All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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It is also a violation of the UN Charter which UNRWA is obligated to uphold in its mandate. The UN Charter includes the obligation "to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."

UNRWA textbook showing all of Israel as "Palestine"

UNRWA's Palestinian curriculum does nothing of the sort, as has been shown numerous times in examinations of the textbooks and teacher materials used by UNRWA. The UNRWA curriculum (both its written curricula and what UNRWA teachers themselves call the "hidden curriculum") is heavily biased, anti-Israel, anti-peace and often antisemitic.

(full article online)

UNRWA agrees to violate UN Charter and keep teaching Israel doesn't exist (UPDATE) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In 2015, the United Nations warned that Gaza could become uninhabitable by 2020 if current political and economic trends caused by Israeli policies continue.

From our 2008 post: We wondered then whether the Reuters
photographer, depicting Gazan legislators working
by candle-light as clearly-visible daylight is shut out
by curtains, had a moron for an editor. [Image Source]

To put that last claim into some perspective, please take a look at some relevant earlier posts of ours: "05-Mar-17: What Gaza's Pal Arabs think about the electricity problems in Gaza"; "30-Apr-15: What Gaza's oppressed know that reporters don't, and why it matters"; "28-Oct-12: What lies behind ongoing efforts to paint Gaza as a region under Israeli siege?"; and from nearly a decade ago when Hamas' silly games were not so different from today's: "10-Feb-08: The lies that pictures can tell".

That 2008 post, replete with some very revealing news photographs that tried to pin serious malfeasance on Israelis for "cheating" the Gazans of electric power, is worth going back to review.

Whatever has changed in the world of the Palestinian Arabs, one aspect has not: they continue to live in the dark, shutting out the light by whatever means and relying on the great news factories of the world to magnify and spread their baseless fury at Israel.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 18-Apr-17: In Gaza, a decade of darkness and a never-ending blame-game
"to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."

How does military occupation develop "friendly relations"? And, is it reasonable for the occupied people to develop friendly relations with the military occupation forces? Were the French Resistance and other partisan groups wrong to resist Nazi occupation?
There are several coexistence programs throughout the country, including Kids4Peace, which brings together youth from east and west Jerusalem, as well as the surrounding villages and settlements, to explore each others’ faiths. Other programs, such as Seeds of Peace, transport participants to foreign “neutral” grounds for leadership training.

The Roots program, however, has a more modest goal: regular, joint class time.

All the kids on both sides say they want to return next week for another class — and they want to learn the language of the other.

(full article online)

Through a photography class, first exposure for Israeli, Palestinian kids
The design center in Haifa currently employs 40 design engineers and this number is expected to rise to 60 by year end, the company said. Originally focused on components for the medical sector, the center has now expanded to support customers in industrial and consumer products. It will offer design and engineering services, new product development, electronic, optical and industrial design and mechanical engineering, among other services.

Flex expands Israel activity with new design center
Mandela . . . had the foresight and courage to demand that the African National Congress abandon its view of the white South Africans as European colonialists who had no right to live in Africa. . . . In the Palestinian context, a would-be Mandela would have to confront and contend with religious, not racial issues. Many so-called peace-and-justice activists would have us believe that the primary obstacles to peace are Jewish claims to the West Bank, but the real challenge is Muslim supremacism. The Palestinian elite wields power because of its willingness to, at the very least, pay lip service to this supremacism. This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority. By way of comparison, the African National Congress under Mandela’s leadership did not promote an ideology of black supremacism, and Mandela himself repudiated such ideas time and again.

(full article online)

Marwan Barghouti Is No Nelson Mandela
UNRWA textbook showing all of Israel as "Palestine"
Maps are drawings of borders defining a territory. Armistice lines are specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries so they are not included.

Why is there a problem with being accurate?
There are several coexistence programs throughout the country, including Kids4Peace, which brings together youth from east and west Jerusalem, as well as the surrounding villages and settlements, to explore each others’ faiths. Other programs, such as Seeds of Peace, transport participants to foreign “neutral” grounds for leadership training.

The Roots program, however, has a more modest goal: regular, joint class time.

All the kids on both sides say they want to return next week for another class — and they want to learn the language of the other.

(full article online)

Through a photography class, first exposure for Israeli, Palestinian kids
The problem with these coexistence programs is that they do not address the problems. An Israeli and a Palestinian can be best of friends but the Palestinian will go home to find his house bulldozed. That friendship will not change Israel's policies.
This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority.
Indeed, they are the foreign appointed oligarchs. That can be expected from anybody in that position.
From the man who brought us such classics like “Hitler was ‘daring, not morally corrupt’”, and “a Palestinian state in the 1967 just a phase” comes his latest masterpiece:

(vide tweet online)

P.S Tawfik, you might want to speak to your boss to ensure you spread a consistent message. Because he recently said that during the Arab Spring, terrorists actually focused on the so-called palestinian cause.

“All of the suffering of the Middle East is due to the so-called ‘Arab Spring.’ This was imported to the Arab Countries, and is the reason for all the problems that have occurred. When these clashes began, the terrorists came and exploited the Palestinian cause, saying that as long as Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are occupied, we must ignite the entire region.

(full article online

Fatah Official: Arab Spring Was Israeli Conspiracy To Deflect From Palestinian Issue
Mandela . . . had the foresight and courage to demand that the African National Congress abandon its view of the white South Africans as European colonialists who had no right to live in Africa. . . . In the Palestinian context, a would-be Mandela would have to confront and contend with religious, not racial issues. Many so-called peace-and-justice activists would have us believe that the primary obstacles to peace are Jewish claims to the West Bank, but the real challenge is Muslim supremacism. The Palestinian elite wields power because of its willingness to, at the very least, pay lip service to this supremacism. This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority. By way of comparison, the African National Congress under Mandela’s leadership did not promote an ideology of black supremacism, and Mandela himself repudiated such ideas time and again.

(full article online)

Marwan Barghouti Is No Nelson Mandela

The main challenge is the need the Zionists have for Jewish rule and supremacy. If the Jews would agree to the establishment of a secular democracy with no special rights for members of any faith, there would be peace.
This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority.
Indeed, they are the foreign appointed oligarchs. That can be expected from anybody in that position.

Yes, there are always a host of excuses and or conspiracy theories to sidestep Arab - Moslem ineptitude and incompetence.

What is the conspiracy theory de jour to explain Hamas and their refusal to allow elections?

I'm not saddled with any compulsive need to make excuses, as you are, for the two competing islamic terrorist franchises; Hamas and Fatah, and their willingness to keep the willing masses under the boot heel of their respective mini-caliphates while those at the apex of the UN welfare fraud fatten their bank accounts.

Have you ever taken the time to understand why it is that the competing versions of Pally'land share the same social and political ailments that define the other islamist backwaters of the islamist middle East?

What's interesting is that goofy converts like yourself are accomplices to the retrogression that defines islamism and the hardships it imposed on societies.
Mandela . . . had the foresight and courage to demand that the African National Congress abandon its view of the white South Africans as European colonialists who had no right to live in Africa. . . . In the Palestinian context, a would-be Mandela would have to confront and contend with religious, not racial issues. Many so-called peace-and-justice activists would have us believe that the primary obstacles to peace are Jewish claims to the West Bank, but the real challenge is Muslim supremacism. The Palestinian elite wields power because of its willingness to, at the very least, pay lip service to this supremacism. This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority. By way of comparison, the African National Congress under Mandela’s leadership did not promote an ideology of black supremacism, and Mandela himself repudiated such ideas time and again.

(full article online)

Marwan Barghouti Is No Nelson Mandela

The main challenge is the need the Zionists have for Jewish rule and supremacy. If the Jews would agree to the establishment of a secular democracy with no special rights for members of any faith, there would be peace.
How silly. You vacant-minded types don't understand that Israel operates under a political mechanism of secular democracy.

It's your Islamist heroes who will not countenance political rule other than 7th century Islamic fascism.

What a hoot.
“We warn the Jewish leadership not to play with fire,” read a statement issued Monday in Spanish by the Palestinian federation regarding its executive director, Anuar Majluf, a prominent anti-Israel activist who was refused entry by the Israeli government on April 10.

Eugenio Tuma, a Chilean senator of Arab descent, slammed Israel’s decision to bar the Palestinian official, which said he considers “unacceptable” and a “violation” of the rights of Chilean citizens. Two congressmen echoed his statement.

“Nothing from this Mr. Tuma sounds strange to me,” Agosin said. “From the beginning he has been posing the falsehood that this is against Chilean citizens. Hundreds, if not thousands, have entered Israel and there has never been a problem.

(full article online)

Palestinians in Chile threaten Jewish community leaders
This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority.
Indeed, they are the foreign appointed oligarchs. That can be expected from anybody in that position.

Yes, there are always a host of excuses and or conspiracy theories to sidestep Arab - Moslem ineptitude and incompetence.

What is the conspiracy theory de jour to explain Hamas and their refusal to allow elections?

I'm not saddled with any compulsive need to make excuses, as you are, for the two competing islamic terrorist franchises; Hamas and Fatah, and their willingness to keep the willing masses under the boot heel of their respective mini-caliphates while those at the apex of the UN welfare fraud fatten their bank accounts.

Have you ever taken the time to understand why it is that the competing versions of Pally'land share the same social and political ailments that define the other islamist backwaters of the islamist middle East?

What's interesting is that goofy converts like yourself are accomplices to the retrogression that defines islamism and the hardships it imposed on societies.
WOW, you sure can make stuff up.
This is how Yasir Arafat achieved and stayed in power, and how Mahmoud Abbas has remained president of the Palestinian Authority.
Indeed, they are the foreign appointed oligarchs. That can be expected from anybody in that position.

Yes, there are always a host of excuses and or conspiracy theories to sidestep Arab - Moslem ineptitude and incompetence.

What is the conspiracy theory de jour to explain Hamas and their refusal to allow elections?

I'm not saddled with any compulsive need to make excuses, as you are, for the two competing islamic terrorist franchises; Hamas and Fatah, and their willingness to keep the willing masses under the boot heel of their respective mini-caliphates while those at the apex of the UN welfare fraud fatten their bank accounts.

Have you ever taken the time to understand why it is that the competing versions of Pally'land share the same social and political ailments that define the other islamist backwaters of the islamist middle East?

What's interesting is that goofy converts like yourself are accomplices to the retrogression that defines islamism and the hardships it imposed on societies.
WOW, you sure can make stuff up.

The above spam is your typical response when you're too befuddled to actually address the salient points.
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