All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Grilling the food just outside the prison walls, the delicious smell wafts through the prison… and their intention is to taunt the convicted PA terrorists who are hunger-striking to receive 5-star accommodations and privileges.

PA terrorists imprisoned in Israeli jails started a “hunger strike” in protest to Israel’s decision to reduce security prisoner privileges — such as no longer being able to receive FREE (paid for by the Israeli tax payers) Education, including University degrees and Post Doctorate degrees.

Despite receiving far more benefits than many petty-crime prisoners around the world, the convicted PA terrorists insist they deserve free education, almost unlimited family visitation rights and more.

(full article online)

#Free BBQ — Taunt a Hunger Striking Terrorist TodayThe Jewish Press | Jameel@Muqata | 24 Nisan 5777 – April 20, 2017 |
Free speech is circumscribed by several UK laws designed to promote racial, religious, sexual, and disability equality on campus, to prevent harassment and discrimination,
Yet when the Palestinians talk about equality they get shut down for harassment and discrimination.
And when You and I do it Tinnie,we are called Anti-Semites,trouble is most of the Jewish population in Israel are NOT SEMITIC but the Palestinians are...........funny they would say that,those wannabee Jews who are just Converts from God knows I say "SYNTHETIC JEWS"...steve

The problem with what you wrote is exactly this:

You DO NOT KNOW where the Jews came from.
You DO NOT KNOW the meaning of of the word Semitic

You and others choose to adopt what has been said for only 100 years, or even less, about the Jews and believe it no matter what.

Arabs are from Canaan? Really?

Funny that the Arabs are now from ancient Canaan, but only for the past 50 to 60 years. And only to those who hate Jews more than life itself.

1. We know where the European Jews came, they came (and come) from Europe.

"at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion (Costa et al., 2013, p. 8)."

Genetic markers cannot determine Jewish descent

2. We know what semitic means. It applies to people that speak a semitic language or to the language itself.

relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family

relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

3. The term Arab is associated with people who speak Arabic. A speaker of Arabic is not necessarily a descendant of Arabians (people from the Arabian peninsula). Palestinians "Arabs", for example, are natives of Palestine whose ancestors converted to Christianity after 380 AD and subsequently a large portion converted to Islam.

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin..."
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
(OH, YES, there is Apartheid in Israel. And Arabs LOVE IT ! )

The Jewish People Policy Institute(JPPI) on Thursday released its second annual Pluralism Index, which finds that more than 90% of Jewish Israelis and almost 80% of Arab Israelis feel “comfortable” or “very comfortable” to be “who they are” in Israel.

Other interesting findings: Arab Israelis rank Israeli soldiers higher than most other groups. That they rank “settlers” at the bottom of the list. And, like Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs also take a dim view of the contribution of ultra-Orthodox Jews to Israel’s success.

(full article online)

I'm sure that you are quoting a neutral source. LOL
Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL
ISRL349Z Investigating Topics in Israel Studies; Beyond Black and White: Jews and Representations of Race

An examination of Western constructions and representations of 'race' from medieval times to the modern rise of Zionism and the founding of Israel, with a focus on how Jews utilized the racial discourses of each period to negotiate their position within Western history.


I cannot see any way that this course is not problematic given the politics around race on college campuses nowadays.

(full article online)

University of Maryland Israel Studies looks a lot like anti-Israel Studies ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL

Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?
The headline in the Irish Times quotes McBride: “All that is human in me recoils from this.” This indicates the theme of her article, which goes on to dehumanize and demonize Israelis, while affirming only the Palestinian narrative that “this is their homeland, all of it.” In her view, all of Israel is Palestinian and Jews have no place in Israel whatsoever. By her logic, anything Israel does is wrong because the Jewish homeland shouldn’t even exist, in which case the only proper course of action for Jews in Israel would be to leave entirely.

Terror deaths in Israel. Note the decrease when the security fence was built between 2003-2005. (Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

(full article online)

Author's Effort To Make Jewish History Die | HonestReporting
Fatah leader:
Fatah and Hamas agree
Israel has no right to exist

Fatah leader:
"To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"

Talk about establishing a state in the West Bank and Gaza
"is a tactical step"

Fatah leader: Fatah and Hamas agree Israel has no right to exist - PMW Bulletins
Fatah leader:
Fatah and Hamas agree
Israel has no right to exist

Fatah leader:
"To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"

Talk about establishing a state in the West Bank and Gaza
"is a tactical step"

Fatah leader: Fatah and Hamas agree Israel has no right to exist - PMW Bulletins

I am sure that any people who were colonized and their land stolen by people from another continent would feel the same way as the Palestinians do about the colonizers. The fault lies with the British who imposed their colonial ideology on Palestine, not the Jews, who just took advantage of what the British provided, i.e. force of arms to keep the native people from defending themselves effectively.
Fatah leader:
Fatah and Hamas agree
Israel has no right to exist

Fatah leader:
"To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"

Talk about establishing a state in the West Bank and Gaza
"is a tactical step"

Fatah leader: Fatah and Hamas agree Israel has no right to exist - PMW Bulletins

I am sure that any people who were colonized and their land stolen by people from another continent would feel the same way as the Palestinians do about the colonizers. The fault lies with the British who imposed their colonial ideology on Palestine, not the Jews, who just took advantage of what the British provided, i.e. force of arms to keep the native people from defending themselves effectively.

The Colonizers of 1300 year, since the 7th Century, now feel "colonized' by the indigenous people of the land.
Because the indigenous people achieved autonomy.

Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL

Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?

Of course those DNA tests have been conducted by and then checked by reliable sources. They were performed by genetic scientists at leading universities and peer reviewed. Why do you ask?

"Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire"

"The study was conducted by Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England, who led a team of researchers from Russia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States."

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism
[There may still be Hope (Tikva) for non Jew haters still....for keeping an eye on the Jew haters :) and doing the right thing]

A spokesperson for the Edwardian Hotels London said: “We were recently approached by the State of Palestine to host a private screening at The May Fair Theatre. As is usual business practice, we reviewed the request and undertook standard due diligence, following which we have decided to not progress this event any further.”

Meanwhile, the public editor of The New York Times has taken the newspaper to task for failing to identify Barghouti as a convicted murderer of Israeli Jews.

(full article online)

London hotel cancels Marwan Barghouti film screening
Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL

Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?

Of course those DNA tests have been conducted by and then checked by reliable sources. They were performed by genetic scientists at leading universities and peer reviewed. Why do you ask?

"Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire"

"The study was conducted by Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England, who led a team of researchers from Russia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States."

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism

Of courrrrse you have no idea what those "reliable sources" are and would not be able to find them and therefore not name them.

Or even know if those tests were truly conducted and who those who were tested were, and where they came from. What were their names?

Is there a list provided by Martin Richards of all of these Ashkenazi Jews where it was proven, without any doubt, that MOST OF THEM
had an indigenous "European Mother"

You post the alleged conclusion, and who conducted it (without doing any research as to who he really is) and Voila........

......European Jews are "Indigenous Europeans" because all of their Mommies were Europeans who "converted" to Judaism. And all around Roman times.

Let us NOT bring up the FACT that none of this was EVER alleged before the establishment of Israel.


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Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL

Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?

Of course those DNA tests have been conducted by and then checked by reliable sources. They were performed by genetic scientists at leading universities and peer reviewed. Why do you ask?

"Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire"

"The study was conducted by Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England, who led a team of researchers from Russia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States."

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism

Of courrrrse you have no idea what those "reliable sources" are and would not be able to find them and therefore not name them.

Or even know if those tests were truly conducted and who those who were tested were, and where they came from. What were their names?

Is there a list provided by Martin Richards of all of these Ashkenazi Jews where it was proven, without any doubt, that MOST OF THEM
had an indigenous "European Mother"

You post the alleged conclusion, and who conducted it (without doing any research as to who he really is) and Voila........

......European Jews are "Indigenous Europeans" because all of their Mommies were Europeans who "converted" to Judaism. And all around Roman times.

Let us NOT bring up the FACT that none of this was EVER alleged before the establishment of Israel.



Well, they are certainly not indigenous to the Middle East as the native people are, but continue with your myth making (propaganda)
Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL

Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?

Of course those DNA tests have been conducted by and then checked by reliable sources. They were performed by genetic scientists at leading universities and peer reviewed. Why do you ask?

"Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire"

"The study was conducted by Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England, who led a team of researchers from Russia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States."

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism

Of courrrrse you have no idea what those "reliable sources" are and would not be able to find them and therefore not name them.

Or even know if those tests were truly conducted and who those who were tested were, and where they came from. What were their names?

Is there a list provided by Martin Richards of all of these Ashkenazi Jews where it was proven, without any doubt, that MOST OF THEM
had an indigenous "European Mother"

You post the alleged conclusion, and who conducted it (without doing any research as to who he really is) and Voila........

......European Jews are "Indigenous Europeans" because all of their Mommies were Europeans who "converted" to Judaism. And all around Roman times.

Let us NOT bring up the FACT that none of this was EVER alleged before the establishment of Israel.



Well, they are certainly not indigenous to the Middle East as the native people are, but continue with your myth making (propaganda)

Try reading the original article a few hundred times:

as I am doing right now, including all the other opinions from other geneticists about the issue, included in it.

PLUS, doing proper research about it.

Also, try telling Jews who lived in non European countries that they are not indigenous of the land of Israel and have no right to it.

You continue to do what lazy people love to do.
Find the first thing which says that Jews are not indigenous of the land of Israel, and have proof. you are right......

Get off you lazy chair, Monte.

There is a whole world out there you simply refuse to know, much less acknowledged.
Here is a comment from the article I just posted :

There were dozens of genetic studies conducted on Ashkenazi Jews and some of them contradict each other. This study was made in 2013. Here is a 2014 study that shows the opposite
– that Ashkenazi Jews had largely originated in the Middle East and not Europe:

Ancient DNA Analysis of 8000 B.C. Near Eastern Farmers Supports an Early Neolithic Pioneer Maritime Colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands

Why's that? Why do different studies produce different results and conclusions?

That's because every study is flawed, incomplete and contains errors from the very start; errors like sampling errors, coverage errors, measurement errors etc. Any result or conclusion can be simply attributed to the margin of error.

There are about 10 million Ashkenazi Jews around the world today. American Ashkenazy Jews who emigrated from Germany might be different from those who came from Russia, Romania, Hungary, the Netherlands or France. If DNA samples were taken only from a thousand of Ashkenazy Jews (0.01% of total) from a certain region then this study might produce the wrong conclusions. To get the whole picture and get the best results all 10 million of them must be analyzed.

Secondly, in the last 60 years most Ashkenazi Jews intermarried with other groups of people. In Europe and America they married Christians and in Israel they married non-Ashkenazi Jews. In some places (like Russia) the assimilation rate is 85%. So it would be best to check only those Ashkenazi Jews who don't mix with anybody (like the ultra-orthodox).

Thirdly, it all depends on what you choose to concentrate on and what to ignore. The same study might show that most Ashkenazi Women have some genetic traits common in Europe and at the same time those same Ashkenazi women also have other genetic traits that are very common in the Middle East. One researcher would conclude that those women originated in Europe, another would conclude that they had originated in the Middle East, while the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle – those Women are half European and half Middle Eastern (roughly 50-50) and that's why they have both European and Middle Eastern genes.

Anyway, all genetic studies do debunk the Khazar theory and most of them show a very strong Middle Eastern connection. The Ashkenazi Jews are largely some kind of a strange mixture of Middle Eastern and European people. Even if many Europeans converted to Judaism someone had to perform those conversions (the original Jews). So the most likely scenario is that Jewish men from the Middle East married European women and converted them to Judaism.
Why can't you for once use something other than propaganda sources to make a point? Oh wait, the truth doesn't support you points. LOL

Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?

Of course those DNA tests have been conducted by and then checked by reliable sources. They were performed by genetic scientists at leading universities and peer reviewed. Why do you ask?

"Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire"

"The study was conducted by Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England, who led a team of researchers from Russia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States."

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism

Of courrrrse you have no idea what those "reliable sources" are and would not be able to find them and therefore not name them.

Or even know if those tests were truly conducted and who those who were tested were, and where they came from. What were their names?

Is there a list provided by Martin Richards of all of these Ashkenazi Jews where it was proven, without any doubt, that MOST OF THEM
had an indigenous "European Mother"

You post the alleged conclusion, and who conducted it (without doing any research as to who he really is) and Voila........

......European Jews are "Indigenous Europeans" because all of their Mommies were Europeans who "converted" to Judaism. And all around Roman times.

Let us NOT bring up the FACT that none of this was EVER alleged before the establishment of Israel.



Well, they are certainly not indigenous to the Middle East as the native people are, but continue with your myth making (propaganda)

Try reading the original article a few hundred times:

as I am doing right now, including all the other opinions from other geneticists about the issue, included in it.

PLUS, doing proper research about it.

Also, try telling Jews who lived in non European countries that they are not indigenous of the land of Israel and have no right to it.

You continue to do what lazy people love to do.
Find the first thing which says that Jews are not indigenous of the land of Israel, and have proof. you are right......

Get off you lazy chair, Monte.

There is a whole world out there you simply refuse to know, much less acknowledged.

Doesn't the Levite gene answer it all?
Why can't you ONCE not cry "Propaganda" and actually show proof
of the points you are making?

And I will ask again,

Have those DNA studies you posted on your earlier post been checked by reliable sources?

Have further studies on the same people sampled been conducted by a reliable organization?

Or are we to ALWAYS take the word of those who wish to discredit and delegitimize not only Israel, but ALL JEWS ?

Amazing how the only DNA studies which show up against a people's indigenous rights to their ancient land are the ones where Jooooooos are concerned. There is truly no other.

And no reliable source needs to be brought up from those who want to deny the Jews their identity.

Need we ask WHYYYYYYY ?

Of course those DNA tests have been conducted by and then checked by reliable sources. They were performed by genetic scientists at leading universities and peer reviewed. Why do you ask?

"Most Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of European women who converted to Judaism, possibly around the time of the early Roman empire"

"The study was conducted by Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England, who led a team of researchers from Russia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United States."

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism

Of courrrrse you have no idea what those "reliable sources" are and would not be able to find them and therefore not name them.

Or even know if those tests were truly conducted and who those who were tested were, and where they came from. What were their names?

Is there a list provided by Martin Richards of all of these Ashkenazi Jews where it was proven, without any doubt, that MOST OF THEM
had an indigenous "European Mother"

You post the alleged conclusion, and who conducted it (without doing any research as to who he really is) and Voila........

......European Jews are "Indigenous Europeans" because all of their Mommies were Europeans who "converted" to Judaism. And all around Roman times.

Let us NOT bring up the FACT that none of this was EVER alleged before the establishment of Israel.



Well, they are certainly not indigenous to the Middle East as the native people are, but continue with your myth making (propaganda)

Try reading the original article a few hundred times:

as I am doing right now, including all the other opinions from other geneticists about the issue, included in it.

PLUS, doing proper research about it.

Also, try telling Jews who lived in non European countries that they are not indigenous of the land of Israel and have no right to it.

You continue to do what lazy people love to do.
Find the first thing which says that Jews are not indigenous of the land of Israel, and have proof. you are right......

Get off you lazy chair, Monte.

There is a whole world out there you simply refuse to know, much less acknowledged.

Doesn't the Levite gene answer it all?

And when are Jew haters going to recognize the Levite gene?
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