All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Oh, dear. It sounds like the two competing recipients of the UNRWA welfare fraud are having a bit of a kerfuffle.

What a shame. It kinda' makes you miss those heady days in 2007 when these fine folks were torturing each other with power drills - drilling through skin and bone and one group throwing members of the competing group from rooftops.

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against Humanity

Hamas Co-Founder: Abbas Committing Crimes Against HumanityThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 4 Iyyar 5777 – April 30, 2017 |

Mahmoud al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, on Saturday night told a Hamas assembly in Gaza that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is committing crimes against humanity with his recent actions in the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.


On Thursday, the Palestinian Authority announced it would no longer be paying Israel for the electricity it provides to the Gaza Strip, in a move that is certain to increase the suffering of local residents.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip and removed Fatah officials—throwing some of them off Gaza rooftops. At least 118 people were killed and more than 550 wounded during the fighting.
Your source lies.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?

The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
Your source lies.
Think of that. ( I know, thinking is the Zionist's short suit.) What does it say?

The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.
The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.
You don't understand. You're befuddled. You're whining as a result of your non-existent cognitive skills.
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The "angry Islamist" thing is expected, but your usual conspiracy theories really do not serve any purpose.
Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.

How do you know it's a lie?
My hope is that congress will act and will begin a process of pulling the US away from financing Islamic terrorism.

Bill in Congress would pressure Palestinian gov't to cut off terror-tied payments

A congressional bill named for Taylor, the Taylor Force Act, would cut off the U.S. aid unless the Palestinian Authority stops the payments.

"Can you imagine growing up in a country where your government will pay you for killing someone else through a terrorist act?" asks South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham incredulously. He is the leading sponsor of the Senate legislation.

"If you die as a terrorist, as a 'martyr,' your family will get an annual stipend greater than the average Palestinian earns. In this case, the terrorist who killed Taylor Force...was hailed as a hero, was basically given a state funeral, and his family was given money by the state," Graham says.

Nice duck. I knew it would be too complicated for you. You can't recognize a lie when it is in your face.

Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.

How do you know it's a lie?
All you have to do is read it. It will tell you.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.
Such an angry Islamist.

All this blustering of yours intended to appease your bruised islamo-sensitivities.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.

How do you know it's a lie?
All you have to do is read it. It will tell you.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.

Such pointless drivel.
It is not my fault that you cannot understand your own post.

Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.

How do you know it's a lie?
All you have to do is read it. It will tell you.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.

Such pointless drivel.
You believing Israel's bullshit is not pointless drivel.
Actually, it is your fault that you cannot understand my post.

Your online gee-had is a failure.
I understand your post. Your source lies.

The problem with Israel supporters is that they are so easily duped.

How do you know it's a lie?
All you have to do is read it. It will tell you.
In June, 2007, after heavy fighting, Hamas won control over the Gaza Strip from the PA. The Battle of Gaza was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006.

Such pointless drivel.
Yo believing Israel's bullshit is not drivel.
Two pages of your pointless prattle, "Yo".
It is certainly true that with regard to the competing UNRWA welfare fraud freak shows (Hamas and Fatah), as it is across most of the Islamist Middle East, there isn't the slightest pretense of that one, true hallmark of political freedom: the ability to vote the leader out of office. In the realm of Islamist "governance", the most ruthless dictator is the leader, and an unelected one at that. This is Islamism at its worst and not surprisingly, it's greatest weaknes. It is also what dooms it to failure. In the West, people want freedom and religion. In the West, we also understand that government mandating a state religion is a recipe for religious fascism. There is no better example of that dynamic than the Islamist Middle East.

Palestinian Terrorism: No Different Than ISIS and Al Qaeda

Palestinian Terrorism: No Different Than ISIS and Al Qaeda

It is long past time to acknowledge that both the West and Israel face a common enemy — Islamic terrorists who are blatantly anti-Semitic, believe that there is a Western-Jewish conspiracy against Islam, and proclaim that it is Allah’s will to rid the Middle East of all infidels — Jews, Christians and Western “colonialists.”

Doing so would mean recognizing that the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is much more than a border dispute.

In a 2015 video message, Osama Bin Laden’s son, Hamzah, exhorts Muslims to attack the “Zio-Crusader alliance” led by America and to “participate in our Palestinian brothers’ intifada” by “killing Jews” to “purge their beloved Palestine.”

According to Palestinian Media Watch, current Palestinian political and religious messaging to its people describes the conflict with Israel as a “ribat,” an Islamic holy war, fought by Muslims against Jews to liberate Muslim land, including Israel, which theyview as an Islamic Waqf, an inalienable religious endowment. Children are taught that their conflict with ‎Israel is “one of the greatest of the ribat” and “worthy of a great ‎reward from Allah.”

“Ribat” is not uniquely Palestinian — it’s an Islamic military concept based on the Quran and invoked by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.

Palestinians are told on TV, in political speeches and sermons, in newspapers and textbooks, “Our war with the descendants of the apes and pigs (i.e., Jews) is a war of ‎religion and faith.” Palestinian Authority political and religious leaders claim that Allah, through Islam’s prophet Muhammad, instructed humanity that the extermination of Jews is a necessary step to bring redemption — that the destruction of Israel is a holy act to cleanse the Jews from the Middle East. This mentality is enshrined in the Hamas Charter.
It is certainly true that with regard to the competing UNRWA welfare fraud freak shows (Hamas and Fatah), as it is across most of the Islamist Middle East, there isn't the slightest pretense of that one, true hallmark of political freedom: the ability to vote the leader out of office. In the realm of Islamist "governance", the most ruthless dictator is the leader, and an unelected one at that. This is Islamism at its worst and not surprisingly, it's greatest weaknes. It is also what dooms it to failure. In the West, people want freedom and religion. In the West, we also understand that government mandating a state religion is a recipe for religious fascism. There is no better example of that dynamic than the Islamist Middle East.

Palestinian Terrorism: No Different Than ISIS and Al Qaeda

Palestinian Terrorism: No Different Than ISIS and Al Qaeda

It is long past time to acknowledge that both the West and Israel face a common enemy — Islamic terrorists who are blatantly anti-Semitic, believe that there is a Western-Jewish conspiracy against Islam, and proclaim that it is Allah’s will to rid the Middle East of all infidels — Jews, Christians and Western “colonialists.”

Doing so would mean recognizing that the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is much more than a border dispute.

In a 2015 video message, Osama Bin Laden’s son, Hamzah, exhorts Muslims to attack the “Zio-Crusader alliance” led by America and to “participate in our Palestinian brothers’ intifada” by “killing Jews” to “purge their beloved Palestine.”

According to Palestinian Media Watch, current Palestinian political and religious messaging to its people describes the conflict with Israel as a “ribat,” an Islamic holy war, fought by Muslims against Jews to liberate Muslim land, including Israel, which theyview as an Islamic Waqf, an inalienable religious endowment. Children are taught that their conflict with ‎Israel is “one of the greatest of the ribat” and “worthy of a great ‎reward from Allah.”

“Ribat” is not uniquely Palestinian — it’s an Islamic military concept based on the Quran and invoked by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.

Palestinians are told on TV, in political speeches and sermons, in newspapers and textbooks, “Our war with the descendants of the apes and pigs (i.e., Jews) is a war of ‎religion and faith.” Palestinian Authority political and religious leaders claim that Allah, through Islam’s prophet Muhammad, instructed humanity that the extermination of Jews is a necessary step to bring redemption — that the destruction of Israel is a holy act to cleanse the Jews from the Middle East. This mentality is enshrined in the Hamas Charter.
A very tiny minority of Palestinians think this way. Israeli propaganda organizations, like PMW, tracks down every one of them and portrays them as typical.
It is certainly true that with regard to the competing UNRWA welfare fraud freak shows (Hamas and Fatah), as it is across most of the Islamist Middle East, there isn't the slightest pretense of that one, true hallmark of political freedom: the ability to vote the leader out of office. In the realm of Islamist "governance", the most ruthless dictator is the leader, and an unelected one at that. This is Islamism at its worst and not surprisingly, it's greatest weaknes. It is also what dooms it to failure. In the West, people want freedom and religion. In the West, we also understand that government mandating a state religion is a recipe for religious fascism. There is no better example of that dynamic than the Islamist Middle East.

Palestinian Terrorism: No Different Than ISIS and Al Qaeda

Palestinian Terrorism: No Different Than ISIS and Al Qaeda

It is long past time to acknowledge that both the West and Israel face a common enemy — Islamic terrorists who are blatantly anti-Semitic, believe that there is a Western-Jewish conspiracy against Islam, and proclaim that it is Allah’s will to rid the Middle East of all infidels — Jews, Christians and Western “colonialists.”

Doing so would mean recognizing that the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is much more than a border dispute.

In a 2015 video message, Osama Bin Laden’s son, Hamzah, exhorts Muslims to attack the “Zio-Crusader alliance” led by America and to “participate in our Palestinian brothers’ intifada” by “killing Jews” to “purge their beloved Palestine.”

According to Palestinian Media Watch, current Palestinian political and religious messaging to its people describes the conflict with Israel as a “ribat,” an Islamic holy war, fought by Muslims against Jews to liberate Muslim land, including Israel, which theyview as an Islamic Waqf, an inalienable religious endowment. Children are taught that their conflict with ‎Israel is “one of the greatest of the ribat” and “worthy of a great ‎reward from Allah.”

“Ribat” is not uniquely Palestinian — it’s an Islamic military concept based on the Quran and invoked by ISIS in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.

Palestinians are told on TV, in political speeches and sermons, in newspapers and textbooks, “Our war with the descendants of the apes and pigs (i.e., Jews) is a war of ‎religion and faith.” Palestinian Authority political and religious leaders claim that Allah, through Islam’s prophet Muhammad, instructed humanity that the extermination of Jews is a necessary step to bring redemption — that the destruction of Israel is a holy act to cleanse the Jews from the Middle East. This mentality is enshrined in the Hamas Charter.
A very tiny minority of Palestinians think this way. Israeli propaganda organizations, like PMW, tracks down every one of them and portrays them as typical.

It may come as a surprise to you, but I have no indication that you are the designated spokes-turban for Arabs-Moslems.

Strange how only a "very tiny minority of Pal'istanians" put the 'stan in Hamas'Istan.


What do all of these bizarre opinions have in common?

It shows that for people who hate the idea of Jewish self-determination, Jews are always allied with whomever they consider their enemies at the moment. This is the same thinking that had Communists accuse Jews of being capitalists and American antisemites accusing Jews of being Communists, of Europeans accusing Jews of being Semitic and of Arabs accusing Jews of being European.

Idiots say Israel is allied with Al Qaeda. And ISIS. And even Iran. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The new document will deny that Hamas has anything against Jews, and it is only against "Zionists." It will also say that Hamas would accept a Palestinian state in the "1967 borders," a position that will fool more credulous journalists and editorialists into thinking that Hamas supports a two-state solution.

Hamas has claimed that it is not antisemitic for years despite its still-extant charter. Here is a laughable attempt from 2009:The new document will deny that Hamas has anything against Jews, and it is only against "Zionists." It will also say that Hamas would accept a Palestinian state in the "1967 borders," a position that will fool more [URL='']credulous journalists and editorialists into thinking that Hamas supports a two-state solution.

Hamas has claimed that it is not antisemitic for years despite its still-extant charter. Here is a laughable attempt from 2009:[/URL]

(full article and photos online)

Hamas again denies new #Hamas_document replaces its antisemitic charter - in Arabic ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ah, but here is where the amendment process kicks in. For no sooner had the general (i.e., non-Israel-specific) measure gained support that SJP and their allies in student government added amendments that turned the thing back into a full-fledged BDS resolution. “Not so!” screamed the conspirators. Just because we accuse Israel of everything from practicing Apartheid to training cops to beat up black people, and demanding that companies on the BDS blacklist be specifically mentioned, that doesn’t mean the measure we just got passed has anything to do with BDS.

The first people who weren’t buying it were Jewish students, which is why the few of them attending the meeting marched out in disgust (along with principled non-Jewish student leaders). And then – predictably and within hours – the school’s administration announced they would not act on any student demands generated in such an anti-democratic fashion, condemning the entire student government for good measure.

On Wisconsin (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah has an estimated private wealth of more than $250 million, according to a report in Welt this week. The founders the terror organization is said to have deposited more than $2 billion in hundreds of personal accounts around the world.

Recent scandals showed how they come to such sums, writes Welt, citing the case of Hezbollah administrator A-Din Abu Hamdan who has slipped thousands of dollars into his own pocket from a fund for families of the group’s fallen heroes; Muhammad Fadlallah, a Hezbollah accountant, who was imprisoned for months after falsifying the books to the tune of $2 million; Nasrallah’s son, Muhammad Ali, who uses Hezbollah money to operate his al-Kahawe café in Beirut.

Report: Hezbollah Going Bankrupt while Nasrallah’s Assets Hit $250 millionThe Jewish Press | David Israel | 5 Iyyar 5777 – May 1, 2017 |
Within the pages of the textbooks children are taught to be expendable. Messages such as: “the volcano of my revenge”; “the longing of my blood for my land”; and “I shall sacrifice my blood to saturate the land” suffuse the curriculum. Math books use numbers of dead martyrs to teach arithmetic. The vision of an Arab Palestine includes the entirety of what is now Israel, defined as the “1948 Occupied Territories.”

That is not the way to prepare children for peace.

Here is how the grade 4 math textbook teaches math:

The number of martyrs of the First Intifada during 1987–93 totaled 2026 martyrs, and the number of martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Intifada in the year 2000 totaled 5,050 martyrs while the number of the wounded reached 49,760. How many martyrs died in the two Intifadas?

(full article online)

Pressure Points » Teaching Palestinian Children to Value Terrorism
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