council to expose the ethnic cleansing and killing of Palestinians in Arab countries. No Palestinian leader will demand that the international media and human rights organizations investigate the atrocities perpetrated by Arabs on their Palestinian brethren. We are sure to see more such criminal silence when Abbas meets with the president of the United States.

    (full article online)

    Palestinians' Real Enemies: Arabs
But nowhere does the Times tell readers what he was convicted of doing. Here is an account of the proceedings from the Washington Post in 2004:

Barghouti was found guilty of ordering attacks that killed a Greek Orthodox monk in the West Bank in 2001, an Israeli at the Jewish settlement of Givat Zeev in 2002 and three people at the Seafood Market restaurant in Tel Aviv in 2002. He was also convicted of one count each of attempted murder and membership in a terrorist organization….

Pressure Points » The New York Times Calls a Convicted Terrorist a “Parliamentarian”

Barghouti was just not as effective as a freedom fighter as Mandela. Mandela was convicted of ordering hundreds of attacks that killed hundreds.
Among the speakers at the PRC conference was Dyab Abou Jahjah, a Lebanon-born activist from Belgium whom a leading daily recently fired allegedly for calling for violent attacks on Jewish Israelis. He wrote on Twitter: “by any means necessary,” in reference to an attack in which a Palestinian terrorist plowed a truck through a crowd of soldiers visiting a popular tourist spot in Jerusalem.

Jahjah — who after the 9/11 attacks of 2001 in New York spoke of his “feeling of victory” and who has called the heavily Jewish-populated city of Antwerp the “international capital of the Zionist lobby” — reiterated at the conference the statement that got him fired.

Netherlands allows event by Hamas supporters but not opponents
But nowhere does the Times tell readers what he was convicted of doing. Here is an account of the proceedings from the Washington Post in 2004:

Barghouti was found guilty of ordering attacks that killed a Greek Orthodox monk in the West Bank in 2001, an Israeli at the Jewish settlement of Givat Zeev in 2002 and three people at the Seafood Market restaurant in Tel Aviv in 2002. He was also convicted of one count each of attempted murder and membership in a terrorist organization….

Pressure Points » The New York Times Calls a Convicted Terrorist a “Parliamentarian”

Barghouti was just not as effective as a freedom fighter as Mandela. Mandela was convicted of ordering hundreds of attacks that killed hundreds.
From your perspective, I'm sure you can make a case for many islamic terrorists as freedom fighters.
Here is what Al-Husseini and the Arabs of Palestine achieved during WWII when it comes to the decision to eliminate all the Jews in Europe.
It is good to have friends in high places, as Husseini had with the Nazis

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

Here is a book about it :

Plesch’s book is based on an archive from the now-defunct United Nations War Crimes Commission, which was sealed for 70 years. He said that it was through the intervention of Samantha Powers, former US ambassador to the UN, that he was able to access the files.

There are other proofs that the Allies knew the extent of the Holocaust already in 1942. For example, the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial states in a report to the UN that “During 1942, reports of a Nazi plan to murder all the Jews – including details on methods, numbers, and locations – reached Allied and neutral leaders from many sources.”

However, Plesch said that the new research provides a “cartload of nails to hammer into the coffins” of Holocaust deniers.

Allies knew of Holocaust in 1942, 2 years before previously assumed, UN documents prove
The NYT’s lack of interest in giving a voice to Palestinian moderates additionally sends the message that such voices do not exist or are not worth hearing.

One could also argue that despite his past, Barghouti is now engaged in peacemaking, but one would be wrong. Even if NYT editors had read nothing other than his op-ed which they presumably edited, they would know that.

Barghouti wrote that “Israel, the occupying power, has violated international law in multiple ways for nearly 70 years”, which means that he considers all of Israel occupied. Israel has occupied the West Bank for only 50 years. “Nearly 70 years” applies to the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948, 19 years before Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza in a war of self-defense.

(full article online)
If Jews used the Arab leaders’ way of achieving peace, Israel would have deported Arabs from every piece of land that it occupied, just as Arab armies deported Jews from every piece of land that they occupied. If Israel had done that, it would not be accused today of Apartheid because there would have been no Arabs in Israel or in the West Bank, or even in Gaza. Yet the Jews insist on their own civilized way to peace.

On the other hand, if Arab leaders had the Jews’ way of achieving peace, they would have taken one of the many opportunities for peaceful resolution, starting with the UN partition plan (UN General Assembly Resolution 181). But, with two tiny exceptions, the Arab leaders’ approach has been consistent, and it has not wavered, just as Israel’s approach has not wavered. The exceptions have been peace agreements by Egypt and Jordan, which the leaders of those countries pursued for their countries’ interest while hypocritically continuing to repeat the Arab mantra that Israel and only Israel is at fault.

(full article online)

When will Arabs stop being led like sheep?
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