All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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I'm guessing there are nuanced subtleties that I somehow missed.

Vile Antisemitism on Fatah's Facebook Page

Itamar Marcus | Sep 26, 2019

Vile Antisemitism on Fatah's Facebook Page |PMW Analysis

How Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah sees the Jewish role in the world:
  • "The [Jewish] tribe led the project to enslave humanity"
  • "[The Jews] were hated because of their racism and their filthy behavior"
  • The Jews allied with Nazis to burn Jews "to accumulate wealth"
  • The Jews say: "Only we are people, and all the others are our animals"
  • "Non-Jews... according to their worldview are snakes"
  • The Jews established "ghettos in order to separate from other people out of arrogance and disgust for non-Jews"
  • "Seventy years have passed since the artificial state's [Israel's] establishment... They [the Jews] have not removed from their consciousness the view of the other as inferior and the right to spill the blood of the nations"
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is rather an interesting hypothesis... Not that it is universally true, but certainly one of may generational failures. Certainly, not "pitifully true." And to look at her, you might never assume that Brigitte Gabriel is the founder of what might be the single largest civilian organization dedicated in the struggle to neutralize the "the threat of radical Islam." And this is the idea that Americans have failed to pass-on the important lessons to learn from in contemporary history one of her concepts spreading widely throughout those that are susceptible to anti-Islam and anti-Muslim activism. ACT for America is at the extreme end of the spectrum → opposite blind advocacy for the Civil Rights of those radical Islamic interests that promote Anti-Semitic activities and the dissemination of such propaganda the attempts to justify violence and incites vehemence attacks intended to inflict injury focused on the Israeli culture.


Having said that, the positive part of the Brigitte Gabriel crusade is the awareness she brings to the surface about complacency and political isolationism in the face of Jihadist, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters that would endanger the American way of life. It remains to be seen what impact tenants of ACT for America have on American society.

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Most Respectfully,
Dozens of neo-Nazis marched through the German city of Dortmund on Monday, calling for Palestinian support to eradicate Israel.

The demonstration, which came on the heels of an anti-fascist protest in the western German city, involved approximately seventy neo-Nazi activists marching through the streets, holding flags of the Third Reich flag and chanting, "Palestine help us, Israel still exists" and "Israel no more."

(full article online)

Neo-Nazi protestors in Germany call for Palestinian help against Israel

"Dozens of neo-Nazis marched through the German city of Dortmund on Monday, calling for Palestinian support to eradicate Israel."


Get a life. Nothing better to do than to practice aRm thrusts & mimic hitler? The highlight of their lives……"marching." I don’t see Israel [or other jewish folk around the world] running around in wolf packs know -- like:

“Dozens of neo-Nazis marched through the German city of Dortmund on Monday, calling for Palestinian support to eradicate Israel.”

They must get thirsty from all that …..“eradicate a country” marching !!! wow ! what fun.

Salute! 'march' away boys! it' isn't stupid or pathetic at all....

BBC Watch then submitted a second (Stage 1b) complaint pointing out that although Knell did indeed state that Dajani had been renting the lease on the hotel, in contrast to that one statement, listeners heard three references to the “sale of the hotels”, “bought the building” and “sale of the property” which are inaccurate and misleading.

We also pointed out that although it was claimed in the reply that Justin Webb referred to “an increase in settler building” he did not – he in fact used the words “a recent increase in settlement building” – and we noted that:

“There is a difference between settlers (people) and settlements (places). While the number of people the BBC brands “settlers” may have “been increasing over the past decade” the number of communities of the type the BBC labels “settlements” has not. Webb referred to “settlement building” which reasonable members of the audience would take to mean the building of settlements rather than the number of people living in such communities. Listeners would therefore understand – erroneously – that the number of communities had increased recently and would therefore be misled.”

On October 15th we received a reply which BBC Complaints took it upon itself to declare a Stage 1a response, thereby making up the rules as it goes along.

“Thank you for taking the time to contact us again. We are sorry to learn that you were not satisfied with our earlier response.

I’m sorry you had to come back to us and I appreciate why. We always aim to address the specific points raised by our audience and regret any cases where we’ve failed to do this. Your [sic] previous reply didn’t tackle the exact issue you raised and we’d like to offer you a new response here. The following should now be considered your first reply.”

BBC Complaints then admitted that it had misrepresented Webb’s words in the previous reply.

(full article online)

BBC Complaints makes it up as it goes along
[ How the Hashemites delight in reminding themselves how they pushed all of the Jews out of of their homeland of TranJordan, just as Mohammad had thrown all Jews out of Arabia after hundreds of years of peaceful coexistence . Arabia, TransJordan........Jews......

The President of the Jordanian Bar Association, Mazen Irshaidat, confirmed that there is no land registered in the Land Department with the names of Jews in the areas of Baqoura and Ghamir.

These are the areas on the border with Israel that Jordan leased out to Israel for 25 years in the peace treaty. There have apparently been rumors that Jews had bought lands in those areas.

Irshaidat told the Jordan 24 site that it is unacceptable to have lands owned by the Zionists or Jews in that area, and he confirmed that he could not find any Jewish names in the list of landowners in those areas.

Arabs often claim that they are only anti-Zionist and not antisemitic. Here is proof #8342 that they are not telling the truth.

Jordanian official reassures his people: No Jews own any land in Jordan. Whew! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I wonder what the advantage or value the Hashemite Kingdom derive by making such extraordinary claims?

[ How the Hashemites delight in reminding themselves how they pushed all of the Jews out of of their homeland of TranJordan ...

This presents the Jordanians in a very peculiar light. What could they possibly be thinking?

Is this an action that the Abrahamic Deity condones in any fashion? What are the Clerics of Islam painting by remaining quiet? If the Abrahamic Deity (supposedly the creator of all things in the universe) did not want the followers of the Jewish Traditions to exist; how do the weak-minded follows of Islam explain their Supreme Beings creation of the Hebrews and Jews ... which is 3000 years older than Islam? (The name of Israel having been inscribed in the Merneptah Stele.)

..........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I wonder what the advantage or value the Hashemite Kingdom derive by making such extraordinary claims?

[ How the Hashemites delight in reminding themselves how they pushed all of the Jews out of of their homeland of TranJordan ...

This presents the Jordanians in a very peculiar light. What could they possibly be thinking?

Is this an action that the Abrahamic Deity condones in any fashion? What are the Clerics of Islam painting by remaining quiet? If the Abrahamic Deity (supposedly the creator of all things in the universe) did not want the followers of the Jewish Traditions to exist; how do the weak-minded follows of Islam explain their Supreme Beings creation of the Hebrews and Jews ... which is 3000 years older than Islam? (The name of Israel having been inscribed in the Merneptah Stele.)

..........View attachment 285556
Most Respectfully,
They are thinking.....We are Muslims. We have superseded your Judaism and you must convert or suffer the consequences, as you have since Mohammad kicked you out of Arabia for daring to remain Jews and not convert to the "last word".

They are "Needling" the Jews as they have always done, as the Christians always have done, because the Jews deserve everything they get for not converting when we told them to.

Christianity explains itself as superseding Judaism.

Islam explains itself (copy cat) as superseding BOTH Judaism and Christianity.

Judaism is 1800 years older than Christianity.

Judaism is 2400 years older than Islam.
The following is an article that reflects similar circumstances where Facebook is feeling pressure to block some content published by the PA.

There is always some discomfort surrounding censorship and how / who defines what is incitement.

Bipartisan lawmakers dig into Twitter over policy allowing Hamas, Hezbollah accounts

A team of bipartisan lawmakers are digging into Twitter over its policy of allowing Hamas and Hezbollah to maintain presences on the powerful social media platform.

In a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Tuesday, the four House lawmakers offered a sharp rebuke of the company's decision to support accounts even for groups designated as "foreign terrorist organizations" by the U.S. government, particularly Hamas and Hezbollah.

The following is an article that reflects similar circumstances where Facebook is feeling pressure to block some content published by the PA.

There is always some discomfort surrounding censorship and how / who defines what is incitement.

Bipartisan lawmakers dig into Twitter over policy allowing Hamas, Hezbollah accounts

A team of bipartisan lawmakers are digging into Twitter over its policy of allowing Hamas and Hezbollah to maintain presences on the powerful social media platform.

In a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Tuesday, the four House lawmakers offered a sharp rebuke of the company's decision to support accounts even for groups designated as "foreign terrorist organizations" by the U.S. government, particularly Hamas and Hezbollah.
Should they close down accounts over an opinion?
The following is an article that reflects similar circumstances where Facebook is feeling pressure to block some content published by the PA.

There is always some discomfort surrounding censorship and how / who defines what is incitement.

Bipartisan lawmakers dig into Twitter over policy allowing Hamas, Hezbollah accounts

A team of bipartisan lawmakers are digging into Twitter over its policy of allowing Hamas and Hezbollah to maintain presences on the powerful social media platform.

In a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Tuesday, the four House lawmakers offered a sharp rebuke of the company's decision to support accounts even for groups designated as "foreign terrorist organizations" by the U.S. government, particularly Hamas and Hezbollah.
Should they close down accounts over an opinion?

Do you have a YouTube video with someone else’s opinion?
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