All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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And when are Jew haters going to recognize the Levite gene?
Who cares, why do people hate Jews? That is what we need to focus on.

People hate treacherous and sniveling traitors like Benedict Arnold. The Kapos were at least trying to save their own lives. So if you want to know why people hate Jews, then look in the mirror.
You really are forever dumb. I am not the one murdering innocent women and children, nor do I spend day after day on the internet waiving my pom poms for these lunatics who do.

Maybe it's you, your ilk, and Israel's behavior?
And when are Jew haters going to recognize the Levite gene?
Who cares, why do people hate Jews? That is what we need to focus on.

People hate treacherous and sniveling traitors like Benedict Arnold. The Kapos were at least trying to save their own lives. So if you want to know why people hate Jews, then look in the mirror.
You really are forever dumb. I am not the one murdering innocent women and children, nor do I spend day after day on the internet waiving my pom poms for these lunatics who do.

Maybe it's you, your ilk, and Israel's behavior?

Actually, you do spend day after day flailing your Pom Poms for Islamic terrorists.
Over 80 pupils in grades 9-12 at schools in Herzliya, Ofakim, Yeruham, the West Bank settlement of Ofra, and the Bedouin town of Hura helped to construct Duchifat-2, which weighs just 1.8 kilograms (four pounds), and is just 20 centimeters (eight inches) tall and 10 centimeters wide. Due to its small size, the satellite has no motors and instead uses the earth’s magnetic field to gently keep itself correctly aligned in space.

In what country can Arab high school students help launch a satellite? In Israel! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
More than 100 Boston-area researchers in health care and life sciences released a statement April 13 in defense of “the liberal ideals which have shaped our democracy” and in support of “the free flow of ideas and information” that is central to their work. Why affirm something so obvious? To stop academic blacklisting by the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, which targets Israeli universities and scholars.

Attempts to isolate Israel and its educational institutions aren’t new. In 1945 the Arab League declared that all Arab institutions and individuals must “refuse to deal in, distribute, or consume Zionist products of manufactured goods.”

(full article online)

Scientists Take a Stand Against Academic Boycotts of Israel How can scholars reconcile opposition to the Trump travel ban with blacklists aimed at the Jewish state? By Ruth R. Wisse | RUTHFULLY YOURS
One Jewish/Arab experience:

Sharon told Arutz Sheva the story began when he was driving home one evening from a show, and heard music from the Arab village of Al-Fureidis, near Herodion National Park. On a lark, Sharon decided to follow his ears, and drive into Al-Fureidis to look for the source of the music, and ultimately joined in the wedding celebration.

Watch: When a settler performed at an Arab wedding
A different Jewish/Arab experience:

Now, if the Palestinians in Hebron and its suburbs were all moderate and peace-loving –as Hollywood, the news media, and the Jewish left want us to believe – then surely they would have no problem with a Jew occasionally passing by.

But they do have a problem. A big one. The problem is called Jew-hatred.

On that Monday evening, an Israeli soldier took a wrong turn and entered Sair, a Palestinian neighborhood on the outskirts of Hebron. He didn’t shoot anybody. He didn’t “occupy” or oppress anyone. He just drove into an area that is off-limits to Jews.

(full article online)

Love of the Land: Sometimes, reality clashes with the fantasy world of Hollywood - by Stephen M. Flatow
“Israeli technology has saved American lives on the battlefield, it powers our cellphones and computers, it puts food on our dinner tables, and it protects us right here in Texas from enemies abroad. Israel is America’s greatest multicultural, democratic ally in the region where all Israeli citizens, regardless of race or religion, have equal rights under the law. America and Israel thrive on similar democratic values.”
“In the US, there is a misconception about the word ‘apartheid,’ because they don’t know the deeper meaning,” said Mangope, a lawyer who first learned about Israel when she participated on a tour with Africans for Peace, an independent academic group. “But South Africans should know better. We know what real apartheid looks like, and we should know that you can’t compare that to Israel.”

During their stop at Columbia University, Ndlovu said a South African professor began attacking them as “Zionist mascots who are paid by the Israeli state to parade around the world, with no real credibility to speak to an audience [about the conflict].”

“I shamelessly confronted him,” Ndlovu said proudly, noting his nearly decade-long work in politics and Israel activism. “And I think I managed to counter the arguments he made, and maybe I even convinced some people.”

(full article online)

Opposing Narrative of Israeli Apartheid ‘Personal For Us,’ Say Zionist South African Representatives
More than 100 Boston-area researchers in health care and life sciences released a statement April 13 in defense of “the liberal ideals which have shaped our democracy” and in support of “the free flow of ideas and information” that is central to their work. Why affirm something so obvious? To stop academic blacklisting by the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, which targets Israeli universities and scholars.

Attempts to isolate Israel and its educational institutions aren’t new. In 1945 the Arab League declared that all Arab institutions and individuals must “refuse to deal in, distribute, or consume Zionist products of manufactured goods.”

(full article online)

Scientists Take a Stand Against Academic Boycotts of Israel How can scholars reconcile opposition to the Trump travel ban with blacklists aimed at the Jewish state? By Ruth R. Wisse | RUTHFULLY YOURS
Oh jeese, another fake academic freedom advocate.

Of course this ass did not mention that Israel closes down and sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities. She also does not mention that many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships. She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities. Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.

She is just another lying Israeli shill.
More than 100 Boston-area researchers in health care and life sciences released a statement April 13 in defense of “the liberal ideals which have shaped our democracy” and in support of “the free flow of ideas and information” that is central to their work. Why affirm something so obvious? To stop academic blacklisting by the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, which targets Israeli universities and scholars.

Attempts to isolate Israel and its educational institutions aren’t new. In 1945 the Arab League declared that all Arab institutions and individuals must “refuse to deal in, distribute, or consume Zionist products of manufactured goods.”

(full article online)

Scientists Take a Stand Against Academic Boycotts of Israel How can scholars reconcile opposition to the Trump travel ban with blacklists aimed at the Jewish state? By Ruth R. Wisse | RUTHFULLY YOURS
Oh jeese, another fake academic freedom advocate.

Of course this ass did not mention that Israel closes down and sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities. She also does not mention that many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships. She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities. Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.

She is just another lying Israeli shill.

<<<sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities.>>>

Oh, you mean when Hamas hides bombs or tries to fire from those places at Israel, as in 2014?

<<Israel closes down>>
<<many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships.>> us where this has actually happened.

<<She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities
Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.>>

Which sane country would allow people who hate that country to come and teach more hatred towards that country? (Duh!)
But, hey, do show the examples in real life. There may have been a security issue you do not know or care about, after all to you.....

More than 100 Boston-area researchers in health care and life sciences released a statement April 13 in defense of “the liberal ideals which have shaped our democracy” and in support of “the free flow of ideas and information” that is central to their work. Why affirm something so obvious? To stop academic blacklisting by the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, which targets Israeli universities and scholars.

Attempts to isolate Israel and its educational institutions aren’t new. In 1945 the Arab League declared that all Arab institutions and individuals must “refuse to deal in, distribute, or consume Zionist products of manufactured goods.”

(full article online)

Scientists Take a Stand Against Academic Boycotts of Israel How can scholars reconcile opposition to the Trump travel ban with blacklists aimed at the Jewish state? By Ruth R. Wisse | RUTHFULLY YOURS
Oh jeese, another fake academic freedom advocate.

Of course this ass did not mention that Israel closes down and sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities. She also does not mention that many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships. She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities. Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.

She is just another lying Israeli shill.

<<<sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities.>>>

Oh, you mean when Hamas hides bombs or tries to fire from those places at Israel, as in 2014?

<<Israel closes down>>
<<many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships.>> us where this has actually happened.

<<She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities
Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.>>

Which sane country would allow people who hate that country to come and teach more hatred towards that country? (Duh!)
But, hey, do show the examples in real life. There may have been a security issue you do not know or care about, after all to you.....

Everything is a security issue to those assholes.

All of that has been in the news. It is not reported in Israeli propaganda sources though. (Your only source of information.)
More than 100 Boston-area researchers in health care and life sciences released a statement April 13 in defense of “the liberal ideals which have shaped our democracy” and in support of “the free flow of ideas and information” that is central to their work. Why affirm something so obvious? To stop academic blacklisting by the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement, which targets Israeli universities and scholars.

Attempts to isolate Israel and its educational institutions aren’t new. In 1945 the Arab League declared that all Arab institutions and individuals must “refuse to deal in, distribute, or consume Zionist products of manufactured goods.”

(full article online)

Scientists Take a Stand Against Academic Boycotts of Israel How can scholars reconcile opposition to the Trump travel ban with blacklists aimed at the Jewish state? By Ruth R. Wisse | RUTHFULLY YOURS
Oh jeese, another fake academic freedom advocate.

Of course this ass did not mention that Israel closes down and sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities. She also does not mention that many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships. She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities. Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.

She is just another lying Israeli shill.

<<<sometimes bombs Palestinian schools and universities.>>>

Oh, you mean when Hamas hides bombs or tries to fire from those places at Israel, as in 2014?

<<Israel closes down>>
<<many Palestinian students cannot study abroad even if they have scholarships.>> us where this has actually happened.

<<She also does not mention that foreign academics are prevented from teaching or giving lectures at Palestinian universities
Nor can Palestinian academics travel for the same.>>

Which sane country would allow people who hate that country to come and teach more hatred towards that country? (Duh!)
But, hey, do show the examples in real life. There may have been a security issue you do not know or care about, after all to you.....

Everything is a security issue to those assholes.

All of that has been in the news. It is not reported in Israeli propaganda sources though. (Your only source of information.)

<<<Everything is a security issue to those assholes.>>>

The security bothers you? Great.
It does not bother the Millions of tourists and residents, including Muslims and Christians it is meant to protect.

<<<All of that has been in the news. It is not reported in Israeli propaganda sources though. (Your only source of information.)

By all means post the links from Mondoweiss and others you like to read.
We have no problem reading them.
(How about I check Ma'an to see if they have reported it?)

(Actually, I did check for any of that and not even Mondoweiss, etc came up with that headline.
Lets see, it may have come out of your "a_hole" ????

The question remains:


(I will bet.....NOT ! )
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Ma'an News Agency, reporting in English, said
photographs of the scene published by Israeli media showed that the Palestinian vehicle had seemingly collided with the back of a bus. The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed later in the afternoon that the Palestinian succumbed to wounds sustained when he was shot by soldiers at the scene, identifying him as Suhaib Moussa Mashour Mashahra, 21, from the Jerusalem-district village of al-Sawahira.

In its Arabic version, the same Ma'an suggested that the circumstances - the Arab vehicle crashing into the back of an Israeli bus - indicated that it was probably not an attack but a mere accident. And that the driver is a martyr.

The existence of the knife next to the driver's seat goes unmentioned.

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 19-Apr-17: At Gush Etzion, yet another Arab-on-Israel vehicle ramming attack; the assailant is dead
The security bothers you? Great.
It does not bother the Millions of tourists and residents, including Muslims and Christians it is meant to protect.
Trampling Palestinian academic freedom is security?

You are a hoot.

Who is trampling islamic terrorist academic freedom?

Ooooo, you played the terrorist card.

Good girl.

Another of your cut and paste slogans when you're unable to address the depravity that defines Islamist ideology.
  • It is an integral part of the Palestinian strategy to undermine, isolate, delegitimize and destroy Israel.

  • It is not only Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who is in trouble. Marwan Barghouti, too, knows better than to air dirty Fatah laundry. What, then, is to be done? The traditional diversionary tactic: Direct the heat towards Israel.

  • Stripped of its Western trappings, Barghouti's "hunger strike" is actually a struggle between Abbas and yet another Fatah pretender to the throne. And once again, Israel -- the state that supposedly so "mistreats" incarcerated Palestinian terrorists -- takes the heat.
(Full article online)

Palestinians: Hunger Strike or Smokescreen?
Yeah, all prisoners in the world should have and be treated the way Palestinian prisoners are demanding to be treated:

What are these "basic rights" that the prisoners are demanding?

They include:

Adding satellite channels "tailored to the needs of prisoners"
Restoring classes at Hebrew University
Installation of a public telephone in all prisons to allow communication with relatives
Allowing second-degree relatives to visit
Allowing children and grandchildren under 16 to visit
Increasing duration of the visits from 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Allowing prisoners to take photographs with their families every three months
Installing air conditioners in prisons
Restoring kitchens for use by prisoners under the exclusive supervision of the prisoners themselves
Allowing detainees to keep their own books, newspapers and clothes that families bring
Ending solitary confinement

"Basic rights."
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