All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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David Burke, of the Daily Mail, quite remarkably writes “In a dramatic twist, however, the group said it is willing to accept 1967 borders – before Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.”

Burke will be the toast of Hamas tonight!

Burke, like Calstrom, McIntyre and Wintour, is unable or unwilling to see that Hamas’ 2017 document is just another tactic in Hamas’ overall aim of destroying the Jewish state by setting up a Palestinian one as a precursor to destroying Israel.

At least the Daily Telegraph is not so taken in. It reports that Hamas “retains the goal of eventually “liberating” all of historic Palestine, which includes what is now Israel.”

Finally, a piece of journalism that isn’t willing to simply push Hamas’ desired narrative. To that, at least, we say Hallelujah!

(full article online)

Meet the new cuddlier Hamas…according to our media.
The PA Minister of Finance similarly announced that since 2011 (the year that PMW first exposed the PA's practice of paying salaries to terrorists), foreign aid has dropped 70%:

"PA Minister of Finance Shukri Bishara announced that the foreign aid to the PA coffers has decreased by about 70% in the last five years."
[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 8, 2016]

Now, Fatah Central Committee member and Fatah Commissioner of International Relations Rawhi Fattouh has written a long detailed PA defense of salaries to terrorists, with arguments based on lies.

Lie # 1: The prisoners who receive salaries are innocent civilians who were "living securely in their homes"

Rawhi Fattouh: "Most of the prisoners that Israel arrests are taken while living securely in their homes; in other words, they did not carry out any military activity or self-sacrificing activity (i.e., terror attack)."

This of course is a total lie by the Fatah leader. The overwhelming majority of security prisoners receiving PA monthly salaries were arrested, tried and convicted for direct involvement in terror activities or planning terror activities. For example, Abdullah Barghouti, who built the bombs for suicide bombers that murdered 67 Israelis, is in an Israeli prison and has already received hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary payments.

(full article online)

Fatah: Paying terrorists promotes peace - PMW Bulletins
eVigilo (evigilo is Latin for “be alert”) makes a geo-targeted system that enables officials to send out mass alerts simultaneously to computers, mobile phones, radio, sirens, social networks and television within seconds – even if all regular networks are busy.

For Chileans, a warning system like this is crucial for saving lives in the event of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

Israeli tech for mass-notification alerts saves lives
Bob Stern’s father suffered a stroke at age 40. “When you have a stroke, your life and those around you are affected forever,” he says from experience.

Stern’s response was to build one of the largest stroke treatment companies in the world, Micrus Endovascular (MEND), acquired by Johnson & Johnson in 2010 for half a billion dollars. Two months later, he heard from renowned Israeli serial entrepreneur/inventor Yossi Gross of Rainbow Medical.

Gross invited Stern to Herzliya to examine his implantable invention for treating drug-resistant hypertension (high blood pressure). Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular events including stroke, which occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced.

A simple Israeli invention to treat resistant hypertension
So you have to dig to find out that about one fifth of Palestinian husbands beat their wives, 34% of men believe that there are times that a woman deserves to be beaten, and 67% say women are too emotional to be leaders. These are blamed on high unemployment by men, which are the fault of Israel (and the PA):

These realities are a result of the prolonged occupation’s structural domination of Palestinian lives and the Palestinian economy, as well as the Palestinian Authority’s neo-liberal policies that impoverish the majority of Palestinians. The depressive symptoms, in this case, can be understood as an expression of the failure of society to provide the conditions under which men can fulfil their socially-assigned role as breadwinners.Yes, a survey on gender equality is so subverted by anti-Israel politics that it accepts the idea of men alone as breadwinners to justify their violence and misogynist attitudes towards women.

(full article online)

"Honor crimes" still largely justified in Arab world, especially by Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Note: To enable English subtitles, ensure captions are enabled (the CC button near the bottom right of video)

[How many non-truths can one find in this paragraph? ]

Abbas spoke of “occupation” while describing “Palestinians” as a people:

“Mr. President, it’s about time for Israel to end its occupation of our people and of our land. After fifty years, we are the only remaining people in the world that still live under occupation. We are aspiring and want to achieve our freedom, our dignity, and our right to self-determination and we also want for Israel to recognize the Palestinian state just as the Palestinian people recognize the state of Israel.”

Abbas To Trump: 'Palestinian' Children Raised In 'Culture Of Peace'
We should care instead whether the payments - funded mainly by ordinary and unwitting taxpayers in the United States and Europe under the guise of international foreign aid - that serve to perpetuate a culture of lethal bigotry and the weaponizing of Palestinian Arab children can be stopped as a matter of urgency.

We should care about what it will take to cultivate a new and completely different kind of leadership among the Palestinian Arabs, one that will focus on reshuffling the core values of their own people so that building them a better future takes precedence over stealing ours.

It could be that Abbas agrees. In yesterday's meeting, he said (according this source):
We are coming into a new opportunity a new horizon that would enable us to bring about peace... [Associated Press, May 3, 2017]

(full article online)
In 2010, there was a big story that the Arab League pledged a half billion dollars to "defend Jerusalem." The amount paid? Zero.

However, Arab nations consistently tell Western leaders that "Palestine" is the major issue for them. This deception ends up fooling even otherwise smart diplomats and generals who assume that when it is the top agenda item in every meeting, it must really be important to the Arabs.

As always, the importance of "honor" is not realized. The Arabs find the Palestinian situation - corrupt leaders, refusal to make peace, the bitter split between Hamas and Fatah - to be an embarrassing and shameful reflection on the Arabs as a whole. They must try to convince the West that the issue is important to them because they want to minimize the embarrassment.

Appearances is what matters in an honor/shame culture, not reality. Pledges fulfill the appearances.

It is interesting that South Africa, which is very vocal in its support for the Palestinian Arabs, pledged almost a token $1 million - and hasn't paid a dime.

Here is the list of countries who pledged to rebuild Gaza, sorted by how much they still owe (and will never pay.)

(full article and list online)

Arab nations continue to promise much, give little to Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
We should care instead whether the payments - funded mainly by ordinary and unwitting taxpayers in the United States and Europe under the guise of international foreign aid - that serve to perpetuate a culture of lethal bigotry and the weaponizing of Palestinian Arab children can be stopped as a matter of urgency.

We should care about what it will take to cultivate a new and completely different kind of leadership among the Palestinian Arabs, one that will focus on reshuffling the core values of their own people so that building them a better future takes precedence over stealing ours.

It could be that Abbas agrees. In yesterday's meeting, he said (according this source):
We are coming into a new opportunity a new horizon that would enable us to bring about peace... [Associated Press, May 3, 2017]

(full article online)
More fake peace talks going nowhere.
We should care instead whether the payments - funded mainly by ordinary and unwitting taxpayers in the United States and Europe under the guise of international foreign aid - that serve to perpetuate a culture of lethal bigotry and the weaponizing of Palestinian Arab children can be stopped as a matter of urgency.

We should care about what it will take to cultivate a new and completely different kind of leadership among the Palestinian Arabs, one that will focus on reshuffling the core values of their own people so that building them a better future takes precedence over stealing ours.

It could be that Abbas agrees. In yesterday's meeting, he said (according this source):
We are coming into a new opportunity a new horizon that would enable us to bring about peace... [Associated Press, May 3, 2017]

(full article online)
More fake peace talks going nowhere.

I agree. How does anyone negotiate with Death Cultists who have a written charter calling for destruction of the party they cynically claim to be negotiating with?
With the notable exception of the premiership of Menachem Begin, Israel has for too long acted as a beggar in world politics, pleading to be treated as any other nation. The recent moves by Netanyahu, such as this one and his refusal to meet the German FM after finding out he was to meet with anti-Israel NGO Breaking the Silence, is a welcome change to that policy.

This new, more aggressive foreign policy is paying off.

No other nation, let alone a military and scientific powerhouse, would allow itself to be treated with the disrespect that Israel has. The usual reaction had been to ignore the slights, downplaying the importance of international politics as mostly hot air. But Israel is finally realizing that there are long-term consequences to allowing itself to be treated with disrespect.

More importantly, Israel does not lose leverage with other nations when it exercises its diplomatic options - instead, Israel's new muscularity in foreign affairs is paying off, we see in New Zealand and as even the new UNESCO resolution guaranteed to pass garnered far less support than previous ones.

(full article online)

New Zealand's new FM wants to walk back UNSC 2234 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
During his May 3, 2017 meeting with U.S. President Trump, PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas said:"Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace."[1] The following are excerpts from reports published by MEMRI in recent years reflecting the indoctrination of children by the Palestinian Authority and Fatah to armed resistance, jihad and martyrdom. This includes glorification of terrorists, and the promotion of the refugees' right of return to their original homes in Israel "under the banner of glory, jihad and struggle."

(full article and photos online)

'Abbas Tells Trump 'We Are Raising Our Youth, Our Children, Our Grandchildren On A Culture Of Peace' – But The Facts On The Ground Are That PA Is Educating Children To Violence Against Israel
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