All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Teen Terrorist Stabs Israeli Woman Near Modiin

A 14-year-old Palestinian Authority Arab stabbed an Israeli woman Wednesday at the Maccabim Junction on Highway 443, near the central city of Modiin.

Medics from the Magen David Adom emergency medical response service said the woman, in her twenties, was treated for a stab wound in her upper body. She was evacuated in stable condition to Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv.

A Border Guard Police officer was also wounded while trying to restrain the attacker who was arrested and transferred to security personnel for investigation.

Police said Border Guard Police were driving on Highway 443 when they spotted the suspect trying to flee. The officers chased the suspect on foot, firing warning shots in the air. They succeeded in catching the suspect a few hundred meters away from the site of the attack.

The young terrorist has now undoubtedly earned a generous monthly stipend for the family from now on, courtesy of the Palestinian Authority government’s “pay to slay” policy which provides ongoing monthly support for terrorists and their families after they attempt to murder Israelis.

Teen Terrorist Stabs Israeli Woman Near Modiin

Occupations always have problems with security. It comes with the territory.

always glossing over the ... "problems" -- irrregardless -- all that they do: 'I blow myself up," kite bombs....

digging tunnels, rocket launching...

posing w/children in terrorist drag......etc, + + +

you don't find the freedom fighters: stark raving mad?

you need security around these lawless barbarians and savages.....

There are thousands of Palestinians living in Chile. Where is their security problem?

really ? i guess then they must be surrounded by a different type of society that [in a positive way] rubs off on them - to not be a security problem...they're not ALL 'hopped' up on their daily freedom fighting resistance WAY of LIFE......
[ Why keep asking where antisemitism comes from, or why why it is showing up as strongly again? It comes from the baseless teachings in Christianity and Islam for the past 2000 years. Period ! So, with all of that teaching, how can many people not feel solidarity for those who have been the poster child of victims for the past 70 years? Even though those "victims" are the perpetrators themselves, as they have always been.]

What is Palestinian solidarity? Last week, I sat and witnessed a mainstream political party in the UK deliberately spitin the face of the Jewish community. The problem of growing antisemitism extends far beyond the shores of the UK and recently inside the US Democratic Party, we have seen a similar struggle *begin* to surface. So is Palestinian solidarity related to rising antisemitism, where does this animosity come from – and how is it being allowed to successfully propagate?

If this were simply swastika wearing Jew hatred resurfacing, you would hope it would be easily identified. Which tends to suggest that it isn’t – or if it is – then at the very least much of it is well disguised.

(full article online)

Palestinian solidarity - the obsessive stepping stone to antisemitism
That heavily promoted report was made available on the BBC News website for fourteen consecutive days.

In other words the producers of that report, along with additional BBC journalists, apparently saw nothing at all problematic in the amplification of the unchallenged narrative of a political NGO that is linked to a terrorist organisation that the BBC knows has murdered Israeli civilians in the past and which, we now learn, employed the leader of the PFLP terror cell apparently responsible for the brutal murder of a seventeen-year-old out hiking with her family.

(full article online)

BBC-promoted NGO’s terror links surface again
After failing in 1948 to stop the U.S. from supporting the creation of a Jewish state, writes Samuel Tadros, the Middle East experts of the State Department put forth the theory that America could not achieve its strategic goals in the region without first solving the Arab-Israeli conflict. This soon became “dogma” in Foggy Bottom, at think tanks, and in academia. Even President Trump, for all his unorthodoxies, is not immune to the allure peacemaking.

In reality, no one [in the Middle East] actually cared about the Palestinians, at least not the region’s rulers. [Their] priorities were everywhere besides Palestine: toppling the monarchs for some, searching for hegemony for others, or, for most, simply protecting their rule from revolutionary upheaval. The Palestinians, if they were considered at all, served simply as a bargaining chip; a cause to rally supporters and attack opponents.

Despite this, Washington’s Middle East experts were not deterred. The centrality of the issue was never to be questioned, but the method to solve it changed.

(full article online)

How the Myth of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict’s Supreme Importance Distorted 70 Years of American Middle East Policy

  • If greeting a Jew on his or her holiday, cleaning the beach with an Israeli, or working in Israel are considered by many Arabs a "crime," what will be the fate of any Arab who makes peace with Israel?

  • Those who are calling for boycotts of Israel -- and are threatening and inciting their people against any Arab who dares to host a Jew or send him or her greetings -- are also emphatically opposed to peace with Israel. For them, making peace with the "Zionist entity" is considered an act of treason.

  • They are worried that an Arab who greets a Jew may one day make peace with Israel. They are worried that an Arab state that hosts Israeli athletes may one day make peace with Israel. They are worried that Arabs who go to work in Israel may fall in love with Israelis and stop thinking of ways to kill them or destroy Israel.

    (full article online)

"Anti-Normalization" With Israel: The True Goal
Melbourne Australia: a number of severe anti-Semitic abuse cases were exposed in public schools in the city
A 12-year-old student in Melbourne was verbally abused, physically assaulted and forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim boy – all because he is Jewish.

A FIVE-YEAR-OLD student began wetting himself in class after he was subjected to antisemitic bullying over the course of four months, while a 12-year-old student was forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim child and was physically assaulted.

Both Jewish students, who have asked to remain anonymous, had to leave their public schools because their families felt the principals did not provide them adequate support.

The first child, a prep student at Hawthorn West Primary School, started wetting himself in bed at night, and in class. He also became agitated, began using derogatory language and looked for an excuse each morning to avoid going to school. His parents knew something was wrong, but were unsure if it was all a part of the adjustment process from kindergarten.

Then, after spilling his cereal one morning, the five-year-old broke down. “He literally fell down on the floor,” his mother shared with The AJN, “and said, ‘Mummy, you shouldn’t love me. I’m a worthless, Jewish rodent. I’m vermin.'”

Mortified, his mother crumbled on the floor with him.

It was later revealed that the young boy was being bullied on a daily basis by five classmates in the school bathrooms. It started when he was questioned about being circumcised. Then came the barrage of antisemitic insults, including “Jewish vermin”, “the dirty Jew” and a “Jewish cockroach”.

But when raised with the school, the mother says they were “dismissive” of the antisemitic element. The school’s solution was to keep the student from using the regular bathroom, offering the facilities of another bathroom instead.

“But we felt uncomfortable because obviously you’re not addressing the issue,” remarked the student’s mother.

The parents called for an education policy about antisemitism to be rolled out. But the school declined.

According to the student’s mother, “they refused to accept there was an antisemitic issue. ‘It’s not antisemitism, it’s just bullying.’ The principal said, I don’t want to make other students feel uncomfortable”.

Within 24 hours, the newly implemented solution was breached – and another incident took place in the bathroom.
The family doctor had told the parents that their son was suffering from “an acute state of anxiety”. He did not return to the school and is now being home-schooled as the parents assess their options.

“Essentially, everyone’s solution to this problem is to send your child to a Jewish day school. I don’t know. Do we live in a society where we really have to do that in order to be safe?” asked the student’s mother.

“I have no issue with children being bullies. They’re learning. But you need to address it. And you have to say … this is antisemitic behaviour. It is not okay. Name it. Educate on it. But you can’t just say it is bullying. You can’t just hide it. You’ve got to be honest with children, and you’ve got to educate.”

The mother of the 12-year-old in the second case told The AJN that her son was lured to a park by a classmate from Cheltenham Secondary College, with a promise of a kick of the footy.

But when the student arrived, he was given the ultimatum: Bow down and kiss the feet of a Muslim child, or face the threat of violence by the nine other 12 and 13-year-olds. Vastly outnumbered, the student complied. The incident was photographed, filmed and posted on Instagram.

In the ensuing months, the student was also subjected to antisemitic slurs including “Jewish ape”, “Jewish n****r” and “Jewish gimp”. He was followed home from school daily, and physically assaulted in the school corridor with the bully attacker shouting he is “a cooked up Jewish c***”.

“He had been punched in the face. The whole left side of his back was bruised. He had a gouge of skin out of his shoulder,” the student’s mother told The AJN on the condition of anonymity.

As a result, the student required a visit to hospital, and suffered from acute anxiety.

But the school refused to acknowledge the events as antisemitic, explains the student’s mother.
Following the park incident, she reported it to the school, “They said, it didn’t happen on school grounds. There is nothing we can do about it. Just go to the police if you think it is a matter for the police, and you know, we can’t really do much about banter.

“They didn’t even want to call it antisemitism. To avoid action, everything becomes an ‘isolated incident’, so then it is not bullying or religious vilification,” she said.


‘A rapidly spreading crisis’ - Australian Jewish News

And we all who keeps vilifying Jews for merely reporting on this,
to deflect from the most banally apparent.
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The terrorist in the Dolev attack worked in an organization funded by European governments (Palestinian organization Adamir)

"European governments and UN agencies must immediately stop funding the organization" declared NGO Monitor research institute after decoding the attack on Dolev: "Israel and European governments must launch an investigation into the European money he has transferred to the Adamir organization, where the head of the terrorist squad worked"

The terrorist from the Dolev attack worked in an organization funded by European governments "European governments and UN agencies must immediately stop funding the organization" NGO Monitor research institute after decoding the attack on Dolev: "Israel and European governments must launch an investigation into the European money he has transferred to the Adamir organization, where the head of the terrorist squad worked"

Samar Arabid, who is accused of carrying out the attack on Dolev, worked for years in the Palestinian organization "Adamir", which enjoys European government funding - according to the NGO Monitor Research Institute. Arabid is mentioned in the institute's reports as an employee of the organization and who was arrested by the IDF in 2013 following his activities in the Popular Front Terrorist Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PA). By September 2018, he had appeared on Admiral's website as an accountant.

The NGO Monitor Research Institute has for years warned that many of Adamair's employees and former employees have ties to the PFLP. European governments continue to support the organization on the grounds that it promotes human rights, even though the PFLP is declared a terrorist organization in the EU, Canada, the US and Israel.

According to information published by the donors, from 2017-2019 Adamir received a direct grant of € 180,000 from the Spanish government, and a grant of $ 118,000 from the Swiss government. In 2014-2017 Adamir received a grant of half a million dollars "from the Director of Human Rights and International Law" (Joint Assistance Fund of the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden), $ 200,000 from the Norwegian government (2016-2015) and € 150,000 from Ireland ( 2016-2017). Other donors include UN agencies, governmental funds and local authorities but the latest amounts are unknown.

Given that the person responsible for the money in an organization is accused of terrorist activity, NGO Monitor calls on the Israeli government, European governments and UN agencies to conduct a comprehensive investigation into how grants were decided despite all the findings and evidence of HAS relations, why the funding process is lacking in transparency and how it functions. Arabid as the accountant of an organization that receives European money aligns with the terrorist activity in which it was involved.

Professor Gerald Steinberg, president of the NGO Monitor: "As we have just seen this week, the SHA was and remains an active terrorist organization. Since 2016, we have been alerted to the phenomenon in which Palestinian-funded Palestinian civil society organizations are associated at various levels with the Popular Front Terrorist Organization for the Liberation of Palestine. The Adamir organization is an integral part of these organizations. The findings of our research, along with the latest publications on the identity of the organization's employees, leave no doubt - European governments and UN agencies must immediately stop funding the organization and launch a comprehensive investigation. "

NGO Monitor on Twitter
Samer Arbid’s NGO Affiliations

Addameer official Twitter page continues to tweet and share posts supporting the terrorist:
Addameer –الضمير (@Addameer) | Twitter
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Melbourne Australia: a number of severe anti-Semitic abuse cases were exposed in public schools in the city
A 12-year-old student in Melbourne was verbally abused, physically assaulted and forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim boy – all because he is Jewish.

A FIVE-YEAR-OLD student began wetting himself in class after he was subjected to antisemitic bullying over the course of four months, while a 12-year-old student was forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim child and was physically assaulted.

Both Jewish students, who have asked to remain anonymous, had to leave their public schools because their families felt the principals did not provide them adequate support.

The first child, a prep student at Hawthorn West Primary School, started wetting himself in bed at night, and in class. He also became agitated, began using derogatory language and looked for an excuse each morning to avoid going to school. His parents knew something was wrong, but were unsure if it was all a part of the adjustment process from kindergarten.

Then, after spilling his cereal one morning, the five-year-old broke down. “He literally fell down on the floor,” his mother shared with The AJN, “and said, ‘Mummy, you shouldn’t love me. I’m a worthless, Jewish rodent. I’m vermin.'”

Mortified, his mother crumbled on the floor with him.

It was later revealed that the young boy was being bullied on a daily basis by five classmates in the school bathrooms. It started when he was questioned about being circumcised. Then came the barrage of antisemitic insults, including “Jewish vermin”, “the dirty Jew” and a “Jewish cockroach”.

But when raised with the school, the mother says they were “dismissive” of the antisemitic element. The school’s solution was to keep the student from using the regular bathroom, offering the facilities of another bathroom instead.

“But we felt uncomfortable because obviously you’re not addressing the issue,” remarked the student’s mother.

The parents called for an education policy about antisemitism to be rolled out. But the school declined.

According to the student’s mother, “they refused to accept there was an antisemitic issue. ‘It’s not antisemitism, it’s just bullying.’ The principal said, I don’t want to make other students feel uncomfortable”.

Within 24 hours, the newly implemented solution was breached – and another incident took place in the bathroom.
The family doctor had told the parents that their son was suffering from “an acute state of anxiety”. He did not return to the school and is now being home-schooled as the parents assess their options.

“Essentially, everyone’s solution to this problem is to send your child to a Jewish day school. I don’t know. Do we live in a society where we really have to do that in order to be safe?” asked the student’s mother.

“I have no issue with children being bullies. They’re learning. But you need to address it. And you have to say … this is antisemitic behaviour. It is not okay. Name it. Educate on it. But you can’t just say it is bullying. You can’t just hide it. You’ve got to be honest with children, and you’ve got to educate.”

The mother of the 12-year-old in the second case told The AJN that her son was lured to a park by a classmate from Cheltenham Secondary College, with a promise of a kick of the footy.

But when the student arrived, he was given the ultimatum: Bow down and kiss the feet of a Muslim child, or face the threat of violence by the nine other 12 and 13-year-olds. Vastly outnumbered, the student complied. The incident was photographed, filmed and posted on Instagram.

In the ensuing months, the student was also subjected to antisemitic slurs including “Jewish ape”, “Jewish n****r” and “Jewish gimp”. He was followed home from school daily, and physically assaulted in the school corridor with the bully attacker shouting he is “a cooked up Jewish c***”.

“He had been punched in the face. The whole left side of his back was bruised. He had a gouge of skin out of his shoulder,” the student’s mother told The AJN on the condition of anonymity.

As a result, the student required a visit to hospital, and suffered from acute anxiety.

But the school refused to acknowledge the events as antisemitic, explains the student’s mother.
Following the park incident, she reported it to the school, “They said, it didn’t happen on school grounds. There is nothing we can do about it. Just go to the police if you think it is a matter for the police, and you know, we can’t really do much about banter.

“They didn’t even want to call it antisemitism. To avoid action, everything becomes an ‘isolated incident’, so then it is not bullying or religious vilification,” she said.


‘A rapidly spreading crisis’ - Australian Jewish News

And we all who keeps vilifying Jews for merely reporting on this,
to deflect from the most banally apparent.
What does this have to do with I/P?
Dozens of neo-Nazis marched through the German city of Dortmund on Monday, calling for Palestinian support to eradicate Israel.

The demonstration, which came on the heels of an anti-fascist protest in the western German city, involved approximately seventy neo-Nazi activists marching through the streets, holding flags of the Third Reich flag and chanting, "Palestine help us, Israel still exists" and "Israel no more."

(full article online)

Neo-Nazi protestors in Germany call for Palestinian help against Israel
[ British/Irish ignorance at its best. It has been so since Paul of Tarsus attracted the first follower from the British Islands to his Christianity.
" You shall be saved ! " You do not know about Judaism or the Jewish People? Follow me !!! ]

The creation of the State of Israel was an act of racism, imperialism, and colonialism. Eleanor Roosevelt supported it, which means she was not the humanitarian everyone believes her to be, but rather a racist, imperialist, and colonialist. That is the central thesis of Geraldine Kidd’s dissertation-turned-prosecutorial brief against the most influential first lady in American history.

Readers will have no trouble surmising where Kidd (who teaches at University College in Cork, Ireland) stands on the Arab–Jewish conflict, and why she is so disappointed in Mrs. Roosevelt’s sympathy for Zionism. Arab violence in Mandatory Palestine was merely a response to “incursions by the land-hungry Zionists” (p. 90) and “the insidious and ever-growing [Jewish] colonization” (p. 91), Kidd asserts. Arab leaders who violently opposed the creation of a Jewish state of any size were merely “vigorously defending Palestinian rights in the face of Jewish imposition” (p. 80). As for Mrs. Roosevelt, she “aspired for a Jewish-occupied Palestine” (p. 240) and her “growing interest in Palestine as a Jewish state bade ill for the indigenous people, whose land the Zionists coveted” (p. 54).

“Indigenous,” incidentally, is a term invoked by Kidd with almost comic frequency. She applies it to the Arab residents of Mandatory Palestine no less than eleven times in the first 100 pages of her book, yet never feels it necessary to explain the basis for that assertion. For Kidd, it is self-evident that the Arabs have been the rightful owners of every inch of the country since time immemorial, while “the foreign, migrating Jewish minority” should be regarded as usurpers and criminals (p. 31).

(full article online)
Palestine becomes member of Arab League’s Human Rights Committee

I believe the article neglected to identify Pal'istan as the "country of Pal'istan" which, as we know, was invented a as part of the Treaty of Lausanne.

Let's hope the Arabs-Moslems in Pal'istan will assume the customs and principles laid down by the "rightly guided" caliphs and follow in the footsteps of their Arab-Moslem brethren.

Human rights are a hallmark of Arab-Moslem society.

U.N. rights boss condemns Saudi Arabia's beheading of 37 men
Palestine becomes member of Arab League’s Human Rights Committee

I believe the article neglected to identify Pal'istan as the "country of Pal'istan" which, as we know, was invented a as part of the Treaty of Lausanne.

Let's hope the Arabs-Moslems in Pal'istan will assume the customs and principles laid down by the "rightly guided" caliphs and follow in the footsteps of their Arab-Moslem brethren.

Human rights are a hallmark of Arab-Moslem society.

U.N. rights boss condemns Saudi Arabia's beheading of 37 men

I Lol'ed at that bit about the Treaty of Lausanne that Tinmore obsesses over, in which Palestine isn't even mentioned.
The gee-had rolls on and Hamas will need to cut more checks for their minions.

Palestinian dies in violent riots on Gaza border, as IDF chief visits

Palestinians attempted to cross the fence but were stopped by IDF gunfire, Channel 12 reported

One Palestinian died and eleven others were injured in violent riots along the Gaza security fence, the Gaza Health Ministry said on Friday.

The IDF said in a statement that around 6,000 Palestinians took part in Friday's demonstrations, throwing stones and explosives at several locations along the fence. It said that a Molotov cocktail hit a military jeep but no casualties ensued
Melbourne Australia: a number of severe anti-Semitic abuse cases were exposed in public schools in the city
A 12-year-old student in Melbourne was verbally abused, physically assaulted and forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim boy – all because he is Jewish.

A FIVE-YEAR-OLD student began wetting himself in class after he was subjected to antisemitic bullying over the course of four months, while a 12-year-old student was forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim child and was physically assaulted.

Both Jewish students, who have asked to remain anonymous, had to leave their public schools because their families felt the principals did not provide them adequate support.

The first child, a prep student at Hawthorn West Primary School, started wetting himself in bed at night, and in class. He also became agitated, began using derogatory language and looked for an excuse each morning to avoid going to school. His parents knew something was wrong, but were unsure if it was all a part of the adjustment process from kindergarten.

Then, after spilling his cereal one morning, the five-year-old broke down. “He literally fell down on the floor,” his mother shared with The AJN, “and said, ‘Mummy, you shouldn’t love me. I’m a worthless, Jewish rodent. I’m vermin.'”

Mortified, his mother crumbled on the floor with him.

It was later revealed that the young boy was being bullied on a daily basis by five classmates in the school bathrooms. It started when he was questioned about being circumcised. Then came the barrage of antisemitic insults, including “Jewish vermin”, “the dirty Jew” and a “Jewish cockroach”.

But when raised with the school, the mother says they were “dismissive” of the antisemitic element. The school’s solution was to keep the student from using the regular bathroom, offering the facilities of another bathroom instead.

“But we felt uncomfortable because obviously you’re not addressing the issue,” remarked the student’s mother.

The parents called for an education policy about antisemitism to be rolled out. But the school declined.

According to the student’s mother, “they refused to accept there was an antisemitic issue. ‘It’s not antisemitism, it’s just bullying.’ The principal said, I don’t want to make other students feel uncomfortable”.

Within 24 hours, the newly implemented solution was breached – and another incident took place in the bathroom.
The family doctor had told the parents that their son was suffering from “an acute state of anxiety”. He did not return to the school and is now being home-schooled as the parents assess their options.

“Essentially, everyone’s solution to this problem is to send your child to a Jewish day school. I don’t know. Do we live in a society where we really have to do that in order to be safe?” asked the student’s mother.

“I have no issue with children being bullies. They’re learning. But you need to address it. And you have to say … this is antisemitic behaviour. It is not okay. Name it. Educate on it. But you can’t just say it is bullying. You can’t just hide it. You’ve got to be honest with children, and you’ve got to educate.”

The mother of the 12-year-old in the second case told The AJN that her son was lured to a park by a classmate from Cheltenham Secondary College, with a promise of a kick of the footy.

But when the student arrived, he was given the ultimatum: Bow down and kiss the feet of a Muslim child, or face the threat of violence by the nine other 12 and 13-year-olds. Vastly outnumbered, the student complied. The incident was photographed, filmed and posted on Instagram.

In the ensuing months, the student was also subjected to antisemitic slurs including “Jewish ape”, “Jewish n****r” and “Jewish gimp”. He was followed home from school daily, and physically assaulted in the school corridor with the bully attacker shouting he is “a cooked up Jewish c***”.

“He had been punched in the face. The whole left side of his back was bruised. He had a gouge of skin out of his shoulder,” the student’s mother told The AJN on the condition of anonymity.

As a result, the student required a visit to hospital, and suffered from acute anxiety.

But the school refused to acknowledge the events as antisemitic, explains the student’s mother.
Following the park incident, she reported it to the school, “They said, it didn’t happen on school grounds. There is nothing we can do about it. Just go to the police if you think it is a matter for the police, and you know, we can’t really do much about banter.

“They didn’t even want to call it antisemitism. To avoid action, everything becomes an ‘isolated incident’, so then it is not bullying or religious vilification,” she said.


‘A rapidly spreading crisis’ - Australian Jewish News

And we all who keeps vilifying Jews for merely reporting on this,
to deflect from the most banally apparent.
What does this have to do with I/P?

It vividly shows You the symptom of the whole conflict against Israel,
typical Islamist behavior that was practiced under the Caliphate occupation,
that eventually led to the Jewish uprising against the Muslim invaders.
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The gee-had rolls on and Hamas will need to cut more checks for their minions.

Palestinian dies in violent riots on Gaza border, as IDF chief visits

Palestinians attempted to cross the fence but were stopped by IDF gunfire, Channel 12 reported

One Palestinian died and eleven others were injured in violent riots along the Gaza security fence, the Gaza Health Ministry said on Friday.

The IDF said in a statement that around 6,000 Palestinians took part in Friday's demonstrations, throwing stones and explosives at several locations along the fence. It said that a Molotov cocktail hit a military jeep but no casualties ensued
How many years is it going to take the dumbards in Israel to find a solution to this problem?
The gee-had rolls on and Hamas will need to cut more checks for their minions.

Palestinian dies in violent riots on Gaza border, as IDF chief visits

Palestinians attempted to cross the fence but were stopped by IDF gunfire, Channel 12 reported

One Palestinian died and eleven others were injured in violent riots along the Gaza security fence, the Gaza Health Ministry said on Friday.

The IDF said in a statement that around 6,000 Palestinians took part in Friday's demonstrations, throwing stones and explosives at several locations along the fence. It said that a Molotov cocktail hit a military jeep but no casualties ensued
How many years is it going to take the dumbards in Israel to find a solution to this problem?

What is the solution to the failures and retrogression that is engendered by Islamist ideology?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Well, when I consider "Islamist Ideology" → I have to view it in terms of its type and kind: Pan-Islamic Ideology, Revolutionary Ideology, Nationalized Islamic Following, and the transition from Conventional and New Age (or Generational) Ideologies of Islam.

What is the solution to the failures and retrogression that is engendered by Islamist ideology?

I hate to sound pessimistic, but only time and gradual adaptation by the Muslim Followers (in general) will allow developing a solution. It (more than likely) will not be a solution imposed by the Western Powers (or any significant Allied Power to the West); but only adaptive Muslims.

In this transition → in the first stage will, by necessity, includes the reconciliation of the Shi'a Muslims (“partisans” of Ali) and the Shi'ite. This will be the initial offering towards mutual acceptance and the demise of Islamic Terrorism. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the solution to disputes between the various factions (Shi'a, Sunni, Nationalist, Revolutionary, Conventional, New, Age) of Muslims and Islamists will be developed by them. Maybe not consciously, but none the less, the solution will come from the Muslims who tame the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters that pose the local, regional, theater and world-wide threat.

Most Respectfully,
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