All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) outraged its critics once again on Friday, as a mandatory annual human rights review of the Islamic Republic of Iran gave way to unabashed praise of Tehran’s record by other member states — many governed by similarly authoritarian regimes.

Out of 111 countries present at the session at the UN’s Geneva headquarters, 95 lauded Iran as a defender of human rights, according to a tally kept by UN Watch, a leading Geneva-based NGO.


(full article online)

Nazareth restaurant owner who bans Hebrew is really a jerk ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Former Jordanian Health Minister Dr. Zaid Hamzeh said in an October 9, 2019 interview on A One TV (Jordan) that nations oftentimes only progress after having suffered for centuries and that future Arab generations must suffer before progressing. In addition, he said that he had supported Adolf Hitler during World War II like other Arabs, and recalled that in fourth grade his school had participated in demonstrations and chanted "Long live Abu Ali," which he said had been a reference to Hitler. Dr. Hamzeh said that the Arabs supported Hitler because he hated the Jews, although he added the Arabs have a general tendency to admire dictators.

(full article online)

Former Jordanian Health Minister Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: We Arabs Supported Hitler During WWII Because He Hated The Jews
Below is a list of basic changes that must be made in the UNWRA textbooks used in the Palestinian Authority.

1. Avoid De-legitimization of the State of Israel and of the Jewish Presence in the Country

  • Every map that shows today’s political boundaries in the region should mark Israel’s pre-1967 territory by the name “Israel”. Such a territory must not be left un-named and certainly should not be named “Palestine”, as that constitutes a distortion of the present situation on the ground.
  • Israel should be presented as an ordinary sovereign state in every text mentioning the region’s states currently.
  • Every reference to a region, settlement or site within Israel’s pre-1967 borders must not describe such a region, settlement or site as Palestinian-under-occupation.
  • Every discussion within the books of the holy places in the country should refer to the Jewish holy places alongside the Muslim and Christian ones. Any reference to a place which happens to be sacred to Jews (such as the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem) should state that fact.
  • Any discussion of subjects related to population and demography issues in the country should include the number of Jews living there (close to 7 million in 2019). Any map that shows cities in the country should include the important Jewish cities as well – under their Hebrew names (such as Tel Aviv, Eilat, Ashdod, etc.).
  • The books should not describe Israel’s pre-1967 territory falsely as “occupied Palestine” (there was no Arab country named Palestine), nor use circumlocutions such as “the lands of 48”, “the Interior” or “the Green Line” in reference to this territory instead of the phrase “Israeli territory”.
  • Historical documents should not be falsified, as has been done with British Mandate coins and stamps reproduced in PA schoolbooks with the Hebrew inscription erased.
2. Avoid Demonization of Israel and Jews

  • Schoolbooks should not include pieces which virulently demonize Israel/Jews, or de-humanize them, or any description that goes beyond the presentation of Israel and/or the Jews as an ordinary adversary with its own rights, interests and positions. Jews should not be presented as enemies of Islam, as has been often done.
  • It is desirable to add to the books the still non-existent material that deals with Israel and the Jews objectively (for example, pieces that talk about the Israeli government structure, economy, science and technology, the Hebrew culture, Jewish history, etc.), which might balance the enormous anti-Israeli critical material in the books.
  • It is crucially important to stress in the books that, in spite of the conflict, the Jewish/Israeli individual is also a human being, apart from being an adversary, and should be treated accordingly.
  • While dealing with the conflict, the PA schoolbooks studied at UNRWA schools should include also self-criticism (i.e., the rejection of proposals for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, massacre of unarmed Jewish neighbors, etc.)
3. Advocate a Peaceful Solution instead of Violent Struggle, Jihad and Martyrdom

  • The books taught in UNRWA schools should emphasize, when dealing with the solution to the conflict, that peace and coexistence with the State of Israel is a strategic choice and that negotiations are the only way to achieving a solution to the conflict.
  • The books should refrain from any presentation of an armed or violent struggle as a means for solving the conflict.
  • The traditional Islamic ideals of Jihad and martyrdom should be mentioned in historical contexts only and not as part of a future endeavor within the conflict.
  • The territorial struggle against Israel should be restricted to the areas of the 'West Bank' and the Gaza Strip alone and not include Israel’s pre-1967 territories.
  • Any discussion of what is termed “Nakbah” should stress the fact that the Nakbah was a direct result of a war initiated by the Palestinian Arab side itself and not of a Jewish aggression, contrary to what is said today in the books.
  • Within this context, Palestinian Arab children should be taught to recognize their own party’s shared responsibility for past events and not restrict that to the adversary alone. An example: the so-called “Separation Wall” which was built for defending the Israeli population against suicide bombing attacks by Palestinian Arabs.
  • The so-called “Right of Return” should be presented as a demand representing the Palestinian Arab party’s position regarding the solution of what is termed “the Refugee Problem”, while the solution itself will be achieved in the framework of the negotiations between the two parties and on the basis of mutual agreement only.
(full article online)

Change the PA textbooks used in UNRWA schools!
Below is a list of basic changes that must be made in the UNWRA textbooks used in the Palestinian Authority.

1. Avoid De-legitimization of the State of Israel and of the Jewish Presence in the Country

  • Every map that shows today’s political boundaries in the region should mark Israel’s pre-1967 territory by the name “Israel”. Such a territory must not be left un-named and certainly should not be named “Palestine”, as that constitutes a distortion of the present situation on the ground.
  • Israel should be presented as an ordinary sovereign state in every text mentioning the region’s states currently.
  • Every reference to a region, settlement or site within Israel’s pre-1967 borders must not describe such a region, settlement or site as Palestinian-under-occupation.
  • Every discussion within the books of the holy places in the country should refer to the Jewish holy places alongside the Muslim and Christian ones. Any reference to a place which happens to be sacred to Jews (such as the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem) should state that fact.
  • Any discussion of subjects related to population and demography issues in the country should include the number of Jews living there (close to 7 million in 2019). Any map that shows cities in the country should include the important Jewish cities as well – under their Hebrew names (such as Tel Aviv, Eilat, Ashdod, etc.).
  • The books should not describe Israel’s pre-1967 territory falsely as “occupied Palestine” (there was no Arab country named Palestine), nor use circumlocutions such as “the lands of 48”, “the Interior” or “the Green Line” in reference to this territory instead of the phrase “Israeli territory”.
  • Historical documents should not be falsified, as has been done with British Mandate coins and stamps reproduced in PA schoolbooks with the Hebrew inscription erased.
2. Avoid Demonization of Israel and Jews

  • Schoolbooks should not include pieces which virulently demonize Israel/Jews, or de-humanize them, or any description that goes beyond the presentation of Israel and/or the Jews as an ordinary adversary with its own rights, interests and positions. Jews should not be presented as enemies of Islam, as has been often done.
  • It is desirable to add to the books the still non-existent material that deals with Israel and the Jews objectively (for example, pieces that talk about the Israeli government structure, economy, science and technology, the Hebrew culture, Jewish history, etc.), which might balance the enormous anti-Israeli critical material in the books.
  • It is crucially important to stress in the books that, in spite of the conflict, the Jewish/Israeli individual is also a human being, apart from being an adversary, and should be treated accordingly.
  • While dealing with the conflict, the PA schoolbooks studied at UNRWA schools should include also self-criticism (i.e., the rejection of proposals for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, massacre of unarmed Jewish neighbors, etc.)
3. Advocate a Peaceful Solution instead of Violent Struggle, Jihad and Martyrdom

  • The books taught in UNRWA schools should emphasize, when dealing with the solution to the conflict, that peace and coexistence with the State of Israel is a strategic choice and that negotiations are the only way to achieving a solution to the conflict.
  • The books should refrain from any presentation of an armed or violent struggle as a means for solving the conflict.
  • The traditional Islamic ideals of Jihad and martyrdom should be mentioned in historical contexts only and not as part of a future endeavor within the conflict.
  • The territorial struggle against Israel should be restricted to the areas of the 'West Bank' and the Gaza Strip alone and not include Israel’s pre-1967 territories.
  • Any discussion of what is termed “Nakbah” should stress the fact that the Nakbah was a direct result of a war initiated by the Palestinian Arab side itself and not of a Jewish aggression, contrary to what is said today in the books.
  • Within this context, Palestinian Arab children should be taught to recognize their own party’s shared responsibility for past events and not restrict that to the adversary alone. An example: the so-called “Separation Wall” which was built for defending the Israeli population against suicide bombing attacks by Palestinian Arabs.
  • The so-called “Right of Return” should be presented as a demand representing the Palestinian Arab party’s position regarding the solution of what is termed “the Refugee Problem”, while the solution itself will be achieved in the framework of the negotiations between the two parties and on the basis of mutual agreement only.
(full article online)

Change the PA textbooks used in UNRWA schools!
Holy bullshit, Batman

Israel wants Israeli propaganda in Palestinian textbooks.
Below is a list of basic changes that must be made in the UNWRA textbooks used in the Palestinian Authority.

1. Avoid De-legitimization of the State of Israel and of the Jewish Presence in the Country

  • Every map that shows today’s political boundaries in the region should mark Israel’s pre-1967 territory by the name “Israel”. Such a territory must not be left un-named and certainly should not be named “Palestine”, as that constitutes a distortion of the present situation on the ground.
  • Israel should be presented as an ordinary sovereign state in every text mentioning the region’s states currently.
  • Every reference to a region, settlement or site within Israel’s pre-1967 borders must not describe such a region, settlement or site as Palestinian-under-occupation.
  • Every discussion within the books of the holy places in the country should refer to the Jewish holy places alongside the Muslim and Christian ones. Any reference to a place which happens to be sacred to Jews (such as the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem) should state that fact.
  • Any discussion of subjects related to population and demography issues in the country should include the number of Jews living there (close to 7 million in 2019). Any map that shows cities in the country should include the important Jewish cities as well – under their Hebrew names (such as Tel Aviv, Eilat, Ashdod, etc.).
  • The books should not describe Israel’s pre-1967 territory falsely as “occupied Palestine” (there was no Arab country named Palestine), nor use circumlocutions such as “the lands of 48”, “the Interior” or “the Green Line” in reference to this territory instead of the phrase “Israeli territory”.
  • Historical documents should not be falsified, as has been done with British Mandate coins and stamps reproduced in PA schoolbooks with the Hebrew inscription erased.
2. Avoid Demonization of Israel and Jews

  • Schoolbooks should not include pieces which virulently demonize Israel/Jews, or de-humanize them, or any description that goes beyond the presentation of Israel and/or the Jews as an ordinary adversary with its own rights, interests and positions. Jews should not be presented as enemies of Islam, as has been often done.
  • It is desirable to add to the books the still non-existent material that deals with Israel and the Jews objectively (for example, pieces that talk about the Israeli government structure, economy, science and technology, the Hebrew culture, Jewish history, etc.), which might balance the enormous anti-Israeli critical material in the books.
  • It is crucially important to stress in the books that, in spite of the conflict, the Jewish/Israeli individual is also a human being, apart from being an adversary, and should be treated accordingly.
  • While dealing with the conflict, the PA schoolbooks studied at UNRWA schools should include also self-criticism (i.e., the rejection of proposals for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, massacre of unarmed Jewish neighbors, etc.)
3. Advocate a Peaceful Solution instead of Violent Struggle, Jihad and Martyrdom

  • The books taught in UNRWA schools should emphasize, when dealing with the solution to the conflict, that peace and coexistence with the State of Israel is a strategic choice and that negotiations are the only way to achieving a solution to the conflict.
  • The books should refrain from any presentation of an armed or violent struggle as a means for solving the conflict.
  • The traditional Islamic ideals of Jihad and martyrdom should be mentioned in historical contexts only and not as part of a future endeavor within the conflict.
  • The territorial struggle against Israel should be restricted to the areas of the 'West Bank' and the Gaza Strip alone and not include Israel’s pre-1967 territories.
  • Any discussion of what is termed “Nakbah” should stress the fact that the Nakbah was a direct result of a war initiated by the Palestinian Arab side itself and not of a Jewish aggression, contrary to what is said today in the books.
  • Within this context, Palestinian Arab children should be taught to recognize their own party’s shared responsibility for past events and not restrict that to the adversary alone. An example: the so-called “Separation Wall” which was built for defending the Israeli population against suicide bombing attacks by Palestinian Arabs.
  • The so-called “Right of Return” should be presented as a demand representing the Palestinian Arab party’s position regarding the solution of what is termed “the Refugee Problem”, while the solution itself will be achieved in the framework of the negotiations between the two parties and on the basis of mutual agreement only.
(full article online)

Change the PA textbooks used in UNRWA schools!
Holy bullshit, Batman

Israel wants Israeli propaganda in Palestinian textbooks.

I miss Farfur, don't you?
Below is a list of basic changes that must be made in the UNWRA textbooks used in the Palestinian Authority.

1. Avoid De-legitimization of the State of Israel and of the Jewish Presence in the Country

  • Every map that shows today’s political boundaries in the region should mark Israel’s pre-1967 territory by the name “Israel”. Such a territory must not be left un-named and certainly should not be named “Palestine”, as that constitutes a distortion of the present situation on the ground.
  • Israel should be presented as an ordinary sovereign state in every text mentioning the region’s states currently.
  • Every reference to a region, settlement or site within Israel’s pre-1967 borders must not describe such a region, settlement or site as Palestinian-under-occupation.
  • Every discussion within the books of the holy places in the country should refer to the Jewish holy places alongside the Muslim and Christian ones. Any reference to a place which happens to be sacred to Jews (such as the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem) should state that fact.
  • Any discussion of subjects related to population and demography issues in the country should include the number of Jews living there (close to 7 million in 2019). Any map that shows cities in the country should include the important Jewish cities as well – under their Hebrew names (such as Tel Aviv, Eilat, Ashdod, etc.).
  • The books should not describe Israel’s pre-1967 territory falsely as “occupied Palestine” (there was no Arab country named Palestine), nor use circumlocutions such as “the lands of 48”, “the Interior” or “the Green Line” in reference to this territory instead of the phrase “Israeli territory”.
  • Historical documents should not be falsified, as has been done with British Mandate coins and stamps reproduced in PA schoolbooks with the Hebrew inscription erased.
2. Avoid Demonization of Israel and Jews

  • Schoolbooks should not include pieces which virulently demonize Israel/Jews, or de-humanize them, or any description that goes beyond the presentation of Israel and/or the Jews as an ordinary adversary with its own rights, interests and positions. Jews should not be presented as enemies of Islam, as has been often done.
  • It is desirable to add to the books the still non-existent material that deals with Israel and the Jews objectively (for example, pieces that talk about the Israeli government structure, economy, science and technology, the Hebrew culture, Jewish history, etc.), which might balance the enormous anti-Israeli critical material in the books.
  • It is crucially important to stress in the books that, in spite of the conflict, the Jewish/Israeli individual is also a human being, apart from being an adversary, and should be treated accordingly.
  • While dealing with the conflict, the PA schoolbooks studied at UNRWA schools should include also self-criticism (i.e., the rejection of proposals for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, massacre of unarmed Jewish neighbors, etc.)
3. Advocate a Peaceful Solution instead of Violent Struggle, Jihad and Martyrdom

  • The books taught in UNRWA schools should emphasize, when dealing with the solution to the conflict, that peace and coexistence with the State of Israel is a strategic choice and that negotiations are the only way to achieving a solution to the conflict.
  • The books should refrain from any presentation of an armed or violent struggle as a means for solving the conflict.
  • The traditional Islamic ideals of Jihad and martyrdom should be mentioned in historical contexts only and not as part of a future endeavor within the conflict.
  • The territorial struggle against Israel should be restricted to the areas of the 'West Bank' and the Gaza Strip alone and not include Israel’s pre-1967 territories.
  • Any discussion of what is termed “Nakbah” should stress the fact that the Nakbah was a direct result of a war initiated by the Palestinian Arab side itself and not of a Jewish aggression, contrary to what is said today in the books.
  • Within this context, Palestinian Arab children should be taught to recognize their own party’s shared responsibility for past events and not restrict that to the adversary alone. An example: the so-called “Separation Wall” which was built for defending the Israeli population against suicide bombing attacks by Palestinian Arabs.
  • The so-called “Right of Return” should be presented as a demand representing the Palestinian Arab party’s position regarding the solution of what is termed “the Refugee Problem”, while the solution itself will be achieved in the framework of the negotiations between the two parties and on the basis of mutual agreement only.
(full article online)

Change the PA textbooks used in UNRWA schools!
Holy bullshit, Batman

Israel wants Israeli propaganda in Palestinian textbooks.

Another of your typical, pointless one-liners.
I was upset when I saw Brant Rosen, a Reconstructionist-ordained anti-Zionist rabbi, suggest that Jews should say Psalms for Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

I didn't even mention roof knocking, or that US military brass come to Israelto learn how to minimize casualties, or the reports from major military figures worldwide that assert that no one does more than Israel to minimize civilian casualties.
People like Brant Rosen use Electronic Intifada as their Torah and Philip Weiss as their prophet. For someone to call himself a rabbi and yet revel in his ignorance about a conflict that he spends so much time opining on is mind blowing.

(full article online)

To those who claim Israel doesn't care about Palestinian lives ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ 154 countries which have already sold their souls ]

The UN gave its preliminary approval to a resolution that referred to the Temple Mount solely by its Muslim name of Haram al-Sharif.

The resolution passed at the UN’s Fourth Committee in New York 154-8, with 14 abstentions and 17 absences. It was one of eight pro-Palestinian resolutions approved on Friday, out of a slate of more than 15 such texts the committee is expected to approve. The UN General Assembly will take a final vote on the texts in December.

(full article online)

11/18 Links Pt1: Why the status quo is the least bad option for Palestinians; The Middle East in flux: Eight trends; 154 U.N. nations call Temple Mount solely by Muslim name ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
We've seen a pattern emerging in recent years of lone voices in the Arab world starting to speak up against the insane anti-Zionism and antisemitism in that world. It used to be articles that were primarily critical of Arab regimes that would incidentally say that Arabs under Israeli rule have it better, or articles that would point out that Israel had more Nobel Prizes than all the Arab nations combined. It has accelerated into open calls for dialogue with Israel.

The events prompting this small revolution include, above all, the understanding of the Iranian threat to the region and the realization that Israel is the best ally in that undeclared war. But there has also been a significant drop in support for the Palestinian cause as the Palestinians themselves have shown no interest in peace, and maintained its split between Hamas and Fatah. Finally, the Internet - and education of Arab intellectuals in the West - has allowed the Arab world to be exposed to points of view that were simply unavailable to them even a decade ago. Israel itself has been energetically pursuing relations with the Arab world and standing up for itself in international forums, such as sports. Its economic and military strength evokes respect among Arabs.

Put all of that together and Israel is now in higher esteem among Arabs than it has ever been.

To be sure, antisemitism and anti-Zionism is still the norm in the Middle East. But that position is no longer unified, and opposition to it no longer turns the "radicals" into pariahs as much as it used to.

It is a sea change in direction, but there is a long way to go.

(full article online)

An amazing meeting in London of Arab intellectuals who want rapprochement with Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It’s much easier to vilify Israel as a white settler colonial state when you ignore and then actively silence the Middle Eastern Jews who live there. Zionism is the reason we are alive. For us, anti-Zionism isn’t just a hip political stance — it’s a call for our certain deaths.

According to recent Gallup polling, only 5% of American Jews are not generally supportive of Israel. However, their voices are often amplified by the likes of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), who publicly support anti-Israel groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow.

However, these organizations have been widely criticized for marginalizing Jews of color. In January, JIMENA, a nonprofit that represents Jews indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, along with a coalition of Sephardic and Mizrahi organizations, have openly denounced Jewish Voice for Peace’s (JVP) anti-Zionism.

The communal letter asserted that JVP’s literature “tokenizes, appropriates, revises and explicitly lies about Mizrahi and Sephardic history and experiences in order to promote a hostile, anti-Israel agenda.” Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews not only demanded that the most well-known anti-Zionist Jewish group remove any reference to our history in its texts, but that it “stop in their failed attempts to represent Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews, in any capacity.”

(full article online)

The Damage Done by Shouting Down Ideas | Jewish Journal
"For more than a decade, Wikipedia—the number one online educational resource globally—has allowed anonymous anti-Israel editors to falsely and negatively alter Israel's factual history in Wikipedia articles pertaining to the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts," Israel Group said in a statement promoting the new endeavor, which will officially launch in January 2020.

"Volunteer ‘administrators' (with lifetime positions), responsible for overseeing the editing process of Wikipedia, have not only allowed anti-Israel editors freedom to take over Wikipedia, they have participated by blocking and banning predominantly Jewish and pro-Israel editors," the group said. "For anyone concerned about the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, Wikipedia is now the number one global source that actively substantiates the lies and false propaganda being disseminated about Israel."

The organization has been working for years to find the editors responsible for anti-Israel content and unearth details about their identities.

"The Israel Group has been working for many years, under the radar, on a confidential initiative, Wiki-Israel, that combats Wikipedia's antisemitic bias against Israel," the group said. "The initiative includes a dedicated website that, among many other things, shows how anti-Israel editors smear Israel—both subtly and overtly—across hundreds of articles, and how the pro-Israel community can stop it."

Already, the Israel Group has listed the details of the top five editors it deems leaders of the anti-Israel effort.

The number one anti-Israel leader, according to the Israel Group, is an Australian computer scientist named Brendan McKay.

(full article online)

Wikipedia's Anti-Israel Editors Unmasked
I am a professional photographer and speaker. Much of my time is spent reaching out to Jews and non-Jews, left-wingers and right-wingers, religious and secular people, sharing a glimpse of Israel through my photography, speeches and articles.

One of my talks is about being an open-minded Jewish “settler” and my interactions with and support of all people, including Palestinian Arabs — a crowd-pleaser that truly crosses social lines. While I recently had one synagogue rescind their speaking invitation when they heard the word “settler,” these stories are usually well received.

One of my favorite things to share is my experience taking a special photography class for Israeli and Palestinian women, run by the organization Roots. Prior to taking the class, it was hard for most of us to imagine interacting with each other in any way at all. In fact, my own friends were extremely concerned about my safety in taking the class. The Palestinian Arab women were reluctant to attend at all.


Arab women participate in a photography workshop for Jews and Muslims. (Laura Ben-David)

But once in the class, suddenly, we were all just a bunch of women, smiling and posing for each other in the most natural of ways. It was refreshing, and truly encouraging.

(full article online)

Start listening to us Jews and Arabs who live in the 'West Bank'
[ And the incitement against Jews in general with the modern excuse of Israel being "evil, corrupt, etc, etc" continues. Who is going to step up and create laws putting an end to it. Is this America? Well, when asked to act during WWII, America failed.
America, and the rest of the world, are again failing to act against very clear anti Jewish acts and violence against this one minority group
Let us protect all Universities from these Political acts ]

Through the many conversations that I’ve had with students, their identities are firmly attached to Israel and by not mentioning that, we would be doing a disservice to the Jewish community,” he added.

“You can criticize Israel all you want,” Kahn said, “but this is just about saying antisemitism is wrong, and I stand firmly behind it.”

Shufutinsky told The Algemeiner on Wednesday that the resolution, as it was passed, “minimizes the experience of Jewish students on campus, who encounter anti-Zionism as antisemitism on campus every day. It also upholds the double standard that has been so common in conversations — denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination under the guise of criticism of governmental policies.”

“The deliberate removal” of the clause denouncing descriptions of Israel’s establishment as “a racist endeavor” allows the Jewish people’s “existence in our indigenous homeland to be classified as ‘racist,'” Shufutinsky said. “This delegitimization is holding Jewish students to a double standard that categorizes our very existence and right to self determination as a ‘racist endeavor,’ which is another way of using the guise of anti-Zionism to disenfranchise Jewish students.”

(full article online)

GWU Students Pass Antisemitism Resolution, Strike Out Some Language on Israel
[ It grows and grows, via Christian Nazism, fascism, and Islamic Jihad.
How to make it lessen, as it did after WWII? Do Jews need to be massacred again in order for the right laws, people to do anything about it, in order to make this growing number of actions against Jews and Israel stop? ]

As the Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilian communities last week, a coalition of supposed peace groups organized a Times Square rally to make their position clear. They stand with the terrorists.

As the Investigative Project on Terrorism's exclusive video shows, hundreds attended the "Emergency Action for Gaza: International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Resistance"

rally sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Within Our Lifetime and Al-Awda: The Palestine Right of Return Coalition.

They didn't call for an end to violence. Instead they endorsed it as a means to eliminate the state of Israel.

"One, two, three, four... Occupation no more," they chanted. "Five, six, seven, eight. Smash the settler Zionist state."

"We don't want two states. We want '48."

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."

Both chants call for Israel's elimination, with "'48" referring to the year Israel was created, and a Palestinian state "from the river to the sea" would cover all of what today is the world's only Jewish state.

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a virulently anti-Israel group and one of the principal advocates of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movementagainst the Jewish state. It routinely sponsors conferences that serve as a platform for Israel bashers, and openly approves "resistance" against the "Zionist state."

(full article online)

Exclusive IPT Video: Blind Hate Against Israel Displayed at Times Square Rally
[ And the incitement against Jews in general with the modern excuse of Israel being "evil, corrupt, etc, etc" continues. Who is going to step up and create laws putting an end to it. Is this America? Well, when asked to act during WWII, America failed.
America, and the rest of the world, are again failing to act against very clear anti Jewish acts and violence against this one minority group
Let us protect all Universities from these Political acts ]

Through the many conversations that I’ve had with students, their identities are firmly attached to Israel and by not mentioning that, we would be doing a disservice to the Jewish community,” he added.

“You can criticize Israel all you want,” Kahn said, “but this is just about saying antisemitism is wrong, and I stand firmly behind it.”

Shufutinsky told The Algemeiner on Wednesday that the resolution, as it was passed, “minimizes the experience of Jewish students on campus, who encounter anti-Zionism as antisemitism on campus every day. It also upholds the double standard that has been so common in conversations — denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination under the guise of criticism of governmental policies.”

“The deliberate removal” of the clause denouncing descriptions of Israel’s establishment as “a racist endeavor” allows the Jewish people’s “existence in our indigenous homeland to be classified as ‘racist,'” Shufutinsky said. “This delegitimization is holding Jewish students to a double standard that categorizes our very existence and right to self determination as a ‘racist endeavor,’ which is another way of using the guise of anti-Zionism to disenfranchise Jewish students.”

(full article online)

GWU Students Pass Antisemitism Resolution, Strike Out Some Language on Israel
Cool, they left the bullshit out.
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