All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The creation of Israel was a crime against the Palestinians
And the creation of the Ottoman Empire was a crime against all whom it conquered and slaugtered. How far back would you like to go?
Conquest was not illegal in the 1500s.

The Islamic fascist proscription of imposing the dhimmi status on non-Islamics was not illegal but was eventually unenforceable by the Islamic fascists.
Dhimmi status has never been an issue in Palestine.

Why do you keep bringing it up?

Dhimmi status was an issue in Pal’istan.

Why do you deny it?
The creation of Israel was a crime against the Palestinians
And the creation of the Ottoman Empire was a crime against all whom it conquered and slaugtered. How far back would you like to go?
Conquest was not illegal in the 1500s.

The Islamic fascist proscription of imposing the dhimmi status on non-Islamics was not illegal but was eventually unenforceable by the Islamic fascists.
Dhimmi status has never been an issue in Palestine.

Why do you keep bringing it up?

Dhimmi status was an issue in Pal’istan.

Why do you deny it?
Just the fact that I have never heard a Palestinian mention it.
And the creation of the Ottoman Empire was a crime against all whom it conquered and slaugtered. How far back would you like to go?
Conquest was not illegal in the 1500s.

The Islamic fascist proscription of imposing the dhimmi status on non-Islamics was not illegal but was eventually unenforceable by the Islamic fascists.
Dhimmi status has never been an issue in Palestine.

Why do you keep bringing it up?

Dhimmi status was an issue in Pal’istan.

Why do you deny it?
Just the fact that I have never heard a Palestinian mention it.

I don’t have any reason to believe that.


Marcelle Haroun, mother of the current president of Cairo’s Jewish community, has died at the age of 93.

Her death, announced on Saturday, leaves five Jews known to be living in Cairo, Watani International reported. The five remaining are her daughter, Magda, who heads the minuscule community, and four granddaughters. The AFP news service reported in March 2017 that there were also 12 Jews living in the coastal city of Alexandria.

Haroun was married to lawyer and politician Shehata Haroun, known as a Jewish anti-Zionist who was a member of the Communist Party of Egypt, according to the report. Her daughter
told Tablet in 2013 that Marcelle was her father’s “comrade.”

Egypt was home to some 80,000 Jews when Israel was founded in 1948. Thousands began leaving in the ensuring years, and many more in two waves, in 1956 and 1967. The Harouns remained, considering themselves Egyptian first, according to Watani.

Only 5 Jews left in Cairo following death of Jewish community president
Owner of Israel-themed mom and pop store in Toronto grateful for BDS activists.

Sales have more than doubled since boycott activists targeted his store.

Way to fail guys.


BDS campaign targeting Toronto businesses backfires

About a week after a group called for a boycott of Toronto businesses that support Israel, the owner of one of them said sales had more than doubled.

Palestinian who converted to Judaism arrested, badly beaten by PA forces
The 50-year-old man, who appears to be a grandson of a Palestinian who helped save Jews during 1929 Hebron massacre, has been held for the past 2 weeks on pretext of assaulting his brother; meanwhile, the man says his siblings mercilessly beat him, while PA police gave him burns on his arms and legs

A Palestinian from the West Bank who converted to Judaism in Israel was inexplicably arrested by Palestinian Authority forces security forces over two weeks ago and has been held in custody ever since. He claims to have been tortured during that time on multiple occasions, which left his limbs badly burned.

Prior to his conversion he studied at Machon Meir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, an institution strongly associated with nationalist politics and settler movement. He was in the process of having his conversion recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel before he was arrested, which would have allowed him to apply for Israeli passport.


Palestinian who converted to Judaism

On the eve of Yom Kippur, the man traveled to an area of the West Bank under Palestinian security control, just beyond the section of the territory under Israeli security control. There, he was supposed to meet with one of his nine children, who along with their mother are all Muslim.

During the family reunion, a white Skoda vehicle carrying four men approached the 50-year-old. The men got out of the car, dragged the Palestinian into the vehicle and drove away. Later, the man was dropped off at a police station in Hebron by the four.

Haim Perg, the leader of the Jewish community in Hebron, is helping the Palestinian with his legal troubles and according to him, the 50-year-old is the grandson of a Palestinian man who helped save Jews during the 1929 Hebron massacre.

"As far as I'm concerned, he's like my son, and I will shake up the world for somebody to come and save him," Perg said. "The man's grandfather rescued 26 Jews during the events in Hebron. Now that he is in danger, we have a commitment to help him."


PA security forces (Photo: AP)

Perg added that he spoke by phone with the Palestinian who told him he was being badly beaten and had even had his hands and feet burned during the torture he’s had to endure.

Perg said he appealed to the Civil Administration for help but since the man is a resident of the Palestinian Authority, they cannot intervene in the affair.

Findings from various sources indicate the official reason for the arrest is a police complaint - filed by the brother of the man - according to which the 50-year-old acted assaulted his brother several months ago.

The Palestinian denies these allegations, claiming his brothers were the ones who mercilessly beat him and told him that he will not be entitled to the family's inheritance following his conversion to Judaism.

Palestinian who converted to Judaism arrested, badly beaten by PA forces

Interesting article. It doesn't solve the problem, but leaves fewer people suffering from the problem.

If nothing else, its a better way to spend international aid.

Hamas has already seen the problem and is attempting to address it, i he way you might expect.

'I Want To Get The Hell Out Of Here': Thousands Of Palestinians Are Leaving Gaza

For over a decade, the Gaza Strip — controlled by the Islamist militant group Hamas, blockaded by its neighbors, difficult to leave — has amounted to an experiment in human isolation.


35,000 Palestinians left Gaza in 2018; Hamas blocking doctors from leaving
Palwatch has portions of the instructional videos produced by the Arabs-Moslems showing how to raise the next generation of psychopaths.



" The MOUs are based on a flawed premise – that Jewish cultural property constitutes the national heritage of Arab governments. In fact, under the color of law, Jewish cultural property in Arab countries was expropriated from private homes, schools, and synagogues. It is the heritage and patrimony of the Jewish people. Arab governments have done little to preserve the remnants or memory of Jewish history in the countries and verified reports describe Jewish synagogues, pilgrimage sites, homes, and cemeteries being looted and destroyed. Jewish holy sites throughout the Middle East and North Africa have been appropriated and many demolished.There are hearings on this topic today and tomorrow to review the MOU for Yemen and Morocco. "

Hopefully the State Department will realize that their stated desire to save cultural identity is actually erasing it.

(full article online)

US @StateSept considering giving Jewish cultural objects to Arab states stole them and expelled their Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Right after the reading of the book "P is for Palestine" - the book that glorifies terrorism by saying "I is for Intifada" - in Highland Park NJ two weeks ago, I received an email describing some of the things that happened inside the actual reading by the author, Golbarg Bashi. I didn't report it because it is the sort of story that could easily have been changed in the retelling. Here is what it said:

In the end, three children and their parents showed up, with the boys wearing kippot.
One of the boys was asked by Bashi, "What is your favorite book?" His answer "The Mishna ! ". When she followed up to ask him what book he was reading, he said "Bava Metzia ! "The Mishna is the basis of the Talmud, and Bava Metzia is the volume of Talmud that religious Jewish kids usually learn in fifth grade.

It's a funny story. And it turns out that Bashi confirmed it in her account of the reading.

(full article online)

A 5th grader taught "P is for Palestine" author some Talmud! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Is this an attempt at ethnically cleansing Brooklyn of its Jews? ]

The number of hate crimes against Jews in New York City rose significantly over the first nine months of this year. The NYPD reported 311 total hate crimes through September, as opposed to 250 through the same period in 2018.

Some 52 percent of the reported hate crimes, or 163, targeted Jews. Over the same period last year, the NYPD reported 108 anti-Semitic hate crimes.

(full article online)

Several Jews attacked in Brooklyn
UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, was created in 1949 via UN Resolution 302 (IV) with a short-term mandate. It flouted its original mission and perpetuated rather than alleviated the Palestinians’ status as refugees. It has long since become corrupt and functions essentially as a front group. The UN should close it down, and Palestinian refugees should be integrated into the economic systems of the countries that sheltered them.

(full article online)

Love of the Land: It’s Long Past Time to Close Down UNRWA - by Frank Musmar
UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, was created in 1949 via UN Resolution 302 (IV) with a short-term mandate. It flouted its original mission and perpetuated rather than alleviated the Palestinians’ status as refugees. It has long since become corrupt and functions essentially as a front group. The UN should close it down, and Palestinian refugees should be integrated into the economic systems of the countries that sheltered them.

(full article online)

Love of the Land: It’s Long Past Time to Close Down UNRWA - by Frank Musmar
UNRWA does not have the authority to change the status of Palestinian refugees. Its mandate is strictly for aid.

In 2012, Morocco had around 2,250 Jews. If 432 emigrated since then to Israel, that is over 19% of the entire Jewish population - and that is only to Israel.
That's pretty astonishing. Morocco is the best Arab country for Jews and the Jews are fleeing even from there.
Tunisia had an estimated 1500 Jews in 2013, to lose 160 is over 10%.
Yemen's 119 emigrants is the bulk of the community, there are reportedly 50 Jews left who refuse to leave.

(full article online)

Jews are still fleeing Arab countries - 20% of Moroccan Jews moved to Israel in 8 years ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The United States has rejected a claim by Jordan over its refusal to extradite wanted Hamas terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, after a Jordanian court ruled in 2017 that Amman’s extradition treaty with Washington is invalid, despite the U.S. State Department saying the opposite in a report published this week.

The report could lead to increased pressure by the White House on Jordan to extradite Tamimi to the United States.

(full article online)

US Rejects Jordan’s Refusal to Extradite Wanted Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi
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