All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Amit Deri, the chairman of Reservists on Duty speaks to Arutz 2 on the organizations activities internationally. Amit mentions the initiative created called the “Palestinian Values Day” launched on college campuses, to teach the classic college students what values and ideals the Palestinian Leadership believes in through dialogue, roll ups, and activism. The message is to show that values shared by the average liberal American student are not those pushed by Palestinian leadership. We built this proactive strategy in order to spark the interest of students, instead of doing the classic “Hasbarah.”

The message is to show that values shared by the average liberal American student are not those pushed by Palestinian leadership.
The values shared by the average Palestinian are not those pushed by the so called Palestinian leadership. So, what is your point?

We're left to conclude that you clearly do not represent the average so called "Pal'istanian". We have no indication that you have been assigned as the spokes-terrorist in charge of taqiyya on behalf of the average so called "Pal'istanian".

We're left to conclude that actions speak with the utmost clarity and in that context, we're left to conclude that the average so called Pal'istanian shares many of the same hatreds, xenophobia, retrogression and societal ills that are attached to Islamist ideology.
Amit Deri, the chairman of Reservists on Duty speaks to Arutz 2 on the organizations activities internationally. Amit mentions the initiative created called the “Palestinian Values Day” launched on college campuses, to teach the classic college students what values and ideals the Palestinian Leadership believes in through dialogue, roll ups, and activism. The message is to show that values shared by the average liberal American student are not those pushed by Palestinian leadership. We built this proactive strategy in order to spark the interest of students, instead of doing the classic “Hasbarah.”

The message is to show that values shared by the average liberal American student are not those pushed by Palestinian leadership.
The values shared by the average Palestinian are not those pushed by the so called Palestinian leadership. So, what is your point?

We're left to conclude that you clearly do not represent the average so called "Pal'istanian". We have no indication that you have been assigned as the spokes-terrorist in charge of taqiyya on behalf of the average so called "Pal'istanian".

We're left to conclude that actions speak with the utmost clarity and in that context, we're left to conclude that the average so called Pal'istanian shares many of the same hatreds, xenophobia, retrogression and societal ills that are attached to Islamist ideology.

The March 19, 1947 edition of the New York Times contains a report by Clifton Daniel (who would later be the paper’s managing editor, and who was married to Margaret Truman, daughter of former US President Harry Truman). In it, Daniel interviews Arabs in then Palestine about the idea of living with Jews in the land. Needless to say, they are not happy about it.

But besides their opposition to admitting more Jews on humanitarian grounds, note:

  • Yet another mention of how the Jews had legally bought Arab land – something that has come up in previous reports from the time, which I have posted on the blog
  • Mention of Kfar Yasif, where Spanish Jews had lived after fleeing the Spanish Inquisition (1492), before being displaced by the Arabs around 200 years later
  • Widespread interest in a “Greater Syria” plan, whereby the Arabs of Palestine, Syria and Jordan would form one state (because the Arabs in Palestine did not consider themselves as having a distinct identity as they claim to in more recent times)
(vide screenshots online)

Know Your History: Arabs Of Palestine – Thoughts On Living With Jews (NY Times March 19, 1947)
The Times was not exactly a fan of the Zionist cause and gave ample coverage to news that hurt it. In the summer of 1943, the trial of two Jews and two British soldiers accused of smuggling weapons to Palestine began in Jerusalem. The newspaper special envoy to cover the event was Alexander Sedgwick, a pro-British American who believed that the Zionists wanted a state “based upon a philosophy not unlike that of the Nazis,” as he wrote in a letter sent to the publisher of the NYT. One of several articles dedicated to the subject run “Vast Ring with Huge Resources Linked with the Jewish Agency at Smugglers´ Trial.” The American Jewish community was amazed. The same newspaper that was burying the news about the Jewish genocide in Europe deep down in the inside pages was focusing on a case of arms-smuggling in Palestine. To put this in perspective: a few months before, the Warsaw ghetto uprising had occurred, in which members of the poorly armed Jewish resistance fought for more than three weeks against Nazi troops until they were annihilated. It was an extraordinary epic –except for the Times. It took six months until the newspaper finally dedicated an editorial to this dramatic event, and when it did, it did not even mention that Jews had been involved, referring to them simply as “people.”

(full article online)

The New York Times and Zionism
“It’s all about spreading positivity, really just to let people have a good time,” said Cornell Hillel President Brandon Cohen ’18. “We are just here to celebrate the Jewish people having a state, with anti-semitism on the rise around the world.” ….

Organizers eventually agreed to let SJP members into the private event once they promised police that they would not protest and agreed to swipe their Cornell IDs.

Within five minutes of entering, however, four members of SJP held a sign that read “Celebrating 69 years of Genocide” while others handed out fliers. Most members lay silently on the floor, some covered in flags, as part of the die-in protest….

Cornell Hillel Executive Director Rabbi Ari Weiss said he was disappointed that the protesters had lied to gain access to the celebration.

“They said that they were coming as individuals,” Weiss told The Sun. “We asked them if they would protest, they said they wouldn’t, they lied. When they came in, I said ‘Did you lie to me?’ and one member shrugged their shoulders and nodded their head yes.”

The SJP students lied? Let me put on my *shocked* face.

(full article online)

WATCH: Pro-Israel Cornell students joyously sing and dance in face of anti-Israel "die in"
When in the 1920s the League of Nations decided to resettle the Jews in the land, the Arabs living there at the time considered themselves pan-Arab or southern Syrian. There was NO distinctive culture, language, literature, history or tradition based on the area known as Palestine, other than that of the Jews.

Many people who lived there then weren’t even Arabs at all. A 1920 British government handbook noted: ‘The people west of the Jordan are not Arabs but only Arabic-speaking. The bulk of the population are fellahin… [agricultural labourers of diverse backgrounds]. In the Gaza district they are mostly of Egyptian origin; elsewhere they are of the most mixed race.”

Many of those who now claim Palestinian ancestry going back through the centuries are instead the descendants of those who poured into Mandate Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, many of them illegally, on the backs of the returning Jews who were seen as bringing work and prosperity with them.

There’s no such thing as Palestinian national identity, and the Arabs have always admitted this. In 1937, the Syrian leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi said: “There is no such country as Palestine. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it.”

In 1946 the Arab historian Professor Philip Hitti observed: “There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not”.

In 1977 Zahir Muhsein, a member of the PLO executive committee, said: ”The Palestinian people does not exist…Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”

(full article online)

Melanie at Berkeley |
When in the 1920s the League of Nations decided to resettle the Jews in the land, the Arabs living there at the time considered themselves pan-Arab or southern Syrian. There was NO distinctive culture, language, literature, history or tradition based on the area known as Palestine, other than that of the Jews.

Many people who lived there then weren’t even Arabs at all. A 1920 British government handbook noted: ‘The people west of the Jordan are not Arabs but only Arabic-speaking. The bulk of the population are fellahin… [agricultural labourers of diverse backgrounds]. In the Gaza district they are mostly of Egyptian origin; elsewhere they are of the most mixed race.”

Many of those who now claim Palestinian ancestry going back through the centuries are instead the descendants of those who poured into Mandate Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, many of them illegally, on the backs of the returning Jews who were seen as bringing work and prosperity with them.

There’s no such thing as Palestinian national identity, and the Arabs have always admitted this. In 1937, the Syrian leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi said: “There is no such country as Palestine. Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it.”

In 1946 the Arab historian Professor Philip Hitti observed: “There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not”.

In 1977 Zahir Muhsein, a member of the PLO executive committee, said: ”The Palestinian people does not exist…Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”

(full article online)

Melanie at Berkeley |

Nothing has changed. Its the same today.

Anti-Zionism is the extremist belief that the Jewish people are not a people, have no history and no rights to a homeland.

One of the alleged authorities whom Abbas cited was the same Holocaust denier at the center of the recent controversy in France. “In a scientific study published by the French professor Robert Faurisson, he challenges the existence of gas chambers which served the purpose of killing living Jews,” Abbas wrote. “He claims that the gas chambers were only used to burn corpses, out of fear of spreading plagues and viruses. It would not take a great effort in order to prove and document this aspect of the truth.”

Not only has Abbas never disavowed what he wrote in his book, he has reaffirmed it. In a January 21, 2013 interview with the Lebanese television station Al-Mayadeen, Abbas was asked about his Holocaust writings. “I challenge anyone to deny the relationship between Zionism and Nazism before World War II,” Abbas responded, adding that he has “70 more books that I still haven’t published” that supposedly would prove his claims.

(full article online)

Double standard on Holocaust denial
The problem isn’t the Muslim world, which is in a state of darkness. Between fighting against Israel and fighting for itself, it favors the battle against Israel. There is not a single point of agreement in the Muslim world, apart from the hostility toward Israel. There is no need, therefore, for resolutions against jihad, which is massacring mostly Muslims, and there is no need to settle the conflict between the Shiites and the Sunnis, and there is no need to deal with the illiteracy and improve the status of women. Nothing is important, just Israel and Israel.

This obsession is harming Israel, but it is harming the Muslims themselves much more, because there is a direct link between the hostility toward Israel and the troubles of the Muslim world. The more hostile it is, the bigger its troubles.

(full article online)

Ynetnews Opinion - Adding more fuel to the fire of hatred
She could have simply said ‘I am sorry I posted an antisemitic cartoon. I have now removed it’.

But no.

The intellectual contortions she goes through in order NOT to admit that it was an offensive antisemitic cartoon are wondrous to behold. She claims she thought the cartoon ‘showed two figures trying to escape Gaza through a fence’. Since when do Palestinians wear a yellow star and wear the uniform of the camps? And even ignoring this, why is the phrase ‘Never Again’ in capitals above the figure? And why are the two figures shaped like swastikas?

(full article online)

Harry's Place » Baroness Tonge removes antisemitic cartoon, claims she thought it was ‘two figures trying to escape Gaza’
The hospital urgently requires 23 million shekels ($6.4M) to cover the purchase of medicines and vital treatments especially for those suffering from cancer and kidney disease.

The Palestinian Authority owes the hospital NIS 150 million ($41 million) and the debt has been accumulating at the rate of $4 million every month.

Some 700-800 patients come to Augusta Victoria for treatment daily.

More Gazans are referred to the Augusta Victoria hospital than any other, with 568 Gazans being admitted there in February, according to the World Health Organization.

The Palestinian leadership pays some $10 million a month to terrorists in prison and who were freed, and nearly $15 million a month to terrorist families. That part of the PA budget is considered sacred, so its citizens are going to literally die so they can pay their terrorist heroes. (My next article goes into more detail.)

The Palestinian Authority is also considering stopping supplying medicines and medical equipment for Gazans altogether.

(full article online)

Arab hospital in Jerusalem stops accepting patients because PA leaders prioritize paying terrorists over medicines ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise !

Then and now....Oil, Oil, Oil....
Looking at articles in the Palestine Post in the twenty years afterwards, I see that there were annual Armistice Day ceremonies at the cemetery, often with Jewish groups placing wreaths. Again, I could not find any record of Arab dignitaries at any of these ceremonies.

So Prince Charles choosing not to attend this year is especially jarring, after so many decades of Jews honoring British war dead and the Arabs mostly ignoring them. (Although from all accounts, Gazans have been taking care of the British war cemetery there very well.)

(full article and screenshots online)

Today is the 90th anniversary of the British War Memorial dedication on Mt. Scopus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Al-Hayat cited observers who believe Israel is reluctant to increase the humanitarian crisis in Gaza even more, but the PA is determined to press ahead with pressure on Hamas to weaken it. As always, the Abbas government would threaten Israel that if it fails to make the people of Gaza more miserable, the PA would stop collaborating with Israel over security in Judea and Samaria.

(full article online)

PA ‘Surprised’ Israel Did Not Cut Off Gaza’s Power, Wants Humanitarian Crisis IncreasedThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 11 Iyyar 5777 – May 7, 2017 |
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