All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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But if you bother to look at the nearly unreadable grayed-out source, you see that this accusation of "torture" is not by a prisoner, but from a prisoner's sister, saying that Israeli restrictions on her visiting her brother is "torture" and punishment.

It is obvious that calling restrictions on unlimited visits "torture" is ludicrous. To highlight that accusation as a key takeaway in the report is massively deceptive.

Clearly, Amnesty had next to nothing to accuse Israel of, and instead it went to its usual Plan B, to quote anonymous people who accuse Israel of horrible things without Amnesty having to actually verify anything. It pushes lies and propaganda while avoiding lying outright.

(full article online)

Amnesty implies that prisoners' relatives are being tortured by Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
No doubt there have been condemnations, but the vast majority are directed to terrorist attacks other than those against Israeli civilians.

This tends to corroborate Raymond Ibrahim, who in his 2008 article Studying the Islamic Way of War, contradicts what Bernard Lewis writes about the Islamic attitude towards war and non-combatants:

For instance, based on the words and deeds of Muhammad, most schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that the following are all legitimate during war against the infidel: the indiscriminate use of missile weaponry, even if women and children are present (catapults in Muhammad’s seventh century context; hijacked planes or WMD today); the need to always deceive the enemy and even break formal treaties whenever possible (see Sahih Muslim 15: 4057); and that the only function of the peace treaty, or “hudna,” is to give the Islamic armies time to regroup for a renewed offensive, and should, in theory, last no more than ten years. [emphasis added]

(full article online)

Does Sharia Law Condemn the Murder of Women and Children by Ahlam Tamimi -- Or Commend It? (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yeah, all prisoners in the world should have and be treated the way Palestinian prisoners are demanding to be treated:

What are these "basic rights" that the prisoners are demanding?

They include:

Adding satellite channels "tailored to the needs of prisoners"
Restoring classes at Hebrew University
Installation of a public telephone in all prisons to allow communication with relatives
Allowing second-degree relatives to visit
Allowing children and grandchildren under 16 to visit
Increasing duration of the visits from 45 minutes to 90 minutes
Allowing prisoners to take photographs with their families every three months
Installing air conditioners in prisons
Restoring kitchens for use by prisoners under the exclusive supervision of the prisoners themselves
Allowing detainees to keep their own books, newspapers and clothes that families bring
Ending solitary confinement

"Basic rights."

The only "basic right" that I see on this list is ending solitary confinement. All the others are privileges.
(How this was never about Israel and "occupied Palestinian Territories", and mostly about territory, period, and Islam missing all the dhimmies it let go)

Prime Minister Saad Hariri criticized the media tour organized by Hezbollah during which armed gunmen from the group appeared in a UN-created border buffer zone meant to be free of Hezbollah presence, calling it “unacceptable in our opinion.”

The Hezbollah tour, intended to show journalists defensive measures taken by Israel along the border in the past year, was also criticized by other opponents of the Iranian-backed group as a provocation and a violation of a 2006 UN Security Council resolution that created the buffer zone.

(full article online)

Lebanese PM criticizes Hezbollah’s press tour on Israel border
To be fair, Ravina Shamdasani, the spokesperson for the UN high commissioner for human rights, did say that those murders “were carried out in breach of Palestinian’s obligations under international law…which places stringent conditions on the use of the death penalty,” and even Mladenov issued a statement saying that he was “deeply concerned” by the growing tensions in Gaza.

But the fact remains that when Palestinians are not killing Israelis, they are killing each other.

(full article online)

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians
Everyone remembers Wafa Samir Ibrahim al-Biss, the 21-year-old Palestinian woman from Gaza who in 2005 was caught wearing 10 kilo of explosives in her underwear, en route to blowup Soroka-University Medical Center in Beersheba where she was being treated for burns.

She admitted to being recruited by Fatah’s Aksa Martyrs Brigade, and added that she had wanted to kill as many Israeli children in the hospital as possible.

Despite the security risk, Israel annually allows tens of thousands of Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip for medical treatment in Israel (and in the West Bank and Jordan).

And from within the Israeli hospital to which he had been specially brought in order to save the life of his younger brother, this youthful Palestinian terrorist had been giving instructions on the phone to his Hamas handlers in Gaza on how to get past security at Sheba Medical Center and blow the place up.

(full article online)

Know Comment: Exploited by the enemy
The Eurovision competitors had come to spend four days in Israel as guests of KKL-JNF and of the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage, and the municipalities of Tel Aviv and Herzliya. During their time in the country they toured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and also gave a special concert for Eurovision fans.

Eurovision 2017 contestants plant trees in Israel
Israeli and Palestinian “private sector leaders” and officials participated in the event, which was billed as “part of the Trump Administration’s broader efforts to advance a genuine and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”This violates not only BDS guidelines, but Palestinian Authority demands as well that their people have no contact with Israelis outside of anti-Israel activities.

What happened to their principles?

Palestinians once again violate BDS demands ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Say it with me: "Peace Partners".

"Roadmaps to Nowhere".

Fatah leader: Fatah and Hamas agree Israel has no right to exist - PMW Bulletins

Fatah leader:
Fatah and Hamas agree
Israel has no right to exist

Fatah leader:
"To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"

Talk about establishing a state in the West Bank and Gaza
"is a tactical step"

These are Pyrrhic victories. Even if one were inclined to take seriously statements emanating from Pitzer, whose last serious debate was over whether white women should be permitted to wear hoop earrings (I wish I were making this up), boycott activists lose more than they gain when they win by showing disrespect for the Jewish holidays and fear of debate. Even in an atmosphere in which people of the left are hungry to take some kind of action, BDS has no confidence in its ability to win a fair fight.

BDS in 2017: Losses and Pyrrhic Victories
“If the borders opened for one hour, 100,000 young people would leave Gaza.”

— Rashid al-Najja, vice dean, Gaza’s Al-Azhar University.

The only real way to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is to offer the Gazans what they really want — a better life elsewhere, out of harm’s way, free from the clutches of the cruel, corrupt cliques, who have lead them from disaster to disaster for decades.

Gaza: Let Their People Go!
Here are some other stories for which the New York Times did somehow manage to find room in its print edition this week:

A full page (and more) about “a small subculture of surfers” who ride the waves at night.

A nearly 2000-word profile of a Los Angeles dermatologist who treats a lot of people in the movie and television business.

An article claiming, inaccurately, that “elevated drug paraphernalia and New Age-inflected styles have emerged as unlikely must-have items of the season.”

New York Times Finds Gaza Cancer-Patient Terror Attempt Unfit to Print
Last September, APN’s Board of Directors (Michael Walzer and Edward Witten) published an open letter in the New York Review of Books calling for a targeted boycott of “all goods and services from all Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories, and any investments that promote the Occupation.”

This could qualify not just these two individuals, but the entire NGO as unfit for entry into Israel because they engaged in promoting BDS against Israelis. And so, rather than to go through the cumbersome effort of schlepping with a tour group on a 12-hour flight from New York to Tel Aviv only to be told to take the next available flight back to America – APN stays home this summer.

‘Americans for Peace Now’ Stay in America this Summer, Fearing Israeli Travel BanThe Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 27 Nisan 5777 – April 22, 2017 |
Say it with me: "Peace Partners".

"Roadmaps to Nowhere".

Fatah leader: Fatah and Hamas agree Israel has no right to exist - PMW Bulletins

Fatah leader:
Fatah and Hamas agree
Israel has no right to exist

Fatah leader:
"To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"

Talk about establishing a state in the West Bank and Gaza
"is a tactical step"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"
Nobody has ever posted any evidence to refute that claim.
Say it with me: "Peace Partners".

"Roadmaps to Nowhere".

Fatah leader: Fatah and Hamas agree Israel has no right to exist - PMW Bulletins

Fatah leader:
Fatah and Hamas agree
Israel has no right to exist

Fatah leader:
"To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"

Talk about establishing a state in the West Bank and Gaza
"is a tactical step"

Hamas leader:
"Our principles say that our land is all of Palestine, including the land that is under occupation (i.e., Israel)"
Nobody has ever posted any evidence to refute that claim.

His opinion is in concert with muhammedan dogma. He's employing Islamist fascism and the muhammedan concept of waqf to justify muhammedan settler colonialism, war and conquest. Your opinion is duly noted and ignored.

Like so many goofy converts, you have no real sense of islamist history and the damage it has caused. See, it should be a dead giveaway to anybody with a reason to challenge islamist dogma that any religion which is utterly obsessed with war, rapine and conquest against anyone who doesn't buy into its fascist / supremacist ideology is a flawed and dangerous religion indeed.
From Ma'an:
The Fatah movement has pronounced Friday, April 28 to be a “day of rage,” and called on all Palestinians to "clash" with Israeli forces to express solidarity for an ongoing mass hunger strike underway in Israeli prisons, organized by imprisoned Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi.
"Clash with the occupier everywhere across our homeland" means "attack all Jews we can."

The last time the "moderate" Fatah called for a "Day of Rage," in October 2015, Palestinians murdered three Israelis and burned Joseph's Tomb.

I have yet to see Mahmoud Abbas ever say a word against the political party he heads nor against its own armed factions.

By the way, Fatah never recognized Israel either.

(full article and video online)

Mahmoud Abbas' "peaceful, moderate" Fatah calls on "day of rage" to attack Israelis ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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